These last few weeks have seen so many crazy, hard to explain events.
First, Rand Paul makes a political pilgrimage trip to Israel, dons a Yarmulka and pledges his undying support for Israel. Who would’ve thought!
Then Rand Paul makes a concession speech to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and expresses his great support for massive, low skilled Hispanic immigration, amnesty for millions of illegals. This had something to do with a childhood experience getting sent to the principal’s office for fooling around in a Spanish class. Rand Paul quickly switched from Hispandering to BRA bootlicking as he groveled in front of all Black Howard University students. Rand Paul tried to convince hostile Black Howard students that his Republican party was really the champion of Black Civil Rights and mean, racist White Democrats were the ones standing in the way of Martin Luther King Jr. Well, Rand Paul was partly right there.
We at OD were shocked, SHOCKED to see Rand Paul selling out our/his people to pander to hostile non Whites who will never consider supporting White Conservative, Libertarian candidates. What’s the point?
In other SHOCKING news – 28 year old Jewish American billionaire Mark Zuckerberg formed a political action committee with Jewish writers/admin from the Washington Post – their cause:
Immigration “Reform” – mass amnesty for 11-20 million non White illegal aliens and expanded worker visas for high tech workers (low wage slaves).
Can’t this American patriotic Jewish billionaire give some living wage jobs to his fellow Americans? And how does giving full US Citizenship amnesty to 11-20 million low skilled non White illegal aliens help his/our country, or even help his Facebook company, there’s nothing high tech, internet savvy about low IQ Mexican, Central American indian peasants? I’m…
Why would a Jewish American billionaire work so hard to destroy the country that made him so wealthy and successful?
Next we come to the brutal terrorist bombing in Boston – I never in SIX MILLION YEARS would have guessed that some Muslim immigrant would have anything to do with a terrorist attack. I thought Islam was….
A Religion of Peace
I thought mass Muslim immigration was
Good for America – brings us the joys of
Shouldn’t Muslim extremist immigrants from Chetnia, Pakistan and Algeria be marching arm in arm with gay and lesbian groups in Boston, celebrating multi culturalism in the United States of America – a land that welcomes huddled masses of grateful immigrants from every nation, creed, color, sexual orientation on earth.
Shocking, shocking news indeed.
Well, not really.
One small piece of news did surprise me. Rand Paul was quoted today as expressing some reservations about the Gang of 8 immigration bill related to the Boston terror attack.
Don’t buy the hype that Rand Paul is coming back around to our side on immigration. He’s still going to vote for amnesty, he has made that clear. He just wants “national security provisions” (WTH are those?) and wants the process to “slow down.” If slowing down helps us organize opposition that kills it, that’s fine by me.
28 year old Jewish American billionaire Mark Zuckerberg
The older I get, the more I think that “letting” younger people (under 40) come into very large fortunes is as foolish as letting infants handle loaded guns.
I generally respect jews except of course the anti-white ones like Sirota and Wise and even the lunk head with a fortune.
Countenance – my take on Rand Paul and Ron Paul is they like to agree with everyone they happen to be in the room with at the moment, suck up, kiss as@ then try to work in some libertarian, constitutional spin. Both like to be on TV, like to be talked about as “leading” contenders in the next presidential race. There’s always a next presidential race.
The key with these types is to take away what they like. Don’t try to use reason or logic with them, they’ll just try to agree with you, change the subject to gun rights or something.
We simply have to punish, take down and out immigration traitors.
Of course you and I and most people who post here agree with both Ron and Rand Paul on a lot of things. (Most of those things are small potatoes compared to the gravity of the immigration issue.) But I’ll never trust Rand Paul with an office as important as the Presidency, even if he really does vote right on the immigration issue going forward.
In 2016, I will only vote for a Republican Primary candidate for President who has a clear and good immigration record, and if such a person does not win the nomination, I won’t cast a vote for President at all in November of that year, because we know that any given Democrat will be for open borders, and third party is a waste of time. The only exception is if the Democrat is non-white and the Republican is white, then I’ll vote for the Republican just on pure race loyalty alone. But if it’s Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton, then I pass the Presidency and vote on everything else downballot.
If both Pauls are as you describe them, then they’re not really ideological, they’re just whores and prostitutes. As a big majority of politicians are.
“If both Pauls are as you describe them, then they’re not really ideological, they’re just whores and prostitutes. As a big majority of politicians are.”
JR replies:
Prostitutes can be paid to do things for us.
Neither of the Pauls hate White America, if it becomes THE FACTS of life that their immigration treason destroys their easy life. They’ll change.
