Matthew Heimbach at 2013 CofCC Conference

North Carolina

Here’s Matthew Heimbach’s speech at the 2013 CofCC Conference last weekend: Reactionary to Revolutionary: The Only Path to Victory.

Note: Instead of reading ourselves “out of the mainstream,” we could alternatively support a “Lincolnian program of opportunity and uplift” which is consistent with “limited-government principles” by voting for Jeb Bush in 2016.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. WWII was about communism versus nationalism. Just look at the Spanish Civil War to know which sides were taken.

  2. Oh, and at least the Union was kind enough to not hang Southern soldiers and sailors who fought for their country. At least Jefferson, Lee, etc did not hang.

  3. So the Union is oh so bad and evil but they did exactly the right thing in WWI and WWII. Therefore, I suppose it is good after all that the Union won, otherwise Hitler, that bumbling moron who just couldn’t do any thing right ( but somehow was an existential threat to the West) would have taken over the world!

    You seem ignorant of how fond Bismarck was of the Union not just by his secular federalism but as a man, he even traveled with photos of U.S. Grant and kept other keepsakes from the Army of the Potomac in his office.

    Some people are unable to see that federated Germany like the United States just wasn’t a good idea for organizing a healthy social entity. There can only be one militaristic, culturally deficient, germanic blooded, protestant-industrial juggernaut riding roughshod on the Earth: of course Germany and Yankeeland came to blows.

  4. WW2, act 2 of ending western conflicts and of the world.Europe remained within its sphere of dominance.

  5. “Sorry, Davis I mean.”

    That would be Jefferson, not Sam, right?
    They hung Sam Davis.

    Deo Vindice

  6. Stoddard and before him Grant were pioneers in American Nordicism, which influenced NS Germany and Hitler. “White nationalism” is a degeneration of our former selves much like everything else these days.

    In Re-Forging America: The Story of Our Nationhood (1927), Stoddard wrote:

    We want above all things to preserve America. But “America,” as we have already seen, is not a mere geographical expression; it is a nation, whose foundations were laid over three hundred years ago by Anglo-Saxon Nordics, and whose nationhood is due almost exclusively to people of North European stock—not only the old colonists and their descendants but also many millions of North Europeans who have entered the country since colonial times and who have for the most part been thoroughly assimilated. Despite the recent influx of alien elements, therefore, the American people is still predominantly a blend of closely related North European strains, and the fabric of American life is fundamentally their creation.

  7. No-man

    unlike the greeks and romans.Hitler remarked America is a short lived society. 1000 years from now.there will be no monuments standing.

  8. My question to Golden Ass I’d this: since the Union was obviously an international force for good, when, precisely, did it become an evil we must separate from? Was it ok during reconstruction? Was it evil during the Civil War and turn good long enough to destroy Europe twice? Did it then turn evil again for Civil Rights??

  9. At this point it’d be perfect if Rudel (a cultured man of partial German extraction) showed up here to tell Wayne (an unlettered oaf from Flyover country with questions surrounding his ethnicity) to, STFU.

  10. Stop stealing my lines!! You’ve never so much as told one of the bitches here to go kick rocks. I’ve only stolen one line from you, “perverts in robes”. That was brilliant, I give you that.

  11. Prussiancroat says:
    ‘Jews were one percent of the German population while the drop in unemployment was over thirty percent but that one percent was a population of blood suckers and kicking then out brought prosperity to the people like when Spain kicked out your landsmen in1492. Again it’s amusing to see a group whose existence is cheating and stealing from the rest of the human race complain about theft.’

    For more than 2,ooo years the blood suckers were routinely evicted from country after country after country.

    But it is NEVER because of any wrong doing on Shmuely’s part.

    No, the cause is ALWAYS goyische anti-semitism

  12. Wo-Man: the Chamberpot of Commerce called. They are missing their turd. Take your multimedia little bros with you.

  13. I mean Multi-cultured little bros. Perverts in robes is not mine, it is from Michael Savage, from my Kalifornia days.

  14. In regard to Hitler’s campaign of 1000 years reich:
    Journalist Q to FDR as to whether America survive a 1000 years. Where are we now?

  15. Who cares about monuments if the people are corrupted.

    The Ottoman Empire finished off the Greeks.

  16. “Wayne says:

    June 17, 2013 at 9:43 pm

    Wo-man: go make me a sandwich!”

    HAHAHA!!! I officially love you now, 4ever!

  17. 11 When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets:

    12 Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.

  18. “My question to Golden Ass I’d this: since the Union was obviously an international force for good, when, precisely, did it become an evil we must separate from? ”

    I never said that. Don’t get carried away. The glorious union is evil and as you so correctly observed, has been since 1860. None of which obscures the far, far greater evil of pervert Hitler and his band of anti-white Nazi thugs.

    Just as Sputtering Croat fails to acknowledge that his people only used animosity for “Jews and gypsies” as a cover for their genocide of white Serbs, ably assisted by their Muslim buddies. The support of the US government for this undertaking also reveals the limitations of Jewish control of Amurrican foreign policy.

    Maybe Jews aren’t as savvy as you think. Your Jewish obsession blinds you to much chicanery and other forms of deceit. I don’t think Hitler was the best judge of governmental longevity, either. Duh.

    “Who cares about monuments if the people are corrupted.”

    “The Ottoman Empire finished off the Greeks.”

    You wish, anti-white simpleton. Greeks regained their independence in 1832.

    In the process the Parthenon was partially destroyed. The Muslim Turks were using it for a munitions dump when it exploded. I’m sure you approve, since the pathetic Turd Reich never could create anything so beautiful, being enemies of Western civilization as they were.

    Deo Vindice

  19. The guy is a moron and possibly a paid shill. All true WN should stay away from this idiot.

    He just may be a very active and vocal guy with very limited intelligence and conflicting loyalties. He may just believe that a dead Jewish underemployed carpenter governs the universe and will judge him after he dies. If that is the case, we can not expect that his loyalty lies with our people.

  20. Some responses to Matthew Heimbach.

    The guy is a moron and possibly a paid shill. All true WN should stay away from this idiot. –

    He just may be a very active and vocal guy with very limited intelligence and conflicting loyalties. He may just believe that a dead Jewish underemployed carpenter governs the universe and will judge him after he dies. If that is the case, we can not expect that his loyalty lies with our people. – a poster at West’s Darkest Hour

  21. “Perverts in robes is not mine, it is from Michael Savage.”

    How darling it is when it regurgitates its Jew lexicon.
    What a bright boy! We should send it to the yeshiva.
    Make it a sandwich! Will that be pastrami or corned beef?

    Deo Vindice

  22. Don’t pay any attention to the Bowel Movement.

    They’re scared shitless of omnipotent Jews. We’re going to have a great time in Montgomery like we did last year.

  23. DestroyZionism isn’t going to do shit about Jews.

    Heimbach will confront them in real life and call them out. He’s done it before. I’ve been with him before when he has done it.

  24. If Germany’s unemployment did legitimately improve (aside from taking jobs away from Jews, sending people to war and the economics to support them, not counting women in the statistic) then you can rest assured that Hitler had nothing to do with it. It was the other politicians in the Nazi regime who most likely regarded Hitler as a babling moron but weren’t able to say it publicly.

    There were some legitimate socialists in the nazