Adrian Raine’s The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime amasses the latest evidence from neuroscience and uses it to inflict a devastating blow on 20th century criminology based on the Standard Social Science Model.
Dark Enlightenment types will be thrilled with Raine’s evidence and conclusions. In the course of the book, he cheekily assaults the foundational assumptions of liberals, libertarians, “progressives,” Randroids, socialists, communists, feminists, conservatives, Christians, Muslims, Jews, mind/body dualists and all types of spiritualists.
Raine believes that the reviled Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso was basically right: there is a hereditary basis to crime which is rooted in structural and functional abnormalities in physical regions of the brain. There are even “atavistic stigmata” (traits like men who have long index fingers, a singular palm crease, or adherent ear lobes) which are “biosocial markers” of criminality.
The proof of this is hidden in plain sight:
– Raine notes there isn’t a single example in the history of the world of a group of women banding together to violently invade and occupy a foreign country.
– Violence is overwhelmingly something that men do. It is something that young men in particular do.
– Socioeconomic status can’t explain why men are so much more violent than women.
– The consumption of alcohol is strongly related to violence because people who are drunk are less capable of restraining themselves.
– Impulsive murderers and criminals tend to have low IQs.
– It simply isn’t possible to reform certain types of criminals.
– Schizophrenics like Jared Loughner (and people suffering from other kinds of mental disorders) are far more likely to engage in violence.
– Severe brain trauma, malnutrition, and malignant tumors can lower intelligence, result in the loss of motor functions, and produce drastic changes in personality.
– There are various types of drugs which have a calming effect on aggressive behavior.
– Male sex offenders who are castrated are far less likely to become recidivist criminals.

The male brain plays the starring role in violence.
As Raine shows, if we study the male brain closely with MRIs, PET scans, twin studies, case studies, longitudinal studies and other lines of evidence, we can see that the brains of criminals tend to differ in many important ways from the brains of average people that predispose them to violence.

The impulsive, reactive common criminal tends to suffer from low brain functioning and structural deficits in grey matter in key parts of the prefrontal cortex which are responsible for self-control and executive functions like planning complex behavior. As a result, these people – Raine compares them to automobiles without brakes – tend to have low IQs and thus lack the mental capacity to control their more violent emotions welling up from the limbic system.
Among his more interesting findings, Raine argues that serial killers and white collar criminals tend to have excellent prefrontal cortex functioning, psychopaths lack a conscience because their amygdala is structurally deformed or because they are suffering from cavum septum pellucidum, and the common criminal is an under-aroused, inattentive, stimulation seeker with a low resting heart rate.
Raine quotes Francis Crick, the co-discover of the structure of DNA with James Watson, who believed that “free will is nothing more than a large assembly of neurons located in the anterior cingulate cortex, and that under a certain set of assumptions it would be possible to build a machine that believes it has free will.” The explosive conclusion is that “free will lies on a continuum, with some people having almost complete choice in their actions, while others have relatively less.”
In discussing an ordinary man whose late onset pedophilia was magically cured by the removal of a massive brain tumor, Raine argues:
“Regardless of this latter issue, you might view Mr. Oft as not responsible just because his tumor “caused” his pedophilia, but also because the tumor could be resected and return him to normality. He could be quickly and convincingly treated, unlike most offenders with more subtle brain impairment. His treatability is making you think different about his culpability – it’s altering your moral evaluation of his act. And yet you would view today’s untreatable offenders with volume reductions in their prefrontal cortex and amygdala as more responsible and worthy of punishment? How could we ethically condone such a difference in our evaluation? Today’s brain-impaired offenders cannot help the fact that we cannot currently reverse that brain impairment in the way we could with Mr. Oft. Would we call that difference in our opinion “justice.”
This has enormous implications for the concept “equal justice.”
If all human beings don’t have the same rational capacity or the same amount of “free will” because of heritable differences in brain structure, and these things exist along a continuum, which is to say, all humans are not created equal, then what sense does it make to treat the ticking timebombs with “volume reductions” circulating among us as if they were “equal” before the law?
