Jewish Confederates


In the antebellum era, Jews were more likely than Gentiles to own slaves and were disproportionately involved in the slave trade. Jews went along with the racial norms of Southern society and were not perceived as a subversive minority.

“Only one genuine example exists of Jews actively conspiring against slavery. During the 1840s, Issac and Peter Friedman assisted Peter Still’s escape from Tuscumbia, Alabama. However, even this appears to be an isolated incident born out of personal sentiment for a particular slave rather than any ideological opposition to the institution of slavery.”

There was no Jewish equivalent of John Brown or William Lloyd Garrison or Harriet Beecher Stowe – Black Republicanism grew out of Northern evangelical Christianity rather than Jewish influence.

“Most striking of all were the political careers of David Levy Yulee and Judah P. Benjamin. Yulee served as a congressman from Florida from 1844 until its admission as a state four years later, at which time he was elected senator. In 1852 Benjamin was elected senator of Louisiana. “It is a singular fact,” observed the Western Democrat, “that the most masterly expositions which have been made of the constitutional and religious argument for slavery are from gentlemen of the Hebrew faith.” Both Yulee and Benjamin were staunch advocates of slavery. Benjamin purchased a large sugar plantation in Louisiana with a labor force of 140 slaves. Yulee earned a reputation as the “Florida Fire Eater” for his passionate speeches in support of the South, especially his campaign to expand slavery through the territorial annexation of Mexico and Cuba.”

We have seen previously that David Yulee and Judah Benjamin, far from being subversive revolutionaries, were pillars of the Southern establishment in their time.

“Nothing better defines the depth of Jewish support for the South and the institution of slavery than the Civil War. Southern Jews were staunch supporters of secession and war. Several assumed eminent positions within the Confederate government. … According to one conservative estimate, 1,216 southern Jews took up arms in defense of their homeland. Many distinguished themselves on the battlefield, some making the ultimate sacrifice.”

This came as a genuine surprise.

I was aware that some Jews had fought for the Confederacy. I was aware that Yulee and Benjamin were in the Senate before the war. I had no idea though that Jews in general were staunch Confederates.

“As army officer Simon Mayer asserted in a letter written during the last year of the war, the Lincoln administration, “not satisfied with burning our towns, and endeavoring to carry out their hellish designs of starving our people in subjection … now want to carry out their new doctrine of ‘miscegenation.'” Mayer urged his brother to enlist in the Confederate army before this “evil” befell the South.”

The anti-miscegenation laws were temporarily repealed in Louisiana, South Carolina, and Mississippi during Reconstruction by the negro-carpetbagger-scalawag triumvirate which was propped up by the Union Army.

Note: The excerpts above come from Clive Webb’s Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights. I’m sharing my learning experience with everyone here as I come across this stuff.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jews went along with the racial norms of Southern society and were not perceived as a subversive minority.

    Just like they went along with racial norms in the North. Jews compensate for their religious outsider status by being hyper-citizens. This is only a problem if your country has a philosophical foundation you’d rather ignore, like what American “nativists” and “isolationists” try to do. The Jew waves the banner they’ve tried to bury, and they despise the Jew for doing so.

  2. Yeah, this may have been the White Southern view of the Jews prior to 1890. A very tiny number of Jews spread across a large region, who kept to themselves, and didn’t bother White people except in commercial transactions.

    H.L. Mencken describes the pre-1890 Jews of Baltimore in much the same way as your author. But, you would have trouble documenting more than a handful of Jews in the Confederate Army.

  3. “Jews went along with the racial norms of Southern society and were not perceived as a subversive minority.”

    Not “went along with”! They are ORIGINAL supremacists!

  4. Zionist wars are destroying the empire of liberty. Jefferson hated British and similar imperialisms.

  5. Hunter , I knew all this stuff before I discovered this site. Your willingness to research historical facts, even if they upset deeply held beliefs, is why I visit this site everyday. I discovered a long time ago that truth, even if it overturns cherished notions, is essential for your survival as an individual or as a member of a racial group. If you are going to live in this world, you have to understand why your people (genuine whites or DWL’s) or the others (Jews, Negros, Etc.) act the way they do. This is why OC , along with SBPDL, is so important. Both presents the truth in a highly literate, educated fashion that explains the reality of the world we live in. If OC was just another racist rant site, I wouldn’t bother with it. I come here because I can get concrete information, rather than weird ideas like Christian Identity, Neo-Nazism, and other failed ideologies.

