The Strange Career of Solomon Blatt

As Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives, Solomon Blatt opposed integration for thirty years
As Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives, Solomon Blatt opposed integration for thirty years

South Carolina

Here’s an excerpt from Clive Webb’s Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights about Solomon Blatt, the Jewish Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives, who was a leader of the massive resistance movement and led the fight against desegregation in South Carolina in the 1950s and 1960s:

“During the 1950s and 1960s, South Carolina staunchly opposed school desegregation. A week before the Supreme Court issued its decision in Brown v. Board of Education, Governor James F. Byrnes declared that any change in the law would be met with determined resistance. …

Webb describes the reaction of Solomon Blatt to the integration of Clemson and the restoration of compulsory attendance at integrated public schools:

“In January 1963 Harvey Gantt was enrolled at Clemson College, the first African American in the state to be admitted to a formally white school. In this new spirit of moderation, Representative Heyward McDonald introduced a bill to the state legislature calling for the restoration of compulsory school attendance.

Opposition to the bill was led by the Speaker of the House, Solomon Blatt. When the bill came before the legislature in 1966, Blatt introduced an amendment to exclude his native Barnwell County. For eight years, Blatt had refrained from addressing the House on a pending issue. The school attendance bill, however, had clearly stirred something deep inside him. Photographs show him stabbing his finger and waving his fist at colleagues, tears swelling in his eyes as he delivers what one paper described as “an oratorical explosion.” Do you want some sixteen-year-old so-and-so holding the hand of your little granddaughter in the classroom?” he demanded to know. “Sol Blatt doesn’t want that. For God’s sake, help me out.”

Blatt also opposed the integration of the University of South Carolina:

“Solomon Blatt was by no means the sole mastermind of the massive resistance movement in South Carolina. Yet Blatt’s influence cannot be underestimated. As Speaker of the House, he exerted an almost dictatorial control over the legislative process in South Carolina. As Governor John West once observed, his support for an issue was critical to its success; his opposition ensured that “it would almost surely fail.”

Blatt was actively involved in the legal resistance to desegregation almost from the outset of his political career. In 1938, the NAACP launched a legal challenge to enforce the admission of a black student to the law school at the University of South Carolina. Blatt chaired a three-member committee appointed by the university to assess the application. The committee could not be described as impartial. Before it had even reached its decision, Blatt issued the following public statement: “The white people of South Carolina need not have any fear as to what the outcome of this application is going to be. The Board of Trustees will do everything in their power to maintain the University of South Carolina for white students only, and in doing so, will protect the other institutions for white students supported by this state.” The black student was denied admission. …

Over the course of thirty years, Solomon Blatt had led an increasingly desperate rearguard action against court-ordered integration. At the height of the desegregation crisis, his influence in formulating the legal resistance to the Brown decision had been unmatched by any other legislator. In less than twenty years he had become an anachronism. His long reign as Speaker of the House was soon to end.”

From 1951 until 1973, Solomon Blatt opposed integration as one of the most powerful elected officials in South Carolina. This is even more extraordinary when you consider that Blatt was the son of Russian Jewish immigrants.

In the aftermath of the Brown decision, the South Carolina House of Representatives – in which Blatt, the son of a Russian Jew was Speaker of the House – passed 28 laws designed to circumvent public school desegregation. Webb notes that Blatt was successful in pushing a compromise bill through the South Carolina House that would have delayed integration until 1974.

In 1968, federal courts ruled that Blatt’s freedom of choice plan was unconstitutional and ordered all school districts in South Carolina to eliminate their dual school systems the following year. In the fall of 1970, all public schools in South Carolina opened on an integrated basis.

South Carolina’s desegregation shows that the existence of the Union, not Jewish influence, was the primary cause of the South’s racial and cultural decline.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Christianity is a bullshit religion invented by Jews, specifically for non-Jews, so that non-Jews will accept the Jewish “God” as their own, and the Jews as it’s chosen people.

  2. “Don’t forget all the Mischlings.”
    I didn’t but you have. Perhaps if you actually tried to understand where that actually ends, you might have to abandon the hysteria and paranoia that seem so comfortably to mask a lingering sense of inferiority. Remind me, which do you think is superior…Jew or gentile? I think I know which is the stronger stock.

