Reader Mail: Help Us Stop Amnesty (Again)


I’m going to pass along this email from an OD reader about the upcoming fight against amnesty:

Mr. Wallace,

As the great granddaughter of an Alabamian CSA captain, I read your blog regularly. (I’ve attached a picture of his grave to prove that I’m not some troll). My great aunt was one of the founders of the Mobile UDC (obit attached). I’m spending the day contacting bloggers like yourself who care about this country. I myself am ready for secession, but short of that, I want to do everything I can to stop this Mexican invasion that will surely turn us into a third world banana republic faster than it’s already headed.

I’m really tired of this whole “nation of immigrants” concept. The US is not seen by prospective immigrants or even by many elected officials as a sovereign nation. It is seen as an “immigrant country” that is permanently available for world colonization. The idea that the USA is the national home of the American people, who should be able to control the size and quality of its population, doesn’t even occur to them. This has made mass immigration (legal and illegal) the greatest threat to our national survival that we have ever faced.

I’m attaching links to pdfs put out by FAIR and NumbersUSA. The bill is set for a vote on June 10 and has to be stopped in the Senate. I don’t trust Boehner as far as I can throw him. I was hoping you could link these and ask people who read your blog to call their senators. There are some southern Senators – Rep and Dem who are on the fence, so perhaps your blog could reach some of those people. Anti-amnesty senators are saying that they aren’t receiving the same number of calls as they did in 2006/2007.

Here are the links:—s-744/

Thank you for all you do,

I haven’t written much about this issue because it doesn’t interest me anymore. I haven’t made one phone call because I no longer believe in the system.

I’m sick of seeing the same people in Congress pushing amnesty for illegal aliens. It didn’t matter how many times we defeated the DREAM Act in Congress. Obama implemented it anyway with an executive order last summer and 99 percent of the people who applied for his amnesty got it.

Here in Alabama, we passed HB 56, but that too was gutted by the federal courts. In April, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to take the case on appeal. In the 1990s, Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1996 which states that “immigrants unlawfully present in the United States for 180 days but less than 365 days must remain outside the United States for three years unless they obtain a pardon.”

In the year 2013, illegal aliens are invited to the White House by the president, appear in public with the First Lady, and appear on the cover of Time magazine and travel around the country to give speeches in cities like Birmingham.

The people who are fighting abolition, integration, amnesty, gun control, abortion, gay marriage and so on have the wrong priorities. Like the election and reelection of Obama, or the Immigration Act of 1965, the existence of the Union with the Northern states is the only thing that makes any of the above possible.

I don’t care if the Republican Party wins or loses in “bluish-getting-bluer states like California.” I don’t think we need to change our beliefs to pander to and “look like the rest of America” either. I just want to get us out of America.

Let’s hope the nation doesn’t survive! Those who are sick and tired of playing this game can meet up with us at the 2013 League of the South conference on June 21st to discuss the real solution.

Note: Check out John Boehner’s new son-in-law and John McCain’s new daughter-in-law. Republican leadership isn’t going to “Take Back America.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What about the Bankers? Separation from direct control by the Federal government might not solve the deeper, underlying problem of the Bankers. The problem is not BLACKS running things….

  2. “The people who are fighting amnesty, gun control, abortion, gay marriage and so on have the wrong priorities (…) the existence of the Union with the Northern states is the only thing that makes all of the above possible.”

    But the RIGHT first priority might be dealing with what is missing (strangely) from that list, not secession. Even secession doesn’t destroy the root of all those listed problems.

  3. They are the worst criminal class in history with the possible exception of the regimes that carried out industrial genocide. The bill isn’t that popular among liberals.

  4. There are Bankers in Charlotte and Birmingham, but that’s not why amnesty for illegal aliens is always on the national agenda, no matter how many times it is defeated in Congress.

  5. Many Americans rely on cheap labor. Latinos just want to make a quick buck. Many do go back to their lands with enough cash . They instinctively retain their culture and language, assimilation libs are pushing for. They should be granted a work permit ID.

  6. “I haven’t written much about this issue because it doesn’t interest me anymore. I haven’t made one phone call because I no longer believe in the system.

    I’m sick of seeing the same people in Congress pushing amnesty for illegal aliens”

    Hunter, it’s STILL worth calling. Because it makes the sniveling treasonous little congresscritters soil their pants that, whence they next travel to their home districts, the pitchforks’ll be waiting for them.

    Anything that makes the anti-White elite nervous / miserable is a GOOD thing.

  7. As the great granddaughter of an Alabamian CSA captain, I read your blog regularly. (I’ve attached a picture of his grave to prove that I’m not some troll).

