The Strange Career of Solomon Blatt

As Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives, Solomon Blatt opposed integration for thirty years
As Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives, Solomon Blatt opposed integration for thirty years

South Carolina

Here’s an excerpt from Clive Webb’s Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights about Solomon Blatt, the Jewish Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives, who was a leader of the massive resistance movement and led the fight against desegregation in South Carolina in the 1950s and 1960s:

“During the 1950s and 1960s, South Carolina staunchly opposed school desegregation. A week before the Supreme Court issued its decision in Brown v. Board of Education, Governor James F. Byrnes declared that any change in the law would be met with determined resistance. …

Webb describes the reaction of Solomon Blatt to the integration of Clemson and the restoration of compulsory attendance at integrated public schools:

“In January 1963 Harvey Gantt was enrolled at Clemson College, the first African American in the state to be admitted to a formally white school. In this new spirit of moderation, Representative Heyward McDonald introduced a bill to the state legislature calling for the restoration of compulsory school attendance.

Opposition to the bill was led by the Speaker of the House, Solomon Blatt. When the bill came before the legislature in 1966, Blatt introduced an amendment to exclude his native Barnwell County. For eight years, Blatt had refrained from addressing the House on a pending issue. The school attendance bill, however, had clearly stirred something deep inside him. Photographs show him stabbing his finger and waving his fist at colleagues, tears swelling in his eyes as he delivers what one paper described as “an oratorical explosion.” Do you want some sixteen-year-old so-and-so holding the hand of your little granddaughter in the classroom?” he demanded to know. “Sol Blatt doesn’t want that. For God’s sake, help me out.”

Blatt also opposed the integration of the University of South Carolina:

“Solomon Blatt was by no means the sole mastermind of the massive resistance movement in South Carolina. Yet Blatt’s influence cannot be underestimated. As Speaker of the House, he exerted an almost dictatorial control over the legislative process in South Carolina. As Governor John West once observed, his support for an issue was critical to its success; his opposition ensured that “it would almost surely fail.”

Blatt was actively involved in the legal resistance to desegregation almost from the outset of his political career. In 1938, the NAACP launched a legal challenge to enforce the admission of a black student to the law school at the University of South Carolina. Blatt chaired a three-member committee appointed by the university to assess the application. The committee could not be described as impartial. Before it had even reached its decision, Blatt issued the following public statement: “The white people of South Carolina need not have any fear as to what the outcome of this application is going to be. The Board of Trustees will do everything in their power to maintain the University of South Carolina for white students only, and in doing so, will protect the other institutions for white students supported by this state.” The black student was denied admission. …

Over the course of thirty years, Solomon Blatt had led an increasingly desperate rearguard action against court-ordered integration. At the height of the desegregation crisis, his influence in formulating the legal resistance to the Brown decision had been unmatched by any other legislator. In less than twenty years he had become an anachronism. His long reign as Speaker of the House was soon to end.”

From 1951 until 1973, Solomon Blatt opposed integration as one of the most powerful elected officials in South Carolina. This is even more extraordinary when you consider that Blatt was the son of Russian Jewish immigrants.

In the aftermath of the Brown decision, the South Carolina House of Representatives – in which Blatt, the son of a Russian Jew was Speaker of the House – passed 28 laws designed to circumvent public school desegregation. Webb notes that Blatt was successful in pushing a compromise bill through the South Carolina House that would have delayed integration until 1974.

In 1968, federal courts ruled that Blatt’s freedom of choice plan was unconstitutional and ordered all school districts in South Carolina to eliminate their dual school systems the following year. In the fall of 1970, all public schools in South Carolina opened on an integrated basis.

South Carolina’s desegregation shows that the existence of the Union, not Jewish influence, was the primary cause of the South’s racial and cultural decline.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In other news, Loch Ness monster sighted munching on giant four leaf clovers with Sasquatch. But this is nothing compared to Hunter’s discovery — a Jew fighting to preserve rather than destroy white institutions and the white gene pool.

  2. Jews will adapt to and defend any system they believe is helping them. In this case Blatt seems to be adhering to the command of Jeremiah 28, which calls Jews to work for the well-being of any society in which they find themselves living. In other cases Jews have become involved in subversive movements, destroying the society they live in, with the idea they will come out with more power in the new system.

  3. Jews will often try very, very hard to bond, fit in with whatever group they are around.

    In Germany, Jews want to be real Germans, support, create German classical music.

    Around Blacks, they go for jazz music, later R&B sould music, even rap music. Of course New York Jews were so strong for Black civil rights, because they are around lots of Blacks.

    When Reagan Conservatism was sweeping America, Jews found ways to go with the flow, celebrate Newt Gingrich becoming Speaker of the House.

    Los Vegas Jews Sheldon Adelson are somehow “Republican”.

    It’s not all a secret conspiracy – Jews are just fitting in, agreeing with whoever is in the room with them and then putting some pro Jew spin on things in other words.

    Acting just like Ron Paul and Rand Paul.

  4. Here is a Jewish band leader and sweetest swing clarinetist of all time backing up a Jewish singer on a Jerome Kern (Jewish) and Oscar Hammerstein (Jewish) song. It doesn’t get any better than this:

  5. The day a Southerner stops gazing at his navel and looks at the broader world will be a miraculous day indeed. Yes let’s throw out the last 2,000 years of jew/White relations cause you found a pro-South jew there are none so blind than those who refuse to see.

  6. Prussiancroat says:
    June 4, 2013 at 6:17 pm
    ‘Yes let’s throw out the last 2,000 years of jew/White relations cause you found a pro-South jew there are none so blind than those who refuse to see.’

    It’s the same story with hapless Whites who constantly downplay the havoc wreaked upon humanity by the negro race.

    ‘Hey, not all of them are bad.’ ‘You’re just a bigot!’

  7. It’s a great story, wish I’d heard it before today. That’s why my Granny Hines was sure that “negroes will never go to school with whites in South Carolina”.

  8. The battle over desegregation ended the same way everywhere in the South with the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court – due to the existence of the Union – having the final say in the matter.

  9. “The day a Southerner stops gazing at his navel and looks at the broader world will be a miraculous day indeed. Yes let’s throw out the last 2,000 years of jew/White relations cause you found a pro-South jew there are none so blind than those who refuse to see.”

    Hmm…let’s see.

    Alternative 1: A free and independent Dixie which solves most if not all of our problems with this out of control federal government and the destructive impulses of yankees and their perverted culture.

    Alternative 2: Join the “broader world” of prussiancroat and attempt a Holocaust redux (stateless version 2.0) in order to fill Jews with even more murderous rage against whites.

    There are none so blind, indeed.

    Deo Vindice

  10. “Kievsky says:
    June 4, 2013 at 5:02 pm
    In other news, Loch Ness monster sighted munching on giant four leaf clovers with Sasquatch. But this is nothing compared to Hunter’s discovery — a Jew fighting to preserve rather than destroy white institutions and the white gene pool.”

    “Earl Butz says:
    June 4, 2013 at 8:02 pm
    @ Hunter

    The Jewperson wasn’t very effective was he? The results prove the case”

    Here’s a fascinating article, written by a Jew, using Jewish sources. This may help oyu with your studies, Hunter.:

    The opening sentence:
    “Nowhere did Jews identify themselves more forth­rightly with the liberal avant-garde than in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.”

    And then:
    “It was an uneven identification. For Jews living in the South, the issue of racial integration posed unsettling questions. They constituted barely one percent of the region’s total population. Among their white neighbors, they had long been accepted as “honorary white Protestants.”

    It gets better with every paragraph.

    Who won, Hunter?

    • Here’s an interesting paragraph:

      “Most local Jews then tended to adopt a low profile on the race issue. At the express wish of their congregations, a majority of Southern rabbis similarly agreed to be restrained. No more than six or seven of them in the entire South worked openly to promote the cause of civil rights.”

      This post is only a stab at the Jewish Question in the South. I will write a review of the book later this month.

