Jason Richwine Purged From Heritage Foundation

District of Corruption

I can’t say that I am surprised. I have believed for several years now that it is a waste of time to work for anyone affiliated with “Conservatism, Inc.”

Note: In 2010, I bought into the notion that it was possible to reform the Republican Party by pushing better candidates at the state and local level (we had some success with that here in Alabama), but over the course of 2011 and 2012, it became clear that voting for “good Republicans” (remember Rand Paul?) only swells the ranks of a party that is controlled by string pullers like Sheldon Adelson.

The “good Republicans” like Sen. Jeff Sessions and Rep. Mo Brooks are marginalized in Washington because of the existence of the Union. As long as the Union exists, the tidal wave of liberalism will continue to sweep across the Northern states (Minnesota is the next stop for gay marriage), and every novelty that strikes the fancy of the Northeast will eventually be imposed on us by the federal courts.

The Southern states will continue to fight this (Alabama and Missouri recently nullified gun control), but federal courts, executive orders, and acts of Congress will continue to gut any glimmer of hope that comes out of it like Alabama’s HB 56 or Arizona’s SB 1070. The final nail in the coffin will be a liberal majority on the Supreme Court.

John Derbyshire and Jason Richwine are proof that it is a waste of time to work for a Conservatism, Inc. DC-based false flag organization or New York-based publication where your career can be destroyed at the whim of the liberal media.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Contards chasing Sticks thrown by evil leftists, I guess it pays. Here is a tip to dominating if you actually want to dominate. Ask the questions such as this, “Mr. Libtard do you still believe in the fairy tale of the Blank Slate Theory?”. Or you can be submissive and quibble the details they throw in your face

  2. I have noticed a tendency for “conservatives” to play defense as Rob Roy Simmons mentions. It is definitely a losing strategy.

    We need a southern party. We don’t need to contest federal elections, just win the state level elections. For that we would need people willing to pony up and take a chance supporting the new party. Of course, if people were willing to take risks, we’d already have one.

  3. I would like to see a crushing victory by the GOP in the 2014 Congressional elections.

  4. Yeah, I guess the Clinton years were really good. It was a lot easier to discus it all and get people fired up when the economy was booming. A lot of people, even non fanatical liberals, talk nostalgically about Bill Clinton’s Presidency.

    Much better when you got a lot of cash in your wallet to ignore things like queer marriage and massive immigration.

  5. “It was a lot easier to discuss it all and get people fired up when the economy was booming.”

    – I don’t see anybody “fired up” in real-life these days either. People are just struggling to get from one day to the next.

    “Much better when you got a lot of cash in your wallet to ignore things like queer marriage and massive immigration.

    – Much better when you got a lot of cash in your wallet so you can pay your bills and feed your family, dumbfuck. Tell you what — come up here and trade places with me for a week. You can serve a few eviction-orders on families, many of them white, who went out of work and got underwater, and then just explain to them how great the situation is, because now they’re free to “get fired up about queer marriage and massive immigration”.

  6. You will have no voice, there’s no point in talking. Richwine is a Harvard PhD. If he cannot speak, why do you think they will let you speak? You are untermensch, go away and die quietly.

  7. In the South, “worse is better” leads to backlash politics. The existence of the Union though guarantees ultimate defeat by federal judges. This leads to resignation, apathy, and eventual acceptance.

  8. I may be wrong, but I don’t think sitting on the couch and bitching online is any better than voting. I’m pretty sure that’s not how the progressives got into power, but again, I could be wrong.

  9. I think Tom Metzger came up with the “worse is better” line.

    Chris, I give little weight to what you say you see or do not see. You “saw” Michigan overwhelmingly rejecting Obama, after all. More to the point, all of your posts clearly indicate you are just low class trash. You are right where you belong up there in Detroit. That is the truth.

  10. The big problem with “worse is better” is that it’s really “worse is worse”.

    Metzger worte that line, because of his astute observation of White thought patterns, Whites have only really EVER fought Whites boefore. We’ve never had to deal with the Other before, excpeing Jews, of course, who were periodically purged. The Other keeps flocking in to White lands. We’ve been very rich, overall, for decades. We decided to SHARE, Whites thell themselves that the Other really does want to be just like us, over all, and wouldn’t it be great if every-one was rich and happy?

    Most Whites don’t know any better.

    “Worse is better” contains the Seed of Hope. Metzger thought that the slef-preservation intincts, and fighting spirit would kick back in. But, I fear, that seed is not self-regenerating. The seed has been bred out……..

