2013 CofCC Conference Takeaways


Here are my takeaways from the 2013 CofCC Conference:

1.) Jews – I saw no evidence that the CofCC has been hijacked by Jews.

Jews were discussed by the speakers on at least four or five different occasions. I’ve only been to one other CofCC conference, but there seemed to be more discussion of Jews at the 2013 national conference, not less.

Of all the problems that plague the White Nationalist movement, a lack of discussion about Jews is not one of them.

2.) Jewish Sabotage – In light of what happened to mainstream conservatism, White Nationalists have legitimate fears of Jewish sabotage.

I can’t really think of any White Nationalist groups – the National Alliance being an obvious example – that have succumbed to this problem though. The closest thing that comes to mind would be the time Ian Jobling and friends attempted to purge Amren of anti-Semites, but Jobling ended up resigning and taking his supporters with him, and ultimately repudiating racialism altogether.

3.) Apathy and Resignation – The real problem facing White Nationalism is the apathy and resignation of its own supporters.

The people who share our racial and cultural views are not organized in the real world. Without an organized resistance in the real world, White Nationalists will always be powerless and will remain bystanders in their own racial dispossesion.

At the 2012 League of the South conference, someone made the remark that a chief without Indians can’t accomplish jack. A gentleman from North Carolina made the same point at the 2013 CofCC conference and that remains true across the entire Far Right.

Golden Dawn’s supporters are on the streets. They are not electrons flying around the internet. I left with the impression that someone like Matt Heimbach or Kyle Rogers could accomplish a lot more with our help.

What’s the old saying? It is easy to snap one twig or to hammer down one deviant nail, but it is much harder to snap a bunch of organized twigs. Well, there is no getting around the fact that nothing is ever going to change until there is an organized resistance on the streets in the real world.

While Jewish subversion is a legitimate concern, the far greater problem is that so few White Nationalists are willing to show up or do much of anything other than vent on the internet.

4.) Action vs. Words – Ideas matter.

The case of Matt Heimbach shows that ideas followed up by action is even more effective. Too often we are content to inform people while neglecting the moral qualities that inspire White people to stand up for themselves.

Amren has been educating the public about racial differences for twenty years. If it wasn’t for men like Jared Taylor, we wouldn’t be reaching men like Matt Heimbach, but education alone isn’t sufficient to reverse our decline.

As Taylor himself pointed out, it is harder for someone like James Watson, Jason Richwine, or John Derbyshire to break racial etiquette than it was twenty years ago. It is harder because White people have become less willing to stand up for themselves in the real world in the twenty years that have passed since Amren was founded or in the decade that has passed since William Pierce died.

For every Matt Heimbach that stands up, there must be a thousand people who are educated, who know the depth of the crisis we are facing, but who do nothing in the real world about it. If those people would simply act on their own beliefs like Heimbach, we would have a Golden Dawn in this country.

5.) White Power – The Council’s own history shows that organized White Power is sufficient to squash Jewish power. In the 1950s and 1960s, Jews were intimidated in the South into joining the Council, but internal sabotage by Jews isn’t why the segregationists were ultimately defeated.

The Council, the Klan, the Wallace campaigns and other types of organized White resistance, mainstream or vanguard, failed due to insufficient support outside of the Deep South. It wasn’t enough to control Selma or Mississippi when a federal judge could issue a desegregation order and smash electoral majorities.

It was possible to win by working within the system … up to the point where cultural demography was decisive.

6.) Hardcore Nucleus – My friend Jim Giles used to say that he wanted to assemble a hardcore nucleus.

I can see the “hardcore nucleus” taking shape within the Council and the League and playing a greater role within these organizations over time. It doesn’t matter who is the leader. What matters is gathering in the real world on a regular basis, growing the size of the nucleus, and engaging in action that strengthens the organized resistance.

As I said above, a Caesar can’t do anything without legions. Until there are legions, there isn’t going to be any march on Washington. Instead, there will just be more navel gazing essays and annual fundraisers.

7.) Courage In Numbers – How do we get White people to be more courageous?