  11. Hunter,

    The key words, in that paragraph, are:

    No more than six or seven of them in the entire South <<>>> to promote the cause of civil rights.”

    Hunter – do White People need Jews?

  12. It is true that Julius Rosenwald of Chicago endowed Tuskegee and supported black education in the South.

    It is true that 30 percent of the “Freedom Riders” who came from the Northern states to the South were Jews.

    It is true that Rabbi Abraham Heschel came from New York City with a huge number of Northern Jews to participate in the Selma-to-Montgomery March.

    It is true that Schwermer and Goodman – two New York Jews who were civil rights workers – were killed in Mississippi.

    It is true that the American Jewish Committee, the ADL, and the American Jewish Congress were heavily involved in the Civil Rights Movement.

    It is true Felix Frankfurter was on the Supreme Court and played an important role in the Brown decision.

  13. I don’t believe that White people need Jews.

    I just don’t think that Southern Jews played much of a role in overthrowing our social system. It seems clear to me that the existence of the Union was far more important than Jewish influence here.

  14. If I had to sit down and write out a list of the five biggest race traitors in Alabama, they would be Howell Raines, Morris Dees, Frank Johnson, Harper Lee, and Virginia and Clifford Durr.

  15. Hunter – they are attacking the South, even now. The Civil War never ended.

    I agree that the Puritans was heavily aligned, ideologically, with Judaism. Cromwell left the Children of the Devil back into England, after all. I’ve written that “Yankees” – the Northerners you call Yankees – and “Liberals” ARE Puritans. It’s not about “gay marriage” or any of the BS deranged social politicies they aspouse. It’s about an irrevocable and unshakeable belief in their own “righteousness” – they are RIGHT and infallible about EVERYTHING they espouse – and any one that questions anything they say to do is WRONG – and must be CRUSHED.

    That’s why Puritans and Jews meld so well.

    Israel IS a ethno-socialist state. The only country on Earth that is allowed ot exist, as a Racial State. They DID what Germanic NS tried to do. No other place is allowed to exist as Racial State. Jews in Greece just got “Hate Laws” passed, in order to gag or punish any-one that’s “racist” aka The Golden Dawn. Why is it always Jews, pushing for this? Are the Greece-born Jews “Yankees”?

    They are going after the South, now.

  16. You don’t have to be Jewish to be a subversive. Of course, Jews have a natural talent for subversion, but it does not logically follow that all subversives are Jewish. There are other subversives. Around here, we just call them yankees.

    Do Southerners need yankees?

    Deo Vindice

  17. Apelius – no. Southerners don’t need Yankees. Please cite ONE post that I have EVER written, stating that I think Southerners need Yankees. Thanks.

  18. We know Jews are not monolithic. There are exceptions to every rule. I think you should consider examining the case of Leo Frank. I think it would be interesting to compare the following the attitudes of Southern Jews to the Northern Jews who rallied to Frank’s side. I would suggest looking at the attitudes of Southern Jews toward: the east-coast banking, Hollywood/media, Henry Ford and The Dearborn Independent, Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin, 30s-era communism, Hitler, Germany, and American involvement in WW2. How did their attitudes compare to Southern Gentiles and to Northern Jews? Did the Southern Jews align with Southern political, cultural and economic preferences across the board, or did they sometimes split? For drawing useful conclusions about Jewish behavior, I also think it matters if the Southern Jews strongly identified as Jews or not based on synagogue attendance and other markers.

  19. “In 1968, federal courts ruled that Blatt’s freedom of choice plan was unconstitutional”

    Sun risen from the east is unconstitutional.

  20. Apelius – did you watch the Brother Nathaniel video? He’s always entertaining. I give him a degree of respect.

    There’s nothing in that video that I did know already. That said – I always look for the “Telling Moment”. The Moment, in that one, comes when Brother N speaks of Emperor Justinian, and the Justinian Codes around the .50 mark. Specifically forbidding Jewish involvement in banking, education, and holding office. Were Yankees around then?

