Richmond Celebrates Father’s Day


86 percent of black kids in Richmond don’t have fathers:

“First Things First, an organization dedicated to keeping dads involved in kids’ lives, reports that 60 percent of all families in the city of Richmond are single-parent households. Within the African-American demographic, that number spikes up to 86 percent, a number that surpasses the national average….”

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We’re constantly told that the problems of blacks are due to the “bitter legacy of slavery.” But isn’t it odd that black dysfunction gets worse the further removed in time and place blacks are from the antebellum South?

  2. The planters promoted the black family because 1.) it reduced violence among slaves, 2.) deterred runaways, and 3.) the offspring were economically valuable and two parents providing for them reduced costs.

    It’s an old abolitionist myth that slavery destroyed the black family. In fact, it was the White family that was more likely to become separated because Whites so commonly moved hundreds of miles away on the frontier whereas planters would move their entire operation from state to state.

  3. Wow – you mean 14% of black men stay with their kids? Didn’t think there were that many.

  4. In much the same way, when planters committed adultery, their attention was focused on their White mistresses in town, or the numerous White brothels of that era.

    Most illegitimate children of planters were White. Planters had no financial incentive to rape their slaves which is why the rural Black Belt has significantly less admixture than anywhere else in America.

  5. I have to wonder how the absence of fathers in the Negro community affects the Christian faith among them. How can they relate to God as Father when they don’t know their own father or about fatherhood? This may be why Islam has appeal among the Negro.

  6. In the antebellum era, the illegitimate, idle, vagrant free negroes of the Northern states who filled the region’s prisons were commonly cited by Southerners as proof of the failure of free society.

    In our own time, ignorant leftists blame this on slavery. It is a product of freedom, not slavery; as American culture has become more free and degenerate, the same trend can be seen among Whites and other races.

  7. What’s the most confusing holiday in the black community? Father’s Day! What’s the least confusing holiday in the black community? Mother’s Day, for everybody knows who the mother is!

  8. Whether or not the planter elites maintained Africans in the form of patriarchal families, it was still wrong to have imported them in first place.

    How can the son of a slave fully “look up to” his father, if his father is WILLINGLY a slave?

  9. Slavery is truly monstrous, and wage-slavery can also be monstrous. Family life and morals, and souls are destroyed by the greed of the masters, and judgement for the sins of fathers is carried down to the third and fourth generation.

    Every unjust war is also accompanied by a decline in faith and morality.

  10. Hunter is lying through his teeth again. There is historical record of nigger families being broken up during slave auctions. Most niggers in this country have somewhere between 10-15% European DNA in them, and the overwhelming majority of American niggers originated in the South. Of course Southern planters were raping their nigger slave women! Hunter will go to any desperate length to rewrite history, because he’s retreated into the romantic myth of his ancestors time, as a method of escapism.

  11. “How can the son of a slave fully “look up to” his father, if his father is WILLINGLY a slave?”

    Poor wittle negroes. You assume quite falsely that he would even know who his father is. These are negroes we are talking about, after all.

    Lots of nuclear fambilies all over Apefrica, aren’t there?
    Can’t find them? They’re hiding behind all the Don’t Rape billboards.

    “There is historical record of nigger families being broken up during slave auctions.”
    “Of course Southern planters were raping their nigger slave women!”

    Well, cry me a river.
    You all need to give your overweening negro solicitude some rest.

    It doesn’t play here quite as well as it does among your yankee neighbors.

    Deo Vindice

  12. “Well, cry me a river.”

    – Cry yourself a river, Apuleius. You’re an expert at it by now — forever snivelling about “Yankees” for the condition of your shitty life.

  13. Re: “between 10-15% European DNA in them”: Wide hybridisation of White with Asian, or White with African, seems to produce very “unstable” offspring. African traits are probably NOT improved or “tamed” by crossing with whites, and arguably they would have been better off left alone, in their own natural, genetic purity, in their native land.