In “The Future: Where Will Neurocriminology Take Us?,” Raine imagines a world in the year 2034 in which the United States adopts The LOMBROSO Program (this is too optimistic of a scenario, in my view) which subjects all males 18 and over to genetic screening and a brain scan for the “Fundamental Five Functions.”
The LPs – Lombroso Positives – are then removed from society and held in indefinite detention centers like Guantanamo Bay:
“The program works like this: those who test positive – the LPs – are held in indefinite detention. In light of the administrative lapse that originally sparked LOMBROSO when test results were mixed up, LPs are given the legal right to challenge the findings and be retested by an independent authority. The detention centers are highly secure, but are not the harsh holding bays of decades gone by. They are equipped as a home away from home. Conjugal visits are allowed on weekends, albeit under surveillance that is a bit too close to comfort for the partners concerned. There are full recreational and educational services. They are allowed to vote. The LPs have full communication access to their family and even friends – after appropriate security checks for those concerned. It sounds quite cushy, but remember that the LPs have not actually committed a crime. Perhaps the main drawback is who they live with, housed as they are in facilities with other LPs – time bombs waiting to explode.”
In the year 2049, the government passes another law that requires potential parents to get a license before they can have a child:
“It’s now 2049 and the fifteenth anniversary of the LOMBROSO program. The nation is nine years into the NCSP. Together these programs are undeniably making a dent in the rates of juvenile and adult violence. They have also significantly reduced non-violent crime. …
Cars can be killers, and so you need a license before you can drive. Kids can be killers too. So the logic goes that you should have a license before you can have a child. Just as you need to document practical skills in driving a car and also knowledge of the right way to drive, you also need to show theoretical and practical proficiency in rearing a child. It’s only right for the child and society.”
In such a way, defectives like Adam Lanza are identified and hospitalized in treatment centers, and their numbers are finally reduced altogether. America reaps a peace divided when all the resources which are currently squandered on law enforcement, the judicial system, and equality promotion are rechanneled into economic growth.
This makes too much sense for a country which could have have been on Mars and which could reap most of the benefits of the LOMBROSO program right now simply by applying segregation to the race of people who commit 95% of the violent crime in New Orleans, Birmingham, and Atlanta.
In order for something like the LOMBROSO program to happen here, America (and Enlightenment-based Americanism) will likely have to expire first.
Pure eugenic fascism. I would rather be dead than live in that “Lombroso” world.
If ever there is a threat of such fascism, regular people need to get violent toward their own government.
“Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they’re so frightfully clever. I’m really awfully glad I’m a Beta, because I don’t work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don’t want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They’re too stupid to be able …”
– Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
Hunter, please cover the following story. It is astonishing in its Yankee (traitor?) mentality.
Christopher Swindell: Gun safety debate is B.S.
Christopher Swindell: Gun safety debate is B.S.
“And how does choosing a white, rich old man with an offensive degrading speech about the war of “Northern Aggression” as NRA president forward a sense of reasonableness? History lesson: It was an awful Civil War won decisively some 150 years ago. Over slavery. The Confederacy wanted to keep African-Americans in chains and President Lincoln didn’t.”
“Except it won’t be a boot. It’ll be an M1A Abrams tank, supported by an F22 Raptor squadron with Hellfire missiles. Try treason on for size. See how that suits. And their assault arsenal and RPGs won’t do them any good.
So, to return to reality, all of us. Let’s make common sense gun safety a deciding issue for 2014 and beyond. The NRA certainly has. Let’s push back. We the People. The 85 percent who support more robust background checks. And when the next domestic terrorist with an assault rifle comes along, we can blame the leaders and fringe of the NRA for arming them.”
Swindell is a professor of journalism.
I am both pleased to read some of this, and utterly disgusted with the (YET) BS Altruism that afflicts whites, when reading of some of this idiot’s ‘solutions’!