    Why are these sorts of laws invariably enacted against Jews?

    No Man – are you really Miranda Priestly?

    “That’s all”

  21. History is litter with the rise and fall of empires. Jews were /are the Culprit of it. they must be some alien being with super intelligence that traveled to the milky wave eons ago to destroy the earthlings.

  22. Nathaniel Kapner is a BS artist. He’s been publicly disavowed by the Eastern Orthodox community in the US, and he never attended any legitimate seminary, he’s been homeless for periods of time in the past, and he’s been diagnosed with mental disorders. He’s just another schizo Jew playing dress-up.

  23. G Prune – I know you are being sarcastic – but you are also factually accurate. Are you aware of this?

    Chris – yes. Brother Nathaniel is a BS artist. He’s a Jew. Blood will out. Blood always outs. That said – is he factually ACCURATE?

  24. Denise-

    He certainly puts their all their shit out by the curb, but I believe that’s his hook — entrust himself to the clueless goyim by giving truth to all their suspicions through the undeniable medium of a Jewish voice. Something like that old axiom about the best place hide being in plain sight.

  25. “He’s just another schizo Jew playing dress-up.”

    Well, at least we agree on that.

    The destruction of western civilization is near complete and only a return to tradition and the warrior spirit will fix that. Jewish influence has reached its apogee. The worm turns.

    Many here seem to think they are immune to their own poison.
    Every dog has its day. Subversion destroys itself. Let Nature take its course.

    They’re on their way back to the ghettos. Those who aren’t will “Hellenize” soon enough. When we begin to think like the white men of our own tradition, and not like Judaized, Enlightenment-blinded, atheistic materialists, Jewish influence fast approaches nil. Blood and soil. Altar and throne. Whatever it takes.

    Building a strong white civilization is the antidote to Jewish influence.
    Secession is the first step.

    At least Hunter and Lew seems to be asking the right questions.

    Deo Vindice

  26. There is a lost tradition within Christendom of madcap mendicants that speak truth to power. Nathanael is trying to revive that tradition.

  27. Apelius – there are a Hell of a lot more Jews, than the numbers they dish out. Don’t forget all the Mischlings.

    They aren’t breeding the Jew out – they are breeding the White out.

  28. This post appears to be a followup to the “Failed Utopia” posts, where I identified in my yet-unchallenged comments what was the REAL failure of the Georgia trust, and reminded that the OTHER utopia (the “Golden Circle,” Talmudic, multiracial caste system utopia) that supplanted it is in fact anti-white and anti-Christian, even if it did generate immense wealth, for a while, for some.

  29. Yet, away from large, modern cities like Atlanta and New Orleans, Southern Jews felt obliged to walk a narrow line. Most were merchants, dependent on the good will of their neighbors. In the Deep South, if they hesitated to join White Citizens Councils, they felt the pressure immediately. “The money dried up at the banks and loans were called in,” recalled a Jewish storekeeper

    That’s from the article Denise linked, at 8:35 pm. Brings a tear to your eye, doesn’t it? Well, maybe those storekeepers were able to find a Jewish banker somewhere to help them out. Are any Jews involved in banking?

  30. We should be working toward Christian paradise on earth, not toward the renewal of any anti-Christian, anti-white, multiracial caste exploitation system.

  31. I just don’t think that Southern Jews played much of a role in overthrowing our social system. It seems clear to me that the existence of the Union was far more important than Jewish influence here.

    It seems clear to you, Mr. W.? Well, maybe that’s what the Jews are counting on — has that occurred to you? Has it occurred to you that that’s their genius? They’re always watching each other. Without guidance, each finds a part to play. While Jews up North are mounting a full-court press to destroy your segregation, a deft Jew in your backyard plays Son of the South–and what’s your reaction? “See? Jews aren’t so bad. Yankees are the problem.”

    As the (Jewish) poet hath said:

    “Let me explain something to you, Duffy. This business requires a little finesse.”

    The historical record suggests, unfortunately, that when something “seems clear” to a white man, it’s most likely wrong.

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