  6. I get a kick out of people that are ignorant of the empire yet hate it. The Empire of Liberty is what we have today, a non-colonial empire, with golf courses and whorehouses strung like pearls around the world. Hardly the kind of evil empire Mosin wishes would justify his pomposity.

    Spain can’t afford upkeep of its bases anymore, that’s why a few weeks ago they got a fleet of Ospreys and 500 leathernecks. We give them cash and training, and get a toehold for rapid deployment to North Africa.

  7. @Pat Hines

    There were a few Jews who were representatives of European trading houses early on in most of the Atlantic ports.

    I’m sure there were probably some Chinese Confederates, and as Hunter has pointed out Gay Confederates too. LOL.

  8. None of this changes the fact that Jews are wholly alien to the culture and not European derived. Furthermore, you must contend with the obvious fact that the larger your numbers and influence the more confidence one finds in their hostility and insurgency. This is about recognizing the fact that we are a people apart and thus not entitled to our livingspace.

  9. Here’s why I suspect otherwise:

    1.) Jews were relatively more common in the Southern colonies. Charleston, Savannah, and Richmond developed Jewish communities early in their history, but South Carolina evolved as the polar opposite of Massachusetts.

    2.) Jews in the South followed the same pattern as Jews in the West Indies. There were lots of Jews in Barbardos and Jamaica.

    3.) Jews have always been a small minority.

  10. The low racial consciousness of the North was due to its low ethnic and religious cohesion from mass immigration and even more so to the weak footprint of slavery.

    In contrast, Southern Whites were racially polarized and far more ethnically and religiously homogeneous. They were also far more conservative due to the legacy of slavery.

  11. “I get a kick out of people that are ignorant of the empire yet hate it. The Empire of Liberty is what we have today (…) with golf courses and whorehouses strung like pearls around the world. Hardly the kind of evil empire Mosin wishes would justify his pomposity.”

    You know well that the present global “empire” has NOTHING to do with Jefferson’s expression “empire of liberty”!

  12. “Spain can’t afford upkeep of its bases anymore, that’s why a few weeks ago they got a fleet of Ospreys and 500 leathernecks. We give them cash and training, and get a toehold for rapid deployment to North Africa.”

    Just what we need. More of our treasure robbed to pay for more of Global warfare. This is certainly NOT an empire of our liberty, but of our enslavement and destruction!

  13. Er, Stephen, what do you believe is the takeaway from this series?

    I have yet to see HW say OMG! I was wrong! Jews weren’t in the vanguard that destroyed the South!

  14. Re: “The low racial consciousness of the North”:

    But it was in the SOUTHERN states, where whites ACCEPTED Talmudic MULTI-racialism, importing millions, that white racial consciousness was the weakest!

    • Nope.

      From the mid-17C forward, “whiteness” had statutory weight in all the Southern colonies, while race was never as important in the Northern colonies.

      • FYI, I believe the actual number of slaves imported was around 500,000. Saint-Domingue and Jamaica imported millions, but there were no sugar plantations in the Southern colonies at the time.

  15. Re: “what do you believe is the takeaway from this series? I have yet to see HW say…I was wrong! Jews weren’t in the vanguard that destroyed the South!”

    Maybe he is trying to win an argument for the sake of winning (which is NOT a white characteristic) or playing up to a southern (and thus mostly Neocon and pro-Zionist) silent readership of this blog, or protecting himself — or he is simply WRONG.

  16. I know when I wrote “millions” it was overstated. But the addition of even a HALF million to the small white settler population of the southern colonies was immense — and the BREEDING that followed rapidly climbed into the millions. Northern whites were obviously not so UN-racially-conscious, being determined to hoe their own weeds, harvest their own crops, tote their own bales, etc.

  17. How could they be so white-racially CONSCIOUS if they chose to import, breed and live among Africans by the millions, decade after decade — and be satisfied with the scene of synagogues rising next to their plantation houses everywhere?

  18. Another one of the emperor’s too-praised non-clothes: “Black Run America”

    Amerika is not run by blacks.

  19. The takeaway from this series is that Southern Jews played almost no role in the downfall of the South’s racial customs. The existence of the Union was the far more important factor.

  20. “The takeaway from this series is that Southern Jews played almost no role in the downfall of the South’s racial customs.”

    But SOME will see through the fog, and discern WHY they “played almost no role in the downfall”: because they are not the followers of, but the ORIGINAL supremacists, and they were among the chief engineers and profiteers of the “Golden” multiracial caste system!

  21. Simple.

    The proximity of blacks heightens awareness of race and creates practical incentives for the elite to cultivate White racial consciousness.

