Major Al-Qaeda Terrorist Plot Foiled In Canada


The two Muslim terrorists are not “Canadian citizens:”

Note: What was their immigration status?

“Canadian authorities have arrested two men accused of plotting to attack a passenger train in an al Qaeda-supported plot, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said Monday.

Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, of Montreal, and Raed Jaser, 35, of Toronto, are accused of conspiring to murder people on a VIA Canadian railway train, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said. While the suspects had the capacity to carry out an attack, the public was never in imminent danger, police told reporters. …

The suspects, who are not Canadian citizens, are scheduled to make their first court appearance on Tuesday, police said.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Lewis writes:

    “Alex Jones and the false flag element in the various dissident communities have really discredited themselves this time. They don’t know when enough is enough. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. I say this as a person who believes Jews were directly or indirectly responsible for the 9/11 attacks.”

    Jr replies:

    Jews are indirectly responsible for all these Muslim terrorism by working to flood the West with 3rd World immigration.

  2. Countenance, your belief in the good of your people is itself an ideology. You have an ideological framework to determine who your people are, what you think their rights and responsibilities are, who their main enemies are, and what betraying them actually means.

  3. Countenance needs to read some Fichte and try to graft german idealist-nationalism onto “whites”. That’s what he’s trying to do, pgrt.

  4. I have come to realize ideology is at best a waste of time and at worst a wide and well traveled path to neurotic fanaticism towards an impossible and against-the-grain goal. Recognizing obvious racial characteristics, especially negative characteristics, and making common sense deductions concerning safeguarding against the negative influence is no more an ideology than is looking both ways before turning out into a highway and not in front of a speeding tractor trailer.

    Social engineering simply does not work except for turning a population to chaos, or at best to a skewed and awkward unnatural bend. I don’t care if it is driven by a Marxian or a Nietzschean ideology. Nazi Germany was as unnatural and strained as is the present morass we labor under. Too many people, including well meaning people, simply have not got a solid handle on the nature of what human beings are. I’ve never understood why we are forever trying to compare people to certain types of animals, and then strive to model human societies based upon the behavior of said animals. That some types of animals behave this way or that, or mate a certain way, or organize themselves a certain way has to do with animals, not people. That some half-baked philosopher or would-be leader of people imagine they see a better way has to do with just that–produce from a half-baked, would-be. And that’s all. Taking such people and ideas serious after we have so much direct observation and experimental data of all these ideological attempts of the last one hundred years or so before us signifies incompetence. The end of all such trails is one form or another of a concentration camp, be it the kind they had in the Second World War or the much larger scale ones we are now living in that used to be countries.

    The sooner we realize this and stop going dead against the grain, the better off we will be.

  5. Freedom to them meant just this: remaining Germans and continuing to settle their own affairs, independently and in accordance with the original spirit of their race, going on with their development in accordance with the same spirit, and propagating this independence in their posterity. All those blessings which the Romans offered them meant slavery to them because then they would have to become something that was not German, they would have to become half-Roman. They assumed as a matter of course that every man would rather die than become half a Roman, and that a true German could only want to live in order to be, and to remain, just a German and to bring up his children as Germans.

    White Nationalism like German nationalism before is best understood as a revolt against latin civilization. The WN’s cultural prism is Hollywood and the Third Reich, that’s why they call the reformation “Aryan Skynet”. LOL. Save them, countenance.

  6. Recognizing obvious racial characteristics, especially negative characteristics, and making common sense deductions concerning safeguarding against the negative influence is no more an ideology than is looking both ways before turning out into a highway and not in front of a speeding tractor trailer.

    (. . .)

    That some half-baked philosopher or would-be leader of people imagine they see a better way has to do with just that–produce from a half-baked, would-be. And that’s all. Taking such people and ideas serious after we have so much direct observation and experimental data of all these ideological attempts of the last one hundred years or so before us signifies incompetence. The end of all such trails is one form or another of a concentration camp

    Excellent post. Imho the worst cultural currents in the west are Germanism & psuedo-germanism aka WNism and political judaism ie communism. They’re both rooted in German idealism. They’re both deadly wrong on race because one puts it first, the other last. The middle ground is obvious as you write.

