American Renaissance Live Blog

Day 3 has started. John Derbyshire is the first speaker and he is a good speaker. Derbyshire was a star writer for National Review who was purged for writing a “racist” article about Black crime for Taki-Mag.

Derbyshire is talking about anthropology, racal homogeneity in the England of his 1950s youth, shows examples of all White US military units.

Now he’s discussing ethnic history of “pre-history”.


  1. “Tactics are for amateurs logistics are for professionals.” —Occigent

    That’s true, and once you learn failing to plan, is planning to fail. Everything falls in place.

  2. August Dammler says:
    April 7, 2013 at 4:36 pm
    “Day 3 has started. John Derbyshire is the first speaker and he is a good speaker.”

    When a so-called “white advocacy group” like Amren has to summon a RACE-MIXER like Derbyshire to “educate” us, it simply accomplishes but one thing: that the WN movement is totally bankrupt and totally corrupt.

    Why oh why is this Derbyshire invited to speak? Why is he PAID money to speak? Why is he not instead shouted down in a cyclone of denunciation for adding to the population of mongrel peoples now overrunning America? And WHY do so many WN/SN cheer on this filthy race-traitor on?!?

    Jack Ryan responds:

    OK, I ‘ll take a stab at answering your question.

    Because it’s a fallen world and we try to do this best we can, soldier on in very difficult times. We try to find someone, anyone with any useful talents to work for our side. Mr. Derbyshire is a very talented writer and speaker. He speaks well for our side.

    Another point to remember is that the 100% , hard core American WN who reject anyone and everything ( including Christianity in all forms) these holier than thou true WN believers can’t do very much of anything, certainly can’t hold a conference in a respectable place, can’t get intelligent, educated speakers, can’t get decent women to be seen in public with them.

    I hope that answers your question.

  3. Opposition to multiculturalism and mass immigration can only be accomplished by scientific and logical appeals . . ..

    You’re wrong because people are non-scientific and non-logical. AmRen has been using scientific and logical appeals for years and has nothing to show for it. A charismatic leader is what is missing in nationalism; someone to put fire in the souls of the people. Looking to the recently-successful nationalist parties in Europe shows this to be true (e.g., compare a Golden Dawn rally to an AmRen conference).

  4. Whites race mixing with blacks takes the low IQ whites out of the gene pool. Whites race mixing with East Asians (Japan, China, Korea) leads to white kids by the second generation.

    The issue is to stop immigration. If you keep immigration out, the race mixing will cleave off the white trash into the “black” category and the Asians will disappear completely into whites, the same way whites disappear completely into Han in China.

  5. What Derbyshire did does not creep most folks out like the White/ black race mixing does. I have no idea why, but I cannot began to count the number of Whites I know who hate negros and don’t give gooks a second thought

  6. As far as Derbyshire goes, I tend to think the personal is political. By the same token, one out of four White children today are born to single mothers, so who the Dad is, is a debate or question. Let’s not forget about test tube, and petri dish children who may account for as many 250,000 births a year according to the CDC.

    As far as Taylor goes, I had a political friend who was a very successful political organizer, and an anti-Semite. He would sell Jews tables to his events, but, he would NOT have Jews speaking at his events, or writing for any publications he was involved in publishing, funding or promoting. This gentleman did have a few Jewish friends who respected his integrity!

  7. “We try to find someone, anyone with any useful talents to work for our side. Mr. Derbyshire is a very talented writer and speaker. He speaks well for our side. (…) 100% hard core American WN who reject anyone and everything (including Christianity in all forms) …can’t do very much of anything…can’t hold a conference in a respectable place, can’t get intelligent, educated speakers, can’t get decent women….”

    What about the third way, Jack? In fact, it is the FIRST way: Christianity as such, which is ignored or rejected by BOTH “mainstream” WN and “hard core” WN.

