RIP, Lawrence Auster


I’m sure everyone has heard the news that Lawrence Auster of View From The Right lost his battle with cancer on Good Friday.

There isn’t much left for me to say that hasn’t already been covered in the tributes that have been posted at VDARE and Amerika. When I was in college at Auburn, I stumbled across his book The Path To National Suicide, and it was a formative influence on my views about immigration and multiculturalism.

I would prefer to remember the Auster that I encountered in that insightful book rather than the blogger that I came to know in later years. Like Alex Linder, it would be the understatement of the century to say that Larry Auster clashed with other bloggers and far too often allowed ideological disputes to devolve into personal feuds.

As death approached, I had considered reaching out to Auster to thank him for his life’s work and to wish him luck in the next life (future historians trying to figure out what happened to America in the first decade of the 21st century will find VFR a nearly unparalleled resource), but he made it plainly clear toward the end that he didn’t want any “anti-Semites” among his well wishers.

Larry went to the grave fighting anti-Semitism. After all these years, I had come to believe that he was sincere in his desire to preserve Western civilization (no one who was faking it would blog to his deathbed), but for whatever reason (choose your explanation), he could never really bring himself to acknowledge the starring role that Jews had played in undermining that civilization. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the thought that the Jews aren’t going to take “will you knock it off, pretty please” for an answer.

Anyway, I will miss Larry’s unique take on “the passing scene and what it’s about viewed from the traditionalist politically incorrect Right.” Although I didn’t always agree with him, I still enjoyed reading his thought provoking website.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Refute a single point I made, Silverstein. Any word, any sentence, any thought.

    Very well. The proposition that the “only solution” is the total liquidation of all Jews only makes sense if the problem is defined as Jewish existence rather than Jewish influence. Such thinking is right in line with the neo-nutzi worldview which sees the races of men as being in interminable life-or-death conflict, not uncommonly concluding that the very fact that other races exist at all — not merely exist in too close proximity (same country, same city, same neighborhood), but exist at all — poses an intolerable threat to White existence, and that therefore war must be waged by all means possible until the other races are eliminated from the earth.

    Needless to say such views don’t play well with audiences so the tack usually taken is to claim other races are forcing the White man’s hand, foremost among them Jews. Nutzis are aided in such appeals by the reality that Whites are indeed being squeezed on all sides, that White extinction is indeed a logical conclusion of developments already well under way, and that these developments are in no small part the result of Jewish activities and enjoy widespread support among Jewish organizations. Nutzis, however, err — to put it mildly — when they claim that permanent race war (or “RaHoWa”, which, in the long run, amounts to the same thing) is the only appropriate response.

    To prove this is an, ahem, “error” we can ask nutzis whether if Race X hadn’t committed Action A rahowa would still be necessary. Nutzis answer yes, because even if Race X hadn’t committed Action A they still committed Action B. So we ask if Race X hadn’t committed Action B either, what then? The answer is still yes, because even if they didn’t commit Action B they committed Action C. What if no Action C? Yes because Action D and so on until we reaching something like Action Z, and Action Z turns out to be the mere fact of having dared to exist at all. Good luck trying to define non-white existence as a crime against the White race.

    With respect to the topic of this thread, it’s a particularly egregious error because it lends credence to one of Larry Auster’s favorite claims (knockdown argument in his mind) that “exterminationists like Kevin MacDonald” don’t just believe that Jews shouldn’t be allowed to live in America or Israel, they don’t believe Jews should be allowed to live anywhere in the world. It’s despicable rubbish but it’s given a credibility it in no way deserves by nutzi lunacy. And for you to think that you’re in any way helping your cause by attaching Kevin MacDonald’s name to such beliefs is, if nothing else, appallingly mindless.

  2. I actually use to donate to Auster. That was long ago but I more or less agree with Lew on Auster. I will leave it at that.

    I do agree with Hunter that his book, Path to national suicide was great work and back at a time when the issue was completely dead in the water.

  3. Sean – you are a classic A-hole shyster that vanished for ages. You contribute nothing. Please don’t BREATHE here – or anywhere else. And go eff your thieving mother in law.

  4. Silver – WHY do YOU care about Jews living anywhere? Does any-one on Earth NEED Jews? They always always always serve as an acid beth, to any functioning social order.

  5. XYZ – any insight as to why the English are absolutely determined to DESTROY themselves?

    That creature is a beast. The man is probably a homosexual. There’s something weird about him.

