Bicausalism Type B


Here’s a brief explanation of why I lean toward “Bicausalism Type B”:

The short answer is Southern history. Jews have always lived in the South, but Southern Jews only played a marginal role in the downfall of our social institutions. The most obvious example would be the abolitionist movement, the War Between the States, and the destruction of the Confederacy.

Jews were never perceived as the major threat to slavery by antebellum Southerners. Try real hard to think of the Jews who were behind the abolitionist movement. Prominent Jews like Judah Benjamin of Louisiana and David Yulee of Florida resigned from the Senate when their states seceded from the Union. Jews fought for the Confederacy in the War Between the States.

During Reconstruction, Southern Jews joined the Ku Klux Klan. Montgomery was redeemed from Reconstruction by its first Jewish mayor, Mordecai Moses, who ran as “the true White man’s candidate.” Throughout the Jim Crow era, Southern Jews were part of the commercial elite in cities like Montgomery and Selma, and never seemed to have any problem accommodating themselves to segregation and white supremacy.

When the Civil Rights Movement erupted in the 1950s, Southern Jews were embarrassed by the sheer number of Northern Jews who came to the South, particularly in Selma and Montgomery, and many of them even joined the White Citizens’ Council. In the South, the Civil Rights Movement was never associated with the Jewish population. It was seen as the work of “outside agitators” – Jews, Quakers, Catholics, Northern Protestants, Unitarians – Jewish and Yankee radicals who arrived in the South from some point of departure in the Northeast or Midwest.

The history of the South is different from the history of the North. The threat to the South’s racial order has always come from the outside – through the existence of the Union – whereas in the North it has always come from the enemy within.

Basically, I don’t see Jews as the primary infection because, if it were not for the existence of the Union, I just don’t see Southern Jews overthrowing slavery, destroying the Confederacy, or rising up to overthrow the Jim Crow system.

Update: Here’s an excerpt from one of the most fascinating books about the Jewish Question in the South that I have ever read, Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights:

“Opposition to Northern intrusion was also indicative of the fact that some southern Jews were intensely skeptical, if not openly scornful, of the need for immediate integration. Over half the interviewees included in sociologist Alfred Hero’s survey of southern Jewry argued that desegregation was proceeding “too fast,” admitting that they felt emotionally ill at ease about integration even when they accepted it as inevitable and in the long run desirable.” The ideological differences between northern and Southern Jews clearly expressed in a letter addressed to the American Jewish Committee by Montgomery, Alabama, Jewish Federation. “The White community in the South is generally opposed to desegregation,” read the letter. “The Jewish community in the South is part of the white community in the South.” …

Al Vorspan recalled one particularly heated discussion with Montgomery’s leaders that took place behind a locked door of a downtown hotel room. Having hoped he might convince his audience that the national Jewish organizations were taking the moral highground in supporting integration, Vorspan was horrified to hear himself and other New York Jews described as being “worse than Adolph Hitler” because of the way they “stirred up anti-Semitism.”

Here’s another revealing excerpt about the integration of Atlanta:

“For Charlie Leb, the Civil Rights Act was the beginning of the end. His intransigence had been a cause of considerable embarrassment to the Atlanta Jewish community. Marvin Goldstein shakes his head as he concedes that Leb was a “rabid” segregationist. “He shouldn’t have been,” asserts Goldstein. “He came from humble surroundings.”

