About Hunter Wallace 12392 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If you’re fighting for the biggest force for multiculturalism on the planet, yeah, I’d say you’re a soldier for multiculturalism.

    The British Armed forces are the “biggest force for multiculturalism on the planet”?

    Perhaps you mean the United States Armed Forces. Yes, they crush adversarial nationalist countries and implant democracies to contain said adversaries. The standard of living you enjoy would decline precipitously if your government went around the world empowering swaggering ethno-nationalist types. That just wouldn’t be good foreign policy for an imperial power.

    Therein hangs a tale.

    “White Nationalism” wouldn’t exist as we (unfortunately) know it, if not for the boom after the great lunge of 1941-1945. It’s just the last gasp of “middle class” whites that want to keep all the hard-won, fleeting perks of war – without any of the dreadful responsibilities. WN is the price we must pay for trying to turn every dumb white hick into a “middle class” productive citizen. Blood will out they say.

  2. Jeppo has it right as usual. Muslims are an enemy. Islam must be identified as such without a baseless CT distractions. We should attack all of the above by blaming Jews, Secular Puritans and Muslims for what they each do to undermine our culture(s) worldwide.

  3. A protest by the EDL that didn’t last long before the police broke it up—250 people attended apparently.

  4. “We covered all the bases today: Jews, Muslims, blacks, and Hispanics”

    Don’t forget yankees, Hunter.

    Deo Vindice

  5. This is obviously a false flag perpetrated by Jews. The nigger in the video is a mossad agent in black makeup and the red stuff on his hands is paint, not blood. The soldier is a paid actor, he is on the mossad payroll.
    The police didn’t really shoot the perpetrators, those were blanks. They were whisked away on the ambulance and are now sipping cocktails on a plane headed for Israel.

  6. It’s possible to detest this act of horror by nigger muslims whilst recognizing who is helping flood White lands with these creatures. And who might that be? Why yes, the wonderful jews who are “at the center” and “who will be resented” for “playing a leading role” in the “transformation” of Europe.

    Or have you forgotten the words of our friend Barbara Lerner Spectre?


    Give yourself the gift of a refresher viewing of the above.

  7. The speed with which the authorities defuse the shocked native reaction is going to surprise and astound.

  8. Secular puritans works for me. I’ve heard them referred to as “Puritans who have lost their religion” before.

    Kinda like calling niggers moon crickets.

    I wonder if Barbara Lerner Spector and Lois Lerner are related?

    Deo Vindice

  9. There is an even bigger psy-op going on in Sweden where the Jews are leading people to believe that Muslims are rioting.

    What an amusing statement that might be, were it not the fact Swedish Media is completely dominated by jews:

    “The traitor is the plague”

    As regular readers will be aware, I have a special interest in Sweden, mainly because of its phenomenal achievements, relative to its tiny population, in industry, science, and sport. And its woman epitomise Nordic beauty at its best. As we all know that country is being destroyed, rapidly, at a rate as fast as that of any other White country. I am also aware that the press there is literally worse than in any other White country when it comes to being uniformly anti-White, relentlessly pushing mass Third World immigration, and excluding non-sanctified opinion.

    Even though Jews in Sweden make up a minuscule 0.2% of the Swedish population (just 20,000 of them) they virtually own the Swedish media. It was only after researching Swedish sources using Google Translate that the full mind-blowing extent of this became apparent. Check this link (use GT if needed) if you want the full gory details. And draw your own conclusions.

    “For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” –

    Marcus Tullius Cicero January 3, 106 BC – December 7, 43 BC


    Reality check here:

  10. I hear there’s another psyop going on in Sweden that has Americans believing that Muslims are in charge of Western immigration policy.

  11. No pogrom yet. I’m actually surprised by this. Perfect conditions for one.
    Chirp chirp, chirp chirp.

  12. The UK government took the guns in the 90s, basically disarming Britain’s entire indigenous population. I suspect this was partly done in anticipation of events like this, to manage the inevitable blowback from genocidal multiculturalism against the British. A percentage people with guns would be able to do some damage right now. Instead, the people with the courage to go into the streets are walking around with crude weapons and being confronted by armed police. And, of course, now the British police who don’t usually carry guns are armed just in the nick of time to suppress any natives looking for some payback. If there are people looking for payback, I hope Anders Brievik and his choice of targets are their model. And burn the British synagogues along with the mosques.

  13. The “Mossad opps” stuff is really childish.Of course this attack was committed by 2 Africna Muslims.

    Just like in Toledo, Spain – who opened the gates for the Moorish invaders?

    Grow up.

  14. John – there will be no pogrom against the Non-Whites. Nothing will happen, really at all.

    The pogrom against Whites is kicking in to the last stages, though. Get ready.