  6. Realistically the easy way to get rid of the jews is deporting them to israel. The easy way to do that is to buy them out on their real property and guarantee their safety in israel. Does that mean I care for jews? Hell no, but it’s a pragmatic solution. The hard part is getting White america to go along with the plan. What ever gets us 80% of what we want and is an easy sell to joe and jane six-pack is the route we should take.

    We’re working on it Denise, haven’t used birth control in some time etc all. I’m pretty damn exited about having more kids. Of course dad’s have it easy in some ways especially when you’re not worried about providing and protecting your loved ones

  7. That’s a ridiculous solution.

    To deport Jews in mass to a place where other people live (Palestine) because some powerful Jews misbehave.

    Jews and non-Jews would not go along with it. Europeans, Arabs, Jews and non-Whites would all be against it.

  8. Silverstein: “Very well. The proposition that the “only solution” is the total liquidation of all Jews only makes sense if the problem is defined as Jewish existence rather than Jewish influence.”

    That’s not a refutation. Not even close.

    Again, the only solution to Jewish influence and power is total physical extermination. One cannot “partially” exterminate the Jews and resolve the issue of Jewish power/influence, anymore than one can partially excise a malignant cancer. Failing to enact total extermination will only allow Jewish power/influence to recover and reassert itself. So it’s an all-or-nothing deal. And because it is, that is why David Duke’s Strategy has slammed up against a brick wall. Again, here’s why:

    A – Duke teaches that Jews control the world. Because they do, his calling in life is to educate the white masses to this fact. The problem, however, is when his acolytes have completed their education, and then demand of their teacher (Duke) a solution.

    B – For the only solution (and Duke knows it) is the complete and total removal of Jews worldwide – from America, from Europe, from Russia, from every where whites live. But Duke cannot (and will not) voice the only viable solution. Because the day he does his followers will realize that such a solution is impossible to implement.

    C – Which means: whites are wasting their time (and money) with Jew Exterminationists like Duke, Black, MacDonald, Covington, et al. In short, a solution that can never be implemented ultimately equates to no solution at all. Which means “educating” people about the Jews is a failed proposition. It won’t work. It can’t work. It NEVER had a chance of working. It’s a Holy Grail that will never be found. It’s fool’s gold panned out of the waters of white dispossession.

    So: either kill all of the Jews, or shut up about them – and move on towards a better strategy that has a chance.

  9. Stonelifter: “Realistically the easy way to get rid of the jews is deporting them to israel.”

    This is not a realistic plan at all.

    Here’s why: any attempt to round up Jews will be met with fierce resistance. Not just from Jews, who already feel morally emboldened by six decades of victimhood/sainthood but also from legions of gentile Jew lovers, who will kill YOU in defense of their sainted Israelites. Furthermore, any attempt to physically force Jews out of their homes will be met by the shrieking outrage of a hundred nations, each vowing to stop YOU. So unless white nationalists have complete control of Washington DC and its nuclear weaponry, there is not chance whatsoever of “deporting” anyone.

  10. I think Metal Gear / Iceman makes a good point.

    The notion of removing the Jewish elite has two major advantages: removing their influence and targeting only the Jews most directly responsible for the attacks on white civ.

    Beyond that, one humane way to achieve further separation would be through economic incentives not “deportations.”

    The problem with MG / IMs idea is that the non-elite Jews would probably quickly close ranks with the elite, thus making all Jews who side with the elite part of the problem.

  11. August Dammler makes an interesting point. WN advocates, MacDonald included are similar to “peaceful” clerics in Saudi Arabia…. They take people to the edge where the student has the chance to:

    1.) Jump
    2.) Find a way to make money from the ideology like his mentor
    3.) Reject the ideology at some level. Could be total or just its logical implications.

    This is of course for many belief systems. 9/11 Truthers pay taxes to/ participate in elections of a government they are convinced knocks down towers full of its own citizens…..

  12. Spoke like an anti White leftist iceman

    Might makes right. Nothing will be set right until White men remember their strength and set their will to using it. That is the sum of, and solution to our problems.

    A side benny to Southron independence is, you can be damn sure the jews will go a running to yankee land.

  13. What do SNist propose be done about Jews? Elite Jews aren’t any more friendly to SNism than any other ethnic nationalism or WNism.

    Jewish nationalism for Jews; multiculturalism for everyone else, including Southeners.

    Breaking up the United States, the SNists’ main goal, is not in the best of interests of elite Jewry. They like the empire as is. Allowing one group to secede might light a fire all over the US and/or Europe of people trying to get our from under the thumb of the US gov.

    You can’t just say “secession will solve the Jew” when the influence of the Jew is as much or more a barrier to secession as the Yankee or the US gov.