    WNs have a fantasy that “White people” in racially homogeneous areas will racially polarize and care about race. In reality, White racial consciousness arises as a symptom of a perceived racial threat due to proximity to non-Whites.

    WNs also fantasize that “White people” are basically the same. In reality, the North became religiously and ethnically unglued with all sorts of “White” groups at each other’s throats.

  22. “The proximity of blacks heightens awareness of race and creates practical incentives for the elite to cultivate White racial consciousness.”

    True, but is this situation desirable? To manage their black slaves, in dangerous proximity, the Talmudic-and-white Elite must simultaneously cultivate the good will and support of their white and paler-coloured mulatto under-classes.


    • The overwhelming majority of Jews in this country seem to have preferred to settle in your Talmudic country rather than ours. All the Jewish senators and governors and most of the Jewish congressmen come from there.

  23. :eeis is an typing error, means nothing, sorry

    “Northern Whites like the Quakers were busy trying to convert the Indians to Christianity. They repealed their own anti-miscegenation law in 1780.”

    But they did not create a supremacist system. They did not enslave the other race, live in close proximity and create immense wealth with it — and there was much less miscegenation of whites with Indians in the Quaker colony than went on further south.

    Finally, what is wrong with concern for the eternal fate of a living soul? Do you believe the Gospel or not?

  24. That’s where the best money making opportunities seemed to be, but as conditions improve in the southern states, more are moving your way. They are not tied to any soil.

  25. “The overwhelming majority of Jews in this country seem to have preferred to settle in your Talmudic country”

    You are mistaken. The New York metropolitan area is not my country.

  26. Southern Jews were simply “negotiating their position,” according to this article in Forward:

    “Jews had to carefully negotiate their position during times of unrest. Former Lexington resident Robert Berman, author of the 2009 book ‘A House of David in the Land of Jesus,’ said that in their own stores, many Jewish business owners employed black workers and served blacks as customers equally with whites. But when it came to larger segregation issues, local Jewish residents felt it was best to stay neutral. ‘They did not strive to preserve segregation, nor did they speak out about it,’ said Berman, whose book examines the relationships between Jews and other faiths and races in Lexington….”

  27. From the same article: “From the early 19th century, Jews built synagogues alongside the cotton fields and plantation houses of the Deep South. Today (…) these Jews bask in a certain aura of accumulated high regard, built over generations” — proof that the worship (“high regard”) of wealth has LONG taken the place of Christian fervor!

  28. Not expelling them from habitation and influence in any future independent South is equivalent to dooming the South to a repeat the disintegration of the union of the 50 states into egalitarianism, miscegenation and judeo-centrism

  29. You got that right TJ. This is becoming foolish. You have folks claiming to be Southern Nationalist wanting to separate into something similar to America. What a joke and why do it at all?

  30. Nice article. I did know that there were few Jewish members of the Confederacy, but not like this. Wow. You learn something new everyday.

    It’s sad then, that southerners have forgotten the Jews who fought for the South. I feel bad for those descendents of the Jewish Confederates that fought for such a cause who would be discriminated against by the later editions of the Klan. How strange. Jews had fought for the South and the way they are rewarded is being hated. Pretty strange. You would think descendents of Confederate Soldiers would stick together.

    My advice is this then if you try to secede and if you do win; beware of genetic bottlenecking (not sure if this is the correct spelling, sorry). I just figure I would give you that advice. Wouldn’t want to win the battle but lose the war based on not able to sustain such a population after a thousand years. Those so called white paradises like Nueva Germania in my opinion would have failed anyway due to this. Remember, for an example, there are only so much combinations for blond hair and blue eyes. New combinations of DNA are important in a surviving population. Inbreeding could crush a population as much as it did the Monarchs of Europe (as well as many of the nobles in my opinion).

  31. Matt@”Pretty strange. You would think descendents of Confederate Soldiers would stick together.”

    Nothing strange about it at all. Jews got Israel. Now most Jews have divided loyalty at best.

  32. Vox, thanks for saying its not strange. I’m just mentioning how strange it is that the second and later versions of the Klu Klux Klan would hate and attempt to destroy Jews when Jews help fight for the South back in the Civil War. The state of Israel was made in 1948, so the Second Klan should have known better in my opinion. I think it’s stupid how the second Klan would do such a thing when their are fricken graves filled with brave Jewish confederates who died for the Confederacy. I mean, really. How disgraceful is that to their memories.

