Major Al-Qaeda Terrorist Plot Foiled In Canada


The two Muslim terrorists are not “Canadian citizens:”

Note: What was their immigration status?

“Canadian authorities have arrested two men accused of plotting to attack a passenger train in an al Qaeda-supported plot, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said Monday.

Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, of Montreal, and Raed Jaser, 35, of Toronto, are accused of conspiring to murder people on a VIA Canadian railway train, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said. While the suspects had the capacity to carry out an attack, the public was never in imminent danger, police told reporters. …

The suspects, who are not Canadian citizens, are scheduled to make their first court appearance on Tuesday, police said.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well, if a few hundred Canadian children die, that would be unfortunate, but if we ever come to believe diversity is not a strength, that would be worse.

  2. Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, and Raed Jaser, 35, are charged with “receiving support from al Qaeda elements in Iran” to carry out an attack and conspiring to murder people on a VIA railway train in the greater Toronto area, Assistant Police Commissioner James Malizia said.

    This is obviously the ZOG-approved propaganda line designed to fool the rubes. In truth it should read something like this:

    Shlomo Lipschitz, 30, and Shmuley Finklestein, 35, are charged with “receiving support from Irgun elements in Israel” to carry out an attack and conspiring to murder people on a VIA railway train in the greater Toronto area, Assistant Police Commissioner James Malizia said.


    Seriously, I heard on the radio that they were planning on blowing up a New York to Toronto passenger train when it crossed the border at Niagara Falls, but I can’t find another source confirming that.

  3. Did Canada really think they could pull a fast one? Obvious false-flag.

    In what is now a familiar pattern, the suspects were under surveillance for more than a year before their arrest. The FBI worked with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Canada Border Service Agency, and eight other police agencies, RCMP said Monday.

    The FBI has a long and well-documented history of staging terror events.
    The alleged attack arrives as the Harper government works to pass S-7, the Combating Terrorism Act, legislation that will rollback civil liberties in Canada.

  4. It’s the fault of Canadians being too xenophobic, racist and conservative.


    Seriously, that’s the excuse they’re running up the flag pole re Boston.

  5. Alex Jones and the false flag element in the various dissident communities have really discredited themselves this time. They don’t know when enough is enough. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. I say this as a person who believes Jews were directly or indirectly responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

  6. People have speculated for years Jones is a Jewish/establishment asset. That can never be definitively proven; however, what can be proven is 1) he never criticizes Jews, 2) almost never criticizes Israel, 3) gets advertising revenue from many Jewish-owned companies, and 4) distorts facts. Jones has a good job over the last week discrediting anyone and everyone who thinks false flags are real possibility (just not in this case).

  7. There are proper kebab sunnis in the outlying provinces and Iran has a complex relationship with al-Qaeda. Both the “islamic republic” and al qaeda would lose credibility if they entered direct conflict despite doctrinal differences. The Iranians keep some al-Qaeda bigshots under house-arrest or ask them to leave if there is too much trouble. Sulaiman abu Ghaith was safe in Iran and didn’t get busted until he left.

  8. Lew:

    You’re right. I almost totally disagree with AJ’s take on the Boston Massacre. It wasn’t a false flag, it was a true flag.

    The only thing Jones gets right is the evisceration of the Fourth Amendment in the authorities’ attempt to capture the younger doer. If, after all this, what it cost Boston and America in terms of monetary and non-monetary terms to apprehend the younger and do in the older one, they better give the younger one the death penalty.

    And also…the Fourth Amendment would not have been violated if we didn’t let these scummy semi-Arab/Turkic Muslims immigrate here in the name of “diversity.” And Alex Jones’s favorite (now retired) politician, Ron Paul, not only saw no problem with that, but wanted more of it.

  9. Maybe the niggers and sand nigger in the Joes can hunt down the double dealing Scot arms dealer, the Blonde gone bad Baroness and the Spec Ops bio weapon specialist gone nutz… And save the world for Er um … Trayvon?

  10. “Terror attacks are staged by intelligence agencies – they use official drills conducted by legitimate personnel as smoke/schmo screens”

    Fine. Shoot them. After consulting with Goebbels if Heydrich were in charge this whole thing would be over and done with.