Leb had always insisted that his business remained segregated only out of respect for the sensitivities of his white customers. This was nothing if not disingenuous. Situated on the same street as Leb’s was another restaurant called Harrod’s, which had desegregated before the sit-ins ever began. Almost every day, those who tried to eat at Harrod’s had to first pass through a Klan picket line. By contrast, the Klan posed no threat to Charlie Leb. As Charles Wittenstein explains, “He was getting a lot of admiration and attention and was the hero of the white race and that segregationist crowd, and he bought into it and continued to do so.” On January 27, 1965, a dinner was held in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., who had recently been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Among those who organized and attended the dinner were many of Atlanta’s Jews. Outside on the street, Klansmen paraded in protest. Marching alongside them was Charlie Leb. …”

Here’s another excerpt from Mississippi:

“This might initially appear a rather contentious remark. We have already seen that Jews ordinarily joined the Citizens Council not out of any ideological conviction but as a means of deflecting attention from their true feelings on the race issue. Yet in Jackson itself one of the most articulate spokespersons in defense of segregation was indeed a Jew, Al Binder. Binder, an attorney, was closely associated with the power structure, not only in Jackson, but throughout the state. It was he who led the prosecution of the Freedom Riders in 1961. “Al’s one of us,” asserted the leader of Mississippi’s massive resistance movement. “He’s our Jew.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Excellent statement of the “Golden Circle” notion that the GOOD (SOUTH-of-the-Line) Jews have always been “part of the commercial elite” and fellow members of the Ku Klux Klan, and have demonstrated historically they are NOT a threat to slavery or supremacism!

    Talmudism has been called “the original supremacism,” and slavery or similar economic exploitation in a multiracial and class-divided setting is essential to it.

  2. “Jews were not a problem” inthe Sout, becaue White Southerners were not in conflict with THIER interests, at the time.

    England have willingly served the Jews for centuries.

    Edward I tossed them out. England did just fine WITHOUT them.

    Cromwell let them back in. How’s that going? Enlgand fough the KNNNAAAAAZZZEEES, although Hitler tried to warn the White world. Are the Jews grateful? How do Jews show their gratitude to the Golem that serve them? Ask Lee Rigby’s family. Ask his little boy.

    Forget secession. It will be stillborn.

  3. The problem as I see it is that our jewsers are metaphysic cranks who turn the J into a ten foot tall monster. Screaming “Jew” is our equivalent of the nigger metaphysics of “White skin privilege.”

    That said the facts the jewsers bring to the table will be useful in the trials on the genocide of whites.

  4. …and the Talmudists and Whites originating south of the Line “have different genetic markers” than the Talmudists and Whites, even the Anglo-Celt Whites, originating north of the Line — so there are clearly “two different peoples,” one naturally amenable, the other naturally opposed to multiracialism, class division, and the enslavement and economic exploitation of Africans, mulattoes, and lower-class “trash” whites.

  5. One of Hunter’s posts that lamented the disappearance of Jewish merchants from dying agricultural villages noted that they had always built their synagogues next to the plantations across the South. (Many villages or small towns that served the plantations are shrinking or losing significance in the shift to metropolitan life.)

  6. “Screaming ‘Jew’ is our equivalent of the nigger metaphysics of ‘White skin privilege.’ ”

    First of all: “Screaming”?

  7. I only partly agree with what Chechar has to say. He sees religion as the enemy of the white race; on the contrary, religion is the glue that held non-egalitarian southern culture together for so long. More likely it’s just northern religion – i.e., progressivism under various banners – that’s the problem. (And yes, it’s infected southern religious sects now. Thanks, yankees.)

    Truth is, it’s yankee atheists that are the new carpetbaggers, coming to tell southerners what’s “best for us”, what we should think, how we should act. Prim, finger-waving purse-lipped lecturing sanctimonious progressives – yes, that’s what they are – telling us the best way to be White. And we better get aboard their train, because they’re right, we’re wrong, and that’s. It.

    I’m sick of the whole lot of ’em, frankly. I’d rather have a Southern nation than a White nation. There, I said it.


  8. Understanding the Jews is a really important obstacle to overcome for understanding the world. The Jews are thought of either as angelic geniuses and innovators,by themselves and their friends, or satanic geniuses and innovators, by their opponents. Few stop to think they might not be geniuses or innovators at all. It’s just as anti-Semitic to say Jews *don’t* secretly run the world as to say that they do, so I will go out on a limb and say it. Jews have never started, discovered or initiated anything. What they have always done is come to a place and ingratiate themselves to the powerful, or find a movement that is in its early stages of success and attach themselves to it. Promoting black liberation sure as hell wasn’t way to ingratiate themselves to the powerful in the South, so they didn’t do it there. In the North it was and is a very high status activity, so they do it there.