  14. It is good to see some of the chickenhawk neocon Freepers have finally succumbed to negro fatigue. Their sputtering about leftists and the gubmint and tying themselves into knots is quite amusing. Too bad they still can’t quite connect the dots and realize it’s time to put the chains back on Django.

    This comment from poster “tgusa” in particular is priceless:

    “I heard something on the radio about China taxing/fining single women for their out of wedlock babies. No subsidies, fines!
    That’s usually how things go with us humans: first too far one way, then too far the other.

    I miss the good ol’ days of personal responsibility and morality. We are what we have always been; I wonder what made us rethink our promiscuity and if it feels good do it, a lot, mentality to adopt that former belief system.

    Were we just better humans then? More in tune with out soul and connection to our Creator? Or was it fear? Of incurable diseases and consequences? Or just good old fashioned shame?

    Maybe we just learned from cause and effect and watching the suffering of others and sought to avoid it for ourselves.

    Now we reward them for it and the harm they/we do to us.

    “What were once vices are now habits” to be celebrated!”

    Yankee self-righteousness begins to question itself…and comes up empty again.
    Must be something “us humans” have done to make the negro abandon “personal responsibility and morality.” Whatever shall “we” do about it?

    His truth is marching on…hehe.

    Deo Vindice

  15. Anyone who has experience in plant and animal breeding knows that hybridising domestic with related wild species yields WILD offspring as a rule, even the F-1 hybrids, with few exceptions — and even those exceptions require many generations of deliberate, careful selection to stabilise.

  16. “Must be something ‘us humans’ have done to make the negro abandon ‘personal responsibility and morality.’ ”

    It may not be something “you all” have done to degrade their nature, but rather it may simply BE their nature. Nevertheless slavery is degrading to both master and slave, and as the Bible says, the love of money is the root of all this evil. Own up, and now think of a constructive, Christian solution.

  17. Mosin, while you’re at it, let me know when you and Chris come up with a nostrum to restore virginity. The river of time flows in only one direction. Or have you discovered time travel as well?

    If you find the commonness of negro bastardy to be so upsetting, you’ll also be shocked to know that around half of all negro sows have chlamydia. Wonder why?

    Maybe you two should get together with tgusa to find out what “us humans” can learn from “cause and effect and watching the suffering of others.” I’ll bet you all have a lot in common.

    Deo Vindice

  18. “Nevertheless slavery is degrading to both master and slave, and as the Bible says, the love of money is the root of all this evil. Own up, and now think of a constructive, Christian solution.”

    You yankees sure are a one note johnny bunch.

    News flash! There is no negro slabery, anymore. So no need for a “constructive, Christian solution.” Seems to me one has already been put into place.

    It isn’t very constructive or Christian though, so do enlighten me as to exactly what you think the emancipation redux should look like? I’m not all that interested in another doomed to failure yankee project on behalf of the negroes, but just a little curious. Do tell.

    His truth is marching on…hehe.

    Deo Vindice

  19. 1.) The actual records show that the families that were broken up were almost always orphans or cases of bankruptcy in which family members were unwilling for whatever reason to assume responsibility for the slaves.

    2.) The black family was less likely to be broken up than the White family. As I said above, entire plantations moved from state to state, unlike the White households that were constantly broken up when younger sons moved to the frontier. That went on in the North and the South.

    The White families of our Northern friends who are descended from Italians and Poles were broken up by their immigration to the United States.

    3.) The genetic studies actually show that blacks in the plantation belt are the most African blacks in America.

    4.) Much of the admixture is due to prostitution in Northern cities or White women intermarrying with blacks in the Northern states.

    5.) It’s simply not true that planters were always raping their slaves. It was bad for business to rape a slave and it was much easier to maintain a White mistress or to visit a White prostitute.

  20. “Of course Southern planters were raping their nigger slave women!”

    No doubt this happened as well but rich men in the past didn’t generally need to rape poor women.

  21. There is no proof that slavery was any more profitable or exploitative than so-called “free labor.” Quite the opposite.