If you look at Greece, you can see what White people will do in the real world when there are other White people around backing them up. The same principle is on display outside of the political sphere. Men are bolder and more aggressive in larger numbers.

That’s why the antifa believe in invading the spaces of White Nationalists. They want to snuff out the flame before the stick of dynamite can explode.

8.) Homogeneity – Ten years of observation and experience and the death of three White Republics (America until 1861, the Confederacy, and the Jim Crow South) at the hands of the same people has convinced me that we can’t hope for any effective action on the basis of an abstract concept of whiteness.

White people are very heterogeneous and individualistic and are easily derailed from working together to accomplish any common purpose. In order to save White people, we will have to build stronger organizations like the Europeans around ethnic, cultural, and religious affinities so that we don’t get sidetracked by other issues.

In the South, we can use our relative ethnic, cultural, and religious homogeneity to build our hardcore nucleus, and to push outside into the public sphere.

9.) Coherent Vision – Heimbach identified the lack of a coherent vision as one of the key problems facing the movement.

What’s the goal? Is the goal to “Take Back America” through voting Republican for Northern conservatism? Is the goal to create a White ethnostate? If so, where? How? This is all incredibly vague. His own suggestion was to emulate Franco’s triumph over the Spanish communists and anarchists.

The closest American parallel would be the White Line in Mississippi and the Red Shirts and the White Man’s Revolution of 1876 in South Carolina.

10.) Anonymity – White people will be hammered into a unit by showing up in real life and putting their ass on the line with other White people to advance a common purpose, not by filling up MySQL databases in search of “the philosophy.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The people who share our racial and cultural views are not organized in the real world. Without an organized resistance in the real world, White Nationalists will always be powerless, and will remain bystanders to their own racial dispossession.”

    The point. Well said, Hunter.

    Deo Vindice

  2. I’ve noticed Hunter tends to pretend to turn away from White Nationalism, he pretends to move to other ideologies (such as Southern Nationalism) but then he always returns and just uses it to market himself. I for one never took the “I’m leaving white nationalism, I’m a southern nationalist” thing seriously. I knew it was some sort of way of making a name for himself, then he’d return to the same movement.

  3. There really is no need for the White Nationalist moniker. Scratch that out and replace it in every instance with “normal white people,” and you have a more comprehensive general statement.

  4. “I knew it was some sort of way of making a name for himself, then he’d return to the same movement.”

    Or maybe unlike you, instead of sitting around bitching about somebody else, he is actually trying to accomplish something, which is difficult enough even without the constant backbiting.

    Pull your head out of your ass. It improves the view enormously.

    Deo Vindice

  5. For example:

    “The people who share our racial and cultural views are not organized in the real world. Without an organized resistance in the real world, regular white people will always be powerless and will remain bystanders rather than actors in their own racial dispossesion.”

  6. “Or maybe unlike you, instead of sitting around bitching about somebody else, he is actually trying to accomplish something,”
    As if the white nationalist movement isn’t based on bitching about Blacks and Jews.

  7. Pretty hard to argue with that.

    Palmetto Patriot is always saying that we need a simple message and that we need to focus more on ourselves than resentment of other races. That’s another takeaway from the conference.

    The simple message is disunion by any means possible. See Catalonia.

  8. One of the problems with WNism is there is no agreed upon frame, principles, definitions or common understanding of what WNism is. Everyone seems to have a slightly different understanding of it. Personally, when thinking about conflict with other groups, the only groups I care about opposing and view as the core enemies are other whites and Jews. They’re the ones standing in the way.

  9. Hunter, what are your thoughts on what size the nucleus should be and what ought to be its primary activity?

    Is it a vanguard whose primary activities is producing media and organising? Is it leading street action?

  10. WN is still an “ism” which is political theology, which is wordism. Yes it is better wordism than “anti-racism”, but its still wordism.

    Blood, Soil and Tradition with ideology and theology kept on a short leash.

  11. Great video! You guys all look and sound happy and like ya had a good time….all good for others to see.

    **Hunter, genuine congratulations on your getting healthy. It’s fantastic to see you now compared to where you were at a while back. It also has the added bonus of driving your detractors crazy, haha……Bravo!

  12. Re: Hardcore Nucleus
    Are we looking at fifty or more activists spread out across the South with four or more in each state serving as agitators to keep Southern nationalism active and hopefully in the news? Agitators to serve as rallying points?

  13. Oh! Excellent! You are taking my approach, after all. Regardng being pro-positive White, like the Golden Dawn and Jobbik. Excellent!

  14. Well said.

    I would add – go local. Get to know most of the White people in your local area and have them get to know you, respect you. Don’t waste your time trying to elect some guy named “Vergil” President of the United States, don’t worry so much about Constitutions from the 18th century , our enemies don’t much care about laws written by long dead White men.

  15. Southern Europeans have middle eastern ancestry that’s more recent than the neolithic.

    They are as middle eastern as Jews, especially considering that some of what was thought to be middle eastern DNA in Jews is actually Caucasus DNA.

  16. http://www.forumbiodiversity.com/showthread.php/36050-Can-Dienekes-Pontikos-still-be-regarded-as-a-useful-source-of-info
    read Polako and kurdish lord.

    (BTW I like Dinekes but in this case I’m not taking his side.)


    It was funny to watch Ted Sallis, Kevin Macdonald, even Hunter Wallace (around 2009) try to make me out to not know what I was talking about. I just knew it was a matter of time until the evidence would clearly back everything I’ve ever said.

  17. 1.) If we have grown the size of our “hardcore nucleus” by next year, then we are doing our jobs.

    2.) Ideally, we would have a small group of people in each Southern state, which would be a foundation to build on, and they would meet up on a regular basis.

    3.) I think we are going to have to figure out a way to draw attention to ourselves. It is too easy to isolate and ignore us and bottle us up on the internet. We are going to have to break out of this cycle.

    4.) The major problem we have now is our inability to channel all the people who have been educated for the last twenty years into effective action in the real world.

  18. A “vanguard” in the classical sense of the term is fine. That’s not what it means in American WN though. I don’t think any of us are like “the vanguard” in the sense of being, say, an “avant garde” which is deeply antagonistic to our own people.

    Instead, people like Scott Terry, Matt Heimbach, Palmetto Patriot, myself and others strongly identify with our own people, and our views are strongly shaped by our own cultural inheritance, and we are conservative in the sense that we admire and want to preserve that legacy.

    We are fairly normal people who have been radicalized. It is much easier for us to talk to our own people.

  19. Hunter writes:

    “Instead, people like Scott Terry, Matt Heimbach, Palmetto Patriot, myself and others strongly identify with our own people, and our views are strongly shaped by our own cultural inheritance, and we are conservative in the sense that we admire and want to preserve that legacy.”

    JR replies:

    Well said. I like to use this phrase.

    “Kindness means being kind to your own kind”

  20. Very impressive. I see progress.

    As we’ve been saying for years, we need to move from the online world to the real world. Real world organizing, networking, action.

    I’m not a Southerner, but I wish you well.

  21. “I would add – go local. Get to know most of the White people in your local area and have them get to know you, respect you. Don’t waste your time trying to elect some guy named “Vergil” President of the United States, don’t worry so much about Constitutions from the 18th century , our enemies don’t much care about laws written by long dead White men.”

    Don’t be such a punk. I’d rather have a president named Virgil (white European name) than a mayor named Rahm (not a white European name) who is ready to run off to defend his fellow Israeli citizens at the drop of a hat.

    Why are you so ineffective at cleaning up your own backyard up there in Chicago? Maybe because your idea of “local” action is to sabotage white Southerners at every turn. The federal kleptocracy shares your disdain for the constitution. “Long dead white men” is liberal boilerplate. Maybe you just like the BRA status quo.

    Whose side you’re actually on remains to be seen. Mocking decent white men who support pro-white policies like Virgil Goode gives us a very clear indication of which way you’ll likely turn.

    Deo Vindice

  22. “Kindness means being kind to your own kind”

    Sounds like typical hypocritical yankee bullshit to me.
    You don’t even talk the talk, much less walk the walk.

    The Jews have a word for someone like you. Putz.
    I doubt if they find you threatening at all. Just another useful idiot.

    Now run along and go play dress up in your tired Nazi regalia so you can convince yourself you are taking “local” action. Hurry up, mommy will be home soon and you know she doesn’t like it when you wear your uniform around the house. It scares the neighbors.

    Deo Vindice

  23. Southern Europeans have middle eastern ancestry that’s more recent than the neolithic.

    They are as middle eastern as Jews, especially considering that some of what was thought to be middle eastern DNA in Jews is actually Caucasus DNA.

    I’ve been saying that since 2k. It’s obvious by phenotype. The DNA supports what we can see with our own eyes.

    The genetic landscape of Southern Europe, especially Southeastern Europe is diverse and not wholly European genetically. For instance Southern Italians are on par with Ashkenazi Jews genetically.

    Dienekes was a douchebag from the beginning, way back even before his blog. He was a virulent anti-Nordicist and to a lesser degree anti-White because he has a huge inferiority complex and bitterness towards more genetically pure Europeans. He has said before he doesn’t care what happens to American Whites, even though he lives here. He’s extremely biased and a traitor to the country he lives in. I have no use for people like that I don’t care what their IQ is.

  24. Looks like the Nordics here are itching to declare war on all other non-Nordic white people again. Because we’re all crypto Jews, don’t you know?

    Nordic/Jew: opposite sides of the same coin. Both obsessed with white genocide.

    Deo Vindice

  25. Dionekes is fine. I’m not against Nordicists but I don’t think you can blame Southern Euros for getting annoyed about it and if he wants to prove Nordicists are wrong that gives him the drive to put out a lot of interesting stuff – plus i think he’s half-right.

    “Southern Europeans have middle eastern ancestry that’s more recent than the neolithic.”

    Duh. Southern Europe was largely over-run by the Jewish-Arab and/or Jewish-Turkish alliance so that’s not surprising.

    “They are as middle eastern as Jews”

    Nah. Jews are middle-eastern at the core with lots of different admixture from all over the med and elsewhere as befits a travelling mercantile group. It’s a unique signature. Southern Euros are Southern Euros with a bit of whoever it was conquered their particular terriotory so a bit of Moorish in Spain, bit of Arab in Italy etc.

  26. Hunter, who’s gun was that on the nightstand? Were there some sort of threats made before the conference?

  27. 313Chris, that is probably Matt Heimbach’s firearm. He open carried during part of the conference.

  28. Aluleius writes:

    “Virgil Goode gives us a very clear indication of which way you’ll likely turn.”

    Jack replies:

    Oh dear. How can I put this in a nice way..

    It’s not that Virgil Goode and those like him might not be nice, solid, good White men in heir own small way, it’s just that they have been enabled to do thinks that they are not going to win or be competitive in. Take the results of the last Presidential election, I know Vergil Goode and his supporters worked very hard, but just look at the results:

    Vergil won less that 1% of the popular vote. That’s….

    Zero percent.

    Not a good showing. It doesn’t mean Vergil Goode and his supporters aren’t nice, good people, it’s just that they entered some contest that they were not well suited to win, or even be competitive.

    Here are some other contests/things that Vergil Goode shouldn’t do:

    1: Enter the Kentucky Derby Horse race.

    Vergil is a rather old, man. All the winners of the Kentucky Derby horse race have been 3 year old therough bred horses. Don’t you think it’s going to look bad if some old guy named “Vergil” is out there running and having a heart attack racing 3 year old race horses?

    2. Enter the NBA slam dunk competition

    Come on! Some young White guys really can jump, but Vergil?

    3. Become a gay porn star

    … (Best not to give the details here)

    Folks we all have to do better and we have to stop enabling sincere White men to do losing counter productive endeavors that make our people look foolish.

    We have to stop losing.

    Isn’t being competitive and yes WINNING better than always losing.

    Why should our people endorse the losing ways of, yes….

    A Chicago Cubs fan?!

  29. NumbersUSA is being positive and so am I:

    “We have a ton of work ahead of us, but you have done an amazing job thus far with your phone calls and faxes and personal appearances.

    The Senate a couple of minutes ago passed the Motion to Proceed to bring S. 744 to the floor for debate.

    Two hours ago, 82 Senators voted YES to stop a filibuster. That vote allowed the Motion to Proceed.

    But don’t be alarmed by that number, even though it is far above the 60 votes needed on the all-important final filibuster vote later this month.

    A number of the Senators who voted to proceed have announced over the last few days that they will eventually vote against the bill unless it is significantly changed on the floor. And the changes they are demanding are being called unacceptable on the floor right now by Chief Amnestymeister Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

    We have no doubt that your tens of thousands of calls the last two days planted very powerful seeds among many of the YES voters today that makes them realize that they are going to have a very hard time voting YES at the end when the question is not debate but passage.

    The 15 Senators who today said that this bill is so hopelessly out of touch with the needs of America that it shouldn’t even be debated included four Senators who a couple of weeks ago were being touted in the media as prime swing voters who would push the final vote over 60:

    Kirk of Illinois

    Crapo of Idaho

    Risch of Idaho

    Barrasso of Wyoming

    Congratulations to all of you from those three states who have done such a remarkable job of helping those Senators understand both where the voters are in your state and also the moral and practical imperative of stopping this bill.

    Back in 2007, we also lost big on this procedural first vote to bring that amnesty bill to the floor. But we built on the solid opposition of a strong bloc of Senators to kill the amnesty on the final vote later.”

  30. If it makes you happy, keep beating the dead horse of BRA politics, Jack.

    “Back in 2007, we also lost big on this procedural first vote to bring that amnesty bill to the floor. But we built on the solid opposition of a strong bloc of Senators to kill the amnesty on the final vote later.”

    Now here we are again in 2013. The political equivalent of Groundhog Day.

    Deo Vindice

  31. “Vergil is a rather old, man.”

    Almost as old as the “very old, squeaky-voiced” Ron Paul?

    Do you belong to a cult of youth, Jack?

  32. I echo Denise: Very good video, Hunter, thanks for sharing it.

    @ Jack: Thanks for your political efforts and updates. I am also as active in the real world as I can afford to be. No one is excused to do nothing but sit and blog.

  33. Joseph Campbell, Jr. says:
    June 12, 2013 at 12:41 am

    ‘Hunter Wallace looks like he doesn’t get enough sunlight.’

    Perhaps he does not want alligator skin at age 40. Most White people would do well to limit exposure to the sun. Skin cancer is a hell of a price to pay for the bronzed look.

  34. Nothing succeeds like excess in secesh.

    Looking at the above youtube video I am struck at how well the young up-and-comers seem to play well with each other far better than those of us old bulls who simply cannot work or play well with each other unless our followership has little or no overlap. However, give it another few years and series of betrayals and back-bitings and we shall see how well and if that lasts.

    When one goes to a convention, one pretty much always gets a euphoric head rush/high from being around your own kind, even when, like in July 2001 when I went to the Reform Party National Convention in Nashville, you expect to get ambushed — and do — and in turn get to lay ambushes for your political enemies in the bowel Movement. Since both the predators and the prey are supposedly one of you, you feel elated to be amongst those who at least profess to be much like you, unlike the unrelenting hostility of living amongst the typpycull ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clowns.


    And Hunter, you do look slim and trim and not like “Grinnie the Pooh” as the gut-sick guido kikenweasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS said, accurately and uncharitably, a few years ago. In fact, you looked like “The Governor” in Season Three of The Walking Dead, albeit without the eye-patch from an unfortunate encounter with a niggress. And yes, everyone else noticed. Perhaps Carolyn “Yenta” Yeager and Cora McGuire will drop by to borrow a tablespoon of spunk from you sometime soon.

    But let’s understand reality: Convention time isn’t the same as Real-Life Time amongst the ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clown herd animals. While indeed a bit of leaven might leaven a loaf of bread, it does nothing for a big vat of shit, which is AmurriKwa. The future of ZOG lies not in restoring ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final back to Evil Empire Lite, but in preparing for Civil War II. There is no restoring ZOG, but there is a certain inevitability in working with the flow of History decaying every mighty Evil Empire. Those who seek to build “unity” will fail, while those who aid and abet “Balkanization” will succeed — in secession. Nothing succeeds like excess in secesh.

    I think that you and your friends have an advantage with “Southern Nationalism” as a variant of “White Nationalism.” There isn’t a single normal white Alabaman, Carolinian, or Mississippian who isn’t positively aching for a rematch of Civil War I. I’m reminded of a Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon in which the Southron insists on calling the late unpleasantness the “War Between the States” up until the narrator notes that the South seems to be winning. In which case the “Colonel” says, “In that case, you may call it the Civil War.”

    I think that the organizers should have made the Conference live web streaming and made a DVD available for subscribers. Altogether the first consideration of the meetings isn’t in propaganda like making a movie of a political meeting like the Nazis did in Triumph of the Will. Gordon Baum is no Adolf Hitler and James Edwards no Leni Riefenstahl. I am struck by how the six of you figured out how to do a youtube video without an excellent camera, with it fading in and out between darkness and light, focused and not focused. You all made something on the fly and got it out on apparently the first take. Well done. Why couldn’t the old farts who set up the conference do as much? When I went down to the Reform Party National Convention in Nashville in July 2001 with an old VCR video camera I bought ten videotapes at a store for two dollars each in order to keep the moment recorded even though C-SPAN was there as well. Why couldn’t the old feebs running the conference do as much as well?

    Secondly, the price of admission seems to be you having a blog, Hunter. Your weakness is in starting things and not finishing them, in making retirements and then re-appearing when you need another fix of Movement politics. As Harold Covington noted, hffing fumes from our bowel Movement are far more addictive than crack cocaine or meth.

    Your flagship is your Occidental Dissent blog. However, you have a v-bulletin 3.7.2 forum that you keep on bringing up and taking down. Recently this VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF knockoff sprung up and even though they bought a v-bulletin v4.2.x license, like phorafags/feebs and VNNF and my own forum, they all default to using v3.8.7, the last version of v-bulletin 3.8.x. Even $permFart uses v.3.8.7. What is used for video is nothing other than BB code for jewtube, and in the case of the new WhiggerNations.com is some podblanc BB code provided by Corn Cobb. What, if anything prevents you from using BB code to bring up jewtube video, vimeo video, and other worked-out BB code compatible with your v-bulletin v. 3.7.2? Nothing really. You make a piss-pore Farmer of Revolution in that you sow some seeds, but neglect the sproutings. If you cannot farm your forum efficiently, then make Kane or myself Admin for a week and we’ll get the database saved and the permissions updated and the video BB code up and then shut down the new registrations. Meanwhile, you get into the cpanel and make an entire backup of everything every few weeks.

    Your adversaries are ZOGlings and ZOGbots. Not other secessionists be they Harold Covington or New England secessionists, as everyone wants to escape the prison house of Nationalities. So the goal of any successful Revolutionary isn’t to create any movement or worry too much about what replaces the Mighty Evil Empire. Rather, you work on “destructive criticism” to where the Evil Empire cannot do anything right, how it needs to be destroyed and the White People free to do as they please. You are out to preach destruction, not restoration, secession and not unity.

    You had a good conference, Hunter. And you had fun and a good time. And that is good. But I’m suggesting that the Zombie ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clown Apocrapolypse means that the politically adept follow The Governor’s facade of democracy while pursuing a hard line more than Rick Grimes’ half-assed dithering half-growed possum-in-the-middle-of-the-road Ricktatorsheep that still lets things get out of control.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri


  35. You know I am so looking forward to Bonaccorsi’s take on this video! I shit you not, at 5:26 the second one from the left actually names “SCAHHNSE” (that’s SCIENCE in non-retarted English) as one of the chief problems, along with gnawcism(?) and atheism apparently, sweeping the rest of the nation.

    SCAHHNSE! Thayt shit ayn’t een the BahBuhl! Thayt’s thuh DAYVUHLS werk! Fuckin Yankees!

  36. The 2012 League of the South conference was recorded.

    Kyle also recorded a lot of video at the 2013 CofCC Conference, but he is having technical problems uploading it with Jewtube and AT&T.

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