Patriotic Southerner Exposes U.S. Empire

Hong Kong

Here’s a toast to Edward Snowden:

“In a note accompanying the first set of documents he provided, he wrote: “I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions,” but “I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant.”

Despite these fears, he remained hopeful his outing will not divert attention from the substance of his disclosures. “I really want the focus to be on these documents and the debate which I hope this will trigger among citizens around the globe about what kind of world we want to live in.” He added: “My sole motive is to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them.”

He has had “a very comfortable life” that included a salary of roughly $200,000, a girlfriend with whom he shared a home in Hawaii, a stable career, and a family he loves. “I’m willing to sacrifice all of that because I can’t in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they’re secretly building.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Amen! I join the toast to Edward Snowdon. I just finished watching him being interviewed in depth. If only we had more like him. And watch closely how the political class responds. It will be very telling.

  2. If only Southerners in the military and government cared more about their own people than about their power or their pension.

  3. Well. Duh! Not surprised at all. This has been going on since the [long string of curse words] PATRIOT ACT. I am not surprised by this at all since I bet bush did it too. Good job, Mr. Snowdon.

    Obama is nothing more than a Moderate version of the W Bush Republican. I don’t see how he’s anymore liberal than Nixon. Obama will be remembered at a subpar president who either a more moderate Bush or Black Moderate version of neoconism. He’s hardly revolutionary; a more successful Bush II. Nothing more, nothing less. He’s black who succeeded being pretty moderate right despite all the pushes. He’s hardly a successful president, but much less the failure BII ever was. Why again did we elect that Bush II again?

    For all those who complain about secrets, those who broadcast their moves openly on security measures openly make it obvious to counter. Secrecy is important in security matters. That said, SERIOUSLY? Do you really need to spy on people just to find criminals? Have we really become afraid of this world?

  4. “If only Southerners in the military and government cared more about their own people than about their power or their pension.”

    True enough for most, but looks like this one does. Here’s to Snowdon!
    This man has balls big enough to fill a croaker sack.

    Most interesting quote:
    “The primary lesson from this experience was that “you can’t wait around for someone else to act. I had been looking for leaders, but I realised that leadership is about being the first to act.”

    Deo Vindice

  5. “Have we really become afraid of this world?”

    Sychological warfare. Similar to what went on at the height of the Soviets.

  6. Two things about Snowden bother me:

    1. He is seeking refuge in China, which is America to the power of ten when it comes to repressiveness

    2. He was a Ron Paul supporter, which probably means he’s for open borders and amnesty. Of course, none of this NSA stuff would be necessary but for open borders letting in all these putrid Muslims to do their 9/11s and Boston Massacres and what not.

    Now, as to the meat of the matter, I’m still trying to figure out what Obama’s interest is on mining everyone’s data. I suspect he’s either feeding it to OFA or selling it to interested businesses and commercial concerns.

  7. “I’m still trying to figure out what Obama’s interest is on mining everyone’s data. I suspect he’s either feeding it to OFA or selling it to interested businesses and commercial concerns.”

    Obama Installation is to further imperial conquest of third world resources.

  8. This guy “believed” in Obama.

    This guy wanted to fight to “free” Iraqis, then went VW/NTR when he discerned the other men were just “pumped” to “kill Arabs”.

    The last whistleblower was a cross-dresser. These are unstable oath-breakers, not heroes.

  9. The man is a hero.

    You don’t swear loyalty to Bush or Obama. You swear loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and the guy realized it was a meaningless document because his job was to secretly destroy the Fourth Amendment.

    Obama doesn’t like the Second Amendment or the Tenth Amendment. He would love to abolish the First Amendment and lock us up like they do in Germany, Canada, and the UK.

    The only positive aspect of the Constitution – the Bill of Rights – can be attributed to the Anti-Federalists.

  10. Stepping back and looking at this NSA question from a macro perspective:

    I would like to think that it has a good side, in that it has been used in the past and will continue to be used to sniff out really bad actors. There is a theory, hotly contested though, that PRISM or a similar program helped cull out and ID the Tsarnaev brothers after the Boston Massacre.

    I fear that the Obama gang is using it entirely for political purposes.

    Probably the truth is a little of both, or somewhere in between.