  14. Denise: you are so spot on in one of your above comments (Cyprus and the coming currency crash) that I have just added a whole entry in WDH quoting you. Cheers.

  15. Deportation to a safe locations with cash in hand for their real property ( house, car, business, anything with value and cannot be stored in the over head luggage bin on a plane) is an economic incentive for self deportation. Would work with any group really. Leastwise get the ball rolling. You start by paying above market value, and announcing the pay out will shrink every two years( or so) ending in force relocation with no reimbursement. A few folks will take the money and run, but as the clock winds down, more will go.

    I also said we would have to sell Jane and Joe six-pack on the idea. Much easier to sell them that then extermination and regular White folks will think differently when jobs open up, they can buy homes, cars etc all at a discount

    Such tactics have worked in the past, but step number one is White folk becoming jew-wise. Any talk of extermination or deportation in the education stage will shut the whole conversation down

    Folks need to understand this will require a multi-generation plan.

    For a bunch of folks who say they are smart, y’all really do need a road map for every damn thing

  16. “Does any-one on Earth NEED Jews?”

    Not necessarily. Jews can be advantage to some and disadvantage to others. Social network worldwide diaspora share valuable information.

  17. Dammler,

    That’s not a refutation. Not even close.

    Ah well, I sure did try though. No chance of a few bonus points for effort?

    No enemies to the (racial) right, it’s said one ought to believe. Fine, but you certainly make a man dig deep into his reserves of forbearance.

    One last comment.

    Which means “educating” people about the Jews is a failed proposition. It won’t work. It can’t work. It NEVER had a chance of working.

    Whites coming to an understanding that Jews do not consider White racial interests as identical to their own, and that Jewish activities often undermine — and often intentionally undermine — White racial interests is of obvious value, regardless of what “solution” one dreams up. Failure to grasp a such a fundamental point is alone ample reason to dismiss your blather and arouse suspicion of being a troll.

  18. You’re not worthy of wiping Auster’s ass. hahahaha

    You’re the same Jew who posted a similar comment at the RIP Auster thread at Sailer’s. Hahahaha.

  19. Jewish nationalism for Jews; multiculturalism for everyone else, including Southeners.

    Outside of Europe, the middle-East and Japan women most women have worked outside the home for countless generations . This wasn’t ’empowerment’, far from it. Their societies were often times matrilinear. The end result was their women wound up being passed around camp whenever the white man or the muslim man or the japanese man showed up.

    Nowadays the Jewish woman obviously benefits from Jew wealth. If she marries outside the jewish ingroup she will marry a high value individual, and oh how convenient her children will be jewish….. because jewish society is matrilinear!

    So it’s not so much nationalism for Jews, multiculturalism for everyone else. Sure some Jews see things in that term and play a hyper-self aware crypto-political defense for it. That doesn’t make them right, it just makes them dumb Jews.

    The issue is matrilineality for everyone! Pro-woman courts, pro-woman culture, pro-woman churches now with priestesses, birth control, etc. Jewish feminism is a kind smallpox blanket given to western civilization.

  20. Jewish feminism is a kind smallpox blanket given to western civilization.
    The industrial age, the two world wars women were drafted into the workforce is the result of suffrage movement.

  21. “Jewish feminism is a kind smallpox blanket given to western civilization”

    The industrial age, the two world wars women were drafted into the workforce is the result of suffrage movement.

  22. Some white racialists want to ignore the new matriarchy and just rally whites. How do they plan to accomplish that? Same way Jews do: focus on external enemies and rely on perpetual political crisis to “reform the reform”.

    Then there are the old souls that are masculine, religious, traditional western. They are more interested in deep heritage. They see white identity politics as at best a profane expression of something more profound and at worst a distraction from eternal truths.

    It’s worth noting that the Judaism of the OT was absolutely patrilinear. The matriarchy happened long after the degeneration of Judaism in the face of Christ.

  23. When I ran the numbers in the Linder debate, I learned that 4 out of 5 Jews live in the North and West, and most of the Jews who live in the South live in either Northern Virginia or South Florida.

    Secession would create an international border between White Southerners and 4 out of 5 Jews in America. In a single stroke, secession would wipe out every Jew on the Supreme Court, every Jew in the Senate, and the vast majority of Jews in the House and break their power over us.

    Insofar as the Jewish Question is a problem in the South, it is largely a side effect of the disproportionate power of Jews have in the North and West, especially in Los Angeles and New York City, and their ability to influence public policy here through the White House, Congress, and Supreme Court due to the existence of the Union.

