Southern Jews and Reconstruction


Here’s another fascinating excerpt from Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights on how southern Jews reacted to the demise of the Confederacy and Reconstruction:

“Notwithstanding the general response of southern Jews, a number of individuals expressed vehement opposition to the new social order. According to David Yulee, the Reconstructionist policies of the Republican Party were an unwarranted assault upon the proud people of the South that would provoke “a conflict that will end in the extermination of one of the races.” Outrage at the enforced imposition of equal rights for African-Americans was shared by many southern Jews. J.H. Levy of Savannah wrote to his daughters in March 1868 that federal troops would not listen to local leaders, their sole purpose being “to direct and change” the region “to negro ascendancy making in time the south unfit for white people, should we not be fortunate enough to succeed so that common sense & common decency reverse the country from disgrace.” “Our political situation here is now altogether frightful,” Meyer Goldman’s son wrote to a friend in October 1874. “It seems that negroes are streaming into Louisiana from other states far and wide, and are building up here the so-called ‘Republican Party,’ and are also stirring up much trouble.” Almost every office in the state government, exclaimed Goldman, was occupied by an African-American, and those whites who did hold power were the most base and corrupt of their kind. The situation had become so intolerable that he was closing his law practice and moving north to Louisville, Kentucky.

Other Jews were determined to stand and fight. Driven by anger and resentment, they engaged in acts of terrorist violence against the Republican state governments. A small number of southern Jews, for instance, enlisted in the Ku Klux Klan. Others, including Edwin Moise and H.H. De Leon, were members of the Red Shirts, and organization that used violence to restore Democratic rule in South Carolina.

Jews actively contributed to the Lost Cause. Like their Gentile neighbors, they constructed elaborate memorials to the Confederate dead. The soldiers’ section of the Jewish cemetery in Richmond offered such solemn celebration, its railings adorned with swords and sabers, wreathed with laurel. Seventeen years of Civil War and Reconstruction only served to strengthen the emotional bond that southern Jews felt for their adopted homeland. Their sense of loyalty to the southern social order remained unshakeable. Newspaper editor Herbert Ezekiel was not alone in his assertion that there was a special kinship between the Jewish people and the South. As he argued, the fate of the former Confederates was akin to that of God’s chosen people, an oppressed minority who had suffered unjustly at the hands of a tyrannical majority. “Like Jews have often been, they were crushed by irresistable odds, but the cause is still alive. … its sacredness will be inviolable so long as the sun shines in this fair land of ours.”

The spectacle of Jewish Klansmen and Red Shirts engaging in terrorism to restore white supremacy in the South, as well as Jews venerating the Lost Cause, is another reason for us to pause and reflect more deeply on the cause of our racial and cultural decline.

“As the northern rabbi Phillip Bernstein observed after a fact-finding mission across the southeastern states in October 1936, “Everywhere we met Jews, the most amazing Jews – Jews so different from those I know in the industrial North. In their languid drawls, their intense southern patriotism, their contempt for ‘nigger lovers,’ they are … obviously a product of their environment.”

If Southern Jews assimilated to the culture of the South and became products of their environment, could it be possible that the Jews and Catholics who settled in the Northeastern states assimilated to the dominant Northeastern culture of “Radicalism”?

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So reading this article, and the one previous regarding Bratt, it is obvious Jews are and always have been (as many of us have shouted forever) “playing both sides of the street”. The only reason Jews would lament the loss of the South was they stood to lose something; financial gain, etc.; definitely not due to any altruism regarding racial displacement, concern for the goyim, or destruction of the culture.

    Then, when the tide had turned and Reconstruction complete, who was there with attorneys, monetary aid, and support for MLK and the Communist hordes that descended upon the South?? Who was it that argued for integration at bayonet point??
    WHY did these particular Jews fight so hard for the South??

  2. More of the same sophistry that always misses the point. Protecting the site?

    Re: “The spectacle of Jewish Klansmen and Red Shirts engaging in terrorism to restore white supremacy in the South”: There were plenty of Talmudic Klansmen in NORTHERN rural small towns, too. In the mid-sixties the wind changed direction and they stopped suddenly.

