Bicausalism Type B


Here’s a brief explanation of why I lean toward “Bicausalism Type B”:

The short answer is Southern history. Jews have always lived in the South, but Southern Jews only played a marginal role in the downfall of our social institutions. The most obvious example would be the abolitionist movement, the War Between the States, and the destruction of the Confederacy.

Jews were never perceived as the major threat to slavery by antebellum Southerners. Try real hard to think of the Jews who were behind the abolitionist movement. Prominent Jews like Judah Benjamin of Louisiana and David Yulee of Florida resigned from the Senate when their states seceded from the Union. Jews fought for the Confederacy in the War Between the States.

During Reconstruction, Southern Jews joined the Ku Klux Klan. Montgomery was redeemed from Reconstruction by its first Jewish mayor, Mordecai Moses, who ran as “the true White man’s candidate.” Throughout the Jim Crow era, Southern Jews were part of the commercial elite in cities like Montgomery and Selma, and never seemed to have any problem accommodating themselves to segregation and white supremacy.

When the Civil Rights Movement erupted in the 1950s, Southern Jews were embarrassed by the sheer number of Northern Jews who came to the South, particularly in Selma and Montgomery, and many of them even joined the White Citizens’ Council. In the South, the Civil Rights Movement was never associated with the Jewish population. It was seen as the work of “outside agitators” – Jews, Quakers, Catholics, Northern Protestants, Unitarians – Jewish and Yankee radicals who arrived in the South from some point of departure in the Northeast or Midwest.

The history of the South is different from the history of the North. The threat to the South’s racial order has always come from the outside – through the existence of the Union – whereas in the North it has always come from the enemy within.

Basically, I don’t see Jews as the primary infection because, if it were not for the existence of the Union, I just don’t see Southern Jews overthrowing slavery, destroying the Confederacy, or rising up to overthrow the Jim Crow system.

Update: Here’s an excerpt from one of the most fascinating books about the Jewish Question in the South that I have ever read, Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights:

“Opposition to Northern intrusion was also indicative of the fact that some southern Jews were intensely skeptical, if not openly scornful, of the need for immediate integration. Over half the interviewees included in sociologist Alfred Hero’s survey of southern Jewry argued that desegregation was proceeding “too fast,” admitting that they felt emotionally ill at ease about integration even when they accepted it as inevitable and in the long run desirable.” The ideological differences between northern and Southern Jews clearly expressed in a letter addressed to the American Jewish Committee by Montgomery, Alabama, Jewish Federation. “The White community in the South is generally opposed to desegregation,” read the letter. “The Jewish community in the South is part of the white community in the South.” …

Al Vorspan recalled one particularly heated discussion with Montgomery’s leaders that took place behind a locked door of a downtown hotel room. Having hoped he might convince his audience that the national Jewish organizations were taking the moral highground in supporting integration, Vorspan was horrified to hear himself and other New York Jews described as being “worse than Adolph Hitler” because of the way they “stirred up anti-Semitism.”

Here’s another revealing excerpt about the integration of Atlanta:

“For Charlie Leb, the Civil Rights Act was the beginning of the end. His intransigence had been a cause of considerable embarrassment to the Atlanta Jewish community. Marvin Goldstein shakes his head as he concedes that Leb was a “rabid” segregationist. “He shouldn’t have been,” asserts Goldstein. “He came from humble surroundings.”

Leb had always insisted that his business remained segregated only out of respect for the sensitivities of his white customers. This was nothing if not disingenuous. Situated on the same street as Leb’s was another restaurant called Harrod’s, which had desegregated before the sit-ins ever began. Almost every day, those who tried to eat at Harrod’s had to first pass through a Klan picket line. By contrast, the Klan posed no threat to Charlie Leb. As Charles Wittenstein explains, “He was getting a lot of admiration and attention and was the hero of the white race and that segregationist crowd, and he bought into it and continued to do so.” On January 27, 1965, a dinner was held in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., who had recently been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Among those who organized and attended the dinner were many of Atlanta’s Jews. Outside on the street, Klansmen paraded in protest. Marching alongside them was Charlie Leb. …”

Here’s another excerpt from Mississippi:

“This might initially appear a rather contentious remark. We have already seen that Jews ordinarily joined the Citizens Council not out of any ideological conviction but as a means of deflecting attention from their true feelings on the race issue. Yet in Jackson itself one of the most articulate spokespersons in defense of segregation was indeed a Jew, Al Binder. Binder, an attorney, was closely associated with the power structure, not only in Jackson, but throughout the state. It was he who led the prosecution of the Freedom Riders in 1961. “Al’s one of us,” asserted the leader of Mississippi’s massive resistance movement. “He’s our Jew.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “(T)he Latin perspective is the European perspective. The German perspective of Europe is not a European perspective.”