    The rejected stone is in fact the head of the corner (not “a tool to be used” or an optional window dressing) and NOTHING can be built successfully without it. Another commenters just mentioned here that one fourth of white births are out of wedlock (I think it is more) now, and there are at least 250,000 “test tube” conceptions a year; mixing with Asians isn’t really harmful and hardly anyone notices or cares anymore; mixing with Africans isn’t really harmful because it “only involves lower IQ whites”; religion and morality are nonessential or harmful; “moralising” about religion and morality is foolish and annoying, and is “religious trolling” or “hobby horse riding”; resurrection, final judgement and eternity are myths, etc.

  8. Alexa Chung. Look her up.

    There’s a chink in the woodpile but she’s a very pretty white lady. Mixing here and there with an east Asian does not seem to dilute the blood too much if her example is anything to go by.

  9. Whites race mixing with East Asians (Japan, China, Korea) leads to white kids by the second generation.

    Someone who looks white and is not is more of a problem than someone who is obviously non-white. 75% white is not white.

  10. John Derbyshire is doing about all he can do given his circumstances … which is more than millions of White people in the Northern states who actively try to make things worse than they already are now.

  11. Most whites have no sympathy for “Dixie” or Neo-Confederacism or whatever it is you advocate.

    Most whites don’t need to have sympathy for Dixie. Southrons are the target audience for that cause and millions of Southrons are prospective Southron nationalists.

  12. My problem with Derb is not his family but public record. First, Derb was a party to NR, WFB and Goldberg’s efforts to mislead white conservatives. He worked with NR for years. He didn’t have a problem working for and with people who purged among many others Sobran, Francis and Brimelow.

    Also, Derb made dispicable statements after Rich Lowry publically fired and humiliated him. White advocates and nationalists fanned out over the Internet to defend Derb and his Taki piece. During the same period, Derb gave an interview defending WFB and Lowry’s purges of explicit white advocates and threw in he agreed with the purges because ” there are a lot of nuts on the right.” Derb threw more radical White advocates than he is under the bus — exactly what Lowry did to him.

    Finally, the Derb has never told the truth on the JQ. His review of CofC was misleading and unfair.

  13. John Derbyshire is doing about all he can do given his circumstances … which is more than millions of White people in the Northern states who actively try to make things worse than they already are now.

    Does the benefit of what he is doing outweigh the demoralisation and disunion that are caused by his blatant and unprincipled hypocrisy?

  14. 1.) When Derb worked for NR, it was always obvious that he was a racialist. It was never really a secret.

    2.) Sobran, Francis, and Brimelow also wrote for NR. If memory serves, Derb never condemned Jared Taylor or Peter Brimelow while he was at NR.

    3.) I think you are confusing Derb with Weissberg who spoke at the last Amren conference.

    4.) What do you mean by the truth on the Jewish Question?

  15. What would you have him do?

    Divorce his wife and shun his children? In light of his circumstances, he’s doing about all he can do for someone in his situation. The real problem is the millions of White people who won’t do a damn thing, who don’t care what kind of world they are leaving behind, and who actively try to make things worse than they are now.

    What about the 40 or so White communists who were there? What about people like Rand Paul who are going to try to pass amnesty for illegal aliens this week? Let’s focus on the real problem.

  16. If we ever lose control of Dixie, it won’t be because of John Derbyshire. It will be because of millions of worthless White people – the kind that I see every day – whose lives consist of getting drunk on the weekends and watching SEC football and voting straight ticket Republican.

    Right now on, there are 1,325 comments on a story about whether or not black football players at Auburn used synthetic marijuana. 1,157 comments have been posted on a story about Bo Jackson’s reaction to the latest Auburn football scandal.

  17. What would you have him do?

    Retire from public engagements. There are some people whose personal lives are so sullied that the best thing they can do for racialism is stop promoting it. He is one such person; Kevin Strom is another example.

    If we ever lose control of Dixie, it won’t be because of John Derbyshire. It will be because of millions of worthless White people – the kind that I see every day – whose lives consist of getting drunk on the weekends and watching SEC football and voting straight ticket Republican.