    “If Southern Jews assimilated to the culture of the South and became products of their environment, could it be possible that the Jews and Catholics who settled in the Northeastern states assimilated to the dominant Northeastern culture of Radicalism?”

    NOT possible in reality. The “Golden” culture that imported and used Africans to “create immense wealth” was not “assimilated to,” nor did the originally radically-Christian (a good thing) culture of some of the northern colonies cause any of the Antis to assimilate to it, but rather the opposite occurred.

  3. MLK launched his career as a civil rights celebrity during the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

    Interestingly enough, it wasn’t the Jews of Montgomery, Birmingham, or Selma who were providing him with attorneys, monetary aid, and support. The local Jews resented MLK for damaging their businesses and were upset with Northern Jews for stirring up anti-Semitism against them.

  4. All kinds of Northern lunatics came to Alabama and Mississippi during the Civil Rights Movement.

    It wasn’t just Jews. There were Protestants like James Reeb and Jonathan Daniels, Catholic priests, the Quakers were heavily involved. The entire Unitarian national convention went to Selma.

    I want to say even a Greek Orthodox archbishop was there.

  5. But all of those “60%” are apostates, NOT representative of orthodox, Biblical Christianity — such as Unitarianism, which along with Transcendentalism, both agnostic, anti-Christian movements, corrupted many New England whites in the early nineteenth century — and of course ANTIS and corrupted apostates flock together!

  6. The author argues that the presence of slavery in the South made racial solidarity more important to the South’s elite. As a result, Jews were accepted as White and reciprocated by supporting the South’s racial caste system instead of becoming an antagonistic minority.

  7. Mosin, the Golden Circle historical narrative is about how we were founded, the civilization that we were part of, and where our culture came from. From it we also see how we share a very similar struggle to the White people in Venezuela (43% of the population) and the White people Brazil (48% of the population) and others elsewhere in the region. Whites in those areas are used to living in a post-plantation society, as are we. At this point I doubt if we could form some sort of pan-GC confederation, but if the US were gone (as I hope it is soon) and we were free who knows. Recently we celebrated the anniversary of William Walker’s international recognition as the legitimate head of the government of Nicaragua. The possibilities are endless. But first we must be free.

  8. Re: “Quakers were heavily involved”:

    The Friends are not monolithic. Truly Christian, conservative Friends meetings still exist in rural areas, which have NO connexion to those better known Talmudistic Christ-deniers and goddess-worshippers who falsely claim the heritage of George Fox.

  9. In much the same way, Northern Baptists and Methodists supported abolitionism, whereas Southern Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians broke away and formed their own churches that supported slavery and segregation.

  10. Mosin, the Golden Circle historical narrative is about how we were founded, the civilization that we were part of, and where our culture came from.

    Yes–and it’s nothing to be proud of.

  11. I think that if you really looked into it, that you would find a big outflow of Jews from the South to the North after the Civil War. Then in the 1890’s with the huge inflow of Jews from Eastern Europe to America you would find an inflow of Jews back into the South.

    I would remind you that a few exceptions don’t make a rule.

    I will say this, if White Americans, start to fight back, the Jews will do a complete turn around in a New York minute. The Jews don’t understand nice.

    Another thing Hunter, and something you may know about, The two Methodist churches, that were southern in origin, the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and the Methodist Protestant Church, never were as “holy rollers” like the northern Methodist Episcopal church. People tend to think of Southerners as “holy rollers” but, actually in the Methodist Church it was the other way around.

    Something to think about, pal.

  12. “The author argues that the presence of slavery in the South made racial solidarity more important to the South’s elite. As a result, Jews were accepted as White and reciprocated by supporting the South’s racial caste system instead of becoming an antagonistic minority.”

    OF C O U R S E the “presence of slavery” would make a Talmudic-and-white Elite
    “racially solid” with the white underclasses. They would not risk WHITE opposition or rebellion while they are constantly engaged in managing the temper of the African and mulatto multitudes.

