Rivers of Blood: Now France


Nothing to see here. Just your everyday hooliganism.

“A uniformed French soldier on anti-terrorist duties in Paris had his throat cut by a knife-wielding man tonight.

The savage attack follows the murder of a British soldier by two men using weapons including knives and a meat cleaver. One of the suspects said they were acting in the name of Islam.

Today there were fears that the Paris attack was a copy-cat crime and that a radical Muslim might once more be responsible. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Boston, London, Sweden, France, Russia…hmm, I’m starting to sense a pattern here.

    A female suicide bomber exploded outside the Russian Interior Affairs Ministry in Dagestan, injuring at least 12 people, including two children and five police officers, on Saturday.

    Police say the bomber detonated a belt she wore in the central square of the regional capital Makhachkala, about 100 meters from the police ministry, after authorities attempted to check her documents.

    The victims were transported to hospitals across Makhachkala city, where, according to Russia Today, one woman died due to heavy shrapnel wounds, while two police officers remain in critical condition.

    The bomber has been identified as the twice widowed Madina Alieva, 25, who married an Islamist militant killed in 2009, and then married another radical who died last year, according to police spokeswoman Fatina Ubaidatova…

    Saturday’s bombing follows another attack this week. On Monday, two car bombs in Makhachkala killed four people and injured 44 more.


    Nah, it’s prolly nothing.

  2. “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustionWe shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

    Just saying.

  3. And if Ahmed’s blade finds the throats of their politicians…that would just be an unfortunate random event.

  4. the attempted takeover by globalists is becoming apparent at an ever increasing rate.

  5. Keep paying attention to the effects, and downplaying, denying or ignoring the cause.

    What is the cause?

  6. Mosin talking in tongues again.

    Just say what you think is wrong Mosin. No need to be cryptic.

  7. Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. – Manny Friedman
    In the U.S.A. Jews are 7% of the House of Representatives, 10% of the Senate, and 33% of the Supreme Court. The Yank-enstein monster now controls the world. Global Golem Incorporated = Coca-Cola = Exxon-Mobil = Federal Reserve = monster overgrown and starting to die

  8. Mosin’s going to go full Ron Paul thanks to someone taking his bait. Next time let the pharisee remain cabbalistic, before he proceeds to remove any doubt that he is a squeaky holyrolling libertarian.

  9. “… go full Ron Paul …” If everyone in the world were either of European descent or Oriental descent without much admixture of black African or other “jungle type” stock then perhaps we could all become Ron Paulistas. The French/Algerian war has moved north from Algeria to France. The colonial peoples are now the colonizing peoples.
    The reds/pinkos/Jews took over France in 1958 and the U.S.A. in 1960 with the J.F.K./L.B.J. black=white regime.
    Plainly, getting the Jew thing was a sort of occupational hazard of conservative journalism in the United States, an exceptionally lethal one, which the career-wise writer should strive to avoid. – John Derbyshire

  10. GonerWithTheWind,
    Thank you for the links you provide with your posts. I especially appreciated the one by Dr. William Pierce on the prior thread. I had met Dr. Pierce once. The West lost a great man when he passed on. It was always entertaining how he would deal with the “Countenances” who try to distract from the truth.

  11. Here is that link I mentioned above. It really is instructive. Dr. Pierce had a very direct manner in communicating. And I forgot to mention the links provided by “The Facts”. Absolutely fantastic.

  12. The causes / effects and symptoms / disease angle is played. People should focus on both as needed, not one or the other. With Muslims cutting throats and throwing bombs on Euro/American soil, and in increasingly brazen ways, anything other than direct, all-front, denunciation of Islam amounts to an implied defense of Islam IMO.

  13. “People should focus on both as needed, not one or the other.”

    Exactly. Use what people are talking about in whatever way gains the most ground.

    You can segway to whatever else you want to talk about from that first step e.g. segway from muslim attacks to immigration policy to the media’s distortions and double standards to blah blah.

    In particular the neocon line is
    muslim attacks -> police state and foreign wars

    A better counter to that is not
    muslim attacks -> false flags
    muslim attacks -> immigration policy

  14. Lew,
    I have to take issue with your comment as I believe it’s not that simple. I think “Race” played a much stronger part in all this. And I think we need to continue to focus on those that created this horrific mess! I think the “Muslim” naming by the mainstream media is a strategy by our controllers to deflect attention from their role. And again, we know who controls Western society!

