Patriotic Southerner Exposes U.S. Empire

Hong Kong

Here’s a toast to Edward Snowden:

“In a note accompanying the first set of documents he provided, he wrote: “I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions,” but “I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant.”

Despite these fears, he remained hopeful his outing will not divert attention from the substance of his disclosures. “I really want the focus to be on these documents and the debate which I hope this will trigger among citizens around the globe about what kind of world we want to live in.” He added: “My sole motive is to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them.”

He has had “a very comfortable life” that included a salary of roughly $200,000, a girlfriend with whom he shared a home in Hawaii, a stable career, and a family he loves. “I’m willing to sacrifice all of that because I can’t in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they’re secretly building.”

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. No-Man,

    Your comments here show why your worldview is completely unworkable. Your worldview requires one defer to whoever is at the top of the pecking order, even when those at the top are shit like General James Clapper and Barack Obama. In this case, the hero is the high school dropout.

  2. But it is all perfectly logical, Lew, in No Man’s multiracial Elitist world view: All Superiors in rank, caste and wealth are also naturally superior in wisdom, morals and intellect; Obama holds the highest rank of Commander in Chief of the Amerikan Forces in the Endless Global Pro-Zionist War; therefore Obama must be wise and right — he CANNOT be an idiot — and must be obeyed.

  3. All Superiors in rank, caste and wealth are also naturally superior in wisdom, morals and intellect

    Well this isn’t true, necessarily. It could be true. But the fact that birth alone does not guarantee intellect, wisdom or a functioning moral compass is the reason I could never support rule by a hereditary monarchy or an aristocracy of birth.

  4. But the fact that birth alone does not guarantee intellect, wisdom or a functioning moral compass is the reason I could never support rule by a hereditary monarchy or an aristocracy of birth.

    This was Thomas Paine’s view.

  5. If Snowdon was a True Believer, in Kosher Utopianist scams – please REMEMBER that he’s 29,and even though he’s a White Southern Man, and a gentleman, he’s been indoctrinated with “Wer Are All Alike Underneath/We All Blees Red” his entire life.

    Since he began to undertand language.

    I think he done rill gud, at waking up to the Horror that is the Empirium Judaica, for his age. Are his actions a wee bit squirrelly? Of course. Jewmerica is the Land of Dementia. What else could be expected?

    He’s done what he thought he ought to do.

    Feinstein the Jew Hag is foaming at the mouth. This wholly validates everything he’s done.

  6. Apuleius: he’s probably by now locked down in a CIA black ops site or at the bottom of the South China Sea. I hope I’m wrong.

  7. “This was Thomas Paine’s view.” Thomas Jefferson also loved the GOOD “empire,” of Liberty.

  8. Denise says:

    ‘Feinstein the Jew Hag is foaming at the mouth. This wholly validates everything he’s done.’

    My thoughts exactly!

  9. “‘Feinstein the Jew Hag is foaming at the mouth. This wholly validates everything he’s done.’

    My thoughts exactly!”

    Second that!

    Denise, most people awaken incrementally.
    It is counterproductive to hold that against them.

    I must say I sometimes get the feeling that your stridency is a check on your own doubts. If so, such hidden vulnerability endows your screeds with a most charming, very feminine quality.

    Deo Vindice

  10. Snowden is obviously someone who was pining for a politician like Obama or Ron Paul to do something about what he was seeing. He ultimately turned against the corrupt U.S. empire and acted on his own initiative.

    So now True American patriots like Diane Feinstein and Lindsey Graham are irate and want to throw him in prison.

  11. Yes, Graham and Feinstein aren’t happy with his actions, so what? Michael Moore and the other freaks are calling him a “hero”, that doesn’t change anything either.

    This is the result of Obama’s failed leadership, people that work with the NSA don’t understand the entire purpose of the NSA. They don’t understand statecraft. They don’t understand politics. They think politics is a way to do moral things with public money, that’s what shithead poli-sci majors are taught at Harvard. They think war is a way to free people, with “killing Arabs” an unfortunate consequence rather than key objective.

  12. The lack of analysis of the Snowden situation here is disappointing. He fits into a larger critique of BRA’s governmental failure and cultivation of failures due to inherent contradictions in the raison de’etat. Projecting “patriotic southerner” status and linking to pics of his airhead ballerina totally miss the mark.

  13. Obama is essentially a crypto Muslim. But what the heck…he’s a Harvard man ain’t he, old sport?

  14. The fear of surveillance is liberal and crank libertarian territory. The rise of BRA is correlated with the dismantling of the Hoover’s surveillance operations.

    “Creepy Jews” – Hunter

    The last time we had a spymaster he tried to destroy Felix Frankfurter and MLK.

  15. BRAism is incompatible with a functional state. If we had PRISM in the 60’s we wouldn’t have Bill Ayers’ acolyte as Prez.

  16. Will they get him now?

    “If we had PRISM in the 60?s we wouldn’t have Bill Ayers’ acolyte as Prez.” If the Elite had been using PRISM already then, by now they might be able to rule directly and wouldn’t need a dark mullato puppet for a distraction.

  17. “The fear of surveillance is liberal and crank libertarian territory”

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Spying is good. Universal spying is best of all. Giving up “liberty” for security does not lose both liberty and security after all, because there is no such thing as liberty, a lower class delusion, right?

  18. Faux News this morning is saying “he is not a hero” after all, and “what he did is criminal” and that the government “allows too many private contractors access” to sensitive spy data.

  19. “if Snowden does not find shelter in Venezuela, ‘he will have to stay and marry Anna Chapman,’ the redheaded Russian spy who was among 10 sleeper agents deported from the United States in 2010. The 31-year-old Chapman proposed to Snowden (who just turned 30) on Twitter last week.”

    There are worse fates. If I were he, I’d be on that like white on rice. It beats the hell out of festering in jail awaiting a show trial in the US. Snowden is living the life of Riley.

    Deo Vindice


    NSA tapping Obama, Petreaus, Powell, Alito, elite military, other branches of American intelligence, Congress including spouses and families, diplomats, elite law firms. From NSA whistle blows Russell Tice. Speculates the tippy top of American is the true power in this country and the tip of American Deep State.

  21. Speculates the tippy top of the American Intelligence Community is the true power in this country and the tip of the American Deep State.

  22. Breaking news:

    The Russians feared the arm of the global Banksters too much to keep him, but the Northern White hero’s passport, and permission to leave the airport, have finally been granted!

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