I am over Rand Paul. He’s just another Golem Whore.
JR writes:
Prostitutes can be paid to do things for us. Neither of the Pauls hate White America, if it becomes THE FACTS of life that their immigration treason destroys their easy life. They’ll change.
That’s why there isn’t already more “gun control” legislation than there already is, and why the most recent proposal failed. It was the people power grass roots essentially taking over the NRA from the firearms industry a generation ago and then using it for their own ends. I quit the NRA in 2010 for their stupid endorsements of pro-2A Dems over immigration patriot Republicans. I rejoined the NRA late last year because I wanted them to do what I knew they’d do, and that is take it to the Obama/left without reservation. Because I wanted our people to see how it’s done, and that it can be done on other issues.
Please learn how, why the NRA is effective and use this knowledge to help immigration, racial issue groups succeed.
The NRA or Pro Life groups will not lead us on immigration.
News must have reached a church I visited sunday, which got a new Latin “pastor,” and his whole sermon was guilting the southern baptist rural people, saying the area they live in is “changing” and the new people have not been blessed with the “community” that they have had, and so he is going to work on “outreach” so the people changing the community can feel more comfortable.
It’s amazing how quickly a place can become majority latino.
Rand Paul is not the person I first believed. When I saw him at the black begging meeting, I was appalled. We don’t owe the blacks or the latinos or anyone else.
new Latin “pastor,”
Would you prefer to call him “shepherd”? Is that the problem?
I generally respect jews except of course the anti-white ones like Sirota and Wise
Apparently, the vehicle that the two Chechen terrorists carjacked last week was a Mercedes with a “coexist” bumper sticker. Talk about celebrating diversity!
Dixie Girl – did you rise up and denounce the puta pastor, and tell him to FUCK OFF back to MeHEEco?
My hubby has now given up trying ot get me into a White Sepulchre – cause I have done such things. I regard this as my Christian duty.
Paul Ryan is now also on the full speed ahead crazy train:
Haven’t you noticed that the only kind of people who drive around with those noxious “Coexist” bumper stickers on their cars are people that ironically can’t coexist with anyone because they’re so hostile?
Take the quiz, folks:
I’m a neoreactionary hate machine. And damn proud of it!
Seriously Jack was the marathon bombing really the upsetting for you ? Who cares about those Kwans
Exactly. The Diversity bombed the Diversity, then the Diversity Police showed up and frogmarched the Diversity out of their homes. Having thus enjoyed the fruits of Diversity, the Diversity chanted “USAUSA”. During Civil War II, the Diversity (of all colors) is going to be exterminated
“I generally respect jews except of course the anti-white ones ”
Twice zero, is still zero.
The statement above (by RobRoy) means he (like I) respect NO JEWS.
Jews are ALL ‘anti-White,’ simply by being ‘Antichrist.’ (all one word)
“Take the quiz, folks:
Snore. Even the ‘D’ answers are so ‘gay’ (i.e., liberal beyond the fringe).
Given the opening pic it’s time for a music break!
Thanks Rudel, for sharing the link to that great song from Casablanca
Sen. Rand Paul urges lawmakers to delay immigration reform until more details about the Boston Marathon bombings emerge.
How much more details does he needs of 150 maimed, limbs blown away? These critters mean business.
“We simply have to punish, take down and out immigration traitors.”
Start loading up the trucks, Jack, cause with those words DC and every state capitol in the U.S. should be entirely emptied out!
Again, the Paul bashing – specifically immigration betrayal – but ignore the official Republican frontmen who do the same damn thing. It’s getting old.
I still like Ron Paul on many issues but Rand Paul disgusts me. He cannot shine his father’s shoes. As for the trip to Israel, I’m guessing Rand was either bribed or threatened by the Rothschild machine. Or, he was a phoney all along. I still have problems with Ron over-compensating Jesse Benton and then not reigning him in when it became apparent he took his marching orders from Mitch McConnell.
I supported Ron Paul up to 2008 and when he lost the primary, he dropped out of the race against Obama and did not run for independent. Closet GOP.
Once America is browned a bit more the second amendment will probably fall. It’s there as a right primarily to kill browns and blacks in earlier days. Immigration policy that favors Africans and Hispanics will lead to the overturn of sacred rights.
Then where will you run away to when that happens, John? England is already in far worse shape than America, and “Dixie” ain’t ever gonna “rise again”. Lol, looks like you’re running out of ports of harbor, resident-alien!
I have un subbed from the Campaign For Liberty emails because of Rand’s idiocy.
I wonder how much more of his father’s following is he going to alienate.