National Review
Rich Lowry has written an entire book that glorifies Abraham Lincoln and has published a front page cover story in National Review about it:

If you do a search for “Northern Conservatism,” the first Google result that pops up is a link to my OD post on Robert Lewis Dabney. Read that post and the entire history of Northern conservatism up to the firing of Richwine will make sense.
He sure looks Jewish in that cover picture.
I really liked the Jew movie take on Lincoln the vampire-slayer. Very 19th century Neo.
Lynda, did you take your meds today?
They can’t be serious.
They feature UKIP above the banner, then defend Lincoln below it.
Effing Consevatards.
” … he launched a military invasion without the consent of Congress … he blockaded Southern ports without first declaring war … he unilaterally suspended the writ of habeas corpus … Hundreds of newspapers were shut down.” – Thomas DiLorenzo Lincoln vs. the Constitution | by Thomas DiLorenzo
“link to my OD post on Robert Lewis Dabney. Read that post and the entire history of Northern conservatism up to the firing of Richwine will make sense.”
But your Dabney post failed to explain Dabney’s “radical” religious position, which is central to his criticism of “conservatives” who do not conserve anything — because they lack true Christian experience and conviction, and care only for advancing or preserving their own, personal political careers. APOSTASY, of the false conservative mis-leaders AND many of their electors, is the true cause of their practical liberalism — not some supposed genetic defect marking white people of north-of-the-Line as a “different people” — and the cause of the apostasy is the will to hearken to temptation. Who are the original Tempters?
This FALSE conservatism which never conserves anything according to Dabney “is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing serious for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being guilty of the folly of martyrdom.”
“Pretended salt” indeed. Caring nothing for the Truth, lacking “sturdy principle” that would risk everything for what is right, and accept martyrdom rather than yield an inch to error.
But apostasy, agnosticism, open atheism flourish at the South, too. Look around you. Even the churches are hotbeds of divorce and fornication, and of Neo-“conservatism” and pro-(Anti-Christian)-Zionism, beating the drums for more unjust, un-Christian global warfare.
Without true religious revival, the political device of secession won’t really help. White people north of the Line are not the true enemy. Sin is destroying white people, and temptation is our enemy, both north and south of the Line.
Dabney: “The importance of the soul’s redemption is transcendent. All social evils, all public and national ends, sink into trifles beside it (…) this one grand object (…) securing the redemption of the soul, the preacher will secure all else that is valuable in his hearers. Let him make good Christians, and all the rest will come right without farther care. If we have a nation of Bible Christians, we shall have without trouble all the social order, liberty, and intelligence we need.”
Lincoln was a railroad lawyer, and represented the interests of the railroads and northern big city money. The interests Lincoln represented were interested in stealing the wealth of the South. Everything else, including endless debates about slavery is bullshit.
I’m sure the tyrant would be pleased with the current state of the Union.
Rich Lowry, the pencil-necked geek that somehow caught the eye of William F. Buckley, jr. (William F. senior would have dropped kicked Lowry out the door), has been the promoter of the cult of Lincoln almost as much as Bill O’Reilly has.
Neocons, anti-white, pro-Israel filth. Lowry is a neocon.
Pat Hines says:
June 6, 2013 at 1:30 pm
Rich Lowry, the pencil-necked geek that somehow caught the eye of William F. Buckley, jr. (William F. senior would have dropped kicked Lowry out the door), has been the promoter of the cult of Lincoln almost as much as Bill O’Reilly has.
Neocons, anti-white, pro-Israel filth. Lowry is a neocon.
JR replies:
Simply not true. An older William F Buckley Jr. Surrounded himself with fawning young men, he was very old queer, homo in this way. WFB Jr. went along with all purges of Conservatives on our side like Sobran, P. Brimelow, John O’Sullivan, Buchanan, even a somewhat talented pro WASP protege Brookheiser, who wrote The Way of the WASP.
It seems that any criticism of Lincoln is now beyond the pale. Mark Krikorian (who occasionally has sensible things to say about immigration) writes at NRO:
“Judicious, sober critiques of specific decisions by our 16th president are always perfectly appropriate. But Lincoln-hatred is loathsome and un-American.”
You see? You can criticize “specific decisions” made by Lincoln, but only if you do so in a “judicious, sober” manner (i.e., in such a way as never to call into question Lincoln’s essential greatness or the rightness of the war he engendered). Anything more than that is loathsome and un-American (as though the latter were actually a term of abuse instead of high praise).
I am un-American!
“Lincoln vs. the Constitution | by Thomas DiLorenzo”
Lorenzo lays bare Lincoln’s tyranny in a thorough way.
Conservitard indeed! The fools don’t realize that by buying into Linciln, Civil Rights, desegregation, etc they are handing the enemy the moral highground on a silver platter. Anyone accepting those concepts as good has absolutely no reasonable argument about anything coming down the pike today.
Mosin Nagant: the true Christian church as an institution with any political clout in America or Europe is done–stick a fork in it. The true church will be as called–very small and persecuted. All the “Christians” worship love, tolerance, diversity, and equality. We live in a very ungodly nation. At the heart of the beast is a burning haters of white men and white man’s religion.
