Rand Paul on Immigration

District of Corruption

Here’s the latest from Rand Paul on immigration:

“Anyway, it would be worth a shot, Paul said in a Fox News appearance on Wednesday.

“The ideas I’m talking about could help Republicans grow in areas like California, New England, Illinois — states who have given up on Republicans,” he said. “So we do have to think about new ideas if we’re going to be competitive as a national party …”

Dissolve the Union.

About Hunter Wallace 12397 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “You don’t think Hag would clean up on middle and working class white votes while retaining Obama’s coloreds? I think if she wants it, it’s an easy win. “

    Like I said, that’s what they said the last time.

  2. The American public prefers candidates with likable personalities such as Reagan or Bill Clinton. Hell, even Bush was a more genial personality than Gore as was evident in the second debate. Hillary is an unpleasant common scold. As a pure horse race I’d put my money on Rubio over Hillary even if she gets the nomination.

    The Dems are certainly not about to regain the House of Representatives in 2014 which will force Obama to rule by Executive Order. This will not be popular with the voters.

    The only hope the Democrats have (after the fiasco of trying and certainly failing to get Obamacare off the ground as they have so far failed miserably to do) in the next four years is if the Republican Party splits over gay marriage or illegal alien amnesty.

    Frankly, I don’t think the viability of the economy is going to last that long. Expect more political volatility if not outright chaos.

  3. “You don’t think Hag would clean up on middle and working class white votes while retaining Obama’s coloreds?”

    Not any more and less so in three years and even if she could i don’t think they *want* white votes. They’ve been plotting this for 130 years and now they’re most of the way there i really don’t think there’ll ever be another white european democrat candidate – jewish maybe but not white no matter how much of a traitor they are.

  4. ron paul’s water. Doing the same thing expecting a different result is a waste of time and resources

    americans do not vote for ugly people. Not since TV at any rate. The hag won’t do well based on her appearance alone

  5. Removing the shooter from the equation is the new trend. Training the guy behind the rifle I expensive and we screw up way more often then the rifle, scope, ballistic computer.

  6. Rand Paul is a kinky haired Jew.

    No, he’s just a damn Yankee.

    Not much practical difference, I suppose.

  7. The Hag’s opponent in 2008 was Obombo. The media won’t have the first black president to salivate over this time. I’m not even sure who the democrats would field as an alternative to Hag. The GOP doesn’t have anyone, and I though Rand Paul was from east Texas.

  8. Rand Paul being interviewed in Politico 6 months ago:

    Paul is working on a novel plan that he says would “assimilate” many of the 12 million illegal immigrants currently in the country. Those individuals, he said, could apply for legal status, but immigration would then be clamped down in the interim. He also says his plan would toughen security at the border.

    …“If we assimilate those who are here, however they got here — don’t make it an easy path for citizenship. There would be an eventual path, but we don’t make anybody tomorrow a citizen who came here illegally. But if they’re willing to work, willing to pay taxes, I think we need to normalize those who are here.”

    Paul said the “trade-off” would be Asked if he is concerned about the ripple effect that could cause around the world, Paul said the details over which countries would be affected are still in the works.

    What happened to the trade-off, “not to accept any new legal immigrants while we’re assimilating the ones who are here”? Why would he say such a thing only to completely drop it 6 months later? Now he looks like an open-borders shill and a liar.

    Which makes his betrayal even worse than that of McCain, Graham, Rubio and all the other GOP senatraitors. None of them promised an immigration moratorium in exchange for the legalization of illegal aliens. Imagine that, Rand Paul actually makes those other lying politicians look honest in comparison.

    As for 2016, there are still a handful of immigration restrictionists in the Senate. Vdare is talking up Jeff Sessions. Ann Coulter has said that she’s now a one-issue voter, that issue being amnesty. All patriots should let their senators and congressmen know that they too are one-issue voters. Tell them that nothing else matters, not guns, not gays, not taxes, nothing. Only amnesty.

    If they want your votes and political donations, then they must oppose amnesty in the strongest possible terms. And legalization = amnesty. If enough GOP voters identify themselves, like Ann Coulter, as one-issue voters, then amnesty will be defeated and you might even get a Sessions-like presidential candidate in 2016.

