RIP, Lawrence Auster


I’m sure everyone has heard the news that Lawrence Auster of View From The Right lost his battle with cancer on Good Friday.

There isn’t much left for me to say that hasn’t already been covered in the tributes that have been posted at VDARE and Amerika. When I was in college at Auburn, I stumbled across his book The Path To National Suicide, and it was a formative influence on my views about immigration and multiculturalism.

I would prefer to remember the Auster that I encountered in that insightful book rather than the blogger that I came to know in later years. Like Alex Linder, it would be the understatement of the century to say that Larry Auster clashed with other bloggers and far too often allowed ideological disputes to devolve into personal feuds.

As death approached, I had considered reaching out to Auster to thank him for his life’s work and to wish him luck in the next life (future historians trying to figure out what happened to America in the first decade of the 21st century will find VFR a nearly unparalleled resource), but he made it plainly clear toward the end that he didn’t want any “anti-Semites” among his well wishers.

Larry went to the grave fighting anti-Semitism. After all these years, I had come to believe that he was sincere in his desire to preserve Western civilization (no one who was faking it would blog to his deathbed), but for whatever reason (choose your explanation), he could never really bring himself to acknowledge the starring role that Jews had played in undermining that civilization. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the thought that the Jews aren’t going to take “will you knock it off, pretty please” for an answer.

Anyway, I will miss Larry’s unique take on “the passing scene and what it’s about viewed from the traditionalist politically incorrect Right.” Although I didn’t always agree with him, I still enjoyed reading his thought provoking website.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I just wanted to draw attention to the fact Clytemnestra is now advocating whites, specifically Swedes convert to Islam. Unless you’re a fag in which case she thinks WNs must outreach to gay gentrifiers and help them fight blacks. Basically I just wanted to tell John to knock it off while warning people here about Clytemnestra.

  2. I grew up listening to “The Old Sheriff Show” on radio every night — mostly very old, TRUE Appalachian country music. I discovered and instinctively liked it, the only one in my family who did. But the Old Country (British Isles) original sources are the best of all, I think.

  3. I find it rather funny that an English Seneshal in the Angevin Empire founded the town of Cadillac as a port that secured supplies to the main castle in the area that English Cavarly would have sallied forth. It sorta deflates the bubble don’t it?

  4. What does “you’re one of us” mean? I’m not from Dixie. That makes me a different people according to some.

    “Clytemnestra is now advocating whites, specifically Swedes convert to Islam.” Is she Swedish? Sounds like a Mindweapon plan.

  5. Re: Music: I was brought up mostly without TV and pop music, but WITH radio and a lot of recorded classical and folk music. Nothing “resonates” like true Anglo-Celtic folk music, and serious, doctrinal hymns (mostly German) on Sundays.

  6. “What does “you’re one of us” mean? I’m not from Dixie. That makes me a different people according to some.”

    “One of us” is a delightfully exclusionary euphemism, isn’t it?
    We were discussing the English antecedence in American culture.
    Because most Americans, until comparatively recently, were of English, or at least British, origin. Especially well maintained in the South, of course.

    What? No English blood?
    I’m only a half-breed myself…

    Deo Vindice

  7. Welsh one side, Frankish German other side. Not English. But then, “English” itself is partly Celtic Briton (think: Welsh) and partly Germanic (Saxon, Dane, etc.) so it works out to be somewhat the same.

  8. “An off-topic but timely note: Pope Gregorius’ New Calendar can make Easter coincide with Passover, whereas Easter could NEVER coincide with Passover according to the Old Calendar (Julian) — according to which Easter this year falls on the fifth of May! ”

    Interesting anecdote. In US Army aviation, the Julian calender is used to schedule annual maintenance cycles. I remember the odd dates for holidays as well. If I remember correctly, Christmas fell on a different day as well.

  9. The advantage to the Julian calender for annual mechanical maintenance is there is no confusing same days of different months, it saves room in early computers.

  10. THERE WAS NO “FOUNDING STOCK”, you inbred cocksucker. The settling of America was a series of waves of Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, English, German etc, who intermingled to various degrees LONG BEFORE the fucking Declaration was even signed. Your cretin “kinfolk” only showed up after a path had been cut and the map drawn by MY people.

    The English contribution to the founding of America so far outweighs the Italian (!) it’s no joke. If the English contribution is the sun, the Italian contribution is an asteroid.

  11. It is a sign of the times because western men are caught up in stupid petty-nationalism or even worse “white pride”. The “Italian” contribution to “England” was absolutely immense.

  12. The pan ethnic White nation was tried and it failed. It lead to the mess we have now. More accurately it was tried up north, failed up north and lead to the mess we have now.

    The small numbers who ended up in the South did not turn out like the ones up north.

  13. “who can read history and not think yankee land wouldn’t welcome a flood of negros?”