    You’re right about that. Our people are far too distracted by trivialities.

    • I wouldn’t compare John Derbyshire to Kevin Alfred Strom.

      This is actually one of our biggest problems. Virtually every White person has a non-White friend or a non-White relative somewhere in their family tree now. These personal relationships are often the biggest stumbling block in trying to convert people to our point of view. The issue needs to be navigated in such a way that racialist values triumph first and behavior adjusts to reflect those values over time.

      The same way that “civil rights” was accepted before racial attitudes toward intermarriage began to change or “white supremacy” was accepted before segregation became institutionalized after 1900.

      If we changed our ideas and values about race tomorrow, the behavior of White people would adjust to reflect those values over time.

  18. “the kind that I see every day – whose lives consist of getting drunk on the weekends and watching SEC football and voting straight ticket Republican”

    What more could any man ask for other than sex,food,alcohol,and entertainment.

  19. “They were not amphibian in their thinking”

    Explains operation seas lion of invading England was propaganda for the masses to gear up for war. Germans military designed for land expansion as were the Russians .the Brits and U.S. sea power.

  20. In the real world, I have friends like Michael Cushman – who live and breathe Southern Nationalism – and other friends whose only ambition in life is to get as drunk as possible and hook up with as many women as possible next weekend.

    The latter is why we are losing.

  21. Wasn’t the Canadian Amassador who sheltered the Americans at the Tehran Embassy married to an East Asian?

    I distinctly recall.

    Here, one would have to condemn every man of the world. Every sailor who has been to the Phillipines, Japan, Korea… The discourse just becomes childish at that point. Just avoid mixing with niggers, and avoid free trade with China. Perfectly reasonable stuff.

  22. “I don’t see him preaching the joys of interracial marriage.”

    On the contrary, he has written about it in his articles numerous times.

  23. “Most Whites thought the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a wonderful idea.”

    No they didn’t. It was hotly debated in the North and was seen by many Yankees as an outrageous attack on freedom of association and property rights.

  24. “Virtually every White person has a non-White friend or a non-White relative somewhere in their family tree now “

    Speak for yourself Rastus. Maybe down where you live in the American Congo it is true but not for self-respecting families. You can have your genome analyzed nowadays for your ethnic markers if you have the nerve.

  25. “Alexa Chung. Look her up. There’s a chink in the woodpile but she’s a very pretty white lady.”

    – The chink would be her father, and no, she’s not pretty in the slightest.

  26. I met Robert Weissberg at the Amren Conference and found him to be an honest, decent fellow. And I don’t have any problem with (honest) Jewish liberals.

    Robert Weissberg and the other Jewish New Yorkers in attendance certainly aren’t White NAZI White Nationalist, well neither are most of us there. They/we just note the huge double standards about race, crime, cultural in American society and as they (I) have lived in New York City, they/we just note the terrible realities of Black crime and they work to oppose it just as they would real White crime.

    Another Jewish New Yorker or a guy with some Jewish heritage that opposes terrible Black crime and terrible 3rd world immigration is radio talk show host Howard Stern.

  27. Speak for yourself Rastus. Maybe down where you live in the American Congo it is true but not for self-respecting families. You can have your genome analyzed nowadays for your ethnic markers if you have the nerve.

    This. Someone with colored family members can only be a cruddy in-law and a cruddy “racialist”.

  28. Mixing with Africans = next generation is significantly less intelligent. A loss of intelligence that would normally take hundreds or thousands of years of dysgenic breeding is compressed into a single generation. It’s a crime against humanity, assuming you envision a technological future.

    Mixing with East Asians = next generation may think and act a little differently, but they are not less intelligent. Kids will be different, but they will not be objectively worse. They may be subjectively worse, but that’s a matter of opinion.

    I’m not suggesting that miscegenation is a good thing, because there are many real measurable mental characteristics besides IQ and a mixed Anglo/Chinese nation will have a very different character from the original Anglo nation. And freely mixing with East Asians will essentially lead to white genocide, as they are far more numerous than us.