    Another sophism here is that the “presence of slavery” changed Judaism from being an antagonist to a SUPPORTER. A supporter of WHAT? Of Christianity? Or of enslaving Africans, exploiting, creating immense wealth, being key members of the “Golden” Elite?

  13. Futuro hit it on the nail. These were by and large the Sephardim, not the AshekeNAZIs.

    Mosin, does it really, really matter if any Jew converts? It’not as if Romans 9-11 applied to them- but rather to ‘all ISRAEL’- that term meant the house, or the race of Biblical Israel- which, clearly, the Talmudic Khazarim are not, in any manner or form.

    A Jew’s conversion is just like any pagan’s conversion- be he hottentot, African, or Chinaman. They join to US- they join to Christendom, the ONLY ‘Israel of God’ there ever is, or ever shall be, per saecula saeculorum, Amen.

  14. Earl Butz, you understand Methodist history.

    Also note: The “Bible Belt” ran originally across the northern states, spreading southward in the twentieth century.

  15. Mosin,

    I honestly fail to see how anything about the Puritans/radical Christians was good in the long run. The Puritans were despised in England for a damn good reason, and it’s not like England was some liberal hippie la la land back in the late 1500s and early 1600s. It doesn’t matter what Winthrop’s intentions were with “A Shining City on a Hill” anymore than it matters what Jefferson’s intentions were with “all men are created equal.” The real world consequences are, ahem, self-evident. The Puritans created Northern/Yankee culture, and Yankee culture did you-know-what: First to the South, then to the world. Oh, and they also started the glorious Amurrican Revoloooshen.

    I’ve got my disagreements with Southern Nationalism to be sure. For one thing, I agree with 313Chris’s repeated assertions that white Southrons should have picked their own cotton. I can’t possibly bring myself to defend the rich Southern plantation class. That said, it’s become blitheringly obvious to me how rotten – and in many respects, evil – Yankee culture really is. The Northeast is particularly putrid. The USSR was a more sensible union than this disastrous Amurrican union. It’s no wonder the Trotskyites/neocons fled here. They saw a golden opportunity after 1945 and seized it. Consider that for a second: Amurrica was more fit – in fact, MUCH more fit – for the kind of world the Trotskyites envisioned than the proposition state (USSR) that THEY THEMSELVES helped start back in 1917.

    Dissolve the Union.

  16. In much the same way, Northern Baptists and Methodists supported abolitionism, whereas Southern Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians broke away and formed their own churches that supported slavery and segregation.

    It’s the story we’ve dealt with repeatedly at this site: two packs of Anglo-Saxon nothings, one of them supporting slavery, the other advocating the setting free of blacks to live among whites.

    Y’know, all my life I admired you guys–you persons of English stock, that is. Born American though I was, I always felt myself a guest, historically speaking, in the country you’d built. Now, really, I wonder what I ever saw in you. As I’ve asked before, how many weeks did your great thinkers spend together in what is now my own city, to draft a Constitution that, despite its innumerable clauses about two-thirds this and three-fourths that and powers reserved to the People and so on and so on, does absolutely nothing to protect either race or property–the only two things with which law, at bottom, is concerned?

    When you began to colonize the Americas, you had before you the greatest opportunity encountered by any whites since the dawn of civilization–which, as we know, is some thousands of years–and what did you do? With your typical Viking uselessness, you spent three centuries dragging the Negroes out of their evolutionary basin and into the wide world, where their presence resulted in nothing but frustration for them and everyone else. And now, Palmetto Patriot and Mr. Wallace, you want to keep whining about the horrible Yankees, who broke up your worthless sugar business and are endangering your precious culture of football-watching, trite pop music, and sadistic badinage.

