“Take Back America”

United States

Just a few news items today … when juxtaposed, they tell you everything you need to know about voting for the GOP:

1.) First, Politico is reporting that the “Gang of 8” believes they have a filibuster proof majority for “comprehensive immigration reform” in the Senate, and are even confident that a majority of Republicans will vote for the bill.

2.) Second, Politico reported the other day that “comprehensive immigration reform” could be a bonanza for Democrats that would doom the GOP for a generation or more by making safe red states like Texas and Arizona into competitive swing states.

3.) Third, House Speaker John Boehner’s daughter is about to get married to this Jamaican negro.

Note: Does anyone remember Paul Ryan campaigning for “comprehensive immigration reform” when he was running for VP in 2012?

Is this the Rand Paul who was running for a Kentucky Senate seat in 2010? What happened to the John McCain who was going to “build the danged fence”? What happened to the Marco Rubio who attacked Charlie Crist for supporting the McCain-Kennedy amnesty?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter,

    Remember, they’re controlled by the same money. The art of flip-flopping has truly been perfected by Republican politicians.

    As for Boner’s future son-in-law….. miscegenation nation, mon! I’d kill my daughter if she brought that thing home!!! But, does it really matter that the Boner genes are being diluted with negro blood…. I think not! I just hope the other Bush daughter brings a nice dark one home to pappa, too.

  2. All these terrible traitors can be “outed”, their shameful treasons exposed, their friends, families, neighbors denounce them.

    The White Indo European concept of “Kharma” will apply here.

    Let’s get to work.

    Names, contact info – photos of traitors living soft, easy lives while our people are terorized, raped and murdered.

    What was the final fate of Judas?

    That Hollywood socialite, filthy rich traitor blonde wife of John McCain has to be exposed – she should spend a few weeks in the LA country jail.

  3. Same old story concerning “Conservative Republicans.” Reading this for some reason reminded me of Barry Goldwater, the Great Hope of the 60s. Turned out to actually approve of and even encourage his daughter to get an abortions, for example.

    But look at how dumb the constituency is. How easily one can con them. Especially the older ones. In 08 I had an uncle telling me “McCain is a good Christian man.” A lot of fools say the exact same sentence regarding numerous “Conservatives.” I have heard it at least a hundred times over the years. The blunt truth is most of our people are dumber than two day old niggers when it comes to some very important areas of life.

  4. The negro who is to be Boner’s future son in law looks like it has a lot of semitic, east africoon features.

    Boner daughter is 35 and marrying this cockroach. What a stinking, crying shame.

    – Arturo

    crimes of the you know who dot calm

  5. To even think that there is a political solution to the current mess is the height of naïveté. There are only two options: spiritual-biological (racial) regeneration through catastrophe, or a progressive dispossession and gradual impoverishment accepted by a people narcotized by Jewish inspired entertainment, and SEC / NFL football.

  6. Maybe she is making fun of dad, who is sucking O’s cock everyday.

    And yeah the Boehners look curiously Semitic. The Jamaican looks Somali.

  7. But, does it really matter that the Boner genes are being diluted with negro blood…. I think not!

    As a general rule, I prefer that our Yankee colonists (the Boehner daughter lives in Florida) marry black-as-coal Negroes. It wipes out Yankee genes while simultaneously sparing Southron genes from dilution.

  8. “The Jamaican looks Somali.”

    Yes, or Ethiopian. I wonder if it dates back to those slave sugar plantations along the East African coast in ancient times? Or more recently?

  9. Sad to say, but the general population are idiots. Republitards don’t want to hear or see, they are happily blind and deaf. Silence is consent, and that’s part of the reason for the endless bread and circus’s.
    Did any of you see the picture of the Boston bomber’s “Amurrican” father-in-law in the Daily Telegraph? Multiply by several million and you get the typical white male left in this country–a fat, stupid, chuckler wearing a sports team hat and a sports team sweater covering his rotund gut. Damn I hate these idiots.
    In my fantasy land, he and his entire family would be immediately deported to Chenya.

