RIP, Lawrence Auster


I’m sure everyone has heard the news that Lawrence Auster of View From The Right lost his battle with cancer on Good Friday.

There isn’t much left for me to say that hasn’t already been covered in the tributes that have been posted at VDARE and Amerika. When I was in college at Auburn, I stumbled across his book The Path To National Suicide, and it was a formative influence on my views about immigration and multiculturalism.

I would prefer to remember the Auster that I encountered in that insightful book rather than the blogger that I came to know in later years. Like Alex Linder, it would be the understatement of the century to say that Larry Auster clashed with other bloggers and far too often allowed ideological disputes to devolve into personal feuds.

As death approached, I had considered reaching out to Auster to thank him for his life’s work and to wish him luck in the next life (future historians trying to figure out what happened to America in the first decade of the 21st century will find VFR a nearly unparalleled resource), but he made it plainly clear toward the end that he didn’t want any “anti-Semites” among his well wishers.

Larry went to the grave fighting anti-Semitism. After all these years, I had come to believe that he was sincere in his desire to preserve Western civilization (no one who was faking it would blog to his deathbed), but for whatever reason (choose your explanation), he could never really bring himself to acknowledge the starring role that Jews had played in undermining that civilization. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the thought that the Jews aren’t going to take “will you knock it off, pretty please” for an answer.

Anyway, I will miss Larry’s unique take on “the passing scene and what it’s about viewed from the traditionalist politically incorrect Right.” Although I didn’t always agree with him, I still enjoyed reading his thought provoking website.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ps, who can read history and not think yankee land wouldn’t welcome a flood of negros? negros has been the yankee idol for generation now. All the state’s that renigged, would vote for more negros. They have that track record after all

  2. More sophisms:

    “More blacks from Africa have immigrated here as a result of the Immigration Act of 1965 than were brought here during two centuries of the slave trade.” But the vast majority of blacks still descend from the original, SLAVE importation.

    “There are 1,113,377 blacks in Mississippi. There are 1,442,279 blacks in Pennsylvania.” But there are vastly more whites in Pennsylvania than in Mississippi.

    “The only thing that the county level map really shows is that blacks are more dispersed in rural areas in the South than elsewhere.” This is quite significant because it indicates what is their original homeland. Elsewhere they are more urban centred, still in the process of moving into small towns in rural counties.

    “slavery was the economic engine (…) Off there was no ‘original sin’ of slavery there would have been no prosperity (…) no roads and the like (…) yankees also tried out slavery but it did not take for economic reasons.” Something contradictory here: Without slavery no prosperity, no economic development — but slavery didn’t work “for economic reasons”?

  3. “They haven’t learned anything.” Now we are back to the strawmanic “They.” What isn’t being accepted is that the problem is human depravity, both north and south and all around, both long ago and today.

  4. The sins of the politicians and other lawyers, bankers and industrialists, and corrupt preachers and teachers created the egalitarian and welfare system that drew the blacks north, brought in the Hispanic and Asians, and bound the settler population of Northern European whites in their present “BRA”-supporting mindset and predicament.

  5. “Russia most certainly does use the modern Gregorian (pope) calendar (with modern refinements like leap seconds) you moron. As for ecclesiastical holidays, fuck ‘em. Happy Spring Equinox Festival!”

    Oh, well, then, Rude-l.

    That makes it all better…..

  6. “Here’s how Byzantine Empire, which survived 1000 years, dealt with its Jews, such that there were never any pogroms, and the old parasite-host conflict did NOT replay, as discovered by Ezra Pound:

    Occupational restrictions.

    Let them be small business owners, shopkeepers, skilled craftsmen and the like, but
    Keep them out of govt, education, finance, law, and they cannot subvert the nation.
    (I’d add media.)”

    Amen, and amen!

    (and let them ONLY do those menial jobs, if they’re ‘nice.’)

  7. Oh, and for the record. Here’s a question, and an answer from a valid authority.

    “Why do many Eastern Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on Jan. 7?”

    “Why do Russian Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas so much later than Western Christians?
    Because the Russian Orthodox Church still observes the Julian calendar. Dec. 25 on the Julian calendar corresponds to Jan. 7 on the Gregorian calendar, which America and most of the rest of the world uses.”

  8. Different soil, different climates equals different kind of farming. Where soil allowed for it, Southron style plantation/ slavery farming took root. Like Rhode Island. You know that but your yankee sense of false moral superiority wouldn’t’ t let you come to terms with how the north was neck deep in slavery and profiteering from it.

    It is one of the worst attitudes of yankees. Might as well wish my horse could deal poker then wish yankees would set it aside

    I do not eat foreign food, in part because the profits support foreign people

  9. “Russia didn’t change their calendar until after the Revolution. Backward areas are backward areas.”