  9. For some reason the last paragraph of Rand Paul’s interview got cut off.

    Paul said the “trade-off” would be “not to accept any new legal immigrants while we’re assimilating the ones who are here.” Asked if he is concerned about the ripple effect that could cause around the world, Paul said the details over which countries would be affected are still in the works.


  10. They still can’t face the truth that it’s about Brownification.

    Rand will be busy deporting Germans and Irish…

  11. Word came down yesterday that Obama’s new budget proposes cutting social security for whites who have been paying in for 40 years.

    The budget doesn’t frame it this way of course. It simply requires cutting SS, obfuscates the cuts using the jargon “chained CPI,” and creates exemptions in the cuts for people with “low income.” Obama is proposing to cut just about the only government program that helps white people.

    Obamacare is going to work the same way. Google Obamacare no man’s land and Paul Craig Roberts Obamacare deception.

    It turns out that as the Obamacare changes go into effect over the next few years, millions of “moderate and middle income families” are no longer going to be able to afford private insurance.

    The reason for this is that Obamacare is going to make private insurance impossibly expensive for “moderate income families” (aka whites who work but aren’t rich). At the same time, it is anticipated that “moderate income families” are not going to be eligible for the new healthcare subsidies because they will have income and therefore will make too much money to qualify for subsidies.

    Nice. Obamacare puts healthcare costs through the roof for middle income whites, then shuts them out of subsidies. The voodoo is accomplished by manipulating the definition of “affordable” and “affordability.” Google the above for the details.

    Moderate income families, therefore, will either pay exorbitant amounts for crappy policies, or go without insurance while. Meanwhile, needless to say, families with”low income” will qualify for the new healthcare subsides. To rub salt in the wound, these subsidies will be paid for by the taxes and premiums extracted from the moderate income families forced to bear the higher costs.

    The “low income” category will include of course the browns they’re about to amnesty. If you research these topics, you won’t find any discussions of race. All of the analysis and discussion is in code (ex: “moderate income,” “low income,” etc.).

    It’s all front attack, folks.

  12. I believe only Virgil Goode is anti-immigration, and is he running any further for future office?

    But on our last stop on these Nu-Libertarians, while the Pauls vow to collapse the floodgates as all the rest, would they stop the states, state-wise, enacting their own anti-immigration laws, esp. against the Fed?

  13. Excellent comment Lew.

    This FedGov anchor we’ve created is going to drag us all to hell unless we can release it.

    Who wants to hold on all the way down to the bottom of the sea?

    Not me.

  14. The memory of Rubio’s “water bottle gate” may fade away in a few years, or maybe it won’t.

  15. Good comment, Lew. “They” want to impoverish and enslave the white middle class through “health care.”

  16. Rubio is white so he doesn’t fit the bill. Pure Iberian ancestry not a South of the Rio Grande mongrel with a small dash of Spanish far, far back in the family tree. Bush has more Brown cred than Rubio does because Bush’s kids are half brown through Mexico. He would bring them everywhere too. Bush’s son is the right shade of dark brown not fair like Rubio. Hag / Patrick I still think is a dunk, but we’ll see.

  17. I believe that the only anti-immigration candidate left is Virgil Goode, and nobody’s trying to Tweet or spread around his existence.

    But on our last stop of these post-2012 candidates, while the Pauls may want to totally collapse the floodgates, would the state-advocated state changes, state-wise, be overturned by the Fed if it’s going against their NWO elite cabal premeditated White Genocide platform?

  18. Robio is Cuban, right? They are not the same …

    Bush is probably of some interest as he’ll shovel soldiers at Iran. Clinton of interest as a dynastic showdown. I’m not certain that the Dems are slated to win the next election anyway. The press only need to hate on a candidate and the candidate gets destroyed. It looks arbitrary and about likeability but the press gets to decide who the freak is.

    Look at how the assholes sold Obama as likable.

  19. Forget it, people. This game is over. 50+ percent of children under 5 in the US are now shit-monkeys. Your future in a pan-continental unitary US is now gone, and it cannot be brought back.

    The only thing to discuss now is a practical plan for whites-only secession (sorry, Jews, you’re not whites, you’ll just have to live with your pet monkeys who you love so much) and a fortified whites-only ethnostate, or several such states, on the North American continent.