    I want to do everything I can to stop this Mexican invasion that will surely turn us into a third world banana republic faster than it’s already headed.

    Seems strange that someone whose hallowed ancestor fought for half-slave Alabama would live in fear of a “banana republic”. Talking about an “invasion” of line-cooks and landscapers is Wilmot-esque free soilism, not traditionally southern. Her priorities are misplaced because the raw numbers of non-Whites are not a problem without Yankee social leveling. The South was once a much darker and better place.

  8. The immigrants are the wrong target. The correct target is white liberal (Yankee worldview), Jewish and business leaders.

  9. “The South was once a much darker and better place.”

    – Don’t worry, Tamer –ten years from now, the South will be even darker than the way the you romanticize it.

  10. What’s the point?

    Anything we win is a closed issue for maybe a year before it’s brought back, or it’s overruled by the courts.

    It only we could find a target that stays put when hit.

  11. I haven’t written much about this issue because it doesn’t interest me anymore.

    Well it should interest you. I would estimate that at least one-third of all illegal aliens in the US live in the South. That’s anywhere from 4 to 7 million “brown Southrons” that could be amnestied if this bill passes. Then you can kiss last vestiges of conservatism in Texas and Florida goodbye, with Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia not far behind. And not one of these Dixpanics will support secession under any circumstances, ever.

    Your correspondent is right: call your senators and tell them to kill this bill. The fate of the South hangs in the balance.

  12. Please Hunter don’t give up on this .

    Make fighting this amnesty as a warm up to secession #2.

    At the bare minimum burn Lindsey Graham in effigy.

    Charles Schumer…..

  13. How many times are we going to fight and kill amnesty? The Northern states desperately want amnesty, gun control, gay marriage and Obama as their president.

  14. If Donald Trump who is strongly opposed to amnesty, were willing to spend money like the Jew Adelson we wouldn’t be threatened with amnesty.

    Someone needs to tell Trump that he’s not going to get out of this world with his Billions—King Tut tried. #LOL.

  15. “(R)aw numbers of non-Whites are not a problem without Yankee social leveling. The South was once a much darker and better place.”

    Yes, verily! Multiracial darkness can truly be paradise, IF the Elite doing the controlling and exploiting of the slaves and lower classes is SOUTHRON Talmudic-and-white Elite, and NOT “Yankee” (north-of-the-Line) Talmudic-and-white Elite!

  16. Hunter Wallace says:
    June 4, 2013 at 1:24 am
    How many times are we going to fight and kill amnesty? The Northern states desperately want amnesty, gun control, gay marriage and Obama as their president.

    JR replies.

    We just beat back queer marriage inIllinois. I take personal responsibility for this victory. Don’t give up on us. We’re your kindred. I’m 25% Russian. Sure it’s tough, Northern big city women mostly suck, but remember we met some appreciative gals from Chicago on Broadway In Nashville Tn on New Year’s Eve .

    Don’t give up on us.

    Let’s kill this Schumer Lindsey Graham amnesty beast.

    We can do it.

    No surrender.

  17. “I couldn’t agree more Hunter. I’m done with mainstream politics.”

    Absolutely. No more voting, no more contacting representatives, no more petitions, no more active involvement, not even on the local level. No more mainstream politics. Let come what may. We’re done with all that.

    “The Northern states desperately want amnesty, gun control, gay marriage and Obama as their president.”

    The states south of the Line want the opposite. Two different peoples oppose each other on each side of the Line. Never mind those county maps showing a patchwork of red and blue counties across all fifty states. Never mind that urban areas in all states are majority liberal and nearly all rural areas are majority conservative, because conservatism is not really conservatism north of the Line.

  18. O those northern states! That is the root of the problem, it goes no deeper than the evil nature of the Yankee.

  19. This is me..

    Mr. Sawyer – trying to move to the South and be accepted as a local in Mayberry NC.

    The reality is that I get arrested for “failure to obey an officer” by Nashville Police officer/ as# ####Gluck., he probably welcomes Somalian Muslim pirates more than a Midwestern White guy romantic like me.

    Oh well.

  20. “If the Union didn’t exist, this wouldn’t be happening!”

    If the Union had never existed, there would probably STILL be a dark (probably even darker) multiracial caste exploitation system, in what is now called the southern states, only it would be of perfectly SOUTHRON Talmudic-and-white Elite design.

  21. I hope it gets stopped but it won’t matter. The Washington/Northeast establishment including the GOP is hellbent on amnesty. They know it’s the final nail and why they are pushing so hard for it. The only way out of this is either revolution or secession.