    “They aren’t breeding the Jew out – they are breeding the White out.”
    Pretty absurd statement from the standpoint of biology.
    Or from the standpoint of cultural extinction from assimilation, which is how it has worked historically. They just fade away. Only the more extreme, ghetto variety remain extant when the dominant culture…dominates.

    Deo Vindice

  3. Lincoln, WASP. Thaddeus Stevens, WASP. Charles Sumner, WASP. Emerson, WASP. John Brown, WASP.

    Jewish ownership of the media; the outsized influence Jews have had on legitimizing (at the expense of Southerners) the interests and history of ethnic Americans through the “nation of immigrants” rhetoric—these are all interesting and legitimate topics. Unfortunately, one can hardly discuss them online without bringing out a great many highly unpleasant persons from both sides of this issue. The anti-anti-Semites will do what they do best by declaring off-limits any critical discussion of their people, while the anti-Semites will not tolerate anything less than the notion that every evil that has ever befallen Gentiles is the work of Jews. Both, however, will collaborate to make any such discussion as stupid, crass, and unprofitable as possible. My wish is that both sides would simply go away and bicker among themselves.

  4. Jews, Yankees, and Catholics up Northeast were mounting a full-court press to destroy segregation.

    Okay–I give you a time machine. You have an opportunity to go back to that period and remove one–just one–of those groups from the politics. Let’s see if you can live up to the vaunted Southern tradition of political strategizing. Make your choice.

  5. Re: Mosin

    1.) I ordered both books off Amazon and they are both here now. I plan on reviewing both of them over the course of this month.

    2.) Georgia was an economic failure as a free labor colony. It was on the precipice of bankruptcy when the Georgia trustees legalized slavery: military expenditures, gifts, private capital, and parliamentary grants were plummeting, and something had to be done, so the trustees adopted the South Carolina model even though they were ideologically against it.

    3.) It was slavery that created the racial caste system and which gave “whiteness” its importance in the Southern and Caribbean colonies. The Northern colonies didn’t develop as slave societies which is why “whiteness” never developed the same cultural importance there.

  6. I’ve already said elsewhere that if I could go back in time and change one thing it would be to dissolve the Union.

    If it were not for the existence of the Union, we could easily deal with the blacks at our leisure, and we wouldn’t have a problem with Hispanics and Asians. Similarly, if it were not for the existence of the Union, Southern Jews would have continued to go along with the status quo.

  7. “3.) It was slavery that created the racial caste system and which gave “whiteness” its importance in the Southern and Caribbean colonies. The Northern colonies didn’t develop as slave societies which is why “whiteness” never developed the same cultural importance there.”

    And also why they are defenseless when charged with being evil “racists.” Nothing puts a yankee on the back foot quicker than calling him a racist. He’ll spend the next two hours trying to prove otherwise. Quite amusing.

    OMG, slavery! Quick, give the niggers everything we can! We is some good yankees, we is. Talk about role reversal…

    Deo Vindice

  8. There isn’t much difference between Charles Sumner and Ted Kennedy – one a WASP, the other an Irish Catholic, and both senators from Massachusetts. They both had the same Northeastern mindset.

  9. If it were not for the existence of the Union, we could easily deal with the blacks at our leisure, and we wouldn’t have a problem with Hispanics and Asians. Similarly, if it were not for the existence of the Union, Southern Jews would have continued to go along with the status quo.

    You’re living up to the Southern tradition, all right.

  10. PS: “Dissolve the Union” wasn’t among the choices you were offered. Try answering the question.

  11. Poster boy for the yankee sense of whiteness: Florida governor Rick Scott.

    It’s obvious this boy ain’t from Dixie.

    Deo Vindice

  12. “(I)f it were not for the existence of the Union, Southern Jews would have continued to go along with the status quo.”

    Since the status quo was already a multiracial caste system exploiting slave labour, and involving usury and mercantilism, and the slow, steady erosion of Christianity — of course everyone would have continued to go along with THAT status quo.

  13. If there was a difference between Northern Jews, Protestants, and Catholics on the “civil rights” issue, I am not aware of it.