    If you were a Southern planter and you owned a negro child, you had to provide for that child until he was around 27 years old until he became a profitable field hand. Irish immigrants were used to do the really shitty unhealthy work.

    Black slaves lived longer lives. If a black slave died, you lost your capital investment, whereas if an Irish immigrant died, you could easily replace him with the next “free laborer” off the boat.

  22. The worship of the single mom in the West has got to stop. They have become a protected class. Another example of failure bing glorified and made equal to the real family. Saint Single Mom is not to be spoken badly of or criticized at all.

  23. Equatorial peoples never evolved strong nuclear families because they were not required. What they did evolve was earlier sexual maturity and less impulse control. Northern peoples had to develop nuclear families and plan ahead to survive winter. It’s all in evolution.

  24. The Bolshevik stooges advancing sodo-marriage are doing less damage to the institution than their predessors who mainstreamed no-fault divorce and single motherhood. The day the words “slut” and “bastard” could no longer be used in their rightful form was the beginning of the end of western civilization.

  25. Shouldn’t “Mosin Nagant” be glad that Africans were brought to America and Christianized? Shouldn’t he be lauding all the slave-owners who took their slaves to church services? He might also try reading The Epistle to Philemon for an account of what St. Paul did with an escaped slave.

  26. William is right. The book of Philemon does not condemn slavery nor the slaveholder Philemon, to whom the epistle is written. The runaway slave alluded to is told to go back to his master.

    Whether slavery is condoned in the Bible is debatable but at best, the Bible puts some limitations or conditions on it. If slavery were such a huge evil in God’s sight, why doesn’t the Bible say so — anywhere?

    As for the percentage of White blood among blacks, let’s see some sources before we say its 13 percent or whatever was said above. Even if that is an average, that is not the same as saying ”most” blacks have that amount. And the rape claims are urban legends. Even if such things happened it need not have been the slaveowner but maybe an overseer or other such opportunistic person, but everyone likes to blame the ”rich slaveowner”, in typical leftist fashion.

  27. “News flash! There is no negro slabery, anymore. So no need for a ‘constructive, Christian solution.’ ” Yes, of course Slavery is not here, but the descendants of the imported Africans are still here.

    “Even if such things happened it need not have been the slaveowner but maybe an overseer or other such opportunistic person, but everyone likes to blame the ”rich slaveowner”, in typical leftist fashion.”

    Those masters were so moral they are ABOVE such reproach, who saved the most dangerous unhealthy jobs for poor Irish immigrants, since they had no investment to lose with them.

  28. “Shouldn’t Mosin Nagant be glad that Africans were brought to America and Christianized?” He should not and they are not.

    “The Bible endorses slavery.” You wish it to be so. It does not endorse slavery. Do you have a theological academic or seminary background, read it in the original languages, etc., as I do?

  29. “The book of Philemon does not condemn slavery nor the slaveholder Philemon, to whom the epistle is written.”

    The phrase “no longer a slave” is the focus of the entire epistle. Paul commanded Philemon to receive Onesimus just as he would receive Paul, and he has “confidence in (his) obedience” (not to Paul himself, but to the will of Christ expressed through Paul). Onesimus was not turned over to authorities as a runaway slave under Roman law, but he takes Paul’s letter to Philemon voluntarily. Paul expected Philemon to “do even more than I say….” Paul knew Deuteronomy 23:15-16: “You shall NOT return to his master the slave who has escaped from his master to you (…) you shall not oppress him.” There is an ancient inscription near Colosse dedicated by a slave to a master who freed him, named Marcus Sestius Philemon.

  30. “Those masters were so moral they are ABOVE such reproach, who saved the most dangerous unhealthy jobs for poor Irish immigrants, since they had no investment to lose with them.”

    He was referring to northern industrialists and their exploitation of whites.
    Odd how someone from Pennsylvania has apparently never heard of the Molly Maguires.