If you find that someone is missing BRAIN TISSUE, why let him/her procreate? Isn’t mandated sterilization, far, far better than abortion? Isn’t requiring the death penalty for crimes committed, far, far better, than the initially altruistic, but ultimately ridiculous (in terms of cost, containment, and ‘carceration) over a forty year sentence?
You want to acknowledge that some are predestined for evil? Go to it- Calvin did a far better job at this than most. But don’t say we don’t have to also hold someone culpable, just cuz their brain isn’t up to normal (prelapsarian, even!) standards. Let the law-abiders remain, and remove the defectives. It’s the only socially moral thing to do.
The LPs have full communication access to their family and even friends – after appropriate security checks for those concerned.
This is important so the patricians of the ethno-state can remain in contact with the Aryan Brotherhood.
Conjugal visits are allowed on weekends
We must secure a future for L+ children.
For anybody here supporting eugenics, keep in mind that eugenics in America was a completely Yankee phenomenom. It arose out of their desire to create a “clean” and “morally pure” world free of “defectives”. Poor white Southerners were among the primary targets of eugenicists.
That’s what you call sugar coating a red pill in an Oreo sundae.
“keep in mind that eugenics in America was a completely Yankee phenomenom”
Nonsense. Good breeding was always highly prized by the Southern aristocracy.
“Good breeding” among one’s own family is VERY different from imposing one’s “breeding” standards on other people’s families.
“We must secure a future for L+ children.”
Despite the sarcasm your views overall seem entirely contiguous with those of Mustapha Mond’s.
See here:
The landmark Buck v. Bell case came out of Virginia.
Southerners considered miscegenation the greater social problem.
I’m flattered, Rudel. It’s been too long but actually recall preferring the exile to the rocky island. I saw Ray Manzarek live when I was in high school at the BB King Blues Club and he fucking ruined Huxley for me for a good long time. If we opened our doors of perception we could be with Jim, the way how was to buy his book (maybe booklet?) where he claimed he was still alive in Mexico.
Wow it turns out Manzarek died lastweek. Weird. RIP.
The fact still remains that poor Southern whites were among the top targets of eugenicists. There is a very good reason why Kentucky, Tennessee, and Arkansas did not allow for compulsory sterilization.
The sterilization map definitely increases my opinion of the Upland South to new heights. It appears that the Upland South was the only region of the country (along with parts of the Interior West) that truly stood by fundamental American values during this dark moment in history.
Raine also discusses epigenetic feedback loops in criminality.
“It’s been too long but actually recall preferring the exile to the rocky island.”
Hah! You constantly defend and promulgate, both covertly and overtly, the fundamental tenets of our current Hobbesian techno-corpratist-police state. What indeed is Mustapha Mond in the novel if not a tamer of savages?
It’s good this is getting out there but his solutions are hive solutions. Taking out male aggression completely gives the hive-queens tame little worker-drones. This is not good for us. A White ethno-state that wants to be able to defend itself from external enemies and their own rulers wants lots of male aggression but paired with lots of self-control.
However on the other hand popularizing that these kinds of behavior have a genetic and physical component is important for a sensible criminal justice system that recognizes that a) a lot of criminals aren’t ever going to reform, b) a lot of young criminals won’t reform until they’re older and their testosterone levels drop and c) that prison works not only by containing crime in the short-term but in the long-term also by reducing the number of kids criminals pass their violent genes onto.
So i think we should let actually committing crime filter out who the criminals are but use science to underlie the sentencing recieved.
For example a system that was
– three strikes and you’re out till age 26
– four strikes and out for good
would contain most crime, greatly lower criminal reproduction and take the worst out of circulation but at the same time not clog up the prisons with criminals who calm down in their 20s as their testosterone drops.
Would you believe I was immortalized last-year by some crazy anti?