I’d rather be right than ‘American’ any day.
This country was ruined by the one-drop-rule. We needed a complex caste-system not an all or nothing binary where HoneyBooBoo’s ancestors were expected to differentiate themselves from Niggers. Of course the system fell apart.
As I noted in my comment on the article at NR, the egalitarian, universalist values they are pushing have failed. Detroit is their future.
No-Man: not the one-drop rule, but radical egalitarian religious zealotry and militaristic fanaticism. Equality and all it’s rotten crotch fruit.
Jews search far and wide for the most disgraceful .001% of White Americans, put their worst flaws under a microscope, and broadcast the results. That is the basic format for reality shows.
Jerry Springer and Howard Stern developed this now ubiquitous tecnique, and their #1 fan “No-Man” takes for granted that propaganda of this sort has had the intended demoralizing effect on all Whites, including the readers of OD.
If “No-Man” is a fair specimen of the “reactionary” Southern Jews who are allegedly “on our side”, then the old saying really is true: The worst Yankee is better than the best Jew.
No-Man is from New York City.
Lincoln –Lenin ; both promised bread, land and Peace. What time is it?
I’ve seen the hordes of southern women and fags that come here to get famous. They can be found waiting tables, in burlesque shows, selling drugs, selling their bodies…. They usually last a few years and leave broke and broken with thousand yard stares. Don’t tell me I haven’t seen enough wannabe Jennifer Lawrences, grit!
The Kikes – Spawn of Satan – got the Race Traitors in Greece to pass “You Can’t Hate Us Now Cause its ILEEEGAL ” Hate laws. Specifically designed to attack and destroy, with their Kabbelah Binding Magic, the glorious Golden Dawn.
The Manly Men of the Golden Dawn just introduced their own legislation.
The Hebes are going full Knish Out.
Jews….why are they…..anywhere?
Golden Dawn has those miserable kike bastards shitting their pants. Where are ODs resident apologists?
“But Lincoln-hatred is loathsome and un-American.”
Then, God Bless Me, for I am totally Un-American.
Destroy this nation. Down with the Tryant Obama!
There, I feel much better now….
“Mosin Nagant: the true Christian church as an institution with any political clout in America or Europe is done–stick a fork in it. The true church will be as called–very small and persecuted”.
You need to read my latest column- I beg to differ. We’ve not yet begun to fight! We’re just purging the heretics, before the REAL battle begins- for even Armageddon means, Christ wins- though the new heavens and the new earth, ‘wherein dwelleth righteousness (thus, no niggers or jews, fags or Hagarense)’ needs be the ‘final solution’ to our problems. We will stand on the necks of those who hate God, and His Christ.
Lew – when the Blinding Light of the Dawn breaks – the cockroaches scatter for cover.
The OD apologists will start to grovel, and fawn, like the Court Jews they love and emulate, when Winners Win.
“Northern conservative” is an oxymoron.
National Review is merely demonstrating its bona fides as the establishment Judeo-yankee GOP rag. And we all know how the establishment GOP feel about their BRA founding deities Lincoln and MLK. They slobber even more than the Democrats over this pair.
The GOP is and always will be the quintessential yankee BRA mudshark party.
Immigration and amalgamation is the yankee way.
The leadership of the Republican party is the likes of McCain, Boehner, Romney, and Ryan slobbering over the negroes and the poor beaners “in the shadows.”
Their neocon game is played out.
There is nothing for the Southern man with such as these but to leave them to heaven.
Southern Independence means we can be shed of these GOP bastards once and for all.
Unamerican? Proudly so. I’ll take my stand in Dixie.
Deo Vindice
“The OD apologists will start to grovel, and fawn, like the Court Jews they love and emulate, when Winners Win.”
I do seem to recall you saying as much last summer while stumping for your boy Romney. He’s pro-Israel like all his other GOP buddies, you know.
Lincoln killed over 600,000 Americans for this:
Deo Vindice
Mitt Romney was too conservative for our Northern friends.
How many times did you vote for him, Hunter? I did several.
“Lincoln –Lenin ; both promised bread, land and Peace. What time is it?”
I’ve recently been viewing the “Amerika” series, which came out in 1987 and depicted the USA under the occupation of the USSR. The series (it’s on YouTube) is eerily prophetic in its depictions, and CONSTANTLY depicts banners of Lenin and Stinkin side by side!
Denise, so far every comment there at the Jerusalem Post is totally pro-Golden Dawn! Right there in their own back yard!
Well, that makes my evening…
Mitt Romney was too conservative for our Northern friends.
Not this one. I had to vote write-in as an alternative to him.
so far every comment there at the Jerusalem Post is totally pro-Golden Dawn! Right there in their own back yard!
JPost readers practicing the Golden Rule with Golden Dawn? The elites may be scum, but the people are usually remarkably fair and decent.
“The GOP is and always will be the quintessential yankee BRA mudshark party.
Immigration and amalgamation is the yankee way.”
John Boehner, third in line to the Presidency. His offspring’s defile in the dust bin of history. The Heaven gives. But He soon forgets how he got here- plays with fire.
