U.S. Senators Clash Over Comprehensive Immigration Reform

District of Corruption

In the U.S. Senate, hearings on “comprehensive immigration reform” have begun:

Note: U.S. representative Paul Ryan is swinging through Chicago to stand shoulder to shoulder with U.S. representative Luis Gutierrez in support “comprehensive immigration reform.”

“Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont and the chairman of the committee, opened a hearing on the legislation by taking issue with conservative commentators and Republican lawmakers — including Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the ranking Republican on the committee — who suggested last week that any debate about an immigration overhaul should take into account that the two suspects in the Boston bombing emigrated to the United States from Kyrgyzstan.

“Last week, opponents of comprehensive immigration reform began to exploit the Boston Marathon bombing,” Mr. Leahy said. “I urge restraint in that regard. Refugees and asylum seekers have enriched the fabric of this country from our founding. In Vermont, we welcome as neighbors Bhutanese, Burmese, Somalis, just as other states have welcomed immigrants to America for refuge and opportunity, whether it’s the Hmong in Minnesota, Vietnamese-Americans in California, Virginia and Texas, Cuban-Americans in Florida and New Jersey, or Iraqis in Utah. Our history is full of these stories of salvation.”

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Refugees and asylum seekers have enriched the fabric of this country from our founding. In Vermont, we welcome as neighbors Bhutanese, Burmese, Somalis, just as other states have welcomed immigrants to America for refuge and opportunity, whether it’s the Hmong in Minnesota, Vietnamese-Americans in California, Virginia and Texas, Cuban-Americans in Florida and New Jersey, or Iraqis in Utah. Our history is full of these stories of salvation.”

    If it’s so great, then why is the msm propagandize and gov enforce at gun point of third world status quo?

  2. They sure as hell enriched the Boston Marathon, didn’t they? What a vibrant event they made it! Bombs, body parts, lockdowns! Without diversity it would have been ever so dull and boring.

  3. “In Vermont, we welcome as neighbors Bhutanese, Burmese, Somalis”

    According to Wikipedia, the 2010 census shows that Vermont has a 94.3% non-Hispanic white population. Only Maine has a higher percentage at 94.4%. Of the 50 states in the Union, only 4 states have a non-Hispanic white population above 90% (Vermont, Maine, West Virginia, New Hampshire). Only 18 states have a non-Hispanic white population above 80%.


  4. This lying prick Paul Ryan could not even carry WI as VP nominee for the coward loser Romney and now he appears to be just another traitor.

  5. It’s amazing to me that not one senator or representative will dare invoke all those dead white men in Arlington they are always blowing about. Is this not an insult to their memory? Does this not cheapen citizenship and make the appellation of American meaningless? Why in the hell did our ancestors ever fight either of those god forsaken World Wars, better termed Civil Wars of the West.

  6. Bend-over Ryan is such a good little Latino “altar boy” as he was called. I love watching him in action!

    Meantime the u.s. is has become “enriched” with Ryan’s ilk that people whose families founded the country, fought in and funded the revolution, etc, won’t even have children there, and many have tried to leave the country, having found nearly no “higher ground” left.

    Who wants to have children who will have to work 3 jobs to fund Ryan’s paycheck?

    To pay for him and those like him—and all the food his fat stupid children will need to eat?

  7. Oh…wait. Right. He’s WHITE so we should love to pay for him. He’s WHITE so he’s just naturally so “creative” and “innovative.”

    He’s so creative, but he just didn’t really WANT to use his skills and instead decided to live on the public, and see his role as opening the south border (like so many other people who are WHITE and could surely be so “creative,” but just don’t FEEL like it)…. LOL!

    You know, the idea some here say that White people are just so genetically “Makers,” is ridiculous. If you think that, you clearly haven’t met many WHITES, 80% of which in the u.s. have decided to not even TRY creating anything, but who live fat on Warfare or Welfare paychecks from their government Daddy.

    Um… creative… NOT. 80% of Whites are just Generational State Dependents.

  8. Ryan’s so smarmy and fake, too. Totally oily. Obviously, any creativity or conviction was gutted out of him, and he’s 100% pure fake moralism.

    He’s the main reason Obama won.

    Real Americans puke when they see people like that. He was way worse than Romney on that score.

  9. Ryan’s an Oil Driller, He is Un White. His family are ugly. The kid’s clothing was a horror show, during the “Convention”. Wal Mart TRASH.

    I hate them ALL.

  10. “Why in the hell did our ancestors ever fight either of those god forsaken World Wars, better termed Civil Wars of the West.”

    Because the Germans are basically brilliant but still unfortunately the somewhat uncouth barbarians. European noblemen don’t quite measure up to the ideal of the English gentleman. Hitler, for all his many fine ideas, remained a resentful member of the lower middle-class and a radically democratic revolutionary. Definitely “below the salt” socially.

    Add to that the facts that we share a culture which includes a common language, religion, literature, philosophical traditions, economics, and the basic common law with England and the rest of the “Anglosphere” it would have been unthinkable that our WASP elite would not enthusiastically support the English in the two World Wars.

    It wasn’t based on rationality but on an unspoken ethnic solidarity that runs deeper than mere Reason.

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