    Thanks for letting us know what you aren’t aware of.

  14. “Since the status quo was already a multiracial caste system exploiting slave labour, and involving usury and mercantilism, and the slow, steady erosion of Christianity — of course everyone would have continued to go along with THAT status quo.
    What twaddle. That happened much more precipitously in the North.”

    The Southern status quo was one that recognized racial differences instead of assuming them away. Much better for all parties involved. An explicitly white conscious and therefore pro-white society is far more effective at dealing with these differences.

    White leadership is essential. Claiming negroes for your equals and electing them to high office is the quintessential yankee mistake. Detroit follows as naturally as night follows day…

    Deo Vindice

  15. Re: Mosin

    1.) First, there was no slow steady erosion of Christianity; the South became more, not less, religious in the twentieth century.

    2.) Second, it is implausible that slavery would have still existed in the 1960s. In the aftermath of the war, the South was impoverished, capital was scarce, and the plantations fragmented. A wealthier independent South would have mechanized sooner, not later.

    3.) Third, there is no reason to believe that there would have been a radical change in the South’s racial values in the absence of federal intervention. Even the Jews in the South were committed to the status quo.

  16. Feel free to produce evidence, say, polling data, that Northern Protestants and Catholics had a radically different view of integration than Northern Jews.

    We’ve already seen that 30 percent of the Freedom Riders were Jews. Who were the other 60 percent? Jews, Protestants, and Catholics divided along regional lines on the Civil Rights Movement.

  17. Feel free to produce evidence, say, polling data, that Northern Protestants and Catholics had a radically different view of integration than Northern Jews.

    I have no idea what their “views” were; it doesn’t matter. What matters is their power–their ability to make things happen.

    We’ve already seen that 30 percent of the Freedom Riders were Jews.

    And Jews are what percentage of the U.S. population?

  18. 1.) I’m sure that Northern Jews were “overrepresented” in the Civil Rights Movement – that’s hardly news around here.

    2.) So, you have no idea what Northern Protestants and Catholics thought about the Civil Rights Movement? You’re just sure that the Jews were behind it all.

    3.) Why do you assume that only Jews are powerful?

    Yankees had integrated their own states and repealed their own anti-miscegenation laws by 1890. Yankees could have segregated their states after the Plessy decision (nothing stopped us from doing so), but instead they chose to ban segregation in state after state.

  19. So, you have no idea what Northern Protestants and Catholics thought about the Civil Rights Movement? You’re just sure that the Jews were behind it all.


    Why do you assume that only Jews are powerful?

    I live on planet Earth.

  20. Did the Jews cause the Northern states to repeal their own anti-miscegenation laws in the 19C?

    I don’t know, did they? Have you looked into how many of those “German” Forty-Eighters were Jews? My impression is that it was quite a large portion; a few of them, I think, became generals in the Union army. I have no idea what influence they and their ethnic kin had after the war.

  21. Tim Wise is coming to my area to speak at a conference on “Restorative Justice” later this month. I saw a billboard today for the conference and was familiar with the concept of “Restorative Justice” from my previous travels online, but was excited to see that Mr Wise will be speaking.

    I’m thinking of attending, got any ideas on how to make this interesting? At the least I’d like to help be part of a persistent thorn in his side.

  22. “Restorative justice” — that’s the scariest term I’ve heard in a while.

    Restorative Justice, carrying on in the destruction of Christian Civilization where Social Justice left off.

    Ask Tim why Restorative Justice shouldn’t obviate the necessity of Israel being blown off the map.

  23. When they explain restorative justice they say that everybody is already familiar with it. The example given is a child playing baseball that breaks a window. The child goes and apologizes and pays for the damage or works it off. I’d like to know what exactly restorative justice can do in the case of a rape or murder? I’m thinking that’s a good thing to ask them.

