Snowden Interview

Hong Kong

Eric Snowden left behind a sweet $200K career to expose the NSA and its Israeli contractors who are spying on Americans. This is his girlfriend.

Note: Grahamnesty hates Snowden:

“I view Mr. Snowden’s actions not as one of patriotism but potentially a felony,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Monday in a post on his Twitter account. “I hope we follow Mr. Snowden to the ends of the Earth to bring him to justice.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A very brave young American – wise beyond his years, determined and honourable. All that is good about America is in the voice explaining his actions to his fellow Americans while knowing the actions that the CIA will take against him. He faces these squarely and does not back down.

    Unless Americans hear this well and discover this mettle – they have no future against the Orwellian tyranny that is shaping up, the surveillance state that Snowden himself disclosed.

    “The greatest fear that I have regarding the outcome for America (of these disclosures) is that nothing will change.. People will see in the media al these disclosures; they will know the lengths the government is going to grant themselves powers unilaterally to create greater control over American and global society, but they won’t be willing to take the risks necessary to stand up and fight to change things – to force their representatives to take a stand in their interests.”

    Another Braveheart – Yuri Bezmenov said virtually the same thing.

  2. A two-tiered system of justice ensures that the country’s political and financial class is virtually immune from prosecution, licensed to act without restraint, while the politically powerless are imprisoned with greater ease and in greater numbers than in any other country in the world.

    Glenn Greenwald lays bare the mechanisms that have come to shield the elite from accountability. He shows how the media, both political parties, and the courts have abetted a process that has produced torture, war crimes, domestic spying, and financial fraud.

  3. Even before Russia had made it known that they would entertain the idea of political asylum for Snowden, I had thought that if I were in his shoes, that is the country that I would apply to for political asylum. That nation is not overly friendly with the US, and can resist any attempts to pressure them into capitulation regarding the extradition of Snowden. He should look to the Russians for sanctuary IMO.

  4. I think Boehner and Grahamnesty are the Traitors.

    No, I am sure of it, with the vote on SB 744 today.

    Gee, I wonder how fag Graham will vote.
    May God damn him for being a sodomite, and a traitor to his Folk and Land.

  5. PalmettoPatriot,
    I’m not sure about your comment at all. It could be construed as +5 respect for Snowden, with +4 respect for the others. I’ll be more clear. Snowden is an American hero and Patriot of the first order. The others are Traitorous scum. My opinion, of course (for the benefit of government listeners).

  6. Let me backtrack…I missed the word “infinitely”. But you still imply you have some respect for the others. I have none!

  7. Every one of these federal government kleptocrats and parasites from the “intelligence community” who shriek “traitor” are the real traitors, betraying their people while fattening themselves at the public trough.

    They flood the country with their mooslim patsies to launch repeated terrorist attacks upon the people. They strip citizens of all constitutional rights and impose a police state. Then the bastards have the temerity to claim that they are “protecting” the people.

    May they reap what they sow. And right soon. They are all lower than whale shit.

    Deo Vindice

  8. “I love Greenwald.”

    Who knew
    that Lew
    could love a Jew?

    Sorry Lew, I couldn’t resist.

    Deo Vindice

  9. John, quit spamming these threads with your off-topic news-links about the UK. No one gives a shit about your pitiful country.

  10. Apuleius says:
    June 11, 2013 at 7:08 pm

    “I love Greenwald.”
    ‘Who knew
    that Lew
    could love a Jew?
    Sorry Lew, I couldn’t resist.’

    Greenwald may be ok on a few issues, but he is a militant homosexual weirdo, shares an apartment in Brazil with a male lover and is a proponent of queer marriage.

    He also contrituted to Russ ( little weasel) Feingold’s Senate campaign.


    Typical sleazy New York yid.

  11. Quite on topic. The legal establishment have virtually created a gold mine for themselves.

    I’ll also note that there have been a large volume of stories in the blog that directly relate to the UK. What happens in London almost always shows up in the US 2-3 years later.

