Democratic Party Crumbles … In Alabama


As the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate in Washington debates “comprehensive immigration reform,” the Alabama Democratic Party is crumbling as DWLs and their negro allies have recently had a major falling out:

“BIRMINGHAM, Alabama – At noon today Mark Kennedy becomes the former chairman of the Alabama Democratic Party.

At 12:01 p.m. Kennedy becomes chairman of the Alabama Democratic Majority, a new non-profit he has created in an effort to rebuild a party that is struggling for relevancy throughout much of Alabama. …”

In the 2012 election, the last Alabama Democrat holding a statewide office was defeated. Judge Roy Moore returned to the Alabama Supreme Court.

Republicans now control every statewide office in Alabama, every seat on the Alabama Supreme Court, 6 out of 7 House seats, both Senate seats, and a supermajority in the Alabama state legislature.

Unlike the national GOP, the Alabama Republicans passed a tough immigration law and have aggressively moved beyond that to attempting to destroy the AEA with the Alabama Accountability Act and now they are attacking the corrupt negro controlled Birmingham Water Works Board.

Note: In the 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney decisively won Alabama with 61% of the vote. The Alabama electorate was 68% White. Nationwide, the U.S. electorate as a whole in 2012 was 72% White, which resulted in a 51.1% Obama victory.

In Alabama, the Democratic Party has fallen on such hard times that the core DWL/negro alliance has been split down the middle. Yet that same coalition which has been demolished in Alabama smugly rules Washington and is relentlessly pushing for gay marriage, gun control, and amnesty for illegal aliens.

What’s the difference? Not any mysterious “System,” but cultural differences in the composition of the White electorate which produce one result in Alabama, and another result in the U.S. as a whole.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What is the percentage of White voters in Alabama that are Unaffiliated? That would be good to know because they’ll keep the Republicans somewhat honest since they’ll be a force pulling mostly from the right.

  2. Very good.

    Now let’s try to make some local White Alabama power through the White dominated Alabama Republican party.

    Go for:

    Local White Alabama GOP control of school boards
    Local White Alabama control of the purse strings, county board chaimen.
    Local White Alabama control of the ALABAMA MEDIA – everyone on Alabama TV has to be from Alabama and be White – no more Indian dot head “conservatives’, no more Hollywood, NY Jewish Neo Conservative “converts” to our side.
    Local White Alabama control through White GOP control of everything in Alabama

    OK if lots of drunk Whites in Alabama still want to worship Black thug, warrior slave SEC footbally players, and many of these same types get a hard on when Hank Williams Jr. sings about some new Neo Con war against Iran, that’s not good, but we understand.

    Go local.

    Our side has local political power in the great state of Alabama. Let’s make it happen.


    When is our own Hunter Wallace going to run and win his first state represenatative seat as a White GOP state rep in Alabama?

  3. This is what happens when the white vote is close to unified.

    Unfortunately, the Republican Party in general does not serve the needs of white Southerners too well. Its only “use” is that the other alternative is total black rule.

    As an aside, I read on V-Dare last week that even counting current demographic trends, the Republicans could still win the Presidency in the year 2052 if it got 70% of the white vote. MS whites voted 89% Romney, AL whites voted 84% Romney, so those kinds of margins among white voters are easily possible.

    • If the Union didn’t exist, we could turn things around by working through “the System” here. There are some things which are just impossible to do so long as the Union exists.

      • I’m not running for elected office here.

        As long as the Union exists, it is a waste of time. The federal courts have already gutted our immigration law and a federal amnesty for illegal aliens combined with a massive expansion of legal immigration will undo anything we could accomplish at the state level.

  4. Sectional differences in culture are also the result of white migration, in other words, “liberals” leave Alabama, “conservatives” leave California.

    I guess for me the story has not been that there are sectional differences among whites, could that be otherwise in so large a nation?

    The story is that for so long there were too few non-whites to make pro-white government a practical impossibility. Now there are plenty. I still feel that pro-white government is a mathematical possibility, but the GOP isn’t even remotely interested in the kind of platform that would unify 80% of whites.

  5. 80% won’t be enough. The GOP needs to die. Let regional parties blossom.

    The President can cause much harm (havoc even) but he can’t appropriate one thin dime of revenue. A dysfunctional Congress does little harm. No money, no programs.

    Let’s start by gutting the Defense Department and NSA/CIA/Homeland Security budgets.

  6. Gut Defense?  One of the few essential functions of a state?  Man, are your priorities ever backwards!  Try gutting Agriculture (Food Stamps), Education (indoctrination) and “Justice” (Equal Opportunity and the rest of the civil “rights” apparatus) first.

