The Weekly Standard on the SPLC

The Weekly Standard


Very odd … a neocon rag launches a spirited attack on Morris and the SPLC:

“Irony turns out to be what the SPLC is all about. Thanks to the generosity of four decades’ worth of donors, many of whom—as SPLC president Richard Cohen himself noted in a telephone interview with me—are aging Northern-state “1960s liberals” who continue to associate “Southern” and “poverty” with lynchings, white-hooded Klansmen, and sitting at the back of the bus, and thanks also to what can only be described as the sheer genius at direct-mail marketing of Dees, the SPLC’s 76-year-old lawyer-founder, who was already a multimillionaire by the late 1960s from the direct-mail sales of everything from doormats to cookbooks, the SPLC is probably the richest poverty organization in the history of the world. From its very beginning the SPLC, thanks to Dees’s talent for crafting multi-page alarmist fundraising letters, has not only continuously operated in the black, but has steadily accumulated a mountain of surpluses augmented by a shrewdly managed investment portfolio. Today the SPLC’s net assets total more than $256 million (that figure appears on the SPLC’s 2011 tax return, the latest posted on the organization’s website). That represented a more-than-doubling of the $120 million in net assets that the SPLC reported in 2000, which was itself more than a doubling of the $52 million in net assets that the SPLC reported during the mid-1990s.”

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Neocons were originally made up in part of Jews who turned against the civil rights movement when it began to destroy their own communities and black leaders turned against Israel.

    While they they are happy to use non-whites and “anti-racism” as a weapon against white gentiles, they are less naive than other liberals about the possibility of this weapon turning against themselves.

    I also suspect that they are cutting loose from the SPLC because they correctly recognize that the organization is losing its moral credibility and utility as a weapon against their enemies. The Neocons want to protect the use of “racist,” “anti-semite,” “homophobic,” and “hate group” as effective moral weapons against their own enemies, but the SPLC has been hyper-inflating these smears to the point of meaninglessness.

  2. I’m just gonna lump the SPLC with jews in general, sins of the father and all that happy horse crap.

  3. The angle is that this is over a decade old news being portrayed as anything but for the purposes of their scam.

  4. In my neoconservative days I actually subscribed to The Weekly Standard, and let me tell you, the writing is impressive. The may be “The Enemy” much of the time, but don’t be too surprised if a good idea shows up on its pages every so often. Remember, many or most of the writers do think of themselves as “conservative”, even if they might also believe they’re classical liberals or neoliberals.

  5. “Very odd”

    The SPLC adding Christian groups to their list of white “hate” groups over gay marriage includes Christian Zionists useful to the neocons.

    Part of the clash between the Israel first, Anti-White second faction and the Anti-White first, Israel second faction.

  6. So if the SPLC loses some of it’s cash cow, they’ll go work for the Weekly Standard. Great spiritual changes on the Road to Damascus.

  7. They doubled their endowment between 2000 and now while the market has been flat over the same period? Maybe they are good money managers, maybe shyster Jews in cahoots with their wallstreet brethren. Either way, the “anti hate” part isn’t needed for cashflow anymore. That quarter billion dollar (that they told .GOV about) pot will throw off lots of future income……probably via solyndra like govt handouts.

  8. Look at it this way the price of their anti-white genocidal policies have put a lot of nice jewish grandmother’s monies in one place, and not in some secret offshore bank account.

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