Rand Paul on Immigration

District of Corruption

Here’s the latest from Rand Paul on immigration:

“Anyway, it would be worth a shot, Paul said in a Fox News appearance on Wednesday.

“The ideas I’m talking about could help Republicans grow in areas like California, New England, Illinois — states who have given up on Republicans,” he said. “So we do have to think about new ideas if we’re going to be competitive as a national party …”

Dissolve the Union.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The entire southern agricultural belt would have been populated by Brown migrant workers, lured in from Mexico or China. Or probably not farmed at all, which might have been preferable in the long run.

  2. “I don’t get the reason for your theology lectures”:

    I think it is essential for white preservation and a true white renaissance. It seems that MOST other commenters think it is irrelevant, or wrong, and boring or annoying. But who knows what who else are reading this blog, but not commenting, think? Most white southerners are NOT “POST-Christian” like Western Europeans.

  3. “Next Time Let ‘Em Seceed.”

    – They did secede. It’s only after they began volleying artillery without provocation that their problems started.

  4. If only it could be known what would have happened if their hot-headedness had been tempered.

  5. What a bunch of unthinking turds. I propose to you something worth digesting, and you fall over and collapse in a pile of nonsense.

    If this is the flower of WN thought, then prepare your daughters for a thousand years of negro ass-rape.

    Fucking chuckleheads.

  6. Mosin,

    I don’t have any hostility toward Christianity. Indeed, I think the US is deeply in trouble because your public schools can’t use the bible as a text. I have discussed Jacob, Abraham, Paul, Ezekial, The works of the chariot with Americans who are evangelical, but public schooled and they stare back in bewilderment at the stories. Americans are not in my experience a people who can know the stories let alone interpret them. I think CS Lewis called it an unsurpassed book, others have called it the source of all our poems. I just find the theology you bang on about to be annoying at times. You act as if it’s Sunday school. A revival can’t be done on the Internet. Itinerant preachers go out into the crowd.

    Chris is a curmudgeon. Rudel is a prick. Why addres them on such topics?

  7. My experience with the Average yank is that the bible is unfamiliar, as unfamiliar as the Iliad or Tristram Shandy…

    In order to have a religious revival the basic problem is the banishment of the Bible in public schools. There is no such restriction in the UK. Oddly enough.

  8. Most kids do have a pretty good grounding in RE, even of they abandon faith or never feel it in the first place. Christmas time is actually observed as a religious event. So too Easter, Shrove Tuesday, the songs actually have Psalms and Gospel in them. as soon as the various sectarians banished the book for various reasons, the entire foundation of
    literacy was shaken.

  9. The entire southern agricultural belt would have been populated by Brown migrant workers, lured in from Mexico or China. Or probably not farmed at all, which might have been preferable in the long run.

    Taking the contrarian view, consider what would have happened if the English colonies and states had not adopted slavery to make those lands productive.  Instead, those territories would have been held by the Spanish, who had imported Black slaves themselves and would have used their superior productivity to dominate the southern tier of N. America.

    If Whites had not bought slaves, the result would have been Mexico Grande.  The status of Blacks in N. America would have been far worse under Spanish/Mexican government than English/American.  That’s one more thing Blacks should thank White America for… and never, ever will.

  10. @Oscar,

    I propose to you something worth digesting, and you fall over and collapse in a pile of nonsense.

    Fair enough. Here is your belated reply.

    Forget it, people. This game is over. 50+ percent of children under 5 in the US are now shit-monkeys. Your future in a pan-continental unitary US is now gone, and it cannot be brought back.

    I debunked this particular myth some time ago. See here:


    The only thing to discuss now is a practical plan for whites-only secession (sorry, Jews, you’re not whites, you’ll just have to live with your pet monkeys who you love so much) and a fortified whites-only ethnostate, or several such states, on the North American continent.

    Where would these whites-only ethnostates be exactly, and how do you propose to remove any non-whites/Jews presently living there?

    It will be crucial to begin establishing diplomatic contacts with Russia, Canada, and Eastern Europe. North American whites will need the Russian nuclear umbrella and white Canadian diplomatic alliances in order to succeed against the evil, racist, anti-white, Jew-controlled monster formerly known as America.

    First of all, any whites-only ethnostate will get exactly zero diplomatic support from Canada, period. All the Eastern European countries are already in the EU or trying to get into the EU, so any support from that quarter will be doubtful at best. And Russia is 15% Muslim, with a rapidly shrinking white population and a growing Muslim one, so by the time your theoretical ethnostate gets off the ground you will likely be dealing the Islamic Republic of Russiastan. Sure, they *might* support you diplomatically if your ethnostate converts to Islam en masse. Failing that, expect them to be unremittingly hostile.

    Start thinking about this now. We’re going to need to move on it in less than 30 years, and so we need to get our theoretical and diplomatic ducks in a row NOW.

