The Cost of the Union: Gang of Eight Amnesty Passes Senate Judiciary Committee

District of Corruption

The vote was 13-5.

10 Democrats (Feinstein-California, Blumenthal-Connecticut, Schumer-New York, Franken-Minnesota, Leahy-Vermont, Durbin-Illinois, Whitehouse-Rhode Island, Klobuchar-Minnesota, Coons-Delaware, Hirono-Hawaii) and 3 Republicans (Hatch-Utah, Flake-Arizona, and Graham-South Carolina) vs. 5 Republicans (Grassley-Iowa, Sessions-Alabama, Cornyn-Texas, Cruz-Texas, and Lee-Utah).

Note: In a Southern Congress, the vote would have been 3 to 1, and Lindsey Graham would have been defeated. It goes without saying that all four Jews on the committee voted for the bill and all four of them represent Northern or Western states.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The only thing worth fearing is a deal to scuttle Obamacare in exchange for Amnesty.

    The status quo on immigration is just fine for the race replacement camp.

  2. Daniel 2:41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
    Daniel 2:42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
    Daniel 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

  3. What is a slight relief is that we finally have a proper vote on the immigration question from Ted Cruz. I’ve been thinking all along that eventually he would side with his tribe, a la Rubio.

    Still, I don’t want him (Cruz) to be President, because a white country should have a white President, full stop.

  4. This is a much more important, fundamental issue to consider and deal with than deciding whether the Chechen boys wrote an anti-Amerikan boat message and whether they bombed independently.

    Then there is the claim that it could never in an entirely Southron congress, and the implication that the Whites of north of the Line are responsible.

  5. “Then there is the claim that it could never in an entirely Southron congress” should be: “Then there is the claim that it could never happen in an entirely Southron congress.”

  6. Gentlemen,
    I am afraid that some are living in a fantasy land. I do not know a single academic from the USA, UK, or Canada under 50 who does not swallow the open borders meme.

  7. @Mosin Nagant

    It’s best to just ignore any and all posturing about matters of race or immigration, coming from Southerners — it was they, after all, who pioneered the mass-importation of non-whites into this country in the first place. Southerners are America’s original race-traitors.

  8. Your ancestors should have picked their own damn cotton.
    The south is 100% responsible for the presence of niggers is the US.
    The way you people defend it is truly mind-numbing.

  9. Wherever Iam around niggers and it’s daily here in Vegas, I hear them speak in a southern accent. The deep connection between Southerners and niggers is absolute and unmistakable.

  10. “it was they, after all, who pioneered the mass-importation of non-whites into this country in the first place”

    Jews ran the slave-trade in Moorish Spain. They were chased into Portugal after the Reconquista and it was from there they started and ran the Atlantic slave-trade beginning with the slave plantations on Portuguese owned isalnds along the west coast of Africa.

    Regardless of the political arguments it’s important to get the history straight.

    Jews started and ran the Atlantic slave-trade.

  11. the black population in the US is actually the periphery. The epicenter was the Caribbean and the north part of Brazil. Imm pretty sure that the reason Cuba was never annexed is that it is majority black. Policy makers must have recognized this in horror after the victory over Spain.

  12. the black population in the US is actually the periphery. The epicenter was the Caribbean and the north part of Brazil. Imm pretty sure that the reason Cuba was never annexed is that it is majority black. Policy makers must have recognized this in horror after the victory over Spain.

  13. Sean,

    This post is about amnesty for illegal aliens. The South voted against the Immigration Act of 1965, the IRCA amnesty of 1986, and the DREAM Act and “comprehensive immigration reform” multiple times now.

    It’s your fault for turning America into a Third World country. :p

  14. It’s best to just ignore any and all posturing about matters of race or immigration, coming from Southerners — it was they, after all, who pioneered the mass-importation of non-whites into this country in the first place.