    The truth is that it’s just more coddling. They say that the criminal was neglected by society, and that for true justice we need to fix the community that they came from. It’s another attempt to convince us to buy public swimming pools (or whatever) for black neighborhoods. If only Tyrone Shoelaces had more options this wouldn’t have happened…

    You can’t undo a murder

  24. Hunter wrote:

    “Re: Mosin: 1.) First, there was no slow steady erosion of Christianity; the South became more, not less, religious in the twentieth century. 2.) Second, it is implausible that slavery would have still existed in the 1960s. In the aftermath of the war, the South was impoverished, capital was scarce, and the plantations fragmented. A wealthier independent South would have mechanized sooner, not later. 3.) Third, there is no reason to believe that there would have been a radical change in the South’s racial values in the absence of federal intervention. Even the Jews in the South were committed to the status quo.”

    1.) I was referring to the prevalent light, “Cavalier” attitude of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The increase of “fervency” through most of the twentieth century, under a somewhat different economic system, is actually a proof for my position. 2.) With or without mechanisation, it would still have been the same multiracial caste system, with either slaves or “lower classes” exploited by the same Talmudic-and-white Elite. 3.) I agree that there would have been no reason for the Southron Elite to change their own comfortable status quo, as I wrote above: “Since the status quo was already a multiracial caste system exploiting slave labour, and involving usury and mercantilism, and the slow, steady erosion of Christianity — of course they would have continued to go along with THAT status quo.”

  25. Simcell,

    Re: Tim Wise the Jew. Read his writings, and be ready for anything. He talks in circles. There’s not “there” there. He’ ll call himself White. If you get a chance – call him out as a Jew.

    Try to have numbers ready, on the trillions that have been POURED into “justice”. It’s all going to boil down to anti-White crapola.

    Try to have as wide a base, to counter him on, as you can. He gets FLUSTERED when contradicted.

  26. Apuleius says:
    “June 4, 2013 at 11:06 pm
    “Don’t forget all the Mischlings.”
    I didn’t but you have. Perhaps if you actually tried to understand where that actually ends, you might have to abandon the hysteria and paranoia that seem so comfortably to mask a lingering sense of inferiority. Remind me, which do you think is superior…Jew or gentile? I think I know which is the stronger stock.”

    An almost perfect letter-perfect insult. Very good try at Alinsky-ite delegitemization. A Hit…and a Miss…

    I don’t feel inferior at all. I am dismayed by the sheer perversity of such an attitude. I don’t make up ANYTHING. Have ya watched the IRS hearings?

    It’s far easier, isn’t it, to blame a Scapegoat, than to deal with the real source of the issue? Yankees are your Hitler. FYI – Jews are the dominant Race. They have an infinitely greater capacity for cohesion, than Whites. At least Western Whites. I’m certain that any Jews persusing you posts will simply adore you, little Goy.

    “They aren’t breeding the Jew out – they are breeding the White out.”
    Pretty absurd statement from the standpoint of biology.
    Or from the standpoint of cultural extinction from assimilation, which is how it has worked historically. They just fade away. Only the more extreme, ghetto variety remain extant when the dominant culture…dominates. ”

    Which is what has happened. The USA is a Jewish Nation. Not a White one. They aren’t fading out at all. Whites are.

    So – were Yankees around during the Justinian Code days? You never answered the question. I wonder why?

  27. “John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia says:
    June 4, 2013 at 10:54 pm
    Yet, away from large, modern cities like Atlanta and New Orleans, Southern Jews felt obliged to walk a narrow line. Most were merchants, dependent on the good will of their neighbors. In the Deep South, if they hesitated to join White Citizens Councils, they felt the pressure immediately. “The money dried up at the banks and loans were called in,” recalled a Jewish storekeeper

    That’s from the article Denise linked, at 8:35 pm. Brings a tear to your eye, doesn’t it? Well, maybe those storekeepers were able to find a Jewish banker somewhere to help them out. Are any Jews involved in banking?”

    Jews, in banking? No way! It’s all Yankees….the Yankees dried up the money.

    Thr article is hilarious. The poor oppwessed Southern Jews! Oye! Alays the victims! Thos EEEEvil White Southern RAAAAYYCISTS had the poor widdle Jews just so skeeeered!

    Of course….one can read between the lines, if one wants to. That paragraph infers that all the southenr Jews would have just leapt to the fore, and proclaimed FREEDOM for their Negro Brethren, had not those EVIL Southern Klansmen not turrurized ’em….

    Hey – Southies- they still hate you. They hate YOU.

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