    Deo Vindice

  31. Apuleius, THAT intention was not clear in the paragraph: “If you were a Southern planter and you owned a negro child, you had to provide for that child until he was around 27 years old until he became a profitable field hand. Irish immigrants were used to do the really shitty unhealthy work. Black slaves lived longer lives.”

    I had not heard of Irish used as an alternate labour source on southern plantations, but I suppose it happened now and then. In Jamaica, at least, Irish were used as an alternate labour source with African slaves. It would make perfect carnal sense to wear out FREE labour on the most dangerous, unhealthy jobs while preserving the expensive slave labour for safer, routine jobs on a plantation. That is what Hunter seems to have meant.

    As for the guilt or virtue, the spiritual condition, of the slave masters, and of WAGE slave masters, well, HUMAN judgement is fallible, but God knows absolutely.

  32. That song is one of my all time favourites, Apuleius. I love ballads, and that sound is in my blood, I think.

  33. Nice try, but Jamaica ain’t part of the South and never has been.

    My ancestors never owned slaves, but they did own lots of farm animals. No ordinary farmer would abuse his animals and I very seriously doubt that any plantation owner would abuse his animals (i.e. niggers) either. Given the costs involved, it just doesn’t make good sense.

    Of course, if the Harriet Beecher Stowe version of slavery is what you were raised on, I wouldn’t expect you to understand any of this. It leaves you with no white men to demonize.

    Deo Vindice

  34. Using Irish for dangerous jobs and slaves for the routine work is like borrowing a neighbor’s tractor for pulling the subsoiler, and using your own tractor for hay tedding. Exploitation of whites in Jamaica and elsewhere is certainly part of the Golden Circle tradition, and who is to say that any “good” plantation business mind in one of the SOUTHERN STATES wouldn’t have seized the opportunity to wear out some FREE Irish white labour on some especially tough, unhealthy projects, just to protect his African slave investment? Hunter’s paragraph did seem to mean just that.

  35. “Truth be told Mosin, you’re closer to us Southrons than you ever will be to any Massachusetts yankee.”

    I never liked New England, Apuleius. I’ve been through southern and midwestern states on numerous trips, and like the people and culture there, but all I’ve ever seen of New England, directly, was the western edge of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont, along the way, on a trip to Montreal. I’ve been in Philadelphia only a few times, once to see the Zoo, and I’ve seen Manhattan only ONCE, from a distance, while crossing Staten Island to go to Kennedy Airport. I know New Jersey offered good farming opportunities VERY LONG AGO, but now it is an urban-cultural nightmare I would not enter.

    The farmland, people and culture of the southern Delmarva peninsula attracted me for years, but my main interest as an adolescent was moving to some LEAST- populated, rural location in southern Appalachia — in southern West Virginia or eastern Kentucky. But finally, coming to adulthood, if one is truly rooted in the land in a rural community, you realise the TRUE earthly promised land is where you are born, with your family and ancestors, and you cannot MOVE to a paradise, but must “make it paradise” where you already are.

  36. The difference between the South and the Northeast is the presence of slave labor in the South.

    As I said above, a slave was an expensive capital investment for a planter, one that didn’t turn a profit for about 27 years on average. The planters had a financial incentive to take good care of their slaves who had access to the antebellum equivalent of healthcare and social security on the plantations.

    In both the North and the South, the “free labor” system glorified by Yankees also existed, but since employers didn’t own their employees, it was their own responsibility to feed themselves, to be cared for in old age, to provide housing for themselves, to take care of themselves when sick, their “retirement,” etc.

    So what happened if a “free laborer” got sick? When a slave got sick and died, a planter risked losing his entire capital investment in that slave, so illness among the slaves was taken very seriously, whereas the “free laborer” was easily replaced with another “free laborer” off the boat from a place like Ireland.

    A planter could coerce the slave to work by whipping, but the average slave was only whipped around once a year. The “free laborer” was coerced to work for his employer by destitution, starvation, illness, lack of options, etc.

    As a result of this, the American slave had one of the highest life expectancies in the world at the time.

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