  7. “The Essential Functions of the State” do not need to include 11 nuclear aircraft carrier battle groups (or is it 12? Hard to tell when we don’y have the money to refit and fuel them) nor does in require a trillion dollar budget for the secret policing of the populace.

  8. The carriers should be used to blast away at blacks and take the land for resettlement.

    It’s a big policy pill to swallow but it is the only future that is viable. Eventually those machines will rust, and what will we have to show for it? Detroit, Newark, New Orleans etc etc in tatters.

    I’d direct the entire fleet toward Africa and disgorge a couple of million soldier to conquer and re-settle Africa. A reverse Camp of the Saints.

  9. We need to take back Europe from the Turks, Moors, Bedouins, and Somalis first!

    WTF were you Brits even THINKING back when Hitler had the right ideas!?!

    Better that the aristocracy rather than the plebes had prevailed in Britain in 1940!

    Fuck Churchill and his Commie Yid FDR allies in D.C. We (Christendom) needed Halifax.

  10. I can’t help but wonder what these sectional differences portend for the future of whites on the North American continent. When I was at the Amren conference – where I met the amicable Jack Ryan – here’s what Sam Dickson said in the closing speech:

    “To adopt these terms [liberal and conservative] consigns us to a subset of a political spectrum that is irrelevant to our struggle. “We are a race, a folk, a people,” he said, “and a folk is not to be divided into Left and Right.” We can and must unite with all white people on the central subject of race; all other differences are insignificant. A true homeland for our people must be one that cares for our entire family.”

    Hunter is not on board with the white ethnostate, and for now anyway, neither am I. But here’s my question for Hunter and for everyone else: Are we trying to protect all whites in this country or just a certain group of whites? (in OD’s case, Southern whites).

    At this point I don’t have a bias either way. On one hand I thought Dickson’s speech – and Richard Spencer’s speech the day before – were compelling. Jack told me about Melinda Jelliby’s article in Amren, “Don’t write off the liberals,” and although I had my quibbles, I thought it was an outstanding article on the whole.

    Yet, on the other hand, although all of us might agree with a specific liberal policy such as national healthcare, can liberalism as practiced by whites be divorced from anti-racism? If it can, than the dreams of Dickson, Spencer, Counter-Currents, etc. might come true. But if it can’t, than it is my contention that whites across America will have to form their own separate states based on their own separate cultures. The Northeast can drown itself in anti-racism, the South can pursue a traditionalist society, etc.

    In any case, I agree with Hunter that the existence of the Union prevents Alabama and the entire South from doing what it’s ethnic core wants it to do. Hell, my home state, Michigan, will probably have Prop 2 shut down by the Supreme Court (Prop 2 bans affirmative action). If consent of the governed means anything, than this federal government and its failed Constitution must be terminated in one way or another.

  11. If I wanted to win, I’d join the Democrat party in Alabama. The GOP will be the left-wing party and the Democrats can be be the right-wing party. Note that the GOP will support the same agenda as they do today. The blacks can either pick one to get money from, or splinter into a black party.

  12. Hunter: I think JR has a good point. An official position would give you a platform to begin pushing the current system over the cliff. As the great statesman of Rome would close every oration, regardless of the subject, with ” and Carthage should be destroyed”, you could close with “and the Union should be dissolved”.

  13. Alabama needs a pro-independence party, one that will liberate its citizens from the crazy anti-whites in NYC and DC and other NE hellholes.

    IMO a good portion of Bostinians would have cheered the Chechens if they did this to white southeners, yes they are that evil.

  14. RobRoySimmons rants:

    “IMO a good portion of Bostinians would have cheered the Chechens if they did this to white southeners, yes they are that evil.”

    JR replies:

    Ridiculous nonsense. Go get some fresh air, see if you can get some female of any age to smile at you.

  15. Yes jack they would have cheered in Harvard, MIT, and the other various hell holes of evil. I honestly don’t know why you side with those evil anti-whites, but please stop it.

  16. Rob Roy is dead on right with that. I have known plenty of white northerners and they would have no problem pulling the trigger on white southerners right now if they could get away with it.

  17. I don’t know why jack ryan is siding with the crazies in the NE with their coexist bumper stickers and their Kos and DU fund raising receipts but there it is. People who spend their lives demonizing whites and siding with non-whites are not nice people, matter of fact a good catholic writer once wrote a book that concluded that traitors should be sent to the lowest level of hell, may that be reserved for white anti-whites.

    As for the paycheck stormtroopers making their big union 100k+ bucks a year pointing real machine guns at nice white girls and grandmas could we hazard a guess that white southeners are not their favorite people? I would bet if asked in public who they hate the most the word “racist” would be a top answer, and thank you Mr. Paycheck Stormtrooper go cash that check.