    Northerners are mostly too close to the urban English Protest culture- founded by Puritans but including Quakers, Methodists and even Catholics- to see this. Southerners are from the rural English Protestant culture- Episcopalian and Presbyterian- and can see this, but make the mistake of thinking all Northerners are Yankee Puritans.

  9. In Birmingham in 1963, the controversy that sparked the famous “Children’s Crusade” in which Bull Connor used fire hoses and attack dogs on protesters was over the integration of the downtown department stores.

    The Birmingham department stores which were enforcing the segregation ordinances were Rich’s (now Macy’s), Pitzitz, and Loveman’s. Sak’s was also founded in Jim Crow Birmingham.

  10. “More likely it’s just northern religion – i.e., progressivism under various banners – that’s the problem. (And yes, it’s infected southern religious sects now. Thanks, yankees.) Truth is, it’s yankee atheists that are the new carpetbaggers.”

    You are on target, close to the bull’s eye, Gayle! Conservative Christians originating north of the Line are appalled, too, at the ascendancy of ANTI-Christianity nearly EVERYWHERE. Political, economic and immigration policy reform, even secession, apartheid and deportation wouldn’t cure this spiritual disease, and cannot succeed, cannot happen, unless the disease is cured.

  11. I only partly agree with what Chechar has to say. He sees religion as the enemy of the white race; on the contrary, religion is the glue that held non-egalitarian southern culture together for so long. More likely it’s just northern religion

    Chechar is faintly aware of the special corrosion lowchurch Calvin/Lutheranism/proto-puritanism ushered in. The opening scene of The African Queen is the definitive audiovisual expression of the protestant experience with Negroes. The protestant seeks to pacify or liberate the Negro. His theology lacks the hierarchy and authority to accomplish either of the similarly crummy goals.

    I’m sick of the whole lot of ‘em, frankly. I’d rather have a Southern nation than a White nation. There, I said it.

    Wise lady.

  12. Here’s another funny excerpt from Mississippi:

    “This might initially appear a rather contentious remark. We have already seen that Jews ordinarily joined the Citizens Council not out of any ideological conviction but as a means of deflecting attention from their true feelings on the race issue. Yet in Jackson itself one of the most articulate spokespersons in defense of segregation was indeed a Jew, Al Binder. Binder, an attorney, was closely associated with the power structure, not only in Jackson, but throughout the state. It was he who led the prosecution of the Freedom Riders in 1961. “Al’s one of us,” asserted the leader of Mississippi’s massive resistance movement. “He’s our Jew.”

  13. “The problem as I see it is that our jewsers are metaphysic cranks who turn the J into a ten foot tall monster. Screaming “Jew” is our equivalent of the nigger metaphysics of “White skin privilege.”

    Exactly why I refuse to indulge in the solipsistic circular logic of jewmania, a subspecies of monomania. One who is good with a hammer tends to see everything as a nail.

    Point in case: Jews had nothing to do with the murder of Lee Rigby, which was carried out by feral negroes unimpeded by white onlookers. Not a Jew in sight, unless Jews are magical Jews like the magic negroes libtards so fervently believe in. These secret occult Jews can be seen in the photograph if you wear your special Jew glasses.

    Of course, according to the jewmaniacs, the above observation would make me a very evil co-conspirator with them and worthy of extermination. So much for being pro-white.

    Must be why so many here lavish such praise on Hitler, who left Germany a smoking pile of rubble before his cowardly departure from this world. Hitler, who killed millions more whites than Jews, most especially all those non-Nordic Slavic untermenschen.

    If you don’t think that whites have a problem that impedes their survival, just look at the response from whites to Lee Rigby’s slaughter. When you make the truth your enemy, you lose everything.