    If that video you did a week or two ago, Palmetto, had not been so ridiculous, it would have been what real whites used to call “a disgrace.” The sugar industry thrived on Madeira, you informed us, because “labor was abundant.” Even by the standards one learns to employ in assessing Viking callousness, that was an astonishing bit of obliviousness. The operators of the West Indies sugar plantations, you explained, “lived like sovereigns.” How old are you? Five? They ran a stinking sugar business that they learned from the Jews and that was dependent on their enslavement of Negroes. It was enforced by their Viking kin, who, when they weren’t being drunken pirates, were being drunken members of the British Navy–and now, it’s all just a bunch of humorous boys’ action stories, about louts with cutlasses and gang planks.

    What a useless breed you are. I despise your Confederate flag, because I know what it represents: the glorification of white historical error of the first magnitude.

  17. “Mosin, does it really, really matter if any Jew converts?”

    I was asking that rhetorically. It appears that the Golden Circle multiracial Sephardic-alliance proponents don’t care about the Opposition to the Faith.

    “These were by and large the Sephardim, not the AshekeNAZIs.”

    This distinction of “good and bad ones” is false. NEITHER is supporting, BOTH oppose the FAITH, and in that regard it seems unimportant that one group may have supported a particular system of slavery more than the other.

  18. Oh! Gosh! I’m….wrong….about….everything….

    It’s not the JEWS! It’s the YANKEES!

    If ONLY ir weren’t fopr those Damned Yankees – Jews would be the Saviors of the White Race.

    OI’ll bet that the Justinian Codes were really about Yankees. Those Yankees were only scapegoating the poor Jews. And the Expulsion Order of 1290 – it’s was really Yankees, again scapegoating Jews…..

    The Jews are out Bestest Friends. EVER.

  19. Dan Poole, I have never identified with the Puritans! First of all, they were Calvinists. Their numerous errors made them weak, subject to corruption, and in a few generations they became Transcendental, materialistic, Talmudistic practical agnostics.

    They were not the only northern colonisers with Christian intentions.

    Extremism in defence of the orthodox faith is never a vice. May the world of evil be turned upside down, as the Bible says.

  20. Remember the southernmost colony of Georgia also began with Christian intentions, and consider how it “failed.”

  21. “The Quakers were even committed to equality than the Puritans.”

    More committed to personal liberty. But it is hard to define what Quakerism is. It can be many things, opposite things. Even in colonial times, Quakerism was varied, not monolithic. There are still some conservative Quakers in rural areas of the Midwest and western Pennsylvania who seem to think (and still dress plain!) like George Fox, but the vast majority of so-called Friends seem OPPOSED to Christianity.

  22. I agree with Mosin — Bonaccorsi’s thrashing of Palmetto & the GC was epic. Beautifully said, Bonaccorsi.

  23. @Mosin Nagant

    It’s Jew Hollywood & Jew TV that has portrayed Southern Protestants as “Holy Rollers”.

    I know a little about church history, and the United Methodist Church in particular. It’s in my genes. LOL.

    If you look at the Jews, the father of the Jews Abraham was a psycho who believed “his god” told him to kill his son. Then there was Moses, the religious ethnic leader of the Jews who took orders from a burning bush.

    Let’s not for get about the founder of Roman Catholicism either, the Roman Emperor Constantine who boiled his wife alive. People forget little things like this…LOL.

  24. “It’s failure was self evident to its own trustees who were ideologically opposed to South Carolina and the West Indies.”

    Oglethorpe failed to obey certain terms. The weakly-resisted Spanish invasions were another factor contributing to calling off the experiment.

    • Nope.

      The Spanish were defeated in the War of the Austrian Succession and military expenditures in Georgia plunged as a consequence. Spain lost Florida altogether during the Seven Years War

  25. Actually, the sugar plantations where negroes were originally enslaved were in Sicily and southern Iberia, which was the only place in Europe where sugarcane could grow.

    The “Vikings” (this would be the Normans) found them there when they conquered Sicily which had been under Muslim rule. The Portuguese brought sugarcane to Madeira and the Atlantic islands and then to Brazil which was the model copied elsewhere.