    It will be crucial to begin establishing diplomatic contacts with Russia, Canada, and Eastern Europe. North American whites will need the Russian nuclear umbrella and white Canadian diplomatic alliances in order to succeed against the evil, racist, anti-white, Jew-controlled monster formerly known as America.

    Start thinking about this now. We’re going to need to move on it in less than 30 years, and so we need to get our theoretical and diplomatic ducks in a row NOW.

    There is no other choice. Mathematically speaking there can no longer be a reversal of the present situation.

    1) There must be a whites-only ethnostate, or more likely several such states, established in North America.
    2) Whites must have outside diplomatic support from a nuclear power; the most likely candidate is Russia.
    3) It must have outside economic and political support.
    4) Parts of Canada may be included in this state, especially the St. Lawrence river system and the Canadian share of the Great Lakes, so Canadian diplomatic overtures must begin now.
    5). The white ethno-state(s) of North America must be strictly Christian: no atheists, no agnostics, no Muslims, no Hindus, and above all, NO JEWS. Jews must be strictly and rigorously banned; they may not even enter as visitors.
    6) In case I forgot to mention it, NO JEWS. Or else the whole mess will just start all over again. They can’t help themselves; betraying whites is what they do. Plus, won’t it be grand to see the look on their faces when they realize it’s THEM who will have to live with the Muslim, the grease-blob, and the primitive negro? Well, they’ve earned it.

  20. Those were quite sensible comments by oscar. Essentially, a call for ethno-state, partition-oriented WNism as the only hope. This is true.

  21. There must be a whites-only ethnostate, or more likely several such states, established in North America.

    Roughly, what boundaries do you propose?

  22. Renaissance.

    It was better than the actual classical period. The fractured city states of Italy and the Low Coutries produced more literature, paintings, tech, design than the thing they were
    Claiming to revive.

    I think that America needs to be defined according to race. Hitler fell on his face doing this in Europe. Hopefully whatever happens next to the broad mass of Europeans and White Americans is better than the supposed golden period of degeneration we have witnessed since ww2 and possibly since 1914.

  23. “Rubio is white so he doesn’t fit the bill.”

    Rubio will prove attractive to White suburbanite females as was Obama. This would take away from Hillary’s base.

  24. “Hopefully whatever happens next to the broad mass of Europeans and White Americans is better than the supposed golden period of degeneration we have witnessed since ww2 and possibly since 1914.”

    What has actually occurred since 1820 or so is the Industrial Revolution. It hasn’t nearly played itself out yet on a global scale.

  25. “The white ethno-state(s) of North America must be strictly Christian: no atheists, no agnostics”

    Fat chance. Nobody in their right mind believes Jesus or anyone else for that matter, actually rose from the dead nor do they believe that the Earth is only 6000 years old.

  26. Don’t worry Rudel, this new state ain’t going to be for washed up Boomers. We’ll make sure you get a good spot in line for a work visa though. We’re going to need janitors.

  27. “Nobody in their right mind believes Jesus”

    “Right” minded, by what standard?

    Christianity is not finished, only beginning.

  28. “RIGHT minded”…”by the standard of repeatedly verifiable experiment”:

    By repeated PSYCHOLOGICAL experiments? You believe in Psychology, then?

  29. Or do you believe the Faith is disproven by OTHER kinds of experiments? That the existence and the resurrection of the Incarnate Deity (the Christ) have been disproven by experiments?

  30. @Mosin Nagant

    Please explain the physics behind fully intact human resurrection. Because if could manage to patent the process, I’ll bet I could make a fortune.

  31. There is marked division between the atheist or agnostic WN vast majority and a small Christian theocratic minority on this blog that claims to relate and appeal to the Christian South.

  32. Nevertheless it is a serious matter, joking aside. No one in their right mind can believe? Bible Belt Southrons will surely flock to the banner of THIS anti-Christian, WN secession movement!

  33. When the Cross is presented to come of these commenters, they react like vampires. They despise it.

  34. I meant Rudel. Not you Mosin.

    Although I don’t get the reason for your theology lectures.
    Rudel just argues to argue. At least Chris is doing it from deep seated bigotry.

  35. Typo correction: “come of these commenters” should have been: “some of these commenters”

  36. We would still be in the same boat if the US had banned slavery outright in 1805. Or in 1705… The South could well be like Mexico.

    “Next Time Let Em Seceed.”

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