  11. “Rudel, are you suggesting that somebody shoot them?”

    William Pierce thought that the optimal population for the U.S. (let’s include Canada just for kicks) was about 50 million people. I tend to agree and in that case we better get cracking.

  12. I think he actually said 80 million. He was right. Even without everything else, it’s too damn many people here now. It’s incredible liberals talk glibly about a population of half a billion in the US alone. Moron journalists from time to time bring up that old chestnut about how Texas alone could hold that many. They never mention things like where all those people would work, get food and water, etc. And there is a reason that places like in the west are still nearly devoid of population to this very day, centuries after colonization started.

  13. The conspiracy theorists were right after all:

    Madrid (CNN) — Spanish police arrested two suspected terrorists with apparent links to a Mossad-affiliated group Tuesday but said they had no indication of an imminent attack.

    The Interior Ministry identified the suspects as Moshe Goldenberger, from Tel Aviv, who was arrested in the north-central city of Zaragoza, and Yitzhak Silverstein, from Jerusalem, who was detained in the southeastern city of Murcia.

  14. O/T a bit but if I heard “conservative” Rush Limbaugh correctly yesterday he’s okay with drones killing American citizens, fighting “terrorism” of course.

    These same idiot “conservatives” never dream of the day drones will be aimed at them. Never could happen in Amurrica.

  15. The Jews want to use White fear and frustration with Muslim immigrant terrorism (real and set ups, some of both) to incite a US military attack on Iran.

    We want to use White fear and frustration with Muslim immigrant terrorism to stop, limit bad non White immigration, Arab/Paki/Turko mogolian, Orc immigration.

    Don’t let anyone confuse these issues, if you’re dealing with dumb goyim, yahoo Americuh Christian Zionists don’t try to argue them out of supporting military attacks against Iran, it’s a waste of time. Just force them to work for strict immigration control at least for bad, murderous Muslims.

    Only the Ron Paul, conspiracy theory kooks think mass Muslim immigration to the US is a good thing or not anything important.

  16. more of the same says:
    April 23, 2013 at 2:02 pm
    O/T a bit but if I heard “conservative” Rush Limbaugh correctly yesterday he’s okay with drones killing American citizens, fighting “terrorism” of course.

    These same idiot “conservatives” never dream of the day drones will be aimed at them. Never could happen in Amurrica.”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    Oh dear – looks like paranoid, conspiracy monger kooks are plaguing us here at OD.

    Hey CT – the US military has never used drone attack planes to kill any White Americans in America – zero, not one.

    Yeah, sure “in theory” all kinds of bad, strange things could happen. Maybe you’ll be stalked and sexually assaulted by some Swedish bikini team, not likely – but “It could happen”, anything could happen… just not likely.

    The American citizen killed by a US military drone was some nasty, ugly Afro Arab Muslim terrorist leader living in Yemen. How the F*$&*# is this guy considered

    “an American citizen”?

    Only but some F*&$* idiot, race denying traitor, Libertarian Constitutionalist like Ron Paul who accepts birth right citizenship for all the nasty, urine colored Ay-Rab, Black, Mestizo scum let in to our country on all types of education scams. Then the poop out some ugly, hateful non White baby and we’re supposed to give full US citizenship to these Afro Arab Muslim scum!

    No, don’t think so.

    The Japanese, Swiss, Danes, Austrians, Israelis don’t do anything insane/foolish like giving full citizenship to the children of Islamic extremists in their countries.

    Why the f*(#$ should we?!

    OK, so please adhere to the Occidental Dissent Comment guidelines and refrain from posting wild, unsubstantiated conspiracy theory nonsense here.

    We have real racial problems in our communities/countries.

    Right now the US Senate is trying to push through mass amnesty for 11-20 million non White illegal aliens. We should be focusing on beating back this racial genocide amnesty, not going nut case, paranoid about US military drone attacks on White Americans here in America.

    Take this CT #*$(# somewhere else, or better yet, get some psychiatric help.