  15. You want an answer as to why the ‘Joooos’ are to blame?

    Alright, I’ll GIVE you THE answer.

    If we hadn’t spuriously legitimized the Khazar imposter, by ‘giving’ them that which we (well, actually GB) didn’t posess, (namely Palestine) via the machinations of one of the oldest HERESIES of the Christian Faith, (meaning, NOT Christianity to blame, but her opponent) namely Chiliasm, (in America, read: Dispensationalism, Christian Zionist Heresy) we would NEVER have created Ill Will in the Levant.

    Then, via our continued aid and assistance to the rogue state of Isra-Hell, all sorts of ‘blowback’ began- Kennedy’s assasination was as a direct result of his wanting to do ‘greenbacks’ a la Lincoln (and Hitler) rather than subsume himself to the Jewish-owned Federal Reserve, as well as his intent NOT to ‘support Isra-hell. So, a crytpo-Marrano named LBJ took over the US, and FULLY COMMITTED US to being Israel’s B*tch….

    And it’s all gone downhill from there.

    Yes, America fought the Barbary Pirates, and defeated them once. Yes, Europe turned back the Islamic onslaught many, many times.

    And yes- neither the Turkic khazar, nor their DNA-related islamic neighbors are the Semites, and thus, species-specific genetic bombs, used to rid the world of a troubling populace of murderous intent, is roughly equivalent of the Mosaic command to ‘utterly destroy’ the Amalekites, Jebusites, Perizzites, and Amorites’ of the Bible days.

    But that would mean that Christendom would have to become awakened to her own Identity. And that is what the Jews have told us, is a lie, for the last 150 years.

    But at least ‘now you know the rest of the story.’

  16. “You want an answer as to why the ‘Joooos’ are to blame?”

    You blame Jews for the creation of Israel Fr. John? Are you out of your mind?

    We can perhaps blame Jews for clouding lower IQ white minds about more subtle forms of degeneracy, but for the greatest spiritual catastrophe of Western Civilization? That was whites, all the way. If there was one thing whites should have slaughtered and died over, it was to prevent that. Not a peep. Not a damn peep.

    And yet many here ON THIS SITE have absolutely no problem with a Jewish homeland and Jewish international sovereignty. But of course, the Jews are to blame for that level of white spiritual dissonance. Because whites are a blank slate, don’t you know, and have no responsibility for what they believe. Just pop them right down in the middle of the jungle and they’ll turn savage in no time. No problem.

    Israel is a white problem. Israel is a big giant sore thumb of a WHITE problem.

  17. . . . anything other than direct, all-front, denunciation of Islam amounts to an implied defense of Islam IMO.

    Why should Islam be the focus? That is identifying them as they identify themselves and it can easily lead to acceptance of secular immigrants (this has happened with several right-wing European parties). Race and nation should be the main focus. I consider Islam itself to be much less of a threat than the demographic threat.

  18. If we hadn’t spuriously legitimized the Khazar imposter, by ‘giving’ them that which we (well, actually GB) didn’t posess, (namely Palestine) via the machinations of one of the oldest HERESIES of the Christian Faith, (meaning, NOT Christianity to blame, but her opponent) namely Chiliasm, (in America, read: Dispensationalism, Christian Zionist Heresy) we would NEVER have created Ill Will in the Levant.

    Oh, you idiot.  The Levantines/Arabs/Turks had been raiding American shipping and taking Americans as slaves from the first days of independence from Britain until the US Navy and Marine Corps went to “the shores of Tripoli” to teach the Muslims a lesson.  Dhimmifying, enslaving and killing “kafirs” is what Muslims do; “ill will” isn’t generated from the outside, it’s written into every verse in their book.

    Yes, America fought the Barbary Pirates, and defeated them once.

    So you know that your claim is ahistorical and thus wrong, but you still hold to it.  I’m beginning to agree with your detractors.

  19. Mr. Rational,

    Cheers to you for making the post I almost did but instead said “**** this guy” and went to the gym. Well done.

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