Rand Paul on Immigration

District of Corruption

Here’s the latest from Rand Paul on immigration:

“Anyway, it would be worth a shot, Paul said in a Fox News appearance on Wednesday.

“The ideas I’m talking about could help Republicans grow in areas like California, New England, Illinois — states who have given up on Republicans,” he said. “So we do have to think about new ideas if we’re going to be competitive as a national party …”

Dissolve the Union.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. These Greasers are never going to vote for the GOP. Fuck them..secession is the only answer…what the hell have the beaners accomplished in Mexico in 500 years.

  2. Like to see this rich, soiled brat attempt to present his libertarian treason nonsense to some Latin Kings gang bangers here in Chicago.

  3. The GOP’s only real overlap with race realism is the dogwhistling that went on, or the dogwhistling that Democrats accused the GOP of indulging in.

    Other than that what has the GOP ever done for whites? It’s the low wage invade everyone invite everyone party.

  4. Worth sharing around to Tea Partiers, with appropriate commentary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98W6jSlMr1k He says “we need to INCREASE” immigration and that “Republicans need to become part of the solution.” He is such a skilled politician that he manages to wear the Tea Party label while fighting AGAINST conservatism.

  5. No one even bothers to simply say that Rand’s whole premise here SHOWS HE DOES NOT BELIEVE IN, OR CARE ABOUT, REPRESENTATIVE government.

    “Growing the base” as if you are a marketing group is hardly the same thing as “representing the existing people.”

    And they never ever did that, anyway.

    Obviously, he has nothing to do with the constitution, on his own terms.

  6. Why does no one ask Rand:

    “Um… how does what you’re saying WORK WITH this idea you were also espousing about “representing americans?”

    Huh? Huh? Huh?

  7. Everyone knows the guy is s joke— but no one has the guts to make him accountable, by even asking him to clarify his hypocrisy

  8. I wouldn’t call the dog whistle doing something for whites. It was always an element of the GOPs strategy for harming whites by misleading them.

  9. The GOP has never done much for whites, hence my support for Obama over Romney. Obama’s economic program helps some whites. There would have been no upside for anyone with Romney.

  10. “There would have been no upside for anyone with Romney.”

    – As things now stand, our economy teeters on the brink of collapse, American whites are openly targeted for genocide by our own government, the U.N. is making moves to disarm us with Obama’s blessing, and America is looking down the barrel if a two-front war with Iran and North Korea. And the all the great white internet warriors who were so sure that “worse is better”, who said stupid shit like “60 days til Ft. Sumter” and fantasized that they would be in the heroic midst of a glorious revolution by now, have yet to even set foot outside their mother’s basements. There damn sure would have been an upside with Romney — a extra few minutes to prepare.

    And for christ’s sake, at least with Romney we wouldn’t have had to see Michelle anymore.

  11. This is where we’ve always disagreed. Other than possibly gun control, Romney had was worse than Obama. Even gun control is iffy. Romney signed an AWB as governor. The probability of war would be much higher under Romney.

  12. Earl, did you check under your bed this morning to make sure the Pope wasn’t hiding there?

  13. I knew Rand Paul was a weasel the second he backed off his previous opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act immediately after he got criticized by the Main Stream Media (MSM) for it.

  14. @Frenchie: Those are not Millions of White Protestants here in the US illegally.

    So many of your Brown Catholic co-religionists are here that they have altered the future course of America, and American politics.

  15. “The GOP’s only real overlap with race realism is the dogwhistling that went on, or the dogwhistling that Democrats accused the GOP of indulging in”

    The GOP has been nothing more than gays in the closet who are now embracing the left. Movie Matrix, neo falls in love with trinity so are the inseparable two party systems.

  16. “I thought you supported ron paul and his agenda Mosin?”

    I supported the Ron Paul candidacy (ACTIVELY) over the Neocons for the reasons I’ve explained before –opposition to global banksters, the “Fed” and global endless warfare; unreconstructed constitutionalism; explicit support of states’ rights, nullification, right to secede, etc. — NEVER for the laissez faire Libertarian and Austrian side of him) — and remember, when Occidental Dissenters were swooning over Rand, I always made a distinction of the son, who I said seemed to be much less constitutional, and a more skillful (thus, more dangerous) politician.

  17. Some of you have been on all sides concerning Rand Paul, and it is likely some will swing again depending what he says next.

  18. “I supported the Ron Paul candidacy (ACTIVELY) over the Neocons for the reasons I’ve explained before –opposition to global banksters, the “Fed” and global endless warfare; unreconstructed constitutionalism; explicit support of states’ rights, nullification, right to secede, etc. — NEVER for the laissez faire Libertarian and Austrian side of him”

    It’s the hard money economic theories of the Austrian school that are the precise arguments undergirding rational opposition to the fractional reserve banking of the Fed and the global banksters who implement this Ponzi scheme.

    I’m sick and tired of the conflating of eminently sound (small “l”) libertarian economic principles such as: 1) the basic legality and efficiency of capitalist acts freely entered upon by consenting adults, 2) sound hard money principles instead of fractional reserve banking, and 3) freedom of association (which was severely damaged by the 1964 Civil Rights Act), with wild statements about unrestricted immigration, homosexual marriage, and other such nonsense espoused by certain “libertarians” over the years.

    Read the Confederate Constitution. It is quite clearly libertarian in its economic prescriptions for low taxes and free trade.

  19. Great comment by Dixiegirl. Politicians no longer represent the people, just the party and what is good for the party.

  20. Romney would have been awful. The Republicans always get away with much worse than the Democrats. Because all the people that would oppose policies if proffered by Democrats are silent when they are proffered by Republicans, because they are now Republican policies. People have no idea how to THINK. The schools make sure of that.

    Rand Paul is a kinky haired Jew.

  21. “Rand Paul is a kinky haired Jew.”

    A false ad hominem attack that makes you look stupid and detracts from the reasonable arguments you made earlier in your post. Did you post that moronic comment on here instead of Stormfront by mistake?

  22. “You cannot support one side of ron pual, without backing the other.”

    He was simply the less worse, or least evil, viable candidate. It is past history. Now learn from it.

  23. You cannot vote for Virgil Goode, or any other candidate, without voting getting both sides of him.

  24. Paul does not look like presidential material. Far too desperate.
    He’s also weak. Open brownification of the US will not help.

  25. There might not be a solution at the national level, but that is no excuse not to be ACTIVELY politically involved at the local level, at least.

  26. Rand Paul has neither the war-chest, nor the hope of financial donors, to get beyond the Iowa Caucus. Assuming the country is still functioning in 2016 to the extent that elections can be held, the Republican field will be a bunch of spics, and the Democratic field will be some niggers and a couple women.

  27. The SeaHag is too old and isn’t sharp enough for electoral war anymore. Jebediah’s name was ruined by his retarted brother. Deval Patrick vs. some yet-to-be-revealed magic Beaner.

  28. Er, no. Get a grip.

    IF the country last this long:

    2016 to 2024: President Hag / VP Patrick
    2024 to 2032: President Patrick

  29. “Get a grip.”

    Well, I’ve never been a collapse theorist. But “if the country is still functioning” is not a prediction that it won’t be functioning, only a reasonable doubt or question.

  30. I meant anyone who thinks the next 8 years won’t be lived under President Hag is out of touch with the facts.

    I fully expect that after the 14 mid-terms, the media and the Dems will out the brakes on their “old and white” is bad meme to pave the way for the Hag.

    She is the president in waiting. The rest is dog and pony kabuki for the proles.

  31. Possible. In any case, get or stay active politically. Past defeats no excuse for quitting.

  32. What is electoral war?

    The Clinton’s are a big factor in 2016.
    The pater is running around in St Louis as we speak prepping the ground with the Global University Schtick.

  33. “She is the president in waiting. The rest is dog and pony kabuki for the proles.”

    That’s what they all said the last time. She didn’t even get nominated, let alone win the general election. This time around she would be 69 if she takes office and would be the second oldest to ever do so. She has never risen above 47 or 48% in general approval rating either and her boomer constituency is actually starting to die off.

    By 2016 this nation will be in a state of shambles that will make today’s economy seem rosy. Her chances are slim at best.

  34. You don’t think Hag would clean up on middle and working class white votes while retaining Obama’s coloreds? I think if she wants it, it’s an easy win. Especially if the alternative is named Bush.

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