    Sure, Jews can be expected to oppose Southern secession, but so will their Yankee and negro allies.

  24. “Denise, you are an idiot.”

    Don’t ‘dis (negroid term BTW) Denise. She may be an idiot like the rest of us on occasion but she has impeccable taste which implies good breeding.

    She is also spot on about the Jews. All Yankee WASPs used to be spot on about the Jews before the 1960’s rot set in.

  25. Rudel! Thank you!

    For you!;_ylt=A0PDoX7hVFpRTlYA3JKJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?…..&p=elegant+spring+table+setting&oid=68cfa10d882163b88e71c655ae40eed7&fr2=sp-qrw-corr-top&fr=yfp-t-900-1&tt=%253Cb%253EElegant%2BTable%2B%253C%252Fb%253ESettings…..&b=31&ni=72&no=40&ts=&tab=organic&norw=1&sigr=11mncbkoi&sigb=14l536rb3&sigi=12dao4oda&.crumb=fjsEAaIeKfj&fr=yfp-t-900-1

    I’m all into Spring, Art, Beauty, and music this year. One day, we must meet, and share a marevelous meal, in an exquisite setting, and laugh…!

  26. Yikes! The above link is not coming up with the correct image…

    It’s a pretty, elegant table setting, in a garden…

  27. Another image tip: Open the selected image in a new tab/window (often available by right clicking on the image.) This will usually result in a shorter URL in the location bar.

  28. “All Yankee WASPs used to be spot on about the Jews before the 1960?s rot set in.”

    They had already made their pact with the yankee WASPs long before that. Maybe they just weren’t allowed in the yankee WASP country clubs until then.

    As the not so good folks of the Unfair campaign in Minnesota and Wisconsin illustrate so well, you don’t have to be Jewish to be anti-white. (I know, it helps.)
    Nevertheless, these folks look a little too Nordic to all be Jews.
    Why are Germanic peoples so susceptible to negro and Jewish guilt?

    Hunter is right. The solution to the YQ is the solution to the JQ.
    If we’re going to deport anyone, we need to include anti-white yankees (redundant?) pretty high up on the list, maybe even ahead of negroes and Jews.

    Deo Vindice

  29. “Maybe they just weren’t allowed in the yankee WASP country clubs until then.”

    They still are not at the best ones.

    You know nothing of the North or West and it is the South itself which shows the most degeneracy since the 60’s. The hoi polloi listens to totally negrified “country music” and all your cities are badly overrun with niggers as are some (but only some) Northern ones. The funny thing is it is you all who imported all niggers at the rich planters request and it is you all who are condemned to live among the majority of niggers in the US as it has always been.

    You all talk of secession but I haven’t heard one practical solution (except mine about bribes for sterilization) about what to do about all the coons you will have left living cheek to jowl amongst you.

  30. They think that the niggers will just leave on their own, and the North will happily accept them.

  31. For decades, county governments in the Mississippi Delta bought bus tickets for local blacks and gave them information about the superior welfare benefits available in Chicago and Detroit.

    Don’t believe it could work? The Mexican government does the same thing today which is why Hispanics outnumber blacks in Chicago. They are also moving into parts of the D.

  32. Different times, Hunter. The South today has the same juicy welfare benefits as the North. Nigga don’ need no bus tikkit! Alabama crakka be gibbin da nigga dem food stamp too!

    “They are also moving into parts of the D.”

    – Well that’s news to me. What has always been our barrio, the Delray district on the Southwest corner of the city, has seen it’s Mexican population shrink steadily since the 1990’s. Their probably moving to Dixie to pick fruit for you guys.

  33. Oops. I’m sorry Hunter. you tried to finesse the ugly reality by using the term “Deep South.” thereby finessing the question of all the coons in Virginia, North Carolina!, and Tennessee (Memphis! LOL), Arkansas and the rest of greater Dixie. Were you trying to leave South Carolina out too?

    What you ought to do is include Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Arkansas in addition to your above mentioned deletions.

    Shame on you Hunter for your sophistry.

  34. Re: Rudel

    In a previous article, I broke the black population down per state and calculated that only around 33% of them live in the 7 states of the original Confederacy.

    Florida and Texas have the largest numbers of blacks. It simply isn’t true that 50% of blacks live in the Deep South. 56% of blacks live in the South as a whole including the Upper South and Border South.

    The other 45% to 44% live in the North and West.

  35. No, the welfare state is still weaker in the South due to differences in state and county spending on public welfare.

    There isn’t any “Great Remigration” of blacks to the South either. That is just a symptom of Sunbelt population growth. The Northern states that are losing blacks are exporting far more White transplants.