  10. I fully support the 2nd Amendment, but would much, much rather prefer energy be spent on filibustering amnesty. I’m thinking the entire gun rights bullshit is a distract or for amnesty. The left needs to keep the Republitard party alive, barely breathing but alive. By giving them “gun rights” as a temporary win, they can shove amnesty and sodo-marriage down our necks without the masses of stupid sheeple abandoning the Republican Party. It’s so freaking obvious!

  11. The fools don’t understand–the rights the white man won for the sheeple will not be sustained by the turd world new Amurricans. Look for majority rule to become the new media mantra as soon as whites are a minority.

  12. Bruts – Barry Goldwater was a Jew. I’m all for JEWISH abortions!

    John – when I saw that oic of the Boners, I thought, immediately, “What? They arne’t White”.

    There’s something really “off” about the eyes, of Boner himself. Something funny….did he first meet Barry at “Man’s Country” in Chicago, in one of the party rooms?

    I hope he enjoys his Mischling grandkiddies…his wee widdle Toure’s

  13. “Third, House Speaker John Boehner’s daughter is about to get married to this Jamaican negro”

    Never allow your daughter on banana islands.

  14. The daughters look very Meditteranean.

    Parsing such things can be such fun. Eastern Med? The eyes they get from Papa. The scowl from Mama. Boener’s tendency to cry is also typically Italian or Greek. I dunno if Turks and Levantines cry as readily, but I’d not be surprised.

  15. The picture editors at the Daily Mail are absolutely brilliant. Boehner looks like someone farted in his face and the mother is enquiring which one of he daughter’s laid an egg. Priceless.

  16. Deborah Gunlack, Accountant, Cinncinnati.

    They met when John was a Janitor and he was cleaning up near her desk in accounts department.

  17. The Gunlack’s like slumming it I guess.

    “But geeze mom, when you met dad he was a Janitor! Now he’s Speaker! ”

    Yes, but Er um he Er he’s not a Son of Obama.

  18. This short commentary addresses why the current Gang of Eight bill is so awfully bad:


    I don’t know what the chances are of the bill passing, but it does seem that opposition to it among the actual citizenry is growing, despite the efforts of the elites of both parties to open the doors wide. In fact, the majority of Americans favor cutting back on legal immigration as well: https://www.numbersusa.com/content/news/april-24-2013/poll-55-americans-support-lower-immigration-levels-gang-8-plan-would-double-legal

    The major immigration restriction organizations like NumbersUSA and ALIPAC have been active in getting their members to blast Congress on this bill over the past couple of weeks, and I can only hope that their efforts are paying off.

  19. I like that she went for a construction worker, also. Not going for someone in the much more lucrative affirmative action industry, so he’ll keep her in good style. Very moral of her, with her Paycheck Republican soul, lol.

  20. The Republicans see the handwriting on the wall as soon they will have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever winning the presidency and increasingly the legislative branch due to changing demographics and the fact that half of the population pays no Federal income tax and is thus all too willing to vote for “gimme dat” Democrats. Incredibly, though, their solution is to legalize an unknown number of mainly non-White Hispanic invaders which by all accounts will only serve to make both problems worst! That is as if a man who is dying of a long-term debilitating disease plays Russian roulette with a fully loaded revolver. How stupid are these people?

  21. Marrying a Jamaican! Will Boehner be giving away free marijuana plants as wedding ‘thank you’ gifts for the attendees? Won’t that be a laugh. How about free bongs?! Boehner has been outplayed by Obama and is not a fighter. Why does a wuss want to be Speaker?

  22. Amen to that. ‘America’ is just a social construct. There’s no ‘America’ to take back. ‘America’ isn’t race or ethnicity. It isn’t a religion. It’s not a common language or culture. It’s not even a common history. It can’t be those things with this level of immigration. It’s no more than a set of vague propositions whose proponents hold them out to be universal anyway. It’s nothing real.

