Peeping Jews


Thanks to Salon, OD has learned that Israelis designed the software that the NSA is using to spy on everyone:

Note: Narus was founded by Ori Cohen and Stas Khirman.

“From Narus, the Israeli-born Boeing subsidiary that makes NSA’s high-speed interception software, to CSC, the “systems integrator” that runs NSA’s internal IT system, defense and intelligence, contractors are making millions of dollars selling technology and services that help the world’s largest surveillance system spy on you. If the 70 percent figure is applied to the NSA’s estimated budget of $8 billion a year (the largest in the intelligence community), NSA contracting could reach as high as $6 billion every year. ..

Update: In another illustration of the fruits of the Union, the Ninth Circus which gutted Arizona’s SB 1070 immigration law has dismissed a lawsuit against the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program:

“Today, amidst all the other news about the government’s vast surveillance network, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California dismissed a case brought seven years ago against the National Security Agency’s warrantless wiretapping program. The dismissal essentially affirms the “big catch-22? that makes it nearly impossible for American citizens to sue their government for spying on them.”

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Walk through a major city sometime. Take note of the featherless bipeds, your fellow ‘Cans and future ‘Cans, those you collectively refer to as “everyone”… You wouldn’t want them in your “miniature ethnostate”, not even in your pumpkin patch – yet their internet browsing history is somehow inviolable?

    Update: In another illustration of the fruits of the Union, the Ninth Circus which gutted Arizona’s SB 1070 immigration law has dismissed a lawsuit against the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program:

    It comes across as a bit opportunistic to be in favor of deporting people yet against them ie part of “everyone” being surveilled.

    Maybe none of us want BRA to know how many times we’ve been to seductivejewess? I certainly don’t. I don’t really care though.

  2. Yes. This is a fun game to play, Obama excelled at it during his campaign and illustrious(?) senate career(?).

    Real nations have real enemies from within and without. “If” nations don’t.

  3. “It comes across as a bit opportunistic to be in favor of deporting people yet against them ie part of “everyone” being surveilled.”

    It’s the opposite. If you control your borders you don’t need a police state.

  4. Native born white Americans don’t have enemies abroad. The US government has enemies. Not the same thing.

  5. “none of us want BRA to know how many times we’ve been to seductivejewess? I certainly don’t.”

    Or how many times Tamer may have been to that negress site you posted a link to?

  6. “Does anyone here want the creepy Jewish thought police tracking their every move?”

    But THEY always say:

    “If you haven’t done anything wrong, you shouldn’t be concerned. So why are you concerned?”

  7. But as I like to say (almost quote): “Let the Elites and their slaves adore and love a despotism. It is the part of freemen to detest and to resist it.”

  8. Hunter,
    In answer to your question, no, I certainly don’t want “…creepy Jewish thought police…” tracking every movement.

    And here’s a question for you: Why can’t the Evangelicals connect that most obvious dot?

  9. “I learned about it through the Salon article.”

    Why did it require another article to LEARN about it? It is common knowledge, for a long time now, that They provide most of these intelligence-gathering and profiling services to the Amerikan Branch of Global Tyranny.

  10. “Why can’t the Evangelicals (or white southerners) connect that most obvious dot?”

    Yes, and why do white southerner voters consistently vote false (Neo) “conservative”?

  11. Saw it a few days ago:

    Doesn’t surprise me a bit. The Sanhedrin are also the ones who are saying it’s “No big deal” and “Stuff we already knew” — even as they simultaneously say that the disclosure of it is the worst crime-leak in human history and the fellow who exposed it should be incarcerated or killed.

    For them, it’s Mordechai Vanunu all over again.

  12. “Why can’t the Evangelicals connect that most obvious dot?” The false doctrine of dispensationalism among most evangelicals is the reason they can’t connect the dot.

    They vote “neo” because it the only type of conservative they are presented with at election time.

  13. “Why can’t the Evangelicals connect that most obvious dot?”

    The idolatrous doctrine of sola scriptura would be my guess.
    One of the inherent risks in literalism.

    If the Bible states that the Jews are the chosen, then the Jews are the chosen for Evangelicals. It is as simple as that.

    The perfidious Jews find their worshipful treatment by Evangelicals creepy and worthy of even greater contempt than they have for most Christians. Ironic, isn’t it?


    Deo Vindice

  14. “Yes, and why do white southerner voters consistently vote false (Neo) “conservative”?”

    What are they going to do, vote Democrat?
    Who did you vote for in the last election?

    Deo Vindice

  15. Hunter Wallace says:
    June 11, 2013 at 12:48 am
    As for the Jewish angle on this, I learned about it through the Salon article. Neither VNN or TOO seemed to be aware of this yet.

    I knew it was the Kikes for the onset. The control freak thing was a total factor in the Soviet Jewnion, and in every Commie country.

    Spend more time on Stormfront. The infor was posted almost IMMEDIATELY.

    Look for Die Jude. They’re always there.

  16. I think my overall point was valid and undeserving of a dogpile of non-sequiturs.

    But if we are trying to ride the political rails here at OD how about pledging the new Golden Circle would close Guantanamo? Also: HEMP! People love hemp.

  17. “They vote ‘neo’ because it the only type of conservative they are presented with at election time.”

    Not so. Southerners vote against true, constitutional conservatism. They seem to LOVE “southern judaism” and especially, endless unjust Global pro-Zionist Warfare.

  18. “Who did you vote for in the last election?”