    Anyone in their right mind, that’s who. Abolitionism & Radical Republicanism was always foisted upon the people by a minority elite. I hope you aren’t under the illusion that we actually have a real democracy in this country. The ordinary people still vote with their feet and they keep the niggers bottled up in urban ghettoes (except in the South where they are indigenous and therefore just about everywhere.) If his recent posts are any indication Hunter is even afraid to go to the next town over from his own either with sweet young thing Yankee travelers or by himself.

    Thank God I live in the PNW.

  14. It’s probably impossible to explain to people who live in multicult environments like the South what a shock it is to visit such places. Literally a shock to the system. As in “Holy crap I had no idea half of America looked like the Congo.”

  15. Anyone in their right mind, that’s who. Abolitionism & Radical Republicanism was always foisted upon the people by a minority elite.

    Similar to Prussianism. Yankees, like Germans can be the greatest individuals but when they are organized from above as “Yankees” or “Germans” they’re manipulated by statist-idealism that puts them in opposition to other westerners and western culture in general.

    The German is at his best when romanized and given a wide-berth with the hope being he kills pagans, Russians and muslims. He shines when he accomplishes this alongside Poles. Left to his own devices the German is a provincial rebel against Europe.

  16. So the same people who renigged, and set up the negro worship of today would say no to negros moving up north? Sorry don’t buy it. I am sure they don’t want to live next to negros, but I am also just as certain they would say yes to negro migration. yankees have a track record of not predicting the blow back of their actions. Like yankee’s 1st experiment in yankee induced negro freedom

  17. “I am sure they don’t want to live next to negros, but I am also just as certain they would say yes to negro migration.”

    And you’re basing this on what exactly? Percentage of the vote that Romney got? Let me clue you in: Most White folks didn’t vote for Romney even in the Northeast.

  18. How congress critters up north back all the racial equality crap and how they renigged. Don’t matter how the vote count breaks down when time after time the north goes left and pro negro. And I imagine almost 100% of White yankees would have renigged if the gop ran an overtly pro White candidate

  19. What do SNist propose be done about Jews?

    There can be no Jews in Dixie.

    Breaking up the United States, the SNists’ main goal . . ..

    The main goal of Southron nationalism is the establishment of a Southron nation state.

  20. The reason the term “Native American” was invented by the left for the Indians was to deliberately obscure the very basic fact that any American of native English stock is the real native American.


    Do you think we can truly achieve Southron nationalism as long as we think of ourselves as Americans?

  21. My take is that Southerners have been so acclimated to the presence of blacks that you are no longer able to develop the social antibodies to expel them. They are now part of your body.

    Whites in places where there are no blacks have no such acclimation, and though one would think that the lack of such acclimation would mean a broad White Welcome, the opposite is in fact true. In such places the White instinct and immune system remain intact, and the foreign bodies are expelled.

    In short, the South is black and will always be black. Hunter’s position is that this black acclimation (blaclimation) makes Whites more White. Perhaps this is so. But if being White means being surrounded by blacks, than call me Japanese. Yankees or no, the South is right well fucked. You don’t know what you’re missing.

  22. I don’t brawl w 17 years olds, but come on down, prove your an adult AND I will have 10k in my pocket. It’s yours if you can take it off me.

    Second link is nothing, the 1st link… one story. Who fucking cares. I’ve already posted how y’all voted in congress to establish BRA. Hunter has too. that’s what you are working against. Besides, more niggers, more customers for you.

    You have been wrong on nearly every assertion from mittens would win the north, and what happened when, and who voted for what. … your flat out wrong.

  23. negros were not a problem until yankee induced freedom. They wouldn’t be much of a problem without yankees. I understand not wanting to be around them, but you also have to deal with the reality of yankees and race, yankees infatuation with liberalism and the like

  24. “The main goal of Southron nationalism is the establishment of a Southron nation state.”

    And every year that passes you become weaker and less able to make that a reality. You also are becoming mentally weaker if you think that you can do it all by yourselves in the American Congo. You need to ally yourselves with Whites in other regions which will seek to break away when the collapse comes. This will happen because most Southerners have more brains than most of the idiots who post on this site.

    The U.S. will break up into economically coherent regions. If you want the South to Rise Again you best get with that program or be swamped by your niggers.

  25. I was born Feb. 26, 1977. I’m not 17, so please get over whatever pedophilic fantasy you have of me. I gave you my address, you promised you were ” on your way”, and so far you’ve flat punked out. You’re a joke, and you “brawled” with me it would be the last 2 minutes of your life, sweety.

    I wasn’t wrong about Romney. He lost because of massive voter fraud, which I saw myself. But that’s beside the point. Voter trends in contests which consist of narrow choices where issues of varying importance are often bundled with candidates who’s platform may stand in partial conflict with the voter’s stance on said issues, doesn’t mean a fucking thing. To put it in simpler terms, if some poor white bastard is in a Union and needs to keep his job, then he’s going to bite the bullet and vote for Obama or Stabenow for his family’s sake, despite how much he personally hates niggers. Of course, I don’t expect someone like you to understand what it’s like to actually work everyday for a living.