  23. What a joke.

    This is really the most powerful argument against the GOP I could ever possibly make … the most powerful “conservative” Republican in Washington, his own daughter is marrying a Jamaican negro, and he is supporting an amnesty bill that will destroy any chance of his political party ever winning the presidency again.

    Oh BTW, all those Tea Party “reformers” … Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio … turned out to be liars. John McCain even managed to fool Arizona Republicans into believing he had changed on immigration.

  24. In Waynelandia the immigration officials would be right outside during the wedding, and right after the “I do”, both would be deported to Jamaica IMMEDIATELY and citizenship a revoked.

  25. “. . .his own daughter is marrying a Jamaican negro. . .”

    A horror, yes- she should be marrying an American negro.

  26. “This is really the most powerful argument against the GOP I could ever possibly make … the most powerful “conservative” Republican in Washington, his own daughter is marrying a Jamaican negro, and he is supporting an amnesty bill that will destroy any chance of his political party ever winning the presidency again.”

    Republicans really go out of their way to demonstrate to whites that they are not on our side. They only know how to mouth the right platitudes at election time to deceive an ever dwindling segment of the electorate. They are rapidly on their way to becoming an historical footnote. The death of the GOP will be one of the best things to ever happen to white people.

    Boehner and his mudshark family remind me of the “tanning mom” idiot from a few months back. All typical denizens of the yankee BRA empire who despise traditional white values.

    Miscegenating whites such as the typically Germanic Boehner family are performing a vital service for whites in the future by diluting the whiteness of their family lines. Their mulatto descendents will not be mistaken for whites in the future.

    The “culling of the herd” that will take place in the near future for white people is both necessary and good. If the anti-white whites breed themselves out of the white race, that will increase white racial solidarity and significantly reduce the number of such quislings among white people.

    The yankee BRA government is beyond any attempt at correction. Since it cannot be reformed, it must be allowed to kill itself. The end of the GOP is a step in that direction.
    The Republicans are the kayfabe party of white people–only the leftist media and the terminally unawakened believe otherwise.

    Deo Vindice

  27. Things were much simpler even during the 70s, 80s.how did this sorry event come to fruition, as if the earth rotation reversed and going back to prehistoric times.

  28. Who hasn’t braced themselves for amnesty by this point?

    What jumps out to me is the fact that a salt and pepper dreadlocked rasta’s smooth moves trump 35 years of Boehner’s parenting. How can a man be expected to lead Congress when his own biological Bratz doll is

    1.) A Nigger-lover
    2.) Not yet married @ 35!
    3.) Probably a pothead

    Boehner grewup poor and now thanks to his shabby parenting so will his progeny. Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves. Hope you had fun hiding in the tanning bed whenever true leadership was needed you orange creep!

  29. I think when Niggers call themselves “Jamaican” it’s the same as someone saying “Uhh I have glaucoma”. Just an excuse to smoke the devil’s weed.

  30. I’m hopeful that amnesty may get blocked in the House of Representatives, given the recent terrorist attacks in Boston by Muslim immigrants.

  31. Notice how the Daily Mail article states that Boehner probably won’t be happy because his future son in law smokes pot, as if THAT is the big issue here. I can imagine the father-daughter conversation now, “Well honey, you now that mom and I don’t mind you marrying a colored man, but a colored who smokes dope?! You know how we feel about drugs, and what they do to family values. What ever could you be thinking?”

    Unbelievable. No–strictly believable.

  32. America is cursed by YHWH God.

    Boehner et al are just the first round of reprobates, for ‘their name shall be remembered no more,’ and their White racial family heritage will disappear into the faceless black crowds, within in two generations.

    Truly, a curse as potent as that of the Deicides on Good Friday.
    “His blood be on us, and upon our children.”

  33. Mixed race Obama is the result of Boehner offspring nobility to oblivion. Ron Paul dropping out of the race in 2008 gave Obama victory.

  34. There is nothing to take back. My only earnest political wish know is to convince my fellow American Southerners that is that ‘America’ doesn’t exist anymore and thus they should have no allegiance to it anymore.

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