    Yet Germany is the centre of Europe, and Rome at the southern fringe of Europe was and would still be the centre of a multiracial, universalist world Empire.

    I’m not a “radical Prot,” not radical at all but conservative, and neither Protestant nor Roman. Christianity is older than both. However, Romanism is much preferable to secular atheism, and I have many good Roman and Roman-background friends.

  2. Chechar

    “But you are failing to take a step further and ask the most elemental question”

    Yes i’m not stepping back into anti-white distractions. It couldn’t be any simpler.

    If White people were the problem the media wouldn’t need to lie.

    “a form of Christianity of Calvinist extraction that conquered NorthAm was the culprit”

    And like i say, people who use the “monocause” straw man argument always turn out to have a monocause of their own.

  3. No, that is not entirely correct. I wish you’d be more careful. Whites did not “hand over” modern media. Jews seized it. – Lew

    But that’s exactly why I used the Islamic nations, so plagued with Semites through millennia and a half, as my paradigm to falsify the view that whites are blameless. If Jews were able to seize the media of any culture they wish, how on earth have they been unable to seize the media of, say, any Islamic nation of the 20th century in the Maghreb?

    Sunic’s reply is devastatingly simple, though I will paraphrase a bit: Because, unlike Anglo-Saxons, Muslims have not turned themselves into Body-snatched Pod entities, courtesy of Christianity and its secular offshoots of liberalism.

  4. P.S.

    Listen a fascinating interview of Kevin MacDonald by Tom Sunic, the heavyweights of our movement at both sides of the Atlantic. My favorite phrases start in minute 35:35:

    “…Hollywood, the whole colonization of our mentality largely stands not from the Jews themselves but from those Paleo Jews who happen to be Christian Zionists, and we are talking of millions of people, some of them quite wealthy… So instead of just arguing that it’s the Jews who actually did this or that why not just reverse the argument?… Christianity being responsible [emphasis in Sunic’s voice] for this state of neurotic mentality. I know that it is a tough topic and that I would need ten hours to discuss it with you.”

    MacDonald did not disagree with Sunic, so much so that he even wrote the preface to Sunic’s Homo Americanus where he develops these ideas.

  5. Re: Integration

    Integration arrived in different states at different times. Alabama was integrated by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. There were a couple of federal court orders before then that integrated specific institutions in specific cities.

    The North and West are a different story. Most of the Western states (and Indiana) were integrated between 1945 and 1964. The Midwest was integrated between 1865 and 1885.

    In the Northeast, integration arrived in some states like Massachusetts during the antebellum era, and some states like Vermont were always integrated. There was never a “rise” of racialism in some parts of the Northeast.

  6. Fascinating!

    A speech by Type B Tom Sunic before Type A Kevin MacDonald and, IMHO, monocausalist Dave Duke. Watch the videos that you can find in YouTube, “The Monotheist Mindset and its Secular Modalities,” with both Duke and MacDonald attending the conference.

    At that conference in Denmark celebrated in May 2011, Suni? said:

    “Basically, my main thesis is that before we tackle our problems of immigration—in fact before we even tackle the problem of Jews and Judaism—, we have to tackle the major issue, which is egalitarianism.” [emphasis in Suni?’s voice]

    It was Western egalitarianism what caused the catastrophic emancipation of Jewry in the first place. Suni? also mentioned St Paul’s epistles and the European revolutions of the modern age that created the Euro-Semitic Zeitgeist that is killing us.

