MLK and Southern Jews


Damn, this just keeps getting better and better:

“Shortly before 6 A.M. on December 20, 1956, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. boarded a bus in downtown Montgomery, Alabama, chose a seat toward the front, and sat back to enjoy the journey. …

All of this seemed rather ironic given the refusal of Montgomery’s own Jewish community to support the boycott. Anxious to enlist the support of white liberals, the boycotters had turned instinctively to local Jews. They were wrong in assuming, however, that the Jewish people would naturally embrace the civil rights struggle. In the midst of the campaign, King confessed, “Montgomery Jews want to bury their heads and repeat that it is not a Jewish problem. I want to go on record, and agree that it is not a Jewish problem, but it is a fight between the forces of justice and injustice.” It was not to be. During the 381 days of the boycott, the local Jewish community actively avoided any association with the Montgomery Improvement Association.

Those Jewish activists who had braved the vicious assaults of white segregationists were almost overwhelmingly from the northern states. … King continued to express his disappointment with southern Jews throughout the campaigns of the 1960s. As he wrote in September 1967 to friend and fellow activist Rabbi Jacob Rothschild, “I think we all have to admit that there are Jews in the South who have not been anything like our allies in the civil rights struggle and have gone out of their way to consort with the perpetrators of the status quo. I saw this in both Montgomery, Alabama and Albany, Georgia. And I must confess that I, too, was greatly disappointed because we always expect our Jewish brothers to be our strongest allies if for no other reason that the fact that they have had a common oppression.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Anglo Celts for example do not vary because the climate of Florida is different from Britain or from the climate in New England” – Mosin Nagant

    You are not European. You will never be European.

    The emergence of a genetically unique population in Midwestern United States
    I found this interesting, considering frequent discussions on anthroforums that white Americans don’t really look European. I generally agree with that, and I think both genetic and environmental factors are responsible.

    What is really amazing here is how quickly this Midwestern population started diverging from its European source populations. Could this be part of the reason behind many Americans at 23andMe getting huge “nonspecific European” scores?

    How long do you think it’ll take for white Americans to form a completely different biogeographic zone from Europeans? Keep in mind, admixture is one of the main driving forces of the divergence, and North America and Europe are mostly receiving immigration from very different sources.


  2. “You are not European You will never be European”

    Maybe so No Man but you are a kike jew bastard and that’s all you will ever be.

  3. In January 2013, a Jewish prayer in honor of Dr. King was distributed nationwide to synagogues representing all major Jewish denomination by the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding. The prayer goes as follows:

    “Heavenly God, who desires us to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with You, we thank You for inspiring us with the life and example of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”

    Stuart Appelbaum, president of the Jewish Labor Committee (JLC), reminded American Jewish community that late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., was not only a great supporter of Israel but he never equated Zionism to racism. An opinion two famous African leaders, Bishop Desmond Tutu (South Africa) and Louis Farrakhan (USA).

    Comrade Stuart Appelbaum in an article published in Jewish Journal on January 18, 2013, said: “Dr. King spoke and wrote often about Israel. But toward the end of his life, Dr. King was particularly concerned was with the growing mischaracterization of Zionism as racism (apartheid)”.

    Stuart Appelbaum made the above deduction from a letter Dr. King wrote on September 29, 1967, to then president of JLC, Adolph Held.

    It’s also reported that in 1963, Dr. King in his address at the Conference on the Status of Jews in Soviet Jews, said: “I cannot stand idly by, even though I live in the United States, and even though I happen to be an American Negro, and not be concerned about what happens to my brothers and sisters who happens to be Jews in Soviet Russia,” (reported by ADL website).

    How true are these quotes – can be judged by King’s another famous pro-Zionisn document, ‘Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend‘, which according to Tim Wise, an anti-racism Jew – was a hoax and distortion of Dr. King statement. Tim Wise claims that Dr. King never said that “criticism of Zionism is tentamount to antisemitism, and likens those who criticise Jewish nationalim as manifested in Israel, to those who trample the rights of Black”. Wise called Zionists’ claim,as “Heady stuff, and 100 percent bullshit“.

    Dr. King’s association with some Zionist Jews go back to January 1957 when Dr. King and some some Christian leaders behind the Montgomery Bus Boycott assembled in Atlanta, Georgia and established the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). One of the co-founder of the SCLC was White Jewish radical Stanely Levison. He was an official of pro-Israel American Jewish Congress (AJC) and lead a campaign in support of Jewish couple, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed for treason against United states in 1953.

    Jonathan Kaufman, a Zionist Jewish Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the Boston Globe and author in his 1988 book, ‘Broken Alliance’, wrote: “Three-quarters of the funding for Martin Luther King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC); of SNCC, the Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee; and the Freedom Rides of James Farmer and CORE (the Congress of Radical Equality), came from Jewish sources”. But then, Kaufman admitted the true agenda behind the Jewish support. “The Jewish struggle for equality and fair treatment was linked to the struggles of Blacks for a greater opportunity. It was not a struggle of equals; Jews did not consider their plight equal to that of Blacks. But they recognized in Black struggle for civil rights elements that could benefit them and conditions with which they symathized“.

  4. Iceman, I also believe that a distinct, stable AMERICAN white people has begun to emerge in many places from the various European ethnic ingredients — and sadly, in the West and South especially, from “Landbridge Asian” (“Native American”) and African genetic admixture. However, European ethnic purity remains in many places, stable for centuries now in some German agrarian communities and parts of rural Appalachia.

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