    But science tells us that we can afford a bit of flexibility with regard to white people who have married East Asians. And we may need to show such flexibility as many intelligent, nerdy right wing males are turning to East Asian brides as they’ve haven’t been poisoned by feminism to quite the same degree that white women have.

    It is also worth noting that quite a few European populations have absorbed East Asian genes in the historical past. It doesn’t seem to have been hugely detrimental to those populations. Actually, it seems to have been less harmful than absorbing Arab genes was.

  29. “I’m not a white nationalist,” Weissberg added. “I’m a 1960s color-blind liberal…. I remember being in NYC when the Civil Rights Act passed in 1964. We were dancing in the streets.”
    “White nationalism is not really an ideology, its obnoxious,” he said. “As I told them at the conference, you’re better off being called a child molester than a white nationalist. So, I said, if you are a white nationalist, why not move to a place that’s all white?”

    Jack Ryan says:

    I met Robert Weissberg at the Amren Conference and found him to be an honest, decent fellow. And I don’t have any problem with (honest) Jewish liberals.

    Now that is some Chutzpah! He made an appearance at Amren after saying the above after the last one?

  30. Taylor has been inviting Jews with that attitude to participate for 20 years.

    It harms his credibility. Taylor is the American Guillaume Faye.

  31. Christians have to find their balls before they will be of any use to our race, or God. Right now, I cannot think of a more neutered group of White men in the nation

    While I wasn’t alive for the voting, the congress critter vote tally for damn sites doesn’t look like it was hotly debated

    In the here and now you should shoot for getting 80% of what you want. Derbyshire is part of that 80% or so. After that you can go for the rest.

  32. “While I wasn’t alive for the voting, the congress critter vote tally for damn sites doesn’t look like it was hotly debated”

    That’s right, you weren’t around. Not everyone was a nigger lover back then nor are they still. And, as I keep telling you but you fail to understand, legislation doesn’t reflect the will of the people when only the elites get to choose who gets on the ballot or TV.

  33. How many of them congress critters were reelected after their vote? Face every empirical evidence we can produce shows yankees suck on the race question

  34. The reason why yankees suck on the race question, in terms of strict electoral reliability, is because Democratic politicians in the North cleverly bundle racial issues like AA and social welfare, alongside white working-class issues like labor protection and abortion rights in their party platforms. The result is the white voter having to compromise his personal feelings about race, for the security of things of immediate importance to his family’s well-being, like his own job security and the availability of medical care.

    Southern whites do the same thing — they vote Republican, every time, in spite of that party’s systematic surrender on everything from immigration to the Second Amendment, because Republicans are immovable on one issue — abortion. As long as the Republican party is pro-life, the Southern white will bend knee and open mouth for them. It boggles me that the Democrats don’t just take a lip-service, pro-life stance on abortion. They would win every state in the South without having to spend the time and money to alter the regions demographics by way of unchecked immigration.

  35. Pennsylvania repealed its own anti-miscegenation law … in 1780. New York never passed an anti-miscegenation law.

    If you go back all the way back to the beginning of America, you will find that Yankees like Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush, and Samuel Stanhope Smith were arguing with Thomas Jefferson about racial equality.

    Nothing has changed. The same stupid arguments that were made against Jefferson are still made today by the same people.

  36. “every empirical evidence we can produce shows yankees suck on the race question”

    Making general statements about hundreds of millions of people is just plain ignorant. 150 years ago almost all Northern Whites outside of New England opposed Negro freedom and citizenship. In fact most were opposed to the War itself by 1864 and would have elected McClellan and ended it if y’all had had enough sense to replace Braxton Bragg when you had the amply numerous chances to do so.

    Frankly I don’t give a shit. I don’t have to live among jungle bunnies so I don’t. You imported them and now you’re royally stuck with them every which way you turn down there in the American Congo. You will be the first to go down in flames when the Union breaks up as it surely will

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