    Suni? is saying, basically, that Western egalitarianism is even worse than what we might call “a virus for the white mind.” Worse because the Operating System of whites has been the altogether intolerant Judeo-Christian monotheism since the fourth century. And it is precisely this theological / axiological mindset that, in its secular form, is at the very core of the current mess. (This includes the American military interventions defending Jewry and Israel in this and the last centuries.)

    After watching the videos of his Denmark conference I purchased the Suni? book I quoted in the other thread.

  7. Oops! It looks like the WordPress software added a “?” instead of the “c” with the Croatian accent I used in the name “Sunic”.

  8. I can’t shake it. I hate whites who refuse to say “no” to Jews more than I hate Jews. – Occigent

    You are making exactly the same point that Sunic did somewhere in one of the videos I mentioned above.

    Sunic said, and I am quoting / rephrasing by memory: “I don’t have a problem with Jews. We know who they are. But I do have a problem with [those Christian Americans who want to become hyper-Jews]” (emphasis in Sunic’s voice).

  9. “the Operating System of whites has been the altogether intolerant Judeo-Christian monotheism since the fourth century”

    The cementing of Trinitarianism in the 4th Century was actually a partial retreat from monotheism.

  10. But that’s exactly why I used the Islamic nations, so plagued with Semites through millennia and a half, as my paradigm to falsify the view that whites are blameless. If Jews were able to seize the media of any culture they wish, how on earth have they been unable to seize the media of, say, any Islamic nation of the 20th century in the Maghreb?

    This is weak, Chechar. Your Islamic example does not support your position. I’m going crush this point once and for all right now.

    In fact, it does the opposite of what you say it does.

    It falsifies your conclusion that whites “handing over” their media when the Islamic world hasn’t is evidence there is something wrong with whites.

    The conclusion does not follow if in fact whites did not “hand over” their media.

    You agree?

    The parties who blame whites first, or who blame them primarily, usually ignore factors like military conquest. You seem to be doing so here.

    It is not correct to say the white South “handed over” its media.

    Nor is it correct to that Germany did.

    Their ability to control their own media was taken away from them as an outcome of external military conquest.

    Would please address this exact point without resorting to HIV or Tolkien metaphors?

    Your statement that whites “handed over” their media would appear to be a bit problematic once you factor in conquest influencing the outcome of how that media came to dominate.

    I note also you did not respond to my comment about the Jewish media mogul David Sarnoff on the previous page.

  11. Re: Islamic media

    The reason the Islamic world has not “handed over” their media to the Jews is perfectly clear.

    The Islamic world has yet to be conquered and subjugated by force by alien outsiders. There is your difference.

    The exception is Iraq.

    Iraq has been subjugated by the Western powers.

    And now, amazingly, the “Iraqi” media is bombarding its population with Western propaganda. Under Saddam Hussein, this was not the case.

    Coincidence? Of course not. That’s ridiculous.

    The Iraqi people did not “hand over” their media. The only Arab/Islamic nation to “hand over” their media happens to be the one that was conquered, unlike say Iran and Pakistan.

    It was taken from them just like ours was. Not our fault.

    It is, again, vitally important to keep the blame where it belongs.

  12. The outcomes in Iraq in terms of media usage show how the Jews and their allies understand the long game.

    In political struggle, it’s always the next generation that matters.

    Iraq’s next generation will be growing up submerged in Western-Judaic propaganda.

    They are presently being subjected to the full-range of propaganda and filth we all know so well: diversity, feminist, egalitarian, pro-homosexual, and the blatant sexualizing of everything.

    Jews believe in rotting nations from within.

    I guess it will be “their fault” if future generations of Iraqis choose what Jews are selling!

  13. Re: media and Islamic nations



    It is instructive to look at what Jewish-Leftist forces do when they overthrow nations.

    – In particular, how do they use the media, especially television, in conquered countries to mold elites and masses to their will?

    – Shutting down Iraq’s television system was a top priority of the invasion forces.

    – Before the invasion, the Pentagon’s office of psychological operations and its Zionist Office of Special Plans division run by Jews Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith drafted a white paper outlining the establishment of a “Rapid Reaction Media Team”

    – The Carnegie Council (President: Joel H. Rosenthal) wrote:

    Iraq’s mass media and appropriate government ministries can be used in the effort to disseminate a better societal understanding of [pre-Ba’athist 1921-1963] developments.