    It was Christopher Columbus who first introduced niggers + sugar + slavery to the New World as the governor of Hispanolia. Columbus had previously lived in the Atlantic islands where he became familiar with the trade winds. The English and Dutch only got into the game in the seventeenth century when the Dutch conquered Brazil and introduced slavery to Barbados and Virginia.

  26. Actually, the sugar plantations where negroes were originally enslaved were in Sicily and southern Iberia, which was the only place in Europe where sugarcane could grow.

    “Actually”? How is it what you just said inconsistent with anything I said?

    The “Vikings” (this would be the Normans) found them there when they conquered Sicily which had been under Muslim rule. The Portuguese brought sugarcane to Madeira and the Atlantic islands and then to Brazil which was model copied elsewhere.

    No–the Vikings, as I’m using the term, would be all of you Teutons, who spread into the Roman West from the Fifth Century. That includes the Portuguese and the Dutch and the French and the Spanish and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the Anglo-Saxons and all the rest of it. And yes, they encountered the sugar wonderland in the Moslem-Jewish world. That’s what I said, isn’t it.

    It was Christopher Columbus who first introduced niggers + sugar + slavery to the New World as the governor of Hispanolia. The English and Dutch only got into the game in the seventeenth century when the Dutch conquered Brazil and introduced slavery to Barbados and Virginia.

    I know. If members of the Christopher Columbus Society start waving a Confederate flag on the internet, please alert me. I’ll have a few things to say to them, too.

  27. 1.) I’m a little perplexed by your rant against “Vikings” considering that the only Nordic involvement in the Golden Circle area would be St. Barts and the Danish Virgin Islands.

    2.) Niggers were originally enslaved alongside Slavs in Sicily. Slav was synonymous with slave because the Italians were knee deep in the White slave trade with North Africa.

    3.) Latins quite literally started it:

    – First, the Spanish imported niggers into Mexico, Peru, Hispanolia, Cuba, and Puerto Rico long before anyone else.

    – Second, Portugal exported the plantation complex to the Atlantic islands, brought niggers to Iberia itself, and laid the groundwork of the model in Brazil.

  28. PS If your point, Mr. W., was that the Anglo-Saxons had their heads up their asses for only a century-and-a-half, not, as I said, three centuries, yes, I was speaking a bit loosely, to connect the English activity to the whole historical event of the slave system.

  29. The “Teutons” who settled in the Western Roman Empire conquered a society whose entire economy was based on slavery.

    The Romans enslaved everyone without regard to color. In fact, much of the population of southern Italy is derived from slaves who worked on latinfunda who were brought there from North Africa, the Levant, and all over Europe.

  30. “It doesn’t matter what Winthrop’s intentions were with “A Shining City on a Hill””

    Winthrop was a shyster lawyer well known in Europe for “the finesse of his pen.” He was a shrewd and calculating businessman who came here to forge a financial empire. “The shinning city on a hill” rhetoric was for the rubes. He knew precisely what he was doing, as did so many other immigrants and “founding fathers,” and it had nothing to do with the jingoistic American mythology that only really got its start around the early years of the 20th century. America, the United States, is today just exactly what it was meant to be and what it was custom built for by the men who envisioned her and came over here and made her. That blunt fact has got to be burned into any man’s mind who actually wants to understand what this thing is about and why it is as it is.

    Forget what you were indoctrinated with in school. Forget the pleasant, idealistic ideas that formed the mentality of so many of our beloved relatives who were only simple rural folk and easily taken in and manipulated by the more sophisticated–this does not mean that you love them any less, or cherish their memory any less, it will only mean that you know better now than what they did. And that’s all.

    We must see reality clearly and for what it is. Do not allow yourself to be narcotized by feel-good mythology.

  31. I’m a little perplexed by your rant against “Vikings” considering that the only Nordic involvement in the Golden Circle area would be St. Barts and the Danish Virgin Islands.

    No, you’re not perplexed; you’re just pretending to be, because you don’t have a real response to what I said. For the record, I’ll say it a final time: I used the word Vikings to indicate the Western European nations that arose where the Germans settled in what had been Roman territory. If you prefer another term–say, Fair-Skinned Alcoholics–fine, use whatever word you want. I’m talking about YOU.