  11. I doubt Obama has any direct interest here. These policies probably originate inside the American deep state.

  12. “The only positive aspect of the Constitution – the Bill of Rights – can be attributed to the Anti-Federalists.”

    And by God do they hate it, they created a perfect subtle facsimile of tyranny and were forced to shoe-horn that in at the end to appease the populists and ‘rabble’.

  13. The man is calm, sane, a cool customer. He’s obviously done his homework. I beleive everything he says, it backs up the rare few interesting, but telling things I learned about while in the military. Like putting together the pieces to a puzzle, it all starts to look like something all of a sudden. He just handed us a nice big complete chunk. He has my respect. The initial establishment response seems to be mixed. They can’t figure out whether to discredit him or smear him. And any thing they “find” about him will immediately be suspect in my eyes.

  14. Hunter,

    The reason Obama and the goons in the U.S. government don’t lock us all up isn’t because of the “Bill of Rights.” A piece of paper is meaningless to thousands of zealots with loaded guns. No, the reason we aren’t all locked up is because Civil War 2 would break out if they tried. Yeah, because they have superior weapons and enough useful idiots, they’d probably win, but not before a massive bloodbath that might discredit them in the eyes of the world. They can’t even topple Assad after 18 months. Lets see them take on tens of millions of armed white Americans.

    It is the threat of force from European-Americans that prevents this government from locking us up, not the first amendment. The very concept of the “Rule of Law” is just liberal/enlightenment garbage designed to make people feel good about their civic nationalist disaster. This whistleblower isn’t a hero. He’s an attention whore. And he’d be dead by now if he posed a real threat to the U.S. government. All this bitching about the spying program amuses me because that kind of an Orwellian program is EXACTLY what Americans asked for when they voted for neocons like Reagan and the two Bush’s. Now they’re mad that the chickens have come home to roost? I don’t have any pity for people like that.

    Dissolve the Union.

  15. “attention whore”? the only reason I suspect he came forward was to draw suspicion in case he “disappears”.

  16. I’m not sure.

    Look at what happened to England. They gave up their guns after a school shooting without a fight. Assault weapons were banned in the United States until W. became president.

    Many of the same Southern states which are now NRA strongholds had strong gun control laws in the Jim Crow era too.

  17. Randy Weaver could have easily avoided what happened to him if he had gotten a decent lawyer off the bat. The Hutaree Militia were a bunch of CI kooks who were asking for trouble and were an embarrassment to Michigan.

  18. tom, furthermore, I suspect he had reason to believe the international corporatist police were hot on his tail. He was probably cornered and had only 2 options. He chose the one that might buy him a little more time.

  19. “Now, as to the meat of the matter, I’m still trying to figure out what Obama’s interest is on mining everyone’s data. I suspect he’s either feeding it to OFA or selling it to interested businesses and commercial concerns.”

    The Western countries are balkanizing and breaking apart as a consequence of the diversity and culture war. TPTB will need a police state to hold things together long enough to finish the job. The more that police state can be prevented the quicker balkanization will bring TPTB down and the more can be salvaged from the wreckage.

    So bravo Snowdon.

  20. I’m hoping that info comes out that “we” are part of the preferred target group. You and I may know we are part of the target; maybe even a major part. But to have news that they are after evil white people would be very good news for us.
    At the start of the BO 1st term there was such talk. It was not greeted well so it went under ground. Actually, the whole project was to keep track of Hunter and Jared Taylor and you.

  21. You know it’s bad when an American has to become a defector to a Chinese protectorate to get information out and because he feels safer under Chinese authority than American.

  22. Lew,
    So well put! The sooner Americans realize this is the true state of affairs, the better chance we have to prevail.

  23. Ron Paul was always on the right side of this particular issue. Noam Chomsky and mant leftists too. I’ve followed Greenwald for years. A lot of people are just hearing about him.

  24. Socially Extinct says:
    June 10, 2013 at 4:19 am
    tom, furthermore, I suspect he had reason to believe the international corporatist police were hot on his tail. He was probably cornered and had only 2 options. He chose the one that might buy him a little more time.”

    Amen. He KNEW what he was doing ,and what will be done to him, if the Kikenvermin get a chance. God bless him! Snowden is a HERO!