  36. Re: “you haven’t lived unless you’ve had tamales from Evie’s”:

    I commented before about supporting multiculturalism by poor eating habits. Foreign food restaurants (and foreign food sections in grocery stores) are often the spearhead of foreign peoples into our communities, and “you become what you choose to eat.” When I was young there was not a pizza to be had in our meat and potatoes community. but now Mediterranean and Chinese restaurants combined may outnumber the White ones, and though there are as yet no Hispanic ones, Hispanic food sections have appeared in the grocery stores. In the county as a whole, once solidly white with the exception of one black family, we are up to 2% non-white (black, Hispanic and Asian) now and the Mediterranean component of the white population has risen to probably about 10%. Whites in this county were overwhelmingly (+90%) NORTHERN European, but the overwelmingly SOUTHERN (Mediterranean) migration from the cities has changed that. These foreign immigrants do not like our “boring” food.

  37. “The Northern states that are losing blacks are exporting far more White transplants.”

    This could also be sophistry, if the proportion of white to black transplants is about 5:1 or 6:1. Chris constantly reminds everyone (“pick your own cotton next time” etc.) not to ignore “the big picture”: that if it were not for the original sin of the IMPORTATION OF THE SLAVES — committed by “the Southrons” overwhelmingly — we would not be HAVING any of these problems, north or south. And now Hispanic slaves are being imported by race-treasonous whites in all states. And “the love of money is the root of all this evil.” Love of money, laziness, pride….

    • Are you sure?

      More blacks from Africa have immigrated here as a result of the Immigration Act of 1965 than were brought here during two centuries of the slave trade. Blacks are now outnumbered by Hispanics. The Asian population is exploding. Britain, Canada, Australia, France, the Netherlands and so on – every Western country – is being flooded with Third World immigrants.

      The issues we have with blacks are just a symptom of a larger problem. Let’s not forget there is also a Jewish problem. We are being overwhelmed by Asians and Hispanics, not by blacks. The foundations of Western culture are being pulverized. Women have been emancipated. The definition of marriage is being debated by Jews and Catholics on the Supreme Court.

      Who unleashed the blacks? Who made them citizens? Who gave them voting rights and civil rights? Who has completely stripped states, counties, and cities of any power whatsoever to address the problem? We could have easily dealt with any problems arising from blacks and slavery … if it was within our power alone to decide the matter, they would have been dealt with a long time ago.

      The existence of the Union is the reason why we have a problem with blacks. It is the common thread that unites all of these problems. Assuredly, it will be the source of the next wave of degeneracy and federal usurpation after amnesty for illegal aliens and gay marriage and Obamacare is fully imposed on the South.

      Obama’s successor in 2016 will be a product of the existence of the Union. As the Democratic Party strengthens its grip on the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court, the Northeast will be empowered like no point since Reconstruction to impose its destructive utopian fantasies on the rest of the country.

      Dissolving the Union is a solution that kills hundreds of birds with one stone.

    • The only thing that the county level map really shows is that blacks are more dispersed in rural areas in the South than elsewhere. In the South and the North and the West, the majority of blacks are concentrated in urban areas.

      • The idea that most blacks in America live in the rural Deep South is long out of date. Even in the Deep South, the largest black populations are found in Texas and Florida. The black population in America is concentrated in large metro areas.

  38. Regarding the possible sophistry about the majority of blacks NOT being in the South in the sense of “not being in seven Confederate states,” while the majority still ARE in the southern states: It is notable that they are still much more evenly dispersed in their original homeland (the South), and more urban-centred elsewhere.

  39. There aren’t as many blacks in Mississippi as some other states, but there aren’t as many whites either, and the total population is not as much as many other states either. There would be more, of course, if so many hadn’t been given bus tickets north, etc. — but none at all if they hadn’t been purchased (imported) in the first place.

  40. What yankees never come to terms with is, slavery was the economic engine of colonialism and the early republic. No slavery, not much of either. Even the yankees relied on the slave trade, the monopoly of inter coastal shipping, building ships for the slave trade etc all

    Off there was no “original sin” of slavery there would have been no prosperity up north, no roads and the like built by federal spending…. as has been stated time after time. The same thing with the fact yankees also tried out slavery but it did not take for economic reasons. Then it became a moral crusade. Such ha it been with those people from day 1

  41. They haven’t learned anything.

    It was their diatribes against slavery and in praise of “free soil” that brought negro equality down on their heads. Their soil is now free – free for millions of negroes to live there under a negro president.

    He’s also their president. They voted for him. Twice!

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