“Mitt Romney was too conservative for our Northern friends.”
But we did. We had to vote for that false conservative because Neo-“conservative,” pro-Banker, pro-Zionist, southern Republicans had demanded him and rejected the only constitutional candidate in their primaries.
“How many times did you vote for him, Hunter?”
Hunter helped Obama win, yet Amerika is STILL not really “BLACK run”!
We don’t read anything negative about who DOES run it in any OD articles. That would be promoting “conspiracy theory” (though the “conspirators” are doing what they do in plain sight) and definitely not in the “Golden Circle” Spirit of cooperative Talmudic-and-white Elitism.
“I’ve recently been viewing the “Amerika” series, which came out in 1987 and depicted the USA under the occupation of the USSR. The series (it’s on YouTube) is eerily prophetic in its depictions, and CONSTANTLY depicts banners of Lenin and Stinkin side by side!”
When the Berlin Wall was tore down. Communism is dead! Jubilation that follow throughout the western countries. Reagan visited the ss cemetary in eastern euro etc. Two decades later who knew that this was coming down the pike! Equality and open border to critters who cannot feed themselves. Tyranny in the form of hate speech. Islam fanatism in the west. Asia demands of energy outstripping supplies. Lastly we have a negro prez interracial mixing desirable.
If anyone has a copy of the “Confederate Catechism” (published in the early 20th Century) it references young Lincoln passing counterfeit currency, cruelty to animals and included the titles to two books exposing this proto Stalin – I’ve misplaced my copy, but if anyone has one check it out.
I’m looking up circulation figures on National Review. As I expected, the numbers are not impressive. Somewhere around maybe 150 or 200 thousand copies per issue, according to the latest numbers I got, 2010. It is most likely lower than that now, considering the even more blatant foolishness of the last year or so. And the median age reader seems to be 65 year-old’s. Again, predictable.
Jews search far and wide for the most disgraceful .001% of White Americans, put their worst flaws under a microscope, and broadcast the results. … Jerry Springer and Howard Stern developed this now ubiquitous technique … propaganda of this sort has had the intended demoralizing effect on all Whites …
Well said, that’s one of the main complaints of Nazi/White Nationalists. It’s bizarre to me that most people can’t clearly see the demonization of white people through Jewish mass media. And we’ve had this nonstop indoctrination for over four decades. The film industry does the same thing with bigoted crap like Deliverance. This demonization has been the most damaging to white Southerners who are now hated worldwide.
When I was very young (and had no real politic leanings), I set out to write and boycott every advertiser Jerry Springer had because the show was disgusting and it angered me that tv was encouraging this filth. I didn’t even see the anti-white angle. What I found out is that there were no real advertisers you could boycott. It was mostly tech schools and personal injury attorneys. But, amazingly, even without high-paid advertising, that fucking little Jew has stayed on tv for 20 years. Much like MSNBC has stayed on the air despite having few viewers and having such a lack of funds that they have to show taped prison documentaries over and over in the evening (or they were when I was still watching tv in the early 2000’s.) They keep them on the air for their agenda.
When I lived in the UK in the late 90’s, I kept hearing these excited commercials on the radio that “Jerry Springer was making a public appearance at such-and-such!”
I thought, “Well, that surely can’t be our Jerry Springer. Who would want to go out and see that nasty man?”
It turns out it was him. The Brits love his show because it shows white Americans in the worst light imaginable and the Brits are the most hateful anti-Americans in the world. The British media are the same as the Jews in having an agenda to try to demonize a group of people (Americans with the British media) and cause intense bigotry towards the group.
I just cannot believe that there are some pro-white, politically-aware people (like on this blog) that cannot see the Jews’ attack on white gentiles and their countries all around the world.
Errr…the JP article, on the GD – what makes you think most of those Comments were written by Jews?
I just cannot believe that there are some pro-white, politically-aware people (like on this blog) that cannot see the Jews’ attack on white gentiles and their countries all around the world.
It’s why non-stop education on Jews is vitally important. It’s also why Occi-Jew, Stephen Jew Dalton and their clones are always derailing the topic and complaining about the mythical monocasualists who only blame da Joos.
“Monocausalist” is truly a straw man on this blog. Secession is a good idea, and we hope it succeeds, but mis-identifying the majority of American whites as the true enemy of southern American whites, to promote secession or protect the blog, is harmful and wrong.
There are no Monocausalists. They’re mythical, the Mythical Monocausalists. Coin it. I’ve challenged people for years to identify these monocausalists. They always come up empty.
“Europe is the Church and the Church is Europe….”
That Jewish man (Kapner) understands, and this BLACK man understands! But somehow this blog does not understand — but rather MIS-understands, and identifies WHITES as the enemy of whites!
Does WN accomplish nothing, lead nowhere? Are WNs REALLY all dysfunctional, crazy, deluded misfits? “America is finding out”: The OD critique of White Nationalism if overdone may be confusing and harmful.
Off-topic but relevant: “Globalist”-backed mercenaries are working (as in Syria) to defeat Greek white nationalism, rob the Greek people and control their newly discovered oil reserves. Is this another “crazy WN delusion” or is it reality?