  25. Mosin Nagant wrote:

    He donated to Ron Paul’s campaign twice over several months, indicating that he probably IS one of us, one who cherishes liberty. “It is the part of free men to detest and resist….”

    I respond:

    Don’t be so quick to assume here. He might have donated to RP because he’s an open borders nutcase. Like I said above, none of this NSA and PRISM stuff would have never happened but for 9/11, and 9/11 only happened because we let Muslims immigrate into the United States.

    I am no longer interested in civil liberty arguments from people (illibertarians or otherwise) who are open borders, because the latter more than offsets the former, and in fact, as we have seen, open borders erodes civil liberties.

  26. countenance
    “I am no longer interested in civil liberty arguments from people (illibertarians or otherwise) who are open borders, because the latter more than offsets the former, and in fact, as we have seen, open borders erodes civil liberties.”

    You’re right you can’t have civil liberties with open borders – that’s why civil liberties arguments are good. They’re a way of getting SWPLs to see what should be obvious.

  27. I can’t blame anyone for considering this guy a hero only because according to Obama’s political narrative there is no “war on terror”.

    Snowden “believed” Obama would usher in some kind of gilded age where the CIA played nice because, well, he’s a political dunce like most Murrcans.

    For political reasons Obama refuses to take national security/ Islam seriously in public but behind closed doors he obviously understands the nature of the threats BRA faces from his feral turbaned sons. The fact Obama is not a total fucking uncontrollable idiot leads true-believers like Snowden to become disenchanted and mistake divulging information about a congressionally overseen project for “whistle-blowing”. This is the same with Bradley Manning. Because Obama and his lot refuse to sufficiently address the nature of the security threats BRA faces from without these desk jockies do not understand that BRA actually is in a war against Islam. That’s why they think they’re doing a public service as if the NSA/Army is like Enron…..

  28. You’re right you can’t have civil liberties with open borders – that’s why civil liberties arguments are good. They’re a way of getting SWPLs to see what should be obvious.

    Open borders enhance civil liberties for employers because the Mexicans are efficient, unorganized workers and their employ leads to more free time and funds which translates to more opportunities to participate in res publica. There are some Americans that are now liberated from household work and yardwork and other indignities for the first time because of cheap foreign labor.

  29. “This is the same with Bradley Manning. Because Obama and his lot refuse to sufficiently address the nature of the security threats BRA faces from without these desk jockies do not understand that BRA actually is in a war against Islam.”
    The power that be goal is to exploit the region of labor and resources. their intervention is not for the the love of brotherhood! Roman adage of devide and rule.

  30. “There are some Americans that are now liberated from household work and yardwork and other indignities for the first time because of cheap foreign labor.”

    – Only a spoiled weakling would consider something as dignified, humble, and personally rewarding as housework or yardwork, to be an “indignity”.

  31. Re: “Open borders enhance civil liberties for employers”:

    Employers already have enhanced “civil liberty.” Open borders enhances PROFIT for employers.

    The love of money is the root of all this evil (New Testament quote)! Mexican multiracial employment brings POVERTY to the majority of whites, and allows the EVIL Talmudic-and-white Elite to continue to lord it over GOOD whites ever more “efficiently.”

    Re: “Mexicans are efficient, unorganized workers”:

    They may be unorganized, so far, so they can be paid less money — and they are “efficient” in that sense — but they are generally less skillful and less careful and conscientious workers than whites, especially German whites.

  32. National Security: is a term they most often use that is to maximize their power- exploit and control regions at the expense of the natives.Centralization of power runs amuk.

  33. Hurrah for Iceland, though they failed to prevent the Bankers keeping a foot in their door and re-entering now. But comparatively — by comparison to other Western peoples who let themselves be robbed and destroyed by the “Banker” Elite — they’ve done very well!

    No Man identifies the Ron Paul supporter Edward Snowden as a “TRUE BELIEVER” (one of the most powerful and feared depracations on OD) and as a “desk jockey” who had no business meddling in the affairs of Those who are above him not only in rank but also in intellect. No Man considers Snowden a “dunce,” who is INCAPABLE of understanding what the Commander in Chief (Obama, who No Man says is actually NOT an idiot) “understands behind closed doors”!

    Which side are you on, boys, which side are you on?

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