    I have a feeling that the Northeast is going to succeed in amnesty before any of the other two options open up. Can the conservative resistance keep delaying the inevitable until a revolution or secession becomes a chance for reality? I have no clue but it’s not looking good.

    • Why are there millions of illegal aliens here anyway? The Union.

      Why are there millions of legal Third World immigrants here? The Union.

      Why can’t states like Alabama pass laws that will solve the problem? The Union.

      Why is Obama still the president? The Union.

      Why can’t the Border Patrol secure the Mexican border? The Union.

  22. White people originating north of the Line are not the root of the problem, dig deeper.

  23. I’ve been saying for some time that we will indeed have amnesty–but the media, Republitards and Libertarians will tell us it’s not amnesty–they think we are all stupid.
    We will also have sodo-marriage aka “marriage equality” (note how the language is being raped, now queers are “married” only it’s not “equal”.)
    Meanwhile the conservitards are slapping themselves on the back for protecting their “gun rights”, not knowing that it will all be taken up again with revised demographics, when they are a much smaller slice of the population.
    Oh, and don’t forget hate crimes legislation and efforts toward “equality of opportunity”.

  24. Mosin, I live up here and I constantly see Obama-Biden bumper stickers, and when I do I note the driver. At least 90% of the time it’s a white man, middle class based on the cars.

  25. Though “Southron” whites have the right (constitutionally as well as naturally) to separate themselves completely from “Yankee” white people north of the Line, the same root still exists on BOTH sides of the Line. The same root will spring up even in a seceded Dixie, creating and sustaining a multiracial caste system.

  26. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was signed into law by Lyndon Johnson.

    If Southerners didn’t exist, this wouldn’t be happening.

  27. No president is required to sign any piece of legislation that passes Congress. Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, the Immigration Act, the Voting Rights Act, all the Great Society legislation, and the Gun Control Act of 1968 — all of his own free will. Every single aggrievement that you Southerners blame on Northerners and “the Union” are infact self-afflicted wounds. Take responsibility for your own actions and quit sniveling.

    If Southerners didn’t exist, this wouldn’t be happening.

  28. We need time. Throw sand in the gears. The best way to show the corruption of the system is to show how the will of the people is irrelevant.

    Passing HB 56 was not a waste, it illustrated our dictatorial judicial system in action. It also brought conservatives together in a political movement. Likewise, killing amnesty only to have Obama refuse to secure the border will further reveal the lawlessness of the Administration.

    If the South is going to function more independently, then it needs more people involved in politics, who can organize and govern. Fighting political battles against the Federal-leftist agenda is practice.

    The last thing conservatives should do is abandon politics and advocacy out of an understandable belief that it is futile. Any victory or hard fought battle enrages the Left and the media, and forces them to reveal their totalitarian nature.

    According to the media, there are no arguments or real opposition to amnesty. I believe that if amnesty fails the ruling classes will become unhinged in rage and hatred for the white Americans who thwarted them. The more whites understand that their rulers hate them the more willing they will be to think of a future apart from the Union.

  29. Truman and LBJ became president when FDR and JFK died while in office.

    In every presidential election from 1928 until 1964, the Democratic Party nominated a Southerner for Vice President: Smith-Robertson (1928), FDR-Garner (1932), FDR-Garner (1936), FDR-Truman (1944), Truman-Barkley (1948), Stevenson-Sparkman (1952), Stevenson-Kefauver (1956), and JFK-LBJ (1962).

    The Southern wing of the Democratic Party was the subordinate wing. Truman and LBJ were there to carry water for the Northern Democrats who called the shots in the Democratic Party.

    Note: The only exception was FDR-Wallace (1940).

  30. I think the latest amnesty will be defeated in the House.

    I’m sure the same Northern senators – Leahy, Durbin, and Schumer – will be around to bring it back next time … and the time after that, and the time after that, and the time after that, until one day it finally passes, or it is just imposed on us by executive fiat.

    It will be the same way with gun control. The same Northern senators like Feinstein will keep bringing it back. Gay marriage will be imposed on the entire country when Obama nominates the next Supreme Court justice.

    We’re wasting our time stamping out all these fires. It is a better idea to take out the fire starter.

  31. The fine White people of Vermont have sent Patrick Leahy to the Senate in every election since 1975. The fine White people of Massachusetts sent Ted Kennedy to the Senate in every election from 1962 until his death in 2009.

    They never seem to learn anything from “worse-is-better.” Jews like Frank Lautenberg have to die in office from natural causes.