    Niggers were originally enslaved alongside Slavs in Sicily. Slav was synonymous with slave because the Italians were knee deep in the White slave trade with North Africa.

    It’s a small point, but I believe that etymology of “slave” is open to question. What is your point about the Italians (more Teutons, by the way: Lombards)? You’re just showing yourself to be a Southern lout. You have no response to make to anything I said, so you start talking about Italians and Christopher Columbus because my surname is Italian. I guess that’s that aristocratic refinement you Southrons are so proud of–you belligerent piece of trash. To repeat: If the Italians or any other persons start defending and glorifying the enslavement of Negroes, as Palmetto Patriot and you and your ilk do, I’ll be pleased to go after them, too.

    Latins quite literally started it

    Fine–then I damn them, too; but for the record–and once more–the “Latins” of the period of which you’re speaking happen to have been Vandals and Lombards and Goths–Teutons all. It really doesn’t matter to me, but I’m trying to be accurate.

  32. “[B]ut I’m trying to be accurate.”

    Well you’re failing epically, as they say these days.

    Moreover, all you are doing is telling us the sun rises in the east and sets in the rest.

  33. 1.) The term makes no sense at all in that context:

    – The “Vikings” raided Europe hundreds of years after the barbarian invasions.

    – The “Vikings” have nothing to do with the Spanish and Portuguese who introduced racial slavery to the New World and who gave us terms like mulatto, mestizo, and negro.

    – France, England, and the Netherlands didn’t create the plantation complex. They didn’t even initiate the slave trade.

    2.) Sure I do.

    You made a grossly ignorant argument that “Vikings” were somehow behind the Golden Circle. You look like an idiot criticizing Palmetto Patriot who has written at length about how the plantation complex migrated from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic islands to the New World.

    Lombardy isn’t anywhere near Sicily, Naples, Cyprus, and Andalusia where the plantation complex originated.

    3.) It must be hard to swallow that it was an Italian who introduced sugar and slavery to Hispanolia, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, not a “Viking.”

    4.) The Italians were the big slave traders of Europe before the Portuguese, but the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople cut them out out of the Black Sea slave markets and Portugal was closer to the Atlantic.

    5.) BTW, all this importance we attach to “whiteness” is an American custom derived from English slave culture. There is no evidence you people ever cared about “whiteness” before you stepped off the boat here. You had a hard enough time swallowing the big idea of being “Italian.”

    6.) The Spanish are not Goths. The Vandals moved onto Africa.

  34. LOL, Christ.

    Just when you thought you’ve seen it all on the internet, somebody manages to out-do the last hum dinger. The Italians and French “Vikings.”

    Where do they get ’em?

  35. You made a grossly ignorant argument that “Vikings” were somehow behind the Golden Circle.

    I didn’t make a grossly ignorant argument. Either you’re engaging in distraction, or you’re too obtuse to recognize what was clear from the beginning–and what I have been patient enough to explain two or three times: I used the term “Vikings” rhetorically. That’s my final statement on that particular subject.

    You look like an idiot criticizing Palmetto Patriot who has written at length about how the plantation complex migrated from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic islands to the New World.

    What I said about Palmetto Patriot was also clear–and certainly not idiotic.

    France, England, and the Netherlands didn’t create the plantation complex. They didn’t even initiate the slave trade.

    I don’t care what they created or initiated; I care what they were involved in–and what you’re defending.

    Lombardy isn’t anywhere near Sicily, Naples, Cyprus, and Andalusia where the plantation complex originated.

    You’re the one who brought up Christopher Columbus, who was a Northern Italian–red-haired, as I believe I’ve heard. That’s a Lombard.

    It must be hard to swallow that it was an Italian who introduced sugar and slavery to Hispanolia, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, not a “Viking.”

    See previous statement.

    The Italians were the big slave traders of Europe before the Portuguese, but the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople cut them out out of the Black Sea slave markets and Portugal was closer to the Atlantic.