  17. The Police Chief of Seattle has asked for armed drones. I totally oppose the use of armed drones on American domestic territory. Non-armed for observation? Fine. And I 100% support the use of armed drones in foreign war situations, because they fit perfectly into my paradigm of “we win they lose.” Knowing what I know now, our strategy in Afghanistan post-9/11 should have been armed drones and not troops on the ground.

    But you’re right, the armed domestic drone question is hardly our biggest concern right now.

    BTW, don’t believe what you’re reading in places that Rand Paul is coming back to the right side on immigration. Almost all the MSM articles state that RP himself is making it clear that he’s still voting for the amnesty bill, he just has a few “reservations” and he wants the process to “slow down.” Now, if slowing down helps us opponents organize an opposition campaign that leads to the bill not being passed, that’s fine by me.

  18. O/T a bit but if I heard “conservative” Rush Limbaugh correctly yesterday he’s okay with drones killing American citizens, fighting “terrorism” of course.

    These same idiot “conservatives” never dream of the day drones will be aimed at them. Never could happen in Amurrica.

    Suppose a drone had been used to kill Zokhar? So what? What is morally objectionable about using a drone to do this? 9,000 cops or a drone? The drone makes more sense financially and would hopefully interfere less with the lives of productive citizens.

    Just so we’re clear, you’re a triple-idiot in my book for listening to Rush Limbaugh in the first place, chimping at what I’d imagine to be a rational point, and then uttering forth in a conspiratorial not to mention off-topic manner. Smart patriotards such find a way to make money from their ideology; say what you will but Mr. Limbaugh is not an idiot.

  19. In reality citizenship is about as valuable as Roman Citizenship in 500AD.

    More like 3rd century AD. Don’t get ahead of yourself.

  20. No-Man writes:

    Suppose a drone had been used to kill Zokhar? So what? What is morally objectionable about using a drone to do this? 9,000 cops or a drone? The drone makes more sense financially and would hopefully interfere less with the lives of productive citizens.

    There is a third option: Not letting non-whites who hate us immigrate into the country. Then there’s a fourth option: After doing that and deporting all non-whites, also committing our people who are insane enough to put their ideology (whatever it is) ahead of the well being of our own people into mental asylums. I’d put Jack Ryan in charge of the Paultard/Libertariantard wing of that asylum, I would manage the rest.

  21. There is a third option: Not letting non-whites who hate us immigrate into the country.Then there’s a fourth option: After doing that and deporting all non-whites, also committing our people who are insane enough to put their ideology (whatever it is) ahead of the well being of our own people into mental asylums. I’d put Jack Ryan in charge of the Paultard/Libertariantard wing of that asylum, I would manage the rest.

    Where do people that think like this come from? is this a white nationalist website?

  22. “In reality citizenship is about as valuable as Roman Citizenship in 500AD.”

    – That’s right — America belongs to it’s native-born, who have actual roots here. So go go home, John.

  23. Countenance, please don’t think I’m trying to offend you. You sound like a great guy… But pickup a newspaper, Caesar is a coffee-colored Kenyan. There will be no end to mass race-blind immigration, there will be no deportations. Consider the Pacific Northwest where Rudel can teach you how to “shoot them” before joining Team Acetic Acid (HAC) OR move to Dixie and cross your fingers.

  24. No-Man:

    I don’t think you grok my point, mainly because I haven’t really taken the time to explain it here, even though I have on my own blog and on AR.

    Michael Savage is fond of saying that “liberalism is a mental disorder.” And he’s right. But as I have come to find out, using the same standard, lamestream conservatism is also a mental disorder. Jack Ryan has amply demonstrated that libertarianism is also a mental disorder.

    The point is that the mental pathology is not any particular abstract ideology. The real mental pathology is the concept of abstract ideology in and of itself, namely, adhering to any abstract ideology when doing so hurts your personal or tribal well-being. At that point, the abstract ideology stops being an opinion or set of opinions and becomes a cult, and its adherents cultists.

    Now, you may respond: Isn’t racial or ethnic nationalism an ideology? Yes it is, but it’s not an abstract ideology. It’s a concrete ideology rooted in a particular group of people who are usually associated with a particular place.