    Jewmaniacs should at least be compelled to keep their story straight. Which was it, an unprovoked attack, a false flag attack, or a completely staged fake attack? I get confused easily…

    ”The Jews frighten you as if you were little children, and you do not see it. Many wicked slaves show frightening and ridiculous masks to youngsters—the masks are not frightening by their nature, but they seem so to the children’s simple minds—and in this way they stir up many a laugh. This is the way the Jews frighten the simpler-minded Christians with the bugbears and hobgoblins of their shrines. Yet how could their ridiculous and disgraceful synagogues frighten you? Are they not the shrines of men who have been rejected, dishonored, and condemned?” ~ St. John Chrysostom

    Deo Vindice

  14. I think most people would accept that reality is generally more complicated than simple.

    However there is a separate factor relating to anti-whites using the suicide meme as a demoralizing tactic which requires a tactical response.

  15. My thought is that the Union sped up what would have happened inevitably regarding Slavery and Jim Crow Laws, as technology improved and the world became modern. With modern machines doing farming and internet connections facilitating discussion, I just think that even if the North had stayed out, the South would have eventually changed in time.

  16. “Northerners are Yankee Puritans”

    The definition of Puritan has been changed? Are widespread homosexuality, atheism, welfare living, dishonesty, sloth, etc. now considered evidence of “Puritanism”?

    Rather it is the lack or the opposite of true Christian Purity that is the real problem.

  17. Very interesting point of view. However the tagged article says that Jews thrived only in liberal democracies. Did not the Jews thrive in the Ottoman Empire as Donmeh (crypto converts)? If this fact is true, one can draw the correlation of how the Jews thrive in multicultural polyglot (decaying) empires. Maybe it’s a distorted point of view. As for southern Jews I don’t know much about the history. But if my memory serves me right weren’t most carpetbaggers Jewish? In fact I believe U.S.Ass Grant proposed a decree to keep all Northern Jews out of the south? I don’t blame the Jews for everything but they certainly do prosper when whites are fighting each other or when the third world hordes are destroying Western (White) Civilization.

  18. “Jewmaniacs should at least be compelled to keep their story straight.”

    Nah. Play by the fair and reasonable rules of debate when debating with people who accept reciprocal morality. When debating with people who don’t accept reciprocal morality make it a game where the rules are to always cheat.

  19. “However there is a separate factor relating to anti-whites using the suicide meme as a demoralizing tactic which requires a tactical response.”

    I think it’s particularly demoralizing when anti-whites hand responsibility for the white predicament to a foreign entity. It treats whites as children and robs them of their own responsibility. I think this requires a tactical response. Which I am currently engaging in. I encourage all lovers of white culture to engage it as well. We need to keep this anti-white meme corralled. It is total poison.

  20. “When debating with people who don’t accept reciprocal morality make it a game where the rules are to always cheat.”

    Reciprocal morality? Are you kidding me? From the guy pushing the idea that whites are not responsible for their own failings?

  21. Here’s another excerpt:

    “Binder was not the only Jew who publicly supported the massive resistance movement. Others were actively involved, especially in the Deep South. The earliest recruits to the Montgomery Citizens’ Council included financier Les Weinstein. Investigating the Citizen Councils’ phenomenon, journalist Stan Opotowsky reported that the organization did indeed enjoy the ardent support of many Jews across the state of Alabama. “Let the New York Jews lick the anti-Semitism in their own backyard and leave us alone,” snarled one Jewish Council member. “We’re not complaining.” A significant number of Alabama Jews also actively supported segregationist governor George Wallace, including Rubin Hanan, a leader of the Sephardic community in Montgomery.”

  22. Occigent

    If Jews were purple (or all wore Orthodox dress) then the total domination of the American MSM would be obvious to everyone. An award show for journalists and media pundits would look like this

    And the fact all these 1000s and 1000s of Jewish media people were all saying mass immigration and diversity were great for every nation except Israel would be noticed.