  7. I will be the High Judge of What Happens to Whom, in the New Regime.

    I will be harsh but just. I will provide superb entertainment value, as well.

  8. Denise and her haughty blonde friend are probably excrutiatingly hot in real life. She names Jews which needs doing,she’s also culturally sound. Guys like countenance and RobRoy from the Land of Misfit Toys just creep most people out, myself included.

  9. No Man – here is a picture of the High Judges Denise and Aryan Goddess entering the Star Chamber of the New Regime;_ylt=A0PDoQ0bXHdRxDsA8G.JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?

  10. Things were much simpler even during the 70s, did this sorry event come to fruition, as if the earth rotation reversed and going back to prehistoric times.

  11. Are there 80 million genetic americans left? Seems to me, most folks these days have no blood tie to the word or political thought that forged a once great and free people

  12. “Are there 80 million genetic americans left?”

    This is a matter of some debate. Certainly well over half the White population of the U.S has at least one ancestor living here in 1775. This percentage has actually increased in recent years as more “mixed marriages” (Germans and English and Irishmen, Oh My!) between Whites occurs.

  13. How many million beans are in the jar, what’s the prize? Blood deserves honor but who cares if someone like Rudel isn’t founding stock? The man is pretty much an American Segestes; individuals matter, ideas matter. People like Rudel can’t be lumped with pacifist parasite Germanic Americans.

  14. “People like Rudel can’t be lumped with pacifist parasite Germanic Americans.”

    Oh I wouldn’t necessarily say that. Having been born and raised in Illinois as a moderate, pro-tariff, non-interventionist, Bob Taft (too bad he lost the nomination to Eisenhower, a hardly pacifist German in 1952) type of Republican, and with experience fighting for the Empire, I have strong isolationist tendencies. I did marry an “Old New Yorker” of Huguenot, German, Dutch, and English extraction going back to New Amsterdam of the 1600’s.

    I think my kid’s German (both founding and non-founding stock) ancestry slightly exceeds their percentage of English ancestry followed by Swedish, and then French, Dutch, and Irish following suit in no particular order. They all look like they are from Holland with blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles, and rosy cheeks. Interestingly their genome analyses put them geographically “on average” from the the same location!

    Ethnic “Southrons” on this site (who by the way couldn’t identify all of their couple of hundred potential great grandparents alive in 1775 if their lives depended on it) will wring their hands over this Yankee mongrelization. Fuck ’em, along with their six-toed cousins.

  15. It’s not for me to find fault with the isolationism of a veteran. Have you read the book “Line Doggie”? That account has informed my impression of day-to-day on the ground in Nam. Interesting gene combo for your kids. I actually do need a shower since I’m at the gym lol – but I’m just respecting my elders! The modern pacifism/ isolationism of the nouvelle droit is at best misplaced pride in the vein of Sparta refusing to participate in Alexander’s project.

  16. Alexander knew that conquering Sparta would be more trouble than it was worth. I believe Sparta was providing well-trained phalanxes to Roman armies as late as the 2nd Century A.D.

  17. Is that a guess Rudel, or something your up to speed on? While it seems common in the South to have family that far back, I remember from my army days, most yankees having no founding stock blood in them and very disbelieving of Southron men who did.

  18. There was very little in Sparta worth having. Compare and contrast with Egypt or Mesopotamia. A few rocky farms or lush riverine riches? Not worth the trouble.

  19. “Is that a guess Rudel, or something your up to speed on?”

    In my day the armed forces were heavily working class and there were certainly a goodly share of mostly rural white guys of English and German founding stock from the New York and Pennsylvania with family ties going back to the Revolution. Lot’s of upstate “New York Yankees” referred to themselves just that way. Not to say that they weren’t outnumbered by Johnny Rebs down south at the military base but there were still plenty of them. Lot’s of English names are on The Wall and plenty are from up North.

  20. George Naylor in the Omnivore’s Dilemma is distantly relate to me. It’s an Anglo-Norman occupational name.

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