    Because historical memory needs to be syncretic, they can choose forms of memory that resonate with the populace’s needs.

    This can be done, for example, through television programs,

    – new educational curricula at the secondary school and university levels based not on imported norms but on [selective use of] Iraqi history,

    – Following the conquest, the US-Jewish network imposed a de-Ba’athification policy modeled partly after the de-Nazification of Germany after WWII and what was done to white South Africa after its takeover.

    – The NDI was created by the US government . . . Among its projects is a “Diversity in Iraq” TV program [30 mins.].

    – One year after the invasion, USA Today was as thrilled by Caricateera as the New York Times is with There Is Someone.

    – The paper gushed, “It’s must-see TV for millions of Iraqis every Friday. Thousands more catch the show on bootleg videodiscs, which sell for less than $1.”

    – In one scene, a “6-foot-tall drag queen is trying to kiss a 4-foot-tall man [a dwarf].

    – Their antics are interrupted when they are caught by a woman who claims to be the drag queen’s mother.”

    – am Shabab recruits 14 to 18-year-olds (much of Iraq’s population is under age 35-click on “Iraq” for 2010 to see a graph of its population pyramid) from different races, religions and geographical backgrounds, most of whom have not previously interacted with people from different regions or left their hometowns, to compete in teams.

    – The objective is to “promote diversity” in viewers’ minds.

    Why is the Iraqi media pumping this stuff across the airwaves while Iran’s is not?

    I know, it’s just so evident the Iraqis are doing it to themselves, it’s their fault, they’re choosing what the jews are selling…

    If one accepts the logic of Type B Bi-Casualism, that is.

    • When did the Jews send their legions into the United States? It never happened.

      Instead, American capitalists eager for cheap labor encouraged Jews from Southern and Eastern Europe to immigrate to the Northern states, in much the same way that they brought Asian coolies to Hawaii and the West Coast, Hispanics to the Southwest under the Bracero Program, and blacks to the Midwest’s industrial cities during the First World War and Second World War.

      Jews were never excluded from American citizenship. They were given all the “rights” of American citizens. This includes voting rights. Jews were able to amass enormous economic power and social influence in the Northern states because all they were doing was exercising their “rights” in a liberal capitalist democracy, and in playing by the rules of that system (such as acquiring newspapers in the “free market”) their actions were seen as perfectly legitimate by the natives.

      Why was this allowed to happen? It happened because Yankees believed that all groups (such as the blacks who destroyed their cities) should be “free” and treated “equally.” It was unjust to “discriminate” against them and deny them their “individual rights.”

      So, Jews gobbled up the media and elbowed their way into the universities, not unlike the Asians who now seem to own every gas station and hotel in America – it is a consequence, or effect, of the underlying ideology of Americanism that justified both their initial entry and later their cultural hegemony.

        • To use a metaphor, the motor boat would be Yankees (their culture and ideology), the chain would be the Union, and the guy getting dragged behind the boat on the tube would be the South:

  14. OK, I’ll close out with this for now (tired of typing for one thing).

    Tom Sunic appears to be another one who blames whites first. Whatever his accomplishments, he is I believe wrong on this point.

    Again, if you follow their arguments closely, you will see that most people who makes points such as “whites chose egalitarianism” ignore the impact of military conquest.

    This is pretty basic stuff.

    Military outcomes do affect and often determine which ideas become hegemonic in the opinion-shaping institutions of the victors, and therefore across the rest of society.

    Is it not obvious that the South in 1861 and Germany in 1933 did not choose a media that promotes extreme egalitarianism?

    I believe you can sustain a case that many whites do in fact choose suicidal egalitarianism.

    It’s just as true that many do not, have not, did not and never will, or the attacks on white culture(s) and the white gene pool would not be relentless.

    It’s one reason open borders will never be put to a vote even the highly degraded United States of America of 2013.

    The takeaway from Sunic’s point seems to be “let’s not talk about the Jews.”

    This is sad, really.

    People have no way of perceiving the JQ. Not in churches, schools, universities, mass media, or the internet, except on the fringes.