  23. Apelius – JEWS brought the Mulsims into Enlgand. Just liek the brought Africna slaves into the USA.

    The Jew stays out of sight. In order to destroy, The Goy factions destroy each other, and the Jew wins, no matter what.

    SEE the Jew.

    How is England doing, now?

  24. Denise,

    Your view on jews is appropriately irreverent and feminine. It’s the right view for women to have. It’s not appropriate for men.

  25. Test:

    If you’re asking me if I think it would be easier to take back Western Civilization if the purples wore purple, yes, I do.

    But I would be more proud of my people if we again learned to reject purple ideas. It’s also a more gratifying battle, in my opinion.

  26. For people who claim to know so much about Jews, some questions are in order.

    1. What differences exist among Jews?
    2. What is the biggest weakness of Jews?
    3. What is the biggest fear of Jews?

    Answer these questions and you might be doing something more constructive than hysterically shrieking about Jews and alienating any thoughtful person. Of course that would require abandoning the victim mentality.

    Here in South Florida, there are more Jews here than you can shake a stick at. Their views are indistinguishable from the other yankee transplants here, be they Irish, Italian, or whatever.

    The only significant difference is that since they are a special victim class, most are extremely reluctant to abandon their group identity. Nevertheless, massive assimilation with whites continues and undermines their group identity and existence.

    Half-breeds are notorious for their divided loyalties. An extraordinary number of German officers and soldiers in the Third Reich were mischlinge.

    Amurricans are the minions of an atheistic materialist society spawned by false Enlightenment ideas that scoff at any notion of transcendence. It should come as no surprise that without a spiritual reference point, the only available route to “holiness” is defined as providing assistance to starving niggers in Africa with the summum bonum being adopting niglets into your own family.

    If you can do neither of these, holding the right views will work as substitute, identifying you as one of the blessed who have the right intentions.

    In this Jews are no different from any other group. Despite holding the “correct” views, unwary, indoctrinated, naive Jews are preyed upon by mudlings just as easily as any unwary, indoctrinated, naive white European.

    One might even suppose that Jews are caught in the same destructive negative feedback loop as most whites are. That just like whites, they are their own worst enemy. I guess it all depends upon what your answers were to the three questions above.

    Worried about Jewish media? Turn off the damn teevee. Nobody but you makes you surrender your time and energies to that useless device.

    Abjure the realm.

    Deo Vindice

  27. The most obvious example is the northeastern Jews who came down to shove “civil rights” in your faces.

  28. Must be why so many here lavish such praise on Hitler, who left Germany a smoking pile of rubble before his cowardly departure from this world.

    I thought the Royal Air Force had something to do with that.

    Whatever your thoughts on Hitler and National-Socialism, blaming Hitler for the actions of a country that declared war on Germany (under the false pretense of saving Poland) sounds a lot like blame-shifting.

  29. Worried about Jewish media? Turn off the damn teevee. Nobody but you makes you surrender your time and energies to that useless device.

    That does nothing to stop our people all around us from remaining TV-watching zombies.

  30. Jews fought for the Confederacy in the War Between the States.

    This is something greatly promoted by the Rainbows. Jews accounted for less than 1% of Confederate soldiers.

  31. Hunter, there were MANY “Southern”-thinking (on Africans) Jews in the northern states, too — at least in the small towns — until black inequality and segregation became out of fashion after the mid-sixties.

  32. Bicausalism is like “bisexuality”: A “Bisexual” is still essentially a sodomite. A “Bicausalist” still essentially blames, doubts, looks down on White Christianity.

  33. “Whatever your thoughts on Hitler and National-Socialism, blaming Hitler for the actions of a country that declared war on Germany (under the false pretense of saving Poland) sounds a lot like blame-shifting.”

    Last time I checked, Germany initiated the hostilities. Their prime motivation was from the victim mentality they developed from losing the Great War. Maybe being a victim isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

    Live by the sword, die by the sword. Spend eternity whining about it.

    It may just be that the Jacobin inspired yankee melting pot paradigm has simply rendered indoctrinated western whites defenseless against any alien group.

    The East European Jewish radicals are just a particularly energetic and opportunistic alien group, fully empowered by their Jacobin indoctrination.

    In their zeal to smash altar and throne, western whites removed the powers necessary for the defense of their cultures and their peoples. Now they find themselves at the not so tender mercies of a hostile alien elite. Is that really such a big surprise?

    Deo Vindice

  34. I’m having trouble getting into this thread. To me it’s somewhat of a distraction. While it is an interesting academic exercise to determine if there were any “Good Jews” in the South way back, their motives would always be suspect, in my opinion. But what is happening today is clear. The J’s are running the entire show, imposing their “Culture and Values” (sic), and we are going down.

  35. hugh
    “But what is happening today is clear. The J’s are running the entire show, imposing their “Culture and Values” (sic), and we are going down.”

    (my bold)


  36. If this thread is a distraction for you, don’t post/read it.


    You made a quality post earlier and this live long character does what? Acts like some brown-shirted hall monitor and zeroes in on WWII, ignoring your larger point.

    This is the only “movement” the Hitler apologists are capable of:

    You’d think southern man would retain enough semi-feudal ideals to reflexively support the Royal Air Force of the UK against a Germanic peasant revolt led by an ill-bred scamp. Without even getting into the blood-ties, exhibited on murals dedicated to the CSA throughout Northern Ireland… The language, culture and general affinity for the UK. The strain of sympathy to the German Socialist Workers betrays just how lost in the wilderness some Southrons are.

  37. Another exercise in:

    1) diverting attention from Jewish activities in the present and recent past;

    2) emphasizing the destructive choices made by long-dead white leaders in the distant past;

    3) collectively holding today’s whites responsible for outcomes ***caused*** by other whites in the distant past(

    4) de facto exonerating the Jews and whites who hold power today and use it to suppress everyone who wants to move the society and culture in new directions.

    Whether you’re a WNist, SNist, monarchist, traditionalist Catholic or something else, it is not the masses of deracinated, materialistic, consumerists standing in your way of creating in the society you want. It’s Jews, and, to use ODs vernacular, Yankees with the cultural and political power to impose their will on you and everyone else.

    I am not clear on the problem this causal model is supposed to solve for anyone who wants to move society in new directions.

  38. “The J’s are running the entire show, imposing their “Culture and Values” (sic), and we are going down.”

    That’s just it. They aren’t Jewish values–they are Enlightenment values. European Jews succumbed almost entirely to the irresistible Enlightenment values that finally got them out of the ghettos (Jewish emancipation).

    The only belief radical Jews have left is their undying hostility to all forms of Christianity and traditional white European culture, something they have in common with western white radicals who champion Enlightenment values. Seems to me that the dreaded Jewish dominance depends upon the active collusion of like minded white Europeans.

    Deo Vindice

  39. hugh said: “But what is happening today is clear. The J’s are running the entire show, imposing their “Culture and Values” (sic), and we are going down.”

    That’s exactly what Henry Ford said to detractors when he funded 500,000 printings of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. And because we didn’t listen to Ford or anyone else like him, the game is almost over.

  40. Apelius – enlightenment values ARE Jewish values. The Enlightenment is one of their cons.

    You need to do some more research. I really enjoy your posts. You are very bright. I’m just beginning to understand that yur knowledge is not especially DEEP. It seems ot stop at…ohhhh…1865.

  41. No Man – uhhh…thanks for the compliment.

    Answer my question, instead of trying to evade my question.

    I say – No Jews in White Societies.

    How would that work out, for Whites?

    Why do we NEED them? Do we NEED them?

  42. I’m sorry but these last two posts by Denise are pure hen-peckery. Men that reward such behavior, even dignify it with a response will never amount to much.

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