    I see. And the adoption of the heretical Papal calendar brought such ‘enlightenment’ to post-Bolshevik Russia. Like Lenin. Like the purges. Like Stalin. Like the Holodomor, like…….

    Rudel, you always were a donkey’s behind. Now I merely see you are an ass.

  10. “I do not eat foreign food, in part because the profits support foreign people”: I suppose with the exception of bananas, cocoa and a few other tropical “necessities.” I am heartened to learn SOME are not patronising foreign culture restaurants, and strange food importers.

    Plantation industries such as so-called “black rice” production are said to have REQUIRED the importation of Africans: However, the type of rice grown in the Carolinas and Georgia was not even African (who was responsible for that?) — and the “white” rice industry established by Midwesterners who came down the Mississippi valley after the war very quickly dwarfed and out-competed the “African-powered” one. The same rice-production excuse brought millions of Africans to other “Golden Circle” locations, and to Amazonia (mostly Brazil) — the same “agribusiness” variety of greed that still imports millions of Hispanics into our states.

  11. Yes, they were more malaria-resistant, but there was no reason besides profit not to move inland from the swamps and grow potatoes instead.

  12. “And the adoption of the heretical Papal calendar brought such ‘enlightenment’ to post-Bolshevik Russia.”

    It certainly kept the calendar aligned with the seasons. That’s the astronomical fact of the matter pure and simple, you pig ignorant religious nutcase.

  13. “I do not eat foreign food, in part because the profits support foreign people.”

    – Evie’s has been a Detroit fixture for 30 years, and it’s owned by a nice family who have been here since the 1940’s. They aren’t “foreign”.

    And I find it laughable that you would take issue with patronizing locally owned & operated businesses who serve food that you categorize as “foreign”, when you yourself have stated intention to relocate with your family to friggin Eastern Europe! Hypocrite. Say, maybe you can parlay this stunt into a reality tv show — “Stonelifter & The Belarus Hillbillies” lol.

  14. Chris, don’t forget a lot of the posters on this site think you’re foreign too; they even think pizza is foreign still!. Mosin is absolutely correct about foreign food though. Even my friends and family who have some conservative racial positions, eat foreign food like Mexican and Chinese. I’m pretty convinced that this opened them up to the idea that; well, if these Mexican and Chinese people have such good food, maybe they’re good enough to be our friends if they’re living here anyway. And if one of our family members marries a Mexican, well as long as he acts pretty American, he’s just fine. Naturally I’m all in favor of this.

  15. Sharing food is a way that people establish relationships and gain trust with each other. A friend of mine from Africa made me food from her country, and that could be said to be a sign of our friendship and respect for each other. Same for my Chinese, Korean, Indian, Mexican and Iranian friends.

  16. Most of what Mexican and Chinese and other “ethnic” restaurants in America pass off as their respective countries fare, is in fact very Americanized anyway. They tailor their dishes to what they believe are local tastes.

  17. 1940’s? Yep they are foreign

    The difference between me and those who come to the usa is, I don’t expect my new country to change for me. I will change to fit their cultural norms. That’s how you show respect. Something totally foreign to ethnic Whites in the usa.

  18. “Ethnic” whites were in America before WASPS ever were. And Detroit was named and founded by Antoine Cadillac, not Johnny English. You can try fitting our cultural norms for a change. Like doing your own work instead of buying nigger slaves to do it.

  19. Stonelifter, if you can change so easily to fit an eastern European culture, why can’t you change to fit our current liberal culture?

  20. Chris hit upon something important: “ ‘Ethnic’ whites were in America before WASPS ever were.”

    Vikings, for example, seem to have penetrated the New World as far as the Great Lakes region long before the English or the French. Some sort of Pre-Anglo Celts seem to have settled here even earlier. Swedes, Finns and Germans settled in the Delaware Valley (Pennsylvania) before the English.

  21. A new, pan-European, AMERICAN white ethnic group was emerging in many urban areas before the immigration floodgates opened in 1965.

  22. I don’t intend to change cultural norms for anything. A certain kind of music, for example, is in my blood. The home LAND also “belongs.” Blood and soil.

  23. “A new, pan-European, AMERICAN white ethnic group was emerging in many urban areas before the immigration floodgates opened in 1965.”

    – Absolutely. That’s a perfect description of my American heritage.

  24. Yes, Chris. Not only cities but even small towns were scenes of the emergence of an AMERICAN white people: One very small town I know had a Welsh neighbourhood and a German neighbourhood, each with its own separate ethnic churches. But they met each other constantly in the public schools and town events, stores and businesses — and some intermarried (realise that I’m NOT recommending this, only recounting) and after more than a century they had all become rather “blended” — no more Welsh language inscriptions on new tombstones, no more German language church services, etc., and inter-ethnic rivalry and rancor subsided and disappeared. It was becoming a close-knit, self-consciously united community toward the end of the twentieth century — just before OTHER white ethnic groups and finally, NON-white ethnics from around the world began to appear.