    Hunter takes half-truths and fills in the rest to suit his agenda. Neither you nor he have the first clue about white Northerners. Face it, YOU are responsible for the nigfer problem in this country, and when this place starts go up in flames, YOU people are going to be stuck dealing with them. And very likely, the only “migration” that ever comes out of Dixie will be the few handfuls of whites who managed not to get gang-raped and machete’d by all the millions of niggers swarming around your shithole region. Have a Dixie day!

  26. Personally I think the South going our own way would unite most of the union. Against us. yankees have to save the negro.

  27. Ps, you rationale like a fucking woman. Don’t like yankee history on a topic, it’s the jews fault, yankees double down on the negro, it was fraud.

  28. You also gave me a name that doesn’t exist in public record checks expect for a 17 year-old living 22 miles from Detroit. Your birthday is most likely a lie as well.

  29. “Personally I think the South going our own way would unite most of the union. “

    That train left the station 150 years ago. Everybody hates Washington D.C. now not Dixie. Why do you think 33 states have not lifted as much as a little finger to help implement Obamacare? They’re going bankrupt. If the niggers get out of line when federal default occurs they will be shot just like they have every single time they have rioted for more than a day or so.

    Except maybe in the American Congo. There are so many of them everywhere down there that you folks may run out of ammo.

  30. “Then fly down and take the 10k”

    – Doesn’t work that way, boss. YOU demanded my personal info, which I gave you, because YOU wanted to come to me. You never showed, so you don’t get to try and save face by flipping it around on me. Loser.

    “Ps, you rationale like a fucking women.”

    – Ps, with each sentence, you reveal the misogynist you are.

    “Don’t like Yankee history in a topic, it’s the Jews fault”

    – Women don’t like it when you beat them, then their all the enemy along with the Yankees.

    “You also gave me a name that doesn’t exist in public records checks, blah, blah, blah..”

    – Stop embarrassing yourself. Anyone can look me up, and confirm everything I’ve said about myself here. Bottom line, you made a threat, and didn’t have the balls to follow it up. End of story. Go beat your child-girlfriend that you claim you have.

  31. Everyone hates dc, yet the north reelected the negro who expanded its power like no on else ( besides fdr and linclon). Hell even the so-called conservatives expand government which puts the lie to everyone hating dc.

    Deeds not words.

  32. Oh how terrible I am a misogynist, just like all the generations of rational men before me. My opinion on woman is the same men had for ages. Your are a feminist on top of it all. Is there any silly Marxist notation you reject?

    I wanted to pay you a visit when I thought you were an adult. Now I know you are not. Want to settle this, determine your true age etc come on down. Until then you are a minor and well dealt with as such

  33. “Hell even the so-called conservatives expand government which puts the lie to everyone hating dc.

    Deeds not words.”

    Did you even read what I said?

    A majority of exactly no one controls those institutions like Congress. The corporate elites do, right from picking who gets to teach kindergarten, who gets on TV, and who gets on the primary ballots.

    And the Republican “conservative” base is in the American Congo. Stop blaming dem ol’ debbil “Yankees” for all your goddam troubles. With Southerners like Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Lindsey Graham you produce enough for the rest of the country combined.

  34. You need to ally yourselves with Whites in other regions which will seek to break away when the collapse comes.

    We do not need allies from the occupiers. We have had more than enough of your help already.

    We will, however, take all the well-meaning allies from Europe, Australia, Canada, and South Africa that we can.

    Hunter, can something be done about the Yankees and their supporters who post here (as in removing them)? Aren’t there few enough places already for Southrons to be Southrons among Southrons?

  35. “We will, however, take all the well-meaning allies from Europe, Australia, Canada, and South Africa that we can.”

    Fuck you. The amount of help you will get from them will be nil. Stop posting you dumbass grit.

  36. With Southerners like Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Lindsey Graham you produce enough for the rest of the country combined.

    Do you think any of those could be elected as county dog catcher in a Southron nation state?

  37. For those with any brains: when the Union breaks up it will be beneficial for different regions to co-operate at the very least by trading goods. Quite frankly the American Congo (aka the Deep South) is already doomed. Appalachia may survive due to its predominantly White population.

  38. “Do you think any of those could be elected as county dog catcher in a Southron nation state?”

    Considering the morons you had running things in Richmond during the War then YES!

  39. “Hunter, can something be done about the Yankees and their supporters who post here”

    Considering he named the site Occidental Dissent not Southern Dissent and the fact that he is a professed atheist of German descent with no ancestors who fought for the South in the War you may be out of luck.

  40. I acknowledge that but… even with those names if yankee congress critters voted like Southron congressmen we would not be in this mess.

    Don’t fall for the apex fallacy. Normally your smarter then that

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