Somebody stole my home today
Killed my folks
Molested my kids
Drove my brothers to suicide
Kidnapped and raped my sisters
Poisoned my community
With venomous thoughts and deeds
Then wrote a fairy tale of innocence and nobility
Cast me as the beast
In the way of progress
And himself as the valiant
Hero of the new world
Tamer of savages
Conqueror of my supposed wilderness
My pious benevolent saviour
And with crucifixes and diseases and lies
Tried to break me
But he couldn’t crush my spirit
It is strong because it isn’t mine alone
It is a shared spirit with my Mother Earth
Since when was the creation of Brave New World totalitarianism a Southern virtue?
Sure, it’s all fine and good so long as the LOMBROSO program is directed towards the darkies, but what happens when it comes after your own people?
For more information about what this article is talking about go to http://crimetimes.org Linking brain dysfunction to disordered/criminal/psychopathic behavior.
Lost in this whole madness is the fact that environment and upbringing are the most important factors in the rate of violence. Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans of a century ago were far more violent that their descendants today. Did the genetics suddenly change to create such a shift? For that matter, inner cities in 1991 were much more violent that inner cities today.
Regarding upbringing: it has been shown by tons of studies that violence rate correlates strongly with childhood corporal punishment. A cursory look at the black community shows that black mothers behave much more violently toward their children than mothers of other races. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what kind of psychological impact this has on the sons. Historically, Southern whites also had a higher rate of violence (martial culture and all) than Northern whites. Of course, the South is also famous for corporal punishment.
So it seems that the key to reducing violence is two-fold:
1) Legalize marijuana and decriminalize hard drugs, thereby eliminating the violent environment of the illegal drug trade.
2) Teach people (especially black women) to stop beating their children.
“E C says:
June 3, 2013 at 12:23 am
For anybody here supporting eugenics, keep in mind that eugenics in America was a completely Yankee phenomenom.”
Now I know you’ve lost your mind.
The Racial Integrity Act of 1924, also know as The Sterilization Act, was Southern in origin, from Virginia. It was an extension of anti-miscegenation laws, which were later all overturned by Yankee courts.
In 1967 the US Supreme Court ruled in Loving v. Virginia that the portion of the Racial Integrity Act that criminalized marriages between “whites” and “nonwhites” was found to be contrary to the guarantees of equal protection of citizens under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
The Fourteenth Amendment being an anti-Southern Reconstruction amendment.
Many US states and NS Germany were inspired by Harry Laughlin, a leading American eugenicist, who would be called a Nordicist today.
Laughlin provided extensive statistical testimony to the United States Congress in support of the Johnson-Reed Immigration Act of 1924. Part of his testimony dealt with “excessive” insanity among immigrants from southern Europe and eastern Europe.
“Democracy is the preferred system because it gives the political power to the mass media.” – William Luther Pierce
“Would you believe I was immortalized last-year by some crazy anti? ‘Hero of the New World, Tamer of savages,’ etc.”
Not only in a poem, also in a song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR0ytoGgqp8
Didn’t Cesare Lombroso have Jewish ancestry?
Of course! IMHO Lonnie Athens should have been the parent of modern criminology.
But the bio-reductionists won the market battle thanks to the billionaire muscle of their Big Pharma.
Lonnie Athens was raised by a brutally domineering father. Defying all odds, Athens became a groundbreaking criminologist who turned his scholar’s eye to the problem of why people become violent. After a decade of interviewing several hundred violent convicts–men and women of varied background and ethnicity, he discovered “violentization,” the four-stage process by which almost any human being can evolve into someone who will assault, rape, or murder another human being.
Richard Rhodes’ (Pulitzer Prize-winning author) Why They Kill is a riveting biography of Athens and of his seminal work.
“Lost in this whole madness is the fact that environment and upbringing are the most important factors in the rate of violence.”
Violent people pass their violent genes to their kids (and also tend to be violent to their kids and also tend to create violent environments).
The simple proof is there are extremely violent non-criminals i.e. individuals with the same violence genes but with compensating self-control genes. The military and police are full of them.
“Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans of a century ago were far more violent that their descendants today. Did the genetics suddenly change to create such a shift?”
1) Prison changes populations over time by reducing the number of children violent criminals have.
2) Immigrant populations tend to be disproportionately young men.
“For that matter, inner cities in 1991 were much more violent that inner cities today.”
Not really true but too complicated to argue about.
First of all genetics are not everything.
But did you ever consider that incarceration decreases procreation?
Regarding upbringing: it has been shown by tons of studies that violence rate correlates strongly with childhood corporal punishment.
Violent children inherit their tendencies from violent parents.
A cursory look at the black community shows that black mothers behave much more violently toward their children than mothers of other races.
The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study found that intelligence was not transmitted culturally to any great degree, so we should not assume that the “cycle of violence” can be broken except by breaking the inheritance of low intelligence and low impulse control.
A cursory look at the black community shows that black mothers behave much more violently toward their children than mothers of other races.
Taking that as true, consider another factor: mothers in general are selectively abusive towards their sons. They are much more likely to abuse sons than daughters. The black community is pretty much a matriarchy. Any wonder then that black men are so violent?
Junk science.
@”The male brain plays the starring role in violence.”
“I had rather die than be whipped.” – J. E. B. Stuart http://encyclopediavirginia.org/Stuart_J_E_B_1833-1864#start_entry
Murder is a matter of opinion. The warrior spirit is sometimes chivalrous, sometimes murderous. Jews and liberals underestimate the warrior spirit.
First, can we agree that high police presence reduces crime? Can we agree that changes in religion alter the level of violence in society? Can we agree that poverty or a black market for drugs (e.g. Al Capone’s Chicago) increases violence? How about the fact that periods of war make regular people far more violent? How about the fact that medieval Europe was far more violent than today’s Europe? All of these are examples of environmental factors.
Genetics only tells us about one’s inclination to commit violence, all other factors being constant. It is in no way deterministic in and of itself.
Let me come back to the example of black violence. My solution may be a bit controversial here. I think that Child Protective Services should swarm the inner cities and do a thorough investigation of abuse there. Then they should not hesitate to take children who have been abused away from their parents and give them over to civilized, peace-loving families who wish to adopt. If this can work with Third World babies, it can work with babies from the ghetto too.
@Joe Walker: “… Lombroso … ancestry …”
“Lombroso was born in Verona, Italy, on 6 November 1835 to a wealthy Jewish family.” – Wikipedia
By the way, today June 3 is the anniversary of Jeff Davis’s birth.
I have a fear that White chauvinists may be locked up by people like George McGovern in Lombroso cultural Marxist mental wards. Actually, today’s society might be thought of as a cultural Marxist insane asylum.
Mostly very good comment, EC, although I don’t concur with Child Protective Services. I agree that genetics is only one factor, and government oversight of our genes is not desirable. I agree that “changes in religion alter the level of violence” — at least in a white society, proven by the precipitous decline in criminal behavior in Britain with the onset of the Wesleyan and Welsh revivals.
I noted that the linked article in SBDL (about why we haven’t gone to Mars) spells out “BRA” as B lack R un A merica. But Amerika is (like most countries now) BANKER run. Note the silence of OD on the true source of control. OD treats WHITES originating north of the Line (the so-called “damnyankees”) as the major and original cause of Blacks Running America, without which whites south of the Line would be able to reestablish their antebellum utopia.
I noted that the linked “Dark Enlightenment” map in Occam’s Razor http://occamsrazormag.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/alt-right-dark-enlightenment.png makes Lawrence Auster an extreme Christian Traditionalist.
Eugenics is going to happen, deal with it instead of acting like a bunch of superstitious cult leftists shrieking their little guts out. It wont be perfect, humans can screw up anything, and they will.
But the Blank Slate Theory is dead and not even the likes of Steve Sailer’s posse of intellectuals can keep it afloat, the Ol’ Jew Magic show of the twentieth century is toast.
E C , you nailed it.