    Is THAT the extent of your political responsibility, voting in the Presidential election, “Apuleius”? Who did you vote for in the primary, and what did you do, from the very beginning of the election cycle, to promote the BEST candidate? Are you not actively involved at ALL, not even in the local party committee or caucus level?

  19. “I think my overall point was valid and undeserving of a dogpile of non-sequiturs.

    But if we are trying to ride the political rails here at OD how about pledging the new Golden Circle would close Guantanamo? Also: HEMP! People love hemp.”

    Undeserving? No. Your original point is silly and your further remarks detract from anyone taking you seriously. There was no dogpile of non-sequiturs, either. Relax.

    A little less mention of hemp please…die Kikenvermin are listening…

    Deo Vindice

  20. Nice dodge, Mosin.

    “true, constitutional conservatism”
    Not sure I know what you’re talking about. Could you show me an example of that?

    “Is THAT the extent of your political responsibility, voting in the Presidential election, “Apuleius”? Who did you vote for in the primary, and what did you do, from the very beginning of the election cycle, to promote the BEST candidate? Are you not actively involved at ALL, not even in the local party committee or caucus level?”

    The full extent of my political responsibility is to see to it that my people and my country get out of the Judeo-yankee BRA empire and its culture of death as fast as possible.

    Participation in your two worthless anti-white political parties is worse than useless. Neither of them even pretend to represent the best interests of my people or any white people, for that matter.

    Both parties just love Mexicans, niggers, and Jews, however. Maybe you should stop carrying water for your enemies while pretending that you are actually participating in the system. You are just as deluded as the white southerners you mock.

    The Judeo-yankee BRA empire is morphing into a totalitarian police state that will revoke the illusion of your participation sooner than you think.

    Deo Vindice

  21. The American public spews forth wicked Protestant/Mormon/Mosin cults, a Kenyan president, a steady stream of homegrown islamic terrorists, neverending black crimewaves, gay marriages and countless other social pathologies. Someone better be spying on these freaks.

  22. “The full extent of my political responsibility is to see to it that my people and my country get out of the Judeo-yankee BRA empire and its culture of death as fast as possible.”

    You began this by asking who I voted for in the Presidential election. Why would that matter to you if all candidates are the same, voting makes no difference, and you don’t get involved in politics?

    No Man says someone BETTER be spying….

  23. “You began this by asking who I voted for in the Presidential election. Why would that matter to you if all candidates are the same, voting makes no difference, and you don’t get involved in politics?”

    You’re being deliberately obtuse. The futility of the Amurrican political process is easily demonstrable and is repeatedly attested to right here on this very site almost every day. Instead of constructing such a shabby, crooked straw man, you should come clean.

    In the last election I voted third party, Virgil Goode to be exact.
    I’m thinking you voted Romney to “take back” your country from the Kenyan pretender. Unfortunately, your country moved and left no forwarding address.
    Now sit back and enjoy the quality leadership of your mulatto messiah and the continued monkeyshines of your dear emancipated negroes.

    Southern nationalism is the only politics I am interested in any more.
    Once Dixie is free, what happens up north is a matter of supreme indifference to me.

    Deo Vindice

  24. “If you haven’t done anything wrong, you shouldn’t be concerned”

    General attitude- I’m not doing anything wrong/ the gov is only going after the bad guys-the feds have total power to snoop even in the bedroom. why should we trust empower a handfull of people in washington dc we don’t know anything about them.

  25. Already knew Israel made the software. It’s part of their niche in the Security business. America gives them guns, we get their information from their intelligence bureau. It’s part of the deal America has with Israel. Any advance tech they have, they hand it over to the United States. Hence why I’m not that surprised. As a nation with lots of people trying to kill it., I’m actually surprised they only have one program for this type of spying. Still, is this really necessary. Doesn’t Israel have anything better to do then spy on Americans for America.

  26. “Doesn’t Israel have anything better to do then spy on Americans for America.”

    No, they don’t. They live in perpetual fear of losing their death grip on Amurrican foreign policy. When that happens, it is game over for their precious enclave in the Middle East.

    “keep tabs on the 200 0r so Chechens in the US… would have been cheaper.”

    Of course we could have just not let them in to begin with, as the Russians advised us to do. The “intelligence community” deliberately turned a blind eye to Russian intelligence about the Tsarnaev brothers.

    The mooslimification of Amurrica is a top priority of the federal government. Dieversity is our strength. Nothing must interefere with the planned race replacement of Amurricans.

    “Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.”
    –General George Casey

    Like the savage Aztecs, who descendants are also busy overrunning the country these days, the federal bureaucrats demand continual blood sacrifice to their idols.

    Deo Vindice

  27. Snowden is a good sola scriptura yankee at heart. He can stand on the mountain-top and interpret the Constitution just like Mosin interprets his Bible. Only he has something Mosin never will: an audience.

    No government can be expected to operate if its employees take it upon themselves to sabotage programs they disagree with.

    The godless revolutionary Constitution has again been demonstrated to be incompatible with reality because it along with its interpretation by the robed perverts it calls for have been used to undermine decency for over 150 years.

  28. If we were to turn on them Apuleius, we lose Mossads info on the region and all the damn Evangelicals would whine like babies (I wouldn’t not be opposed to that though). The government from my POV is that they have Mossad do the dirty work while they reap the benefits giving people a place to blame (sides them of course) if the shit hits the fan. Scapegoating is pretty easy they figure. Not easy when it becomes known that they themselves are doing it. This is sickening. The government should find, bring to trial and execute everyone of these asses. We also need an anti-spying amendment in the constitution. If the south does succeed seceding from the USA, add an anti-spying amendment along with other amendments to protect the people.

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