    The fringes are overrun with malicious trolls trying to pollute this topic, muddle the issues, slander jew critics, and shift blame onto today’s whites for things they did not do or choose to do (a tactic by all rights people ought to laugh at).

    Kevin MacDonald had to close comments because top-tier trolls straight from the bowels of Tel Aviv were targeting his work.

    Then, on top of this, you have people of goodwill arguing “it’s us.”

    David Duke and Tanstaafl are the real problem.


    I don’t believe Sunic, Chechar and everyone here opposed to my position is malicious. They are not. Between me and them, this is principled disagreement among people essentially on the same side.

    I do believe their arguments are more harmful than they are beneficial. They’re not yielding any useful insights (egalitarianism is a problem. Geez, who among the red-pilled doesn’t know this?} These arguments play into the enemy’s hands, and really aren’t even solid arguments to begin with.

    We (people unhappy with the direction of the country/civ) can’t do anything about a lot of our problems.

    The one thing we can do is use the internet to raise consciousness.

    Raising consciousness is better than doing nothing.

    If we don’t raise consciousness about the Jewish aspect of the problem on the internet, then it won’t be raised anywhere.

    There is a complete blackout on discussing Jewish power in the mainstream media.

    This fact ought to close the book on whether the topic matters greatly to our fate.

    American Mass Media:

    = Relentless attacks on whites

    = Blackout on discussion of Jews

    The Jews do not like people talking about them. They want the public to hold the opinion that they are innocent adherents of a religion. They do not want Gentiles to learn the truth. – Julius Streicher, 1941

    The Bolsheviks will hang you [Americans] one day! Purim festival, 1946! – Julius Streicher’s last words

    Inappropriately de-emphasizing the JQ in relevant contexts and shifting blame onto whites serves US Government-Jewish interests whatever the motive or rationale behind it.

  15. Iraq is indeed to central hub of the Arab world.

    In the long term the Arabs are going to be flooded with propaganda because the TV there is going to be US approved. It’s effectively an extension of Hollywood. Yes indeed that was a long term plan, looking decades ahead, it gives the Moguls a powerful beachhead.

  16. Tom Sunic appears to be another one who blames whites first. Whatever his accomplishments, he is I believe wrong on this point.

    He appears to be an atheist Slav. Tell me what he has to offer the West besides another outsider’s critique. Chechar’s repeated name-dropping of WN’s is to be polite, not impressive.

  17. Lew,

    I am not following you. You speak a lot of military conquest and used the examples of Iraq and Germany to prove that they never “handed over” their media to the tribe. But I had not in mind Iraq or Germany. I had in mind the US, which has never been militarily conquered by the tribe. In my previous comments I had in mind the American media, and my pivotal point is to compare that media with the media of the Muslim countries in the Maghreb. No Muslim nation in the Maghreb has been dumb enough to allow the tribe to purchase their media, right? (and I missed that David Sarnoff post in the other thread, please reiterate).

    The takeaway from Sunic’s point seems to be “let’s not talk about the Jews.”

    Not at all! If you read Sunic’s book you’ll see that he mentions them a lot. Just curious, did you read my long quote of Sunic’s book in the other thread? And if you visit my blog you’ll see that besides Pierce’s “best article” on the JQ almost at the top of the sidebar, I devote other four articles at the sidebar (i.e., featured articles) on “the Jewish problem” and two more on “History of Jewry”. In my blog there are 148 articles under the category of “Jewish question”.

    David Duke and Tanstaafl are the real problem.

    I think we have never said that, at least not I. If any Type-B has said it, please quote him. (The point of mentioning the Denmark conference was that apparently these heavy weights can discuss Mono, TypeA and TypeB without becoming suspicious of each others’ intentions.)

    egalitarianism is a problem. Geez, who among the red-pilled doesn’t know this? These arguments play into the enemy’s hands

    But how would you respond to what Sunic said, that that Enlightenment ideology was responsible for the eventual “handing over” (he did not use those words; those are my hyperbolic words) their media to the tribe?

  18. Jefferson was a mixed up man. He penned white supremacist texts at roughly the same time that he claimed equality was self evident. Moise and Sol saw him coming miles away. Oy vey.

  19. Mosin, sorry if I missed it but please post the name of the Pope that said what you claimed about “sin tax”. Thanks. Happy Memorial Day.