    I have thought about it. I’ve proposed here (at some length) the transformation of the United States from a traditional nation-state to a transnational organization based on the European Union containing 50 fully sovereign nations. This is probably too milquetoast for your taste as it has nothing to do with race or religion, but rather with the total destruction of the federal government and its replacement with a skeletal supranational entity. But, unlike an ethnostate, it does have the virtue of being realistic and eminently doable. So there’s that.

    There is no other choice. Mathematically speaking there can no longer be a reversal of the present situation.

    Not true. See that Washington Times article for details.

    1) There must be a whites-only ethnostate, or more likely several such states, established in North America.

    Where? Details, please.

    2) Whites must have outside diplomatic support from a nuclear power; the most likely candidate is Russia.

    Forget Russia, how about North Korea? Don’t laugh, NK is probably the purest example of an ethnostate in the world today. All you’d need for an alliance with the Norks is a complimentary political philosophy, a white man’s Juche as it were.

    3) It must have outside economic and political support.

    I’ll have my people call Rodman’s people to call Kim Jong-un’s people and we’ll get right back to you.

    4) Parts of Canada may be included in this state, especially the St. Lawrence river system and the Canadian share of the Great Lakes, so Canadian diplomatic overtures must begin now.

    Whites are a minority or a bare majority in every major city on the Great Lakes, Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Rochester and Toronto. It doesn’t exactly seem like the most propitious place to locate a white ethnostate. The St Lawrence valley is a much better choice, say Quebec minus Montreal Island, and it’s more than 95% white. Parlez-vous français? Dress warmly!

    5). The white ethno-state(s) of North America must be strictly Christian: no atheists, no agnostics, no Muslims, no Hindus, and above all, NO JEWS. Jews must be strictly and rigorously banned; they may not even enter as visitors.

    What denomination of Christianity? Does that include Mormons? Who gets to decide who exactly is a Christian and who may be a closet agnostic? Will church-going be mandatory in this new state? It sounds like you’re proposing a theocracy rather than an ethnostate. No thanks.

    6) In case I forgot to mention it, NO JEWS. Or else the whole mess will just start all over again. They can’t help themselves; betraying whites is what they do. Plus, won’t it be grand to see the look on their faces when they realize it’s THEM who will have to live with the Muslim, the grease-blob, and the primitive negro? Well, they’ve earned it.

    No, you mentioned it. Repeatedly. Would Jews who converted to Christianity be welcome? How about half-Jews? Quarter-Jews? 1/64th Jews? I’m not sure that an American version of the Nuremburg Laws would go over well with the bulk of white conservative Christians that we’re trying to reach here. Though I do agree that the Jews have certainly earned the right to live amidst the hordes of hostile Third Worlders that they’ve been instrumental in importing.

  11. “I just find the theology you bang on about to be annoying at times. You act as if it’s Sunday school. A revival can’t be done on the Internet.”

    Point well taken. My writing can be a annoyingly “schoolmasterly,” at times, but it is not intentionally so. It is a serious weakness of writing style that MUST be overcome.

    I agree somewhat that a “revival,” political, cultural or religious, is not CREATED through internet blogging, or pamphleteering or other media, yet mass communications are an essential “permitting cause.”

    I’m not recommending THIS (evangelical) sort of revival, but noting that its appearance was apparently spontaneous, unexpected and unpredicted, not contrived or orchestrated:



  12. “Pick your own cotton next time”

    Aristocrats rather imported slaves than hire regular folks.the general population had no say into the matter of slavery. Folks struggle while the 2 percent rich profited enormously over slavery.

  13. “I just find the theology you bang on about to be annoying at times. You act as if it’s Sunday school. A revival can’t be done on the Internet.”

    Point well taken. My writing can be a annoyingly “schoolmasterly,” at times, but it is not intentionally so. It is a serious weakness of writing style that MUST be overcome.

    I agree somewhat that a “revival,” political, cultural or religious, is not CREATED through internet blogging, or pamphleteering or other media, yet mass communications are an essential “permitting cause.”

    I’m not recommending THIS (evangelical) sort of revival, but noting that its appearance was apparently spontaneous, unexpected and unpredicted, not contrived or orchestrated:


    This one spread from Wales all around the world, to Germany and Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and Russia, and America (including some of my direct ancestors). Boer prisoners of war took it home to South Africa. I don’t recommend the “experiential,” emotional evangelical theological variant involved, however.

  14. “By the standard of repeatedly verifiable experiment.”

    By the standard of repeatedly verifiable experiment religion can be used to reinforce evolutionarily adaptive behavior so…secular Christianity ought to be an option for atheists also purely from a practical point of view.

    “then prepare your daughters for a thousand years of negro ass-rape.”

    One way to prepare is to not talk like them.

  15. “By the standard of repeatedly verifiable experiment religion can be used to reinforce evolutionarily adaptive behavior so…secular Christianity ought to be an option for atheists also purely from a practical point of view.”

    Yes, organized religion has had its uses.

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