About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If there is one thing the history of Europe has taught us it’s that Whites will not be contained. Whites breaks free, they expand to new territories and crash through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously.

  2. I’ve seen the Helmet, it’s in the British museum.

    It’s a the mask of a killer, with an equally killer ‘tache.

  3. Chris – that “steal” is a screech! That ugly Kike only spoke the words. He didn’t write the words.

    Well done, No Man.

  4. I caught the journalist running the series bullshiting more than once, first saying that Charles the Great”pretended to be a simple man” but was a “gold seeking man”; but giving no proofs of it, just making a deceitful combination of images and words. Then he hints that the Church built by Charles the Great in Aachen was somehow a (bad) copy of the Mesquite in Cordova. Finally he dismisses Frankish architecture as cold, creepy, brutal…
    He has a Polish surname… Jewish “projecting” his true inner feelings, or just a useful idiot liberal?

  5. “That ugly Kike only spoke the words. He didn’t write the words.”

    Give credit where credit is due. The Fuhrer certainly did. They’ve done a hell of a good job following those principles as best they can for over 2500 years!

    Not to put too fine a point on the blindingly obvious but Western Civilization is built upon Monotheism even in it’s currently most Radical, Roundhead (Obama anyone?), Puritanical, scientific materialist reductionist form.

  6. At 0:57:38 there is a clear swastika in one of the illustrated pages of Lindisfarne Gospels produced around 700 AD in northern England. The chap stops at it with a magnifying glass but does not say anything… errh, let’s move on folks…

  7. “I’ve seen the Helmet, it’s in the British museum. It’s a the mask of a killer, with an equally killer ‘tache.”

    I don’t know if they had full-length mirrors back then but if i was dressed up in that gear before a battle i’d feel so totally badass i’d be brave just out of the sheer vanity of wanting to look cool in my armor.

  8. “I don’t know if they had full-length mirrors back then but if i was dressed up in that gear before a battle i’d feel so totally badass i’d be brave just out of the sheer vanity of wanting to look cool in my armor.”

    Far better that you have ingrained muscle memory for all the basic moves with your principal weapon.

  9. He was likely just a minor king among kings too. I think they found jewels from Jndia in his burial goods.

    Just a local king/pirate

  10. Kenneth’s show wasn’t groundbreaking, unless of course you mean that it was a groindbreaking on his grave pit. The Academic knives flashed out fast after his series was televised.

  11. “Just a local king/pirate” A baron is a baron is a baron is a baron…

    Always willing to pledge his sword in search of an earldom or a kingdom if he’s got the balls and pedigree. As far as I’m concerned one must go no further back than William of Orange for an example of Right of Conquest.

  12. Rudel: for God’s sake. Western Civilization existed and thrived for hundreds even thousands of years before monotheism. The Greeks and Romans were pagans (which simply means “of the country”) in their prime. Most of the holidays we celebrate in Western culture are pagan in origin.

  13. Isn’t that from the Sutton-Hoo collection? An Anglo-Saxon mask, Germanic tribes who worshipped Woden (Odin) and displaced the Celtic Britons?

  14. Probably enslaved them and then went native. It’s also possible that it was just a change in material culture. Like Bluejeans and Nikes. One other thing about these Masked Helmets: The Romano British had very similar things. One of the recovered Items from the Battle of Teutoberg Forest is a Gold Cavarly helmet with a mask. There’s at least one other item from Hadrian’s Wall that is a Cavarly helm with mask. I can’t recall the name though. It’s also at the British museum.

  15. BBC has yet to get the memo that the Dark Ages weren’t “dark.” It’s a term used by 18th Century liberals to besmirch the Church. Historians long ago dropped the term, but it lives on!

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