  25. I’ve posted the founding stock demographics before, English, German, Scot, Irish, that is the core, mostly by large English.

    There is nothing worth changing for in this land. What you folks think is america was killed in 1860. It was ruined by yankees and then later White immigration.

    It was only pan ethnic stock forming up north. And we know what a witch’s brew that is

  26. You are a dumb fuck, even for 17. WASP is the founding stock. You know the very people you hate. Most likely because they are far superior to you and your nigger loving kin. Always worried about the poor negro… you’d have to move up to be worthless

  27. “I’ve posted the founding stock demographics before, English, German, Scot, Irish, that is the core, mostly by large English.” Not the correct order for every state. Here it was originally Welsh, German, English, Scot, Irish — in the colonial period. In Virginia it would certainly have been English first, and probably African next.

  28. But I think there was some pan-ethnic mixing going on in the southern states also. English, Scot and German stock, and even some Cherokee and Irish, are all blended into what call themselves “Americans” in Appalachia.

    I don’t recommend “blending” however. Inter-ethnic mixing is the first step to inter-racial mixing. It would take centuries to form a stable new white ethny out of even CLOSELY related NORTHERN European ingredients.

  29. All American customs and traditions such as they are directly derived from English precedent. The original united States was founded by people of English stock with a very small admixture of other ethnicities, mostly Germanic. The only French enclaves were Quebec and Louisiana. Ever heard of the French and Indian War?

    The original united States of America died in 1860 as stonelifter correctly states. It was replaced by the Yankee Empire we all know so well as despise as BRA, complete with the centralizing statist “Swiss army knife” of Amendments, the mighty 14th Amendment.

    There is no quaint traditional custom, English or otherwise, that this Amendment cannot override and nullify. Things previous generations could take for granted like school prayer, segregation, illegal abortion, illegal sodomy, or heterosexual marriage that this yankee legal novelty cannot overcome.

    The reason the term “Native American” was invented by the left for the Indians was to deliberately obscure the very basic fact that any American of native English stock is the real native American.

    Everyone else is just an immigrant who, until very recently, has been expected to conform to established norms and assimilate into the native English speaking and English derived culture.

    Deo Vindice

  30. So haul steroid-shrunken balls the fuck up here already if you believe I’m 17, you middle-aged COWARD. Should be easy for the “battle-hardened mercenary” to “bury me in the cemetery at the end of my street” shouldn’t it? I know you won’t, but I’m always here, waiting.

    “WASP is the founding stock.”

    THERE WAS NO “FOUNDING STOCK”, you inbred cocksucker. The settling of America was a series of waves of Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, English, German etc, who intermingled to various degrees LONG BEFORE the fucking Declaration was even signed. Your cretin “kinfolk” only showed up after a path had been cut and the map drawn by MY people.

    Bring your hillbilly mouth up here before you tuck tail and flee to Cuckoldistan to avoid your alimony payments. I’m 36 years old, you know where I live, and with my bare hands I will fucking TORTURE you.

  31. Giorgio Vashintonio Primo Presidente di Estados Unitas or so Christresunotres would apparently have it.

    In other new the Polish foundation of American Cavalry and Prussian roots of American Infantry tactics.

  32. Cadillac is of course a village in Aquitaine. A region with very strong links to England. Half the people there are the result of pillaging Chevauchee rapine.
    La Rochelle a bit further up the coast was a Hugenot bastion along with much of Aquitaine. I’ve got ancestors from that region too. Was Antoine a Basque or Guyone? The language there was an Anglo-French bastard tongue Occitan.

  33. Fuck yourself, you Limey piss-ant. The only reason you’re here is because you hide underneath your wife’s citizenship. Pathetic.

  34. I was joking about Occitan being a bastardized Anglo French language but Bordeaux considered itself to be English in the medieval period. The citizens had more in common with Bristol and Southhampton than with Paris. It’s still a bit like that to this day. Most of the valuable property is owned by retirees from London.

    Couldn’t resist could you crissy? How are your sons?

  35. Couldn’t resist could you crissy?

    Now stop. That is feminine taunting. Clytemnestra, yes the one from OD taunted me similarly on a different site recently. It turns out she is a frigid man-hating feminist. She fooled many here.

  36. Suggesting that ‘John’ is actually a woman? I dunno, either way he’s definitely equivalent to a mail-order bride insofar as how he resides in my country.

  37. Here’s the Seneshal that Edward I appointed to the Bordeaux region.

    The village of Cadillac was built up around the English administrative and military HQ in the region. Jean De Grailly… Fancy that Chris. What goes around comes around. I strongly suspect that Antoine knew all this when he named himself that…some sort of racial memory of English rule in his native region. Antoine was himself a Hugenot, which means he probably had a lot of English in him.

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