    I’m ordering a book called Tamed Power that proves “German domination over contemporary Europe is a mirage”. Sorry Jeppo, you fucking failed big time on your appraisal of “Merkel the Merciless”. Nevertheless, happy memorial day.

  20. Chechar,

    Before I respond, can I ask what is your rationale for limiting the media comparison to the North African Islamic world instead of the entire Islamic world? If you mentioned this somewhere, I missed it.

  21. Prussiancroat is a jackass who makes it pretty easy to be anti-German

    He is a dumbass, that happens to possess a decent grip on the (dumbass) weltanschaung. He lacks the faculty for self-deception that Anglo Germanophiles possess and spews raw Germanism.

    Under Fascism there appears for the first time in Europe a type of man who does not want to give reasons or to be right, but simply shows himself resolved to impose his opinions. This is the new thing: the right not to be reasonable, the “reason of unreason.” Here I see the most palpable manifestation of the new mentality of the masses, due to their having decided to rule society without the capacity for doing so. In their political conduct the structure of the new mentality is revealed in the rawest, most convincing manner. The average man finds himself with “ideas” in his head, but he lacks the faculty of ideation. He has no conception even of the rare atmosphere in which ideals live. He wishes to have opinions, but is unwilling to accept the conditions and presuppositions that underlie all opinion. Hence his ideas are in effect nothing more than appetites in words. – Ortega y Gasset

    France und Russia und Deutschland und Croatia save WHITE RACE!

  22. HW
    “Instead, American capitalists eager for cheap labor encouraged Jews from Southern and Eastern Europe to immigrate to the Northern states”

    The opposite.

    “The law was aimed at further restricting the Southern and Eastern Europeans, among them Jews who had migrated in large numbers since the 1890s to escape persecution in Poland and Russia, as well as prohibiting the immigration of Middle Easterners, East Asians, and Indians. According to the U.S. Department of State Office of the Historian the purpose of the act was “to preserve the ideal of American homogeneity”.”

    The immigration bill was partly based on racial grounds and this is what led Jews like Boas to develop the blank Slate theory as a means to nullify those arguments.

  23. Long debates with anti-whites are pointless because their *aim* is to distract and waste time. Instead of debating them just use whatever nonsense they spout as a springboard to make your own points e.g.

    If White people were the problem the media wouldn’t need to lie.

  24. Sunic says that a form of Christianity of Calvinist extraction that conquered NorthAm was the culprit. – Chechar, summarizing Tom Sunic’s position

    The culprit as opposed to a culprit or one of the culprits?

    Sunic’s position appears to be monocausal in this formulation.

    Test alluded to this (apparent) contradiction. Why, exactly, isn’t Sunic’s position itself a form a monocausalism?

    You appear to be more familiar with his work than I am. I’ve read many of his essay but none of his books.

    What direct role in the decline of the West that does not implicate whites in any way does Tom Sunic assign to Jews specifically?

  25. I’m ordering a book called Tamed Power that proves “German domination over contemporary Europe is a mirage”. Sorry Jeppo, you fucking failed big time on your appraisal of “Merkel the Merciless”. Nevertheless, happy memorial day.

    Happy Memorial Day to you. That book is 16 years old, it’s hopelessly outdated. Why don’t we instead look at what’s going on today?

    China is ready to open up new sectors of its economy to German investors, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Monday, in comments that highlight Beijing’s drive for a special bilateral partnership with Berlin bypassing the EU.

    “If we both come together in an ideal and optimal way, a dream team will emerge,” Li told representatives of German business during a visit to Berlin, his first to a European Union capital since becoming premier in March.

    So the Chinese premier chooses Berlin (not London, Paris or Brussels) for his first European visit, proposes a special bilateral partnership with Germany bypassing the EU, and calls for a Chinese-German geopolitical “dream team”. Say bye bye to American economic hegemony and hello to the Sino-Teutonic new world order.

    “China is willing to open up this space preferentially to Germany,” said Li, an economist, without elaborating.

    The European Commission in Brussels oversees EU trade ties with third countries and it was unclear how far Beijing could offer Berlin special access to markets denied to other member states, but Li’s comments underscored the importance of China and Germany, the world’s top two exporters, to each other.