In my debunking of biological psychiatry I use this phrase a lot: “For shrinks biology is Destiny”.
Cannot be from the scientific viewpoint. Genotype + the environment constitute the two factors that determine individual, human behavior. You cannot omit either of the two.
“Keep in mind that eugenics in America was a completely Yankee phenomenom”
Nonsense. Good breeding was always highly prized by the Southern aristocracy.”
Rudel- For once, I agree with you.
“It appears that the Upland South was the only region of the country (along with parts of the Interior West) that truly stood by fundamental American values during this dark moment in history.”
Pardon my laughing, but what are ‘fundamental American values,’ if we don’t follow either anti-miscegenation statutes, or the ‘annual blister’ marriage with deceased wife’s sister- or any other inbred cousin matings, closer than the second degree, as outlined in the Bible, and ‘tables of Affinity’ in places like the Anglican Book of Common Prayer?
“First of all genetics are not everything.
But did you ever consider that incarceration decreases procreation?” – Metal/Ice
In answer to your comment, for #1- ask that of the men, your mother DIDN’T marry.
I’m sure she had an opinion….
For #2- death penalty, the only surefire cure for nigger breeding. (sorry to be blunt, but they’s the greatest number of felons in prison, so….)
“The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study”
There is such a thing? Oh, what a waste of my tax dollars!
“Just say no… to miscegenation.”
A nog must nig.
Great sketches of the creature in his wild state.
I can’t get too worked up when most deny inherited IQ.
Although, I did see that our Jew & Catholic the Supreme Court said it was ok today for police to take DNA without getting a warrant.
This is a much more important issue.
When I look at the Supreme Court, I don’t see liberals & conservatives, I see Jews & Catholics.
I’ve read Brave New World and it would have never occurred to me to compare it to this book. We know that alcoholism and schizophrenia run in families. We also know from twin studies that criminality runs in families.
Mr Rational
“so we should not assume that the “cycle of violence” can be broken except by breaking the inheritance of low intelligence and low impulse control.”
Quite, and those are the traits to focus on. Self-controlled, moderate levels of male aggression are extremely useful. It’s only a criminal problem at extreme levels and/or when when paired with low self-control. The criminal justice system works as a genetic filter *if* the people running it are conscious of how it works i.e. no conjugal visits, rapid ratcheting on repeat offences etc.
“First, can we agree that high police presence reduces crime?”
It mostly displaces it. Serious criminals will just move like those who moved from New York to New Jersey as a result of zero tolerance.
“Can we agree that changes in religion alter the level of violence in society?”
I’ll give you this one as religion probably can increase the average level of self-control.
“Can we agree that poverty or a black market for drugs (e.g. Al Capone’s Chicago) increases violence?”
No, what situations like that do is attract all the most violent individuals into gangs. So it doesn’t increase the number of violent individuals it just gives them an incentive to be more violent.
“How about the fact that periods of war make regular people far more violent?”
They do?
“How about the fact that medieval Europe was far more violent than today’s Europe?”
That’s part of the genetic argument. Violent traits getting bred out over time.
“All of these are examples of environmental factors.”
They’re not though. The biggest environmental factor is the presence of relatively large numbers of violent individuals in a particular locality as that forces other people to be ready to step up all the time so you get lots of non-violent people acting violent as self-defence. If you took out the violent individuals from that environment then the actors would stop acting.
“they should not hesitate to take children who have been abused away from their parents and give them over to civilized, peace-loving families who wish to adopt. If this can work with Third World babies, it can work with babies from the ghetto too.”
It doesn’t work with 3rd world babies. It’s just a complicated way of getting white people murdered.
“and government oversight of our genes is not desirable”
I agree on the Brave New World stuff but prison has been doing this for centuries. Locking violent individuals up, especially during their prime reproductive years, gradually reduces the number of impulsively violent individuals in a population. That’s part (only part) of why Europe got so peaceful – before mass immigration reversed the trend – after being so bloody for so long.