    Abstract ideology is perfectly fine when it’s not worshipped and placed ahead of the welfare of the underlying people or society. I have an abstract ideology, but it serves me as an individual and me as part of a collective. An idea that helps me, I adopt. An idea that harms me, I reject. Furthermore, an idea that I now hold I will reject if at some point in the future I find out that it no longer helps me but hurts me, either because of societal and cultural changes or because I was unaware before that the idea hurt me and I came to understand that it did.

    Race comes first, everything else is ultimately negotiable.

    As an aside, I am fine with libertarians that don’t sell out their own race, either by way of wanting to throw the borders open or through out and outright race treason. Hans Hermann-Hoppe and the regular AR posters libertarian1234 and JewAmongYou are examples, and I’m sure there are many more. They term their libertarianism as being good for white Americans and helping them be more tangibly and intangibly more prosperous and happier. But notice the emphasis is on the people, not the ideology.

  25. Duh. If not “white” nationalist, then at the very least Dixieron ethnonationalist.

    at the very least ?!

    Michael Savage is fond of saying that “liberalism is a mental disorder.” And he’s right. But as I have come to find out, using the same standard, lamestream conservatism is also a mental disorder.

    That’s because anyone that claims X ideology is a “mental disorder” is making an invalid argument. It doesn’t mean Savage has some insight into the human condition. It’s disturbing that you’re constructing ideology out of talk radio clammer and Jack Ryan’s blog posts.

    The point is that the mental pathology is not any particular abstract ideology. The real mental pathology is the concept of abstract ideology in and of itself, namely, adhering to any abstract ideology when doing so hurts your personal or tribal well-being. At that point, the abstract ideology stops being an opinion or set of opinions and becomes a cult, and its adherents cultists.

    Ideology is by its nature abstract and a natural outgrowth of abstract thinking so you should take your argument to its logical conclusion by opposing abstract thinking.

    Now, you may respond: Isn’t racial or ethnic nationalism an ideology? Yes it is, but it’s not an abstract ideology. It’s a concrete ideology rooted in a particular group of people who are usually associated with a particular place.

    . . .

    Race comes first, everything else is ultimately negotiable.

    Racialism and nationalism are not ideologies, they’re historically plastic meta-political systems that afford considerable ideological freedoms to people that adopt the racial/national rhetoric. You concede as much.

  26. It’s always hilarious when people want to put all their enemies in mental institutions, whether it’s communists, liberals, conservatism inc or people here on the far right. Under most definitions of political mental illness, the vast majority of people are not pure enough in their beliefs to be considered sane. Therefore heavily armed “sane” people will be confining most people into mental institutions. Sounds like the Holocaust, right? It might actually work since a minority with enough force and dividing the majority can imprison large numbers of people. But most likely there will be a rebellion at some point.

  27. PGRT writes:

    Under most definitions of political mental illness, the vast majority of people are not pure enough in their beliefs to be considered sane.

    Purity isn’t the issue. Putting ideology over people is the issue.

    In fact, the same kind of people who worship their own ideology to the point where they turn traitor to their own people are also the kinds that obsess over the purity of their own ideology, driving themselves to the point of insanity in trying to remain “ideologically consistent.” I, OTOH, have no such problem anymore, because I freed myself from the shackles of ideological rectitude.

    Therefore heavily armed “sane” people will be confining most people into mental institutions.

    That’s right. Hunter, Jack and I have a big task ahead of us.

  28. No-Man writes:

    Racialism and nationalism are not ideologies, they’re historically plastic meta-political systems that afford considerable ideological freedoms to people that adopt the racial/national rhetoric.

    When we win, Rand Paul is going into an insane asylum. Not because he refused to “adopt our racial/national rhetoric,” but because he turned traitor/open borders on us because he worships and ideology and puts it ahead of the well being of white Americans. He can save himself from the asylum if he votes no on amnesty and open borders, and keeps on doing that, and quits pandering to domestic non-whites.

  29. It’s pretty clear that Sirota wanted some Ale drinking, kilt wearing, Episcopaleo-Presbyter, with a penchant for Tea Party politics and ZnRA membership to have set those bombs.

    Sirota clearly declared himself an Enemy of people much like the founders. It’s astonishing that he’s not been called out on that.

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