    China wants to grant preferential treatment to Germany, not to any of the other 26 EU countries, not to the US, not to Canada, Australia, Japan, Russia, India, Brazil or any other country, but Germany alone. Why? Because the German and Chinese economies complement each other and because a Chinese-German economic alliance has the potential to totally marginalize the US.

    “I am Merkel the Merciless. As overlord, all will kneel trembling before me and obey my brutal commands. End communication.”

  26. When I read this, I see vindication for Alex Linder’s position on the fundamental worthlessness of some intellectuals.

    “…Hollywood, the whole colonization of our mentality largely stands not from the Jews themselves but from those Paleo Jews who happen to ibe Christian Zionists, and we are talking of millions of people, some of them quite wealthy… So instead of just arguing that it’s the Jews who actually did this or that why not just reverse the argument?… Christianity being responsible [emphasis in Sunic’s voice] for this state of neurotic mentality. I know that it is a tough topic and that I would need ten hours to discuss it with you.”

  27. Prussiancroat is a jackass who makes it pretty easy to be anti-German

    He is a dumbass, that happens to possess a decent grip on the (dumbass) weltanschaung. He lacks the faculty for self-deception that Anglo Germanophiles possess and spews raw Germanism.

    If you guys keep complimenting me like this I am going to start blushing. The German-Russian alliance is the road to the future if the Kaiser and the Czar had allied together or if Hitler and Stalin had worked together no Judeo-Yankee-Saxon alliance could have stopped them and Europe would be 100% White. Also you Southern boys would still have Jim Crow cause the powers that be would never risk a white national socialist backlash by starting the Civil Rights movement. You southern boys in destroying Germany destroyed any fear that the Judeo-Saxons had in unleashing the nigras on you.

  28. The Immigration Act of 1924 passed because business groups changed their position on immigration. World War 1 had cut off the flow of cheap labor from Europe. The resulting labor shortage forced businesses to invest in more capital intensive technology and when the war ended the demand for labor wasn’t as great as it was before the war.

  29. I’m beginning to see where you are coming from Lew.

    It’s just really hard to be pissed at a scorpion for being a scorpion. It’s easier to be pissed at a White for being a scorpion. But I see your point.

  30. Jeppo,

    Germany can have the strongest economy in the world, that is all the better for Eurozone countries, so long as Germany shares their currency and retains less votes per person than any other country in the EU.

    “I am Merkel the Merciless.

    More like Merkel the Mecklenburger pulling the European coach.

  31. HW

    Political trajectory.

    Using a “them” to create an “us” is a standard and a good political strategy when the “us” is defined and viable hence using Yankees as the “them” to help define a Southern Nationalist “us” makes sense.

    On the other hand anti-whites promoting a generic “it’s white people’s fault” suicide meme has no positive trajectory. It doesn’t lead to anything. It’s purely divisive with no practical benefit.

    There’s some crossfire in this debate stemming from the overlap.

  32. Before I respond, can I ask what is your rationale for limiting the media comparison to the North African Islamic world instead of the entire Islamic world? – Lew

    Precisely, precisely because if I said “all Muslim countries” or “the Middle East” an opponent would mention the case of Iraq, which, as you say, was conquered by force.

    Long debates with anti-whites are pointless because their *aim* is to distract and waste time…. If White people were the problem the media wouldn’t need to lie.- Test

    If you are referring to me, it is the very first time in my life that someone calls me an “anti-white”. And the case of Muslims never selling their media to the tribe invalidates your little mantra. 🙂

    Sunic’s position appears to be monocausal in this formulation. – Lew

    Nope! Let’s use the words of Age of Treason’s Helvena as the quintessential of AOT monocausalism: “There is NOTHING wrong with us”.

    If Sunic, Hunter or I were reciprocal monocausalists; if we maintained a symmetrical, albeit inverse, monocausal stance from AOT, we would say something like, “There is NOTHING wrong with Jews” in the sense that Jews don’t represent a hostile minority.

    But this is not the Type-B’s position. We are really bicausalists in the sense that we maintain that it is both, suicide and homicide.