    For about the third time: I know–but as far as I’m aware, they’re not waving a Confederate flag. If I’m wrong about that, then, to repeat: please let me know.

    The Spanish are not Goths. The Vandals moved onto Africa.

    The Goths and the Vandals were separate tribes. If I’m not mistaken, the Goths settled on both sides of the Pyrenees–but to be honest, Mr. W., I’m not going to fault you for a small point like that, if, in fact, you erred on it. This whole discussion of the meaning of “Teutons” and “Vikings” etc. is a distraction. I really don’t care if you could demonstrate that it was my own great-great-great-great-great-grandfather who initiated Negro enslavement. What I’m objecting to is the defending of it.

    BTW, all this importance we attach to “whiteness” is an American custom derived from English slave culture. There is no evidence you people ever cared about “whiteness” before you stepped off the boat here. You had a hard enough time swallowing the big idea of being “Italian.”

    Well, most of us were probably descended from the Roman slave classes, so what we cared about doesn’t really matter, does it? We came here because you were foolish enough to let us in. That was another one of your brilliant moves.

    The idea that attaching importance to whiteness is a mere artifact of English slave culture sounds like something you’ve encountered in a book written by a liberal, who’s trying to trivialize concern with race; but if it happens to be true, well, then I would say it’s the one good thing that came out of the Golden Circle. Too bad you didn’t act on it by bringing the Golden Circle to an end.

  36. Why fight over history? It is what it is. You weren’t there and you don’t know what they were thinking. Men of action rarely write books or reveal their thoughts or motivations.

    I couldn’t care less whether there are good jews or not. They are a huge problem now and need to be dealt with and probably will be dealt with.

    Someone will get blamed for what happened in America, but in truth, as Brutus stated, it all turned out exactly as planned. The Jews were just dumb enough to step to the front of the line in the 20th Century. Too bad for them. They were never well liked anyways.

  37. The Italians and French “Vikings.”

    You’ve heard of “Normans,” Brutus? As in “North Men”?

  38. My wish is that Hunter cuts ties with certain people currently in his orbit and pursues a more mainstream yet still pro-secession career. He seems happy wrestling in the slop for now but really, it’s getting to be a bit much.

  39. America, the United States, is today just exactly what it was meant to be and what it was custom built for by the men who envisioned her and came over here and made her. That blunt fact has got to be burned into any man’s mind who actually wants to understand what this thing is about and why it is as it is. – Brutus

    “I am persuaded no constitution was ever before so well calculated as ours for extensive empire and self government.” – Jefferson to Madison

    “However unimportant America may be considered at present, there will assuredly come a day when this country will have some weight in the scale of empires. Altho’ I pretend to no peculiar information respecting commercial affairs; nor any foresight into the scenes of futurity; yet as the member of an infant empire … I cannot help turning my attention sometimes to this subject.” – Washington to Lafayette

  40. From it we also see how we share a very similar struggle to the White people in Venezuela (43% of the population) and the White people Brazil (48% of the population) and others elsewhere in the region.

    Palmetto, you should take any racial statistics from Latin America with a huge grain of salt. There is no way that Venezuela and Brazil are anywhere near 43% or 48% white, at least not as “white” is understood in the US.

    A few years ago the Brazilian soccer player Ronaldo claimed that he was white. They say in Brazil that “money whitens”, and since Ronaldo’s got all kinds of money, I guess he is. Brazilian white that is, but definitely not American white.

    The definition of whiteness in Latin America is an interesting subject in itself. Whereas in North America and Europe “white” is usually defined as 100% or close to 100% European, in Latin America it might include anyone more than 50% European. The only areas of Latin America that are indisputably majority white (by our standards) are the Pampas and Patagonia regions of Argentina, Uruguay, and the two southernmost states in Brazil, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.

  41. This Wikipedia article on the Southern Cone (temperate South America south of the Tropic of Capricorn) laughably claims that this region is 80% white:

    In reality the Southern Cone is probably less than 50% white, even though the vast majority of Europeans in Latin America live in this region.

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