  15. Shabbas goyim opened the flood gates. I am no fan of the Jew, but traitorous Whites are more of a problem than the Jew.

  16. I’m surprised that things like petrol bombs have not been thrown–up and down the island. Jaw dropping inaction. Additionally beefed up base security is merely confining the soldiers to barracks.

    The EDL look like a bit of a joke and the BBC are replaying the little black boy saying he was “vewy vewy scared”. Oh poor lad, he didn’t get to wield a machete , just yet.

    The troops are probably being told they can’t leave base for 14 days.

  17. There’s a thing called CObrA where the top brass and top pols crisis meet.
    It’s an unfortunate name. Redolent as it is of GI Joe.

    The main task they are discussing is the effective suppression of a nativist reaction.

  18. Thanks for having the memory, and the brains, to be able to identify root causes.
    Back atcha Denise 😉

    * I have a comment on moderation , be great to see it set free (if you please), Mr. Wallace. If not, fair enough.

  19. Great posts, Denise. Let us save the hottest whitest flame for the bastards who let them in, gentile and Jew.

  20. John–exactly what I was thinking about this meeting of COBRA. It’s about how to keep the lid on the cooker. I would love to be a fly on the wall.
    Chris–you are right, sad to say. At least those evil Germans didn’t win!!

  21. Jack Straw, Jew. Labour party, worked with Blair. Google that hebe if you’ve never heard of him. Instrumental in opening the gates to the UK.

  22. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2325395/Ed-Miliband-surges-power-list-influential-Jewish-people-despite-struggling-convince-voters-leadership-credentials.html

    Bullet points from the article:

    “But Mr Miliband is facing questions over his leadership after poor local election results and support standing at just 34% in the polls”

    Doesn’t matter is no one wants to voe for him. Israeli paper intimates early odds…

    “Jerusalem Post described him as a ‘likely candidate for Prime Minister'”

  23. And then there is Jack Straw. Who is a Jew.


    “…Labour ministers secretly threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a ‘truly multi-cultural’ country, and exposed their reluctance to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its core working-class vote.”

    He kinda looks like Barbara Spector, who is ALSO….a Muslim? And African?

    A Jew? Pic one.

  24. The Israeli and British Armies tend to get on quite well. Seems silly bit to some extent the uniforms and weapons have been made to look similar.

    However this is a problem with Nigerians and other blacks. If the government doesn’t flood London with cops this weekend there probably will be large scale reprisals.

  25. Come on People,

    White Advocacy 101:

    “Blacks are the symptoms. _ _ _ _ are the disease”

    Fill in the blank.

  26. The other point to make is that London is a very heavily Jewish city. They can’t be enjoying this sort of thing. Not deep down. Their wars with the Arabs are catching up with them in Golders Green and Hampstead.

  27. Lew – thanks. I was tryng to grab all the stuff. I was saving Jack Straw for lasters. My system is running super slow tonight.

    I don’t know WHY every-one is so hot to blame Islam. YES Islam is anti Western. But who sits in the seats of power? Who makes the plans?

    Those coal Black Niggers raggies, wot kilt the soldier – they are the literal soldiers.

    The Frankfurt School is Jude.

    John – there will be no reprisals. The Jew will destroy ANY White that tries to mount a defense. Haven’t we learned that we are targeted for destruciton, yet?

  28. John – Jews want Whites genocided. We are in the last stages of an active, very successful campaign. It’s been in process for approx 200 years.

    Jews have been using Muzzies as tools for centuries. They are no bother. The imans are very easy to pay off. Easier than Whites.

    When Whites are gone – Jews get to be the White People. It’s that simple.

  29. @Wayne

    “Chris you are right, sad to say.”

    – No, Hitler was right. I’m not a Germanophile (or even German) or a wannabe national-socialist, but Hitler was right and the rest of the world was wrong. And here we are for it. Sad to say.

  30. Britain has given so much to world culture. It SICKENS me to see those animals walking around the land that gave us Chaucer, Shakespeare, Newton, British Common Law, Locke, Hume, William Blake, up to Tolkein, Orwell and so many others. The tip of the ice berg. I hope an English Breivik steps forward and settles some scores.

  31. I’d modify that and say Chamberlain was wrong to declare war on Germany. he should have been encouraged to share a border with the USSR. Bad for Poland though, but Danzig wasn’t worth it.

  32. It just requires the football hooligan mass to rekindle a bit. No Breiviks please. It has to be a mass of people on the street.

  33. Breivik is an interesting character, although being pro Zionist, he struck at the ruling elite in his nation. He did, in a way, recognize who was responsible for the out of control immigration. He didn’t waste time on the “symptom” he targeted the disease.

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