  32. I would like to announce that, to the delight of many here I’m sure, I am taking an indefinite hiatus from posting on this website, and delaying plans to expand my anti-racist activism on the alternative right/traditionalist/pro-white blogosphere. I will be attending a multi-racial wedding in a few days; of a relative in fact, and may write one more post after that, to indicate that I have survived without getting killed in a flash mob!

    I find myself growing much busier in my offline life, and after much thought, I can do more for my cause by spending more time outside among the natural wonders and the people of this great and diverse land. I have learned a lot by reading here. I agree with no one’s perspective entirely, but you are all very intelligent, and I have been able to find at least one point of agreement with each commenter here.

    Despite this, I continue to be a supporter of amnesty, racial miscegenation, and the equality of all people before God and law. No matter the lack of cooperation from some white people, and the difficulty of the black community and some immigrants in our current period, my fellow anti-racists and I are confident that these problems will be fixed over time, through the propegation of inter-racial friendships, inter-racial marriage, and a government which refuses to bow to pressures of those supporting states rights. Like the pro-Confederates here, I care nothing about the idea of the United States or its sovereignty. However, I have realized that it must continue to be supported in order to further the agenda that we, along with our Jewish allies, and the Holy Roman Catholic Church, the mainstream Christian movement, the mainstream liberal/feminist movement, and the mainstream libertarian movement, have sought each in our own ways to further. There are disagreements along the way, but we must work to find compromises to these, in order to fight the growing racial awareness propegated by posters on this website.
    Having stated this, I will continue reading, and hope to return at some point. And keep listening to good music.

  33. @Hunter Wallace: “We’re wasting our time stamping out all these fires. It is a better idea to take out the fire starter.”
    The yankees are spreading themselves over our fair Southern land like red ants. – Mary Chesnut Mary Chesnut’s diary
    The fire starter is Dr. Yank-enstein, but the evil doctor is more creedal than political. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson believed in white supremacy with Christian chivalry. We need to have a religion or creed that works for us. Cultural Marxist PC ideas are spreading themselves over our minds like red/pinko ants. WN, White supremacy, White survivalism need to establish a creedal basis for survival.

  34. But much of the music here is monotonal: the song of the “silver bullet” of secession that will “kill the beast with one shot” — separating “Southron” whites from the other white people (the “damnyankees”) who live or originate north of the Line.

    “It is a better idea to take out the fire starter.” But the true fire starter has existed since colonial times on BOTH sides of the Line, and the real solution to the real problem is not the new political arrangement of the establishment of an independent “Dixie” where the fire starters will STILL be at work, though in a different fashion.

  35. The political arrangement of an independent “Dixie” is not wrong, however. Secession is perfectly constitutional. Membership of states in the United States is voluntary, up to the people of the sovereign states to decide. However, the root of the “arson” problem is not political but religious, and it cannot be destroyed either south or north of the Line by NON-religious, political tactics.

  36. The music of OD never plays, always skips over, the “wolf tone” note of the “Bankers.” In the Golden Circle utopia of the future Dixie, the Bankers will continue to play the prominent role as the head of the Elite, just as they do in the present in the United States, and globally, in most countries.

  37. @Hunter Wallace: “The Northern states desperately want amnesty, gun control, gay marriage and Obama as their president.” That is not the only thing they want.
    “… scientists have noticed an increase in a particular type of oral cancer.”
    We need a pro-White, anti-libertine Christianity or a replacement of some type. The PC creeds that Whites have now are a disease. We need self discipline, family loyalty, and racial loyalty.

  38. I don’t think its just the Union its also the constitution the one we have transforms liberty and equality into gods whom liberals must crusade on behalf of we need a new justification for our freedoms and rights such as guns and such based on something else that liberals cant ruin

  39. I would like to announce that, to the delight of many here I’m sure, I am taking an indefinite hiatus from posting on this website, and delaying plans to expand my anti-racist activism on the alternative right/traditionalist/pro-white blogosphere. I will be attending a multi-racial wedding in a few days; of a relative in fact

    LOL! I’ve never taken you seriously, not for one minute, so thanks for the laughs.
    I hope you use the same nic when putting your “expansion” plans into motion, I wouldn’t want to miss a minute 😉

  40. “Seems strange that someone whose hallowed ancestor fought for half-slave Alabama would live in fear of a “banana republic”…- No-Man.

    The difference, of course, lies in the blessed fact that, prior to 1865, non-whites were our PROPERTY.

    Today, Mr/Mrs Taco Bell think they are our equals. (NO CREO YO!)

    A world of difference, sir. A WORLD.

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