About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Nah, I figure they’ll pin it on “evil white racist anti-government extremists” because of April 15th.

  2. Gold crashing, market down. If this isn’t the Big One to blame “patriots,” it’s coming soon.

  3. Was anyone else tracking the judges getting killed in Texas? “THEY” were blaming the AB but now it looks like it was a justice of the peace. Don’t matter much, the slur was made and will stick.

  4. On the idea of mass killings like Newtown, if there are no guns, you’ll just see more bombings. Nerdy boys will gravitate toward such devices without much encouragement.

  5. Hours have gone by and no one claiming responsibility? So my completely WAG, the new unabomber type/gamer going for numbers.

    Another WAG, gun sale orders overwhelm the supply chain, it does seem that ‘Muurika is in a positive feedback loop and it is not a good one. Not that we need more guns its just that the Empire’s moral legitimacy has no brake material left on the pads.

  6. does anyone remember the failed backpack bombing in spokane washington some time ago? book it, they will try to blame white supremacists.

  7. If it is a Muslim/AQ type, I hope this puts the brakes on the amnesty bill. Though 9/11 should have seismically shifted the whole immigration issue to our side, but it didn’t.

  8. There will be no breaks on the push for amnesty. It’s all about replacing White men.

    Native/ founding stock Whites were too difficult to control, they began replacing us with more easily lead Whites. That only got “them” most of what they want. “They” will get the rest by swamping the last remnants of liberty loving founding stock with beaners and the like.

    Those people, and this nation has been at war with native born White men since before any of us was born

  9. Confederate Secret Service at it again.

    Today is tax day, and a lot of people have a visceral hatred of what this day represents. April 15 also is the day President Abraham Lincoln called for volunteers to join the Union Army following the Confederate shelling of Fort Sumter, South Carolina. The Civil War thus began, and lots of people in this country have ongoing feelings of bitterness about what that represented, especially for the South.


  10. Another WAG on my part, after reading the conventional CONtard posts above, this is all a plot to pull the country together before it completely unravels and leaves the joos out in the cold and looking for another body to attach to.

    “Whattaya say Clem?” “Nuke them sand niggers, is what I’m a saying.”

  11. If Obama and the media start dishing out the “Islam is a religion of peace” gruel, that will be the tip they’re 100% confident Muslim’s were behind it.

  12. I don’t believe any right-wing group or person, even a fanatic like a McVeigh type, would choose this target.

    Muslims or false flag. I hate to reflexively speculate about ff, but given the US government has been involved in so many lies and dirty deals it can’t be ruled out.

    Obama didn’t call it terrorism in his remarks.

  13. Maybe the contards won’t have a stupid ugly arab nation to nuke, but something seems odd about the timing. If this was to draw attention then it would have been best to detonate when some Kenyan was crossing the line and the TVs were there, but at 4 hours plus all you have is SWPL whites doing white stuff like run marathons so they can put stickers on their nice cars. So don’t target the third world contingent and their cheering bystanders but wait for the friends and families of those lucky enough or unlucky enough to get accepted to this event and them be whites.

    No-man anti-white patriotards like you are the problem.

  14. Everyone with an enemy hobby horse will now jump in and say:

    It must have been….


    Next the same old, same old conspiracy theory kooks will jump in that they and only they know…. THE TRUTH, that it was some government false flag operation designed to make Tea PArty tax protesters look bad on tax filing day and the whole Federal Income tax, IRS is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and everything will magically be made good against when some 80 year old third party patriot is elected President of the United States..

    Blah, blah, blah.

    Nobody knows anything now, so just be patient, stay sane… I wouldn’t go running in some 25 mile road race anyway, not a healthy thing to do. Go for a brisk walk instead.

  15. Honestly I really don’t get all that worked up about events like this. Not that I’m callous towards the innocents there its just I don’t bark when the media/government complex tells me to bark.

    Our government has done this crap to the third world for decades or paid others to do the same thing. The odds of this type of chaos never hitting our shores are way too small, so when or if the patriotards get all wound up “to nuke them some sandniggers” we just get more of the same, refugees and scoundrels by the boatload, chaos along with them.

  16. Hunter:

    Off topic but do you know what happened to the .gov website that was listed as the course for your “Crime in Alabama 2010″ pie charts in the ‘Color of Crime” section?

    And since they seem to have vanished, any new sources? Thanks in advance.

  17. Wait for it…

    “Sources have learned the explosives were manufactured from off the shelf smokeless powder typically used by ammunition handloaders and reloaders.” -CNN

    “There is no guarantee in the second amendment for owning gun powder, relaoding is hereby outlawed.” – Obama

  18. Ah: I just got it.

    MONTGOMERY, Alabama – A hack of the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center’s public website is now the subject of a criminal investigation, according to the Alabama Department of Homeland Security.

    Personal information was reportedly posted on the hacked state website on Sunday.

    The Alabama Department of Homeland Security confirmed Wednesday an unauthorized document was posted on the center’s website. The ACJIC manages criminal justice data for the state and serves as a resource for law enforcement agencies, according to its website.

    ALDHS said the document has been removed from the ACJIC site, and the center does not maintain personal information on the website that was hacked, according to a brief statement.

    The Internet activist collective Anonymous claimed responsibility for the attack, according to social media accounts associated with the group. The state website was targeted as part of a campaign for the reform of computer crime laws, according to various Twitter accounts associated with the activist group. The group reportedly posted personal information for thousands of bank executives nationwide on the ACJIC website.

    ALDHS declined to comment on the claim by Anonymous, saying the investigation into the breach was ongoing.

    Anonymous also claimed responsibility for a 2012 attack on state and local law enforcement computers.
    ALDHS is also investigating a January breach of a state computer network. The state agency declined to comment on suspects in the January breach, citing an ongoing investigation.


  19. https://v.cdn.vine.co/v/videos/2013/04/15/9000C854-1EDC-4F16-BFD2-1216BD16E309-1039-0000010027432EA9_1.0.7.mp4?versionId=Cj2e8IeN.sFllYxnTVEItFjPw7r8Bsyo

    Not sure if this was blast 1 or 2, but it was either amateur hour or designed to be all flash and minimal injury. All but one runner kept going and they were 20 yrds or less from it.

    Anyone who’s casually familiar with what’s been going on with US forces in the ME for the last 10 years, or who’s watched homeland, or who’s read up on just about anything that’s happened in Israel/Palestine area, or who can find a wikipedia article on hand grenades, or who’s played call of duty, knows you layer ball bearings, nails and whatever else you can find around your explosive if you want to hurt people.

    Either amateur hour or false flag. I’m guessing it’s the former since the MSM hasn’t trotted out a pic of anyone yet. I don’t think tower 2 had even falled on 9/11 by the time UBLs name was all over CNN.

  20. This just made me think about what happens once a leader de-escalates a war against a foreign power. Who is left to fight with? Each other?

    At least the psychopaths were broadly aimed at Arabs for a decade. The left were able to complain and moan a lot too, which made them happy too.

  21. Did others remember the shooting of liberal Arizona Congresswoman by some clearly identified mentally ill loner/loser a few years back.

    Fox News reported that inside Homeland Security officials had identified:

    American Renaissance Magazne

    as the leading suspect or something to that effect.

    I hope our own Hunter Wallace and all OD readers are prepared to handle similar smears. I suggest coming back with something to the effect that:

    “Well, I’m looking to become a WHITE HISPANIC by dating lots of pretty Latinas, but that’s about the end of it”.

  22. Jack! No. Don’t go there.

    I wouldnt be surprised if this turned out to be a Klebold & Harris type.

    There’s a wiff of high school amateurism at work here.

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