    Yes and no.  Some of the slaves in Louisiana came from stock imported by Spaniards, if I recall my minuscule readings on the subject correctly.  What would have happened if Virginia aristocrats had not done the same is easy to predict:  Spanish Florida and the Gulf Coast remain Spanish and push northward as well as keeping Texas, and the English colonies never get west of the Mississippi save perhaps for areas like the Dakotas.  Maybe the northern USA and Canada become one country.  Maybe Harry Turtledove has already written that alternate history, I haven’t had time to read it.

    Southern nurturing of historical resentment aside (hey, it’s not helping… drop it!), we need to decide what to do now.  Killing the immivasion bill is a sine qua non, but we need a positive program too.

  15. Reid has the Jews & Catholics in the US Senate who make up the core support group for immigration reform.

    The Jews & Catholics are about 40 votes in the US Senate, give or take 1 or 2 votes.

  16. Complaining about who imported slaves almost 200 years ago, doesn’t change the fact that they’re here today.

    What we CAN do, is to re-educate our children and ourselves with the message that all White, Western, Christian and European society once knew.

    Niggers, Spics, and Kikes are OTHER. And that is all we need to know.

    Both theology, science, and history confirm this. Just jettison the ideology that says otherwise, and do not listen to it, argue against it (not to ‘win over people’- I just start the meme, ‘Oh, sorry that’s not MY religion’ whenever ANYTHING about multiculturalism starts being spouted. Once they realize it is not SCIENCE, but FAITH, we are on more than equal ground. THEN THE DECIMATION MAY COMMENCE.

    Pagan Ideology always is trumped by a sound Christian theology. Contrary to some on this forum.

  17. Hunter Wallace says:
    The South voted against the Immigration Act of 1965, the IRCA amnesty of 1986, and the DREAM Act and “comprehensive immigration reform” multiple times now…”

    Which is why NETS are being imported by the millions (literally) into the “New South.” The whole machine —with its bogus “left-right” paradigm moves into the area “developed” by taxes. NETS bring their Latin leaf-blowers to upkeep the cheap housing ‘mcmansion’ tracts that are, essentially, larger apartments, usually built side-by-side since NETS hate nature and yards.

    In this way, the “South” (big quotes) can be “changed.”

    The Latin leaf blowers, with whom NETS feel comfortable, push away the blacks.

  18. @ Mr. Rational:
    “Southern nurturing of historical resentment aside (hey, it’s not helping… drop it!)…”

    How sly. THE NORTH has been milking “historical resentment” for all it’s worth for 150 years. It’s the only way the NORTH seems to be able to make a living (off other people, as it does).

    THE NORTH made the movie, Django Unchained. THE NORTH makes the endless barrage of anti-south literature, sentiment, cultural production. THE NORTH pushed that message into public schools (which had been used by the most generational americans who did not maintain “their own” schools at that time, although they are starting to now, to protect their children from THE NORTH).

    THEN when the South finally becomes NATURALLY defensive (at the constant attack), tools s/a this tell them THEY MUST “let go of the issue.”

    Just like a psychopath. Blaming the victim.

  19. THE NORTH has been milking “historical resentment” for all it’s worth for 150 years. It’s the only way the NORTH seems to be able to make a living

    Hmmm.  I could have sworn that there was a lot of agriculture (esp. corn and wheat), mining, manufacturing (are you saying Pittsburgh and Detroit are Southern cities?), all the mills which used to dot New England, and all sorts of other stuff that made the North wealthy.  Cheap labor never produces much for most people.

    THE NORTH made the movie, Django Unchained.

    Quentin Tarantino working in California is the entire North now?  Thanks for clearing that up.  I thought he only represented Hollyweird and the coastal elites.

    Just like a psychopath. Blaming the victim.

    Ask the White people formerly of Detroit, Gary, Philadelphia, Toledo, and increasingly Indianapolis whether you have any claim to victim status that they can’t claim too.

    And that’s the point.  This is not a North/South issue any more (not since 1968, arguably not since Shelley vs. Kraemer in 1948), and blaming other victims who happen to live north of the Mason-Dixon line isn’t helping.

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