  11. Sweetie, not sure I agree with this statement:

    Whites have only really EVER fought Whites boefore. We’ve never had to deal with the Other before, excpeing Jews, of course, who were periodically purged.

    Can you elaborate? As far as Tom Metzger goes I enjoy the videogames, the comics too, that are hosted on his website. Wouldn’t take his advice on how to change a lightbulb, much less organize politically though.

  12. @Denise

    “Whites have only really EVER fought Whites boefore.”

    I never saw any white guys in the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) nor were there any whites in the Imperial Japanese Navy or Army nor were there any in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army at the Chosin Reservoir.

    As for the way in which a quarter of the globe was colored pink:

  13. Hell not with the Boxer Rebellion / O wars either.

    Then there was the struggle to cleanse lands of savages o’er here, followed by the black brutes themselves.

  14. Sorry, fellas – I was making a sweeping genralization. I’m talkng aobut Whites fighting Whites, in their own turf. There isn’t a really a modern example of non-Whites SWEEPING into White lands. Not really. Nothing that resonates with White Race Memory. Mordenr Whites have been fighting primarilty with each other. Those Asian battles you fellas cited occurred on Asian turf. There’s no sense of any real foreign invasion on White turf. Even the Civila War was White on White fighting.

  15. I think you should look at Reconstruction but be careful, Dixon was a Lincoln apologist. That definitely resonates in the South. You’ll never find anything to shock more than an eccentric handful of yanks into action, neesy. Yanks were chased out of their cities without much of a fight compared to southrons, they also mentally block it out.

  16. Strictly speaking wars among whites had become exceptionally rare after the defeat of Napoleon. They resurfaced in a big way in the 1910s. There was a general understanding among the European powers to leave each other alone as they carved up Africa and Asia and economically dominate South Anerica (which is/ was run by fascist whites) then ww1 happened.

    I’d very much like to rewind the clock to the 1820s. Good times were had by all…

  17. The Franco Prussian war fractured that pax. The Crimean war also. The Balkan Wars in the run up to ww1 shattered that understanding.

  18. “Yanks were chased out of their cities without much of a fight”

    I dunno about that. I live almost downtown and there is often nary a back face in sight.

  19. Ad of course the ACW… Given that it was a civil war it’s hard to place exactly. But it was probably a catalyst for German unification at the expense of Austria, Denmark and France too.

  20. “who’s the author advocate “worse is better””


    I think the problem with “worse is better” in the current situation is the race replacement has been deliberately engineered so it’s not happening at the same rate everywhere at the same time. So things getting worse in Vermont might be “better” at increasing resistance in Vermont but if at the same time that “worse” means 3 or 4 other regions became minority white then it’s still a net loss.

    “Worse is better” only really works when everywhere is getting worse at once and from the same starting level (which was more or less true when Lenin said it as Russia was going though a sudden collapse). So “worse is better” in the US can only apply at a regional level and even then only those regions which aren’t close to the edge already.

  21. The Mexican’s IQ shouldn’t be relevant to a healthy state, that this information leads to a mini-purge indicates heightened ideological sclerosis in BRA. Are we supposed to flood the country with hi-IQ godless chinks? Are we supposed to hope the Mexicans will be Rhodes Scholars? No, no. The Mexican is some bad medicine from above, he’s a part of God’s vindication of the South.

    Sure his work ethic gets in the craw of ill-bred, Yankee-nursed Niggers. This is because ironically the Yankee’s “free” mixed economy is but a showcase of the Negro’s disinterest in work. The zeitgeist north and south is whispering “Nigger, what have you done for me lately?”

    The browning of the North is Southernization. The North is not up against the Nigger or the Mexican…. The North is up against the Golden Circle and its faithful-yet-not-fanatic white men that thrive in such environs.

  22. Similar to how Georgia started off as a Yankee-like idealistic free-state for po’whites we are witnessing the initial demographic integration of the North into the Golden Circle. Non-White labor will necessitate the kind of traditional society the South had in order for things to work smoothly. The pacifistic, godless faggots will be forced to become men: whether that is good white men or bridegrooms to beanettes remains to be seen. What cannot go on forever, won’t. The transformation has begun, Obama is our Oglethorpe.

  23. The Mexican’s IQ shouldn’t be relevant to a healthy state, that this information leads to a mini-purge indicates heightened ideological sclerosis in BRA.

    This chap takes things pretty far but he kinda gets it.


    “Perhaps instead of arguing over the evidence for or against theories linking race and IQ we should see them as simply irrelevant to serious intellectual discourse.”

    This is the way to go at this point in BRA. HBD in our society has zero potential application other than justification for more special treatment for the ‘disadvantaged’.

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