    You can find the true antithesis to AOT’s monocausalism in the counter-jihad movement, which, when confronted by Tan and me, have said exactly that: that Jews are blameless victims. Gates of Vienna’s Dymphna has been one of the most notorious cases of this antithetical monocausalism that, Auster-like, only blames “liberalism”, i.e., whites.

    (I can give you the links of how Tan & I discussed at GOV against these monocausalists if you wish.)

  33. “The German-Russian alliance is the road to the future if the Kaiser and the Czar had allied together or if Hitler and Stalin had worked together no Judeo-Yankee-Saxon alliance could have stopped them and Europe would be 100% White.”

    But they didn’t, did they? Instead the Kaiser and the Czar started the Great War.
    I guess you could say that Hitler and Stalin did work together on Poland, though. How did that turn out? I guess if I were half German/half Slav, I might entertain such fantasies, too.

    To be honest, I’d say you are more moron than jackass.

    Deo Vindice

  34. The entire 1914-45 period was a German-Slav war for supremacy. The Jews in Poland sorta in there as the old management landlord class that had alienated everyone.

    The Franco-British role was by any measure a minor one.

  35. Chechar
    “And the case of Muslims never selling their media to the tribe invalidates your little mantra”

    Except it doesn’t because my little mantra is about the present not the past.

    If the problem was White people the media wouldn’t need to lie.

  36. Chechar,

    Let’s use the words of Age of Treason’s Helvena as the quintessential of AOT monocausalism:

    Let’s not. I have no idea who that person is.

    My question was:

    What direct role in the decline of the West that does not implicate whites in any way does Tom Sunic assign to Jews specifically?

  37. Lew,

    You’ve got a nation, the vast (although shrinking) majority of which consider themselves Christian, and who are familiar with the Bible. Their very spiritual foundation rests on a man who was crucified for opposing Jews. And yet a good 40% (I would guess) of them would crucify a white for opposing Jewry or Israel.

    If they didn’t have a book in front of them telling them not to trust Jews, I wouldn’t be so disgusted with them for trusting Jews.

    But I do now understand how blaming them can be considered anti-white. There is a whole lot of eyewash out there, and most people, Bible in front of them or not, are just trying to make it through the day. In that respect, I should probably tone down my blame.

    Though I don’t think God should.

  38. Truth be told, almost the whole catastrophe that was the twentieth century can be laid at the feet of good old Kaiser Bill.

    Due to his massive inferiority complex from his withered left arm, Willy couldn’t let cousin Nicky get the best of him in the Balkans, else he would have lost his crown and his credibility with the warmongering German General Staff.

    Of course this wound up happening anyway in 1918, creating the infamous “stab in the back” that Germans would try to pawn off rather ironically on the Communist Jews later.

    Speaking of which, wasn’t it Germany that sent one Vladimir Lenin to Russia during the war to destabilize Russian and empower all those Bolshevik Jews in the first place?

    Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

    Deo Vindice

  39. @Apuleius

    No the 20th century was marked by the US UK alliance and we all know how well that worked out for White people. The rise of the USA and the decline of the white race is perfectly symmetrical. Putin making an alliance with Germany and a Marine Le Pen led France is the most likely way out of our racial problem both the Russian and the Germans are way less gullible on the Jewish question than the Anglo Saxon which is probably why the USA has been fighting both countries for the last 100 years.

  40. If the Jews are able to mold our minds through their control of the Mainstream Media, how do we explain the existence of Single Jewish Causers and Type A Bicausalists?

    Isn’t it obvious that multiple factors are at work? Aren’t there people who watch plenty of television and movies, but who hold the Jewish media in low esteem, and who see through the Jewish lies?

  41. Genius innit? The only white outpost outside of Europe is a Net disaster for whites!

    Prussiancroat is a peabrain.

  42. The more I’ve looked at this stuff in 1914 the more I tend to actively blame Herman/Slav rivalry. Hitler in the 30s was essentially just attempting to clean up the mess left behind by the Kaiser and the Junckers and stitch Germany back together. Still, the German/Slav rivalry never abated.

  43. Poland had the forever misfortune of being sandwiched between the two groups. Alternately stomped on for centuries by Germans from the west and Mongols from the east.

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