    Jews like whites are hardly universal on their believes. Also not all Jews support Israel or what that country is known to do. Jews are hardly a universal or cohesive power. If you even look at the once mighty Rothchilds fell to Naziism with the destruction of the Naples branch, the Austrian branch pretty much lost their bank and possessions (Ironically never getting them back), French branch was nationalized in 1981 by the socialist government. Frankly only the last two have any real chance of sustaining their family income and only have one branch left, the English one who simply made different branches instead. They had since kept to private clients. Their business had been screwed since the Great Depression, the World Wars and of course Naziism. Any power they had is gone. Remember Jews went into banking thanks to them not being able to get real jobs as anything else (you could thank the guilds mostly for that). And the best part, if the King, Duke noble or priest didn’t feel like paying their debt; the ruler could simply say the term “heretic” or the such and boom, the person is killed or exiled. Rothchild just invented a way that the peasants and the rulers couldn’t siege (which they would do when they exiled these bankers) or destroy. Loans. By creating loans through bonds, those Kings couldn’t just exile the banker and not pay back what he owes (plus taking the banker’s money for himself). Also war costs money, money if a person loses would have to pay back with limited territory or money.

  33. “Remember Jews went into banking thanks to them not being able to get real jobs as anything else ”

    JR responds this is a classic lie used to defend the Jewish enslavement of Whites by usury – we some how forced them in to this wicked trade, because we wouldn’t let them work as honest workers.

    Did we somehow force Jews to dominateprostitution, hard core pornography, quack psuedo sciences like Freudian psychotherapy. Maybe we some how forced the Jews to go in for Bolshevism and starving half the population of Ukraine.

    In similar lies, Jews would like to make positive movies about America like Mr. Smith goes to Washington, but somehow we forced them to make hate Whitey movies like Django Unchained which they open on Christmas Day.

    Piss off. Stop lying. All honest Leaders who oppose the Jewish enslavement of our people have banned the Jews from usury. The Jews hate Shakespeare’s the Merchant of Venic because the play accurately depicts the vile character of Shylock – who hates Christians, seeks to enslave them/us through usury.

  34. Hi Matt.

    It’d be more accurate to say that for many centuries the Church warned Christians against usury, denying sacraments to those that engaged in it. Being a vice the Jews, a people that are defined by their rejection of God of course thrive in such fields. Jews weren’t forced by any means into banking though often Jewish bankers were used as yeast by powerful families to undertake joint ventures and later disregarded when they had outlived their use. Cosimo, the Medici progenitor used them well. The Jews were relatively harmless in finance until the Rothschilds because their international assets were out of reach from respective European Aristos.

  35. John read for more info. and Wage Labor and Guilds in Medieval Europe also has stuff though I could quote I find it easier to post the links since limited writing space.

    As a major of History researching and learning is part of the job. People tend to forget all the bad stuff or scapegoat others since its easier than thinking and researching. I like to learn hence why I’m here. History is not to be forgotten due to convenience or because it doesn’t match your views.

  36. The takeaway from this series is that Southern Jews played almost no role in the downfall of the South’s racial customs.

    Seems accurate. We can’t generalize too much about Jews. There are regional and ethnic differences. Certainly the Yankee Jew and the international Jew (often one in the same) are the most virulent of Jews. Some of the local Jews I’ve known here are just as racist as other White Southerners. The question though is when their fellow tribe members tell them what to think and feel are they going to side with us or their own. I would tend to believe the latter.

  37. And No-Man I agree with your assessment. It’s funny how people tend to forget that noble families were not above using and removing jews when it became more useful for them. Jews could form their own guilds, but could easily put down by the non Jewish guilds and forced into more “acceptable” occupations for Jews. Jews before the middle ages were many trades, banking one of them, during not so much. Economic boycotts could easily end any legit Jewish jobs of say carpentry, farming or sword making. Banking was not the only job as entertainers, traders, merchants would be seen as “Jewish occupations.” Entertainers also had shittastick jobs for dealing with nobles. Though my personal condolences to the poor boobs who had to entertain Henry VIII, Ivan the Terrible or Charles the Mad. Historically Usury was seen by the church as a necessary evil and who better than the so-called masters, the Jews. Not all Jews were bankers, but that is the stereotypical job they could hold. I concede that not all were forced into banking, but economic boycotts can help push. There were forces from those who just did not want to compete economically in real jobs with these people. These people would complain to the ruler to deal with them because they saw it bad that they were losing business to Jews.

    Sorry, historical gushing moment there. I’m a freak for history.

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