    So in conclusion if the chechen murderers had targeted white southeners at best it would make TV for maybe a day before stupidvision went back to its regularly scheduled programming and the average NEaster would at best give a feigned indifference to the fate of white southern males being killed by the DIEversity.

    Why do I say these things, simple, no human more callous than the morally superior, and the NEaster around transcendentalism became god.

  18. RRS is 110% correct, on the Boston DWL thing. If there is ANY White population that RICHLY deserves extermination, it’s the Darky Luvin’ pale vermin in BeanTown.

  19. On my mother’s side are original real NE “christians” and while they have the outward appearances of being nice people, just fall one degree outside of their moral parameters and you will become satan. It is quite something to watch people be mesermized by their own voices while spewing PC gibberish.

    Debating issues with them is pointless, this is tertiary, hell my grandfather in my lifetime switched 180 on many things so he could be on the right side and hell and damnation if you disagreed with what he agreed to years before, or, god can do whatever the fuck god wants.

    But good news you strip them of this notion of moral superiority, you own them, they become child like.

  20. Southies probably hate blacks more than southeners, but they don’t count and if they want a job doing some big bucks paycheck stormtroopin they better be “anti-racist.” Yes I have met some southies I prefer them on my side.

  21. Boston is full of people who would have cheered if the bombings had happened to White Southerners.

    However, these people don’t need to be exterminated.

    Change the incentives. Boston is full of status-seekers from the entire country. Have them compete for status by doing something useful instead of by saying the most outrageous things in support of leftism.

  22. Harvard, MIT, and the other various hell holes of evil.

    the crazies in the NE with their coexist bumper stickers and their Kos and DU fund raising receipts

    If there is ANY White population that RICHLY deserves extermination, it’s the Darky Luvin’ pale vermin in BeanTown.

    This is when the crypto-class war stuff starts.

    On my mother’s side are original real NE “christians” and while they have the outward appearances of being nice people, just fall one degree outside of their moral parameters and you will become satan.

    This would fall in line with E. Michael Jones’ observation that white nationalists tend to come from low-church or splinter-sect protestant homes. If you were raised in an offbeat religion and never had a pony you’re very likely to be a white nationalist at some point in your life.

  23. Well said Peppermint. Remove the high church phony status of “anti-racism” and thoroughly demoralize those fanatics and we would be way better off

  24. I would bet the new Copperhead movie will illustrate this NE sense of fanatic belief in their supposed moral superiority

  25. This would fall in line with E. Michael Jones’ observation that white nationalists tend to come from low-church or splinter-sect protestant homes. If you were raised in an offbeat religion and never had a pony you’re very likely to be a white nationalist at some point in your life.

    Yes, “tend.” I’m Anglo-Saxon American-American, my patrilineage goes back to the early 18th century, I was raised Episcopalian and I went to private schools. In pretty much every sense I have more in common with the “high church” types than with the “low church” types; except the political sense.

    This isn’t at all counter-intuitive. Commie demagogues (the non-Yid ones), for example, have a similar profile.

  26. While I don’t consider myself a white-nationalist at all (I am however a race-realist through harsh experience) I’m not sure that religious denomination has a reliably decisive influence on how a white person arrives at a place of racial clarity in their life, not in this day & age at least. Just for the record, I come from a Catholic family on both sides, but we were, and are, basically secular.

  27. Yes, “tend.”

    This is you agreeing with me.

    This isn’t at all counter-intuitive. Commie demagogues (the non-Yid ones), for example, have a similar profile.

    Enjoy being a big fish in a small pond.

  28. White Nationalism isn’t racial clarity. It’s a desperate attempt at identity by a deracinated individual. It’s like fat camp/self-help therapy for cultureless cretins…. There are the Tony Robbins types like the people at mindweapons that try to promote book’lear’n to middle-aged manchildren. You’re a viking! See you can do Calc! Learn a language!! Brush your teeth! *spit*.

  29. You are rather late to this blog’s concept. About a year ago this discussion was already resolved. Hunter stated at some point that he’s nota white nationalist because this meant a nation with no soil and no people. Thus Dixie, Cataluna etc etc…

    I don’t recall you having input at that point. Who is agreeing with whom?

  30. I was replying to chris313 and john, stop. When WNz come here you don’t help drive them away you little flake.

  31. “White Nationalism isn’t racial clarity. It’s a desperate attempt at identity by a deracinated individual. It’s like fat camp/self-help therapy for cultureless cretins.”

    It’s also probably the last hope for a country where you can’t get two white people to agree on the color blue.

    Do we WANT to gather around something more meaningful? Yes. Yet anyone who has spent more than a month researching the issue knows this is completely impossible. There is no other option left but to dumb it down to the lowest common denominator.

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