  12. “No one gives a shit about your pitiful country.”

    Maybe snapping turtles don’t care, but many of us do care about what happens there.
    It bears directly on what is happening here. The same people are behind it.

    Besides, England is the mother country. The English are our kinsmen.

    Deo Vindice

  13. His girlfriend is definitely NOT hard to look at!

    I like a woman with toned legs. Ballerinas, female gymnasts and dancers, oh yeah.

  14. profiling, of course, would be cheaper and vastly more effective. For instance there are only 200 Chechen’s abroad in the US. Howmant Somalis? Syrians? Saudis? Not many. There’s the pool of terrorists.

    Also the Jihad has moved from Mosque to gymnasium. The Tsarnaev guy was “radicalized” at the boxing club. His Chechen compadre was an MMA fighter who went to the same club. The six EDL bombers went to a “Halal” gym… I shit you not. Boxing clubs are a good place to weaponize the radical. The pattern is there.

  15. “56% of ‘Cans (including Tamer of Savages) support the NSA”!

    Majority opinion is important whenever it supports goals and methods of multiracial global elitism?

  16. I love how Greenwald says that “nobody” saw this coming when the PATRIOT Act was being originally debated. What a blatant lie. Everyone who wasn’t a gung-ho Neocon or dumb Liberal saw this coming.

  17. Majority opinion is important whenever it supports goals and methods of multiracial global elitism?

    I posted a link to a poll. You look at an inkblot and see “multiracial global elitism”. You run the risk of becoming a caricature of yourself, Mosin.

  18. “I posted a link to a poll. You look at an inkblot and see multiracial global elitism.”

    Posting popular poll results that appear to support the CRIMINAL activity of the “National Security” Administration is not unrelated to earlier comments bashing Snowden as an idiot and saying more spying is needed, and MANY other multiracial elitist comments.

  19. the leaker just wanted to migrate someplace white before the horde arrives with immigration. Moscow as the ethnostate, eh?

  20. There is a simpler explanation than Brooks’ blather. Namely, Snowden couldn’t just stand idly by and be a party to evil without doing something. The man is a hero. He could have just laid back, collected his six figures, and banged his pretty girlfriend. Instead, he did the right thing.

  21. Snowdon simply realized that the US is no country for smart young white guys. It’s all true. The black, brown and yellow hive mind is not of use to us.

  22. His girlfriend is a flat-chested 7.5 and has the brain of a toddler. Did anyone read the article linked from OD that featured her scribblings?

    The response on OD to this leak is secessionist spin and incels living vicariously through Snowjob, not serious political appraisal.

  23. Snowdon simply realized that the US is no country for smart young white guys. It’s all true. The black, brown and yellow hive mind is not of use to us.

    Snowden was too smart/too white for High School. Too smart/too white for College…. Then BRA trained him from the groundup (he was a fucking security guard). This probably had something to due with how he hurt himself while failing his SF qualifications…

  24. What is there to appraise? A profoundly evil government got caught in yet another dirty deal, in this case spying on the people.

  25. No Man – you are a caricature of yourself. So knock off the name-calling. Mosin’s posts are terrific.

    ANYTHING that makes the Jews squeal is a good thing.

  26. Lew – No Man’s posts, on this thread ,come across as nothing so much as a Gubmint Troll Wanabe Infiltraitor, 101. GnomeI’msayun’?

  27. Snowden is simply the latest representation of American anomie. He’s not the problem, he’s not even the story here. The solution is peaceful secession at this point. This should be the basis of discussion, not how “evil” BRA is.

    Hi TJ, who are you?

  28. Snowden has surfaced in Hong Kong and will be putting out new information. I love this guy. Taking it to the US government. I’m glad he is not at the bottom of the South China Sea.

    People who think I made a mistake in picking HK as a location misunderstand my intentions. I am not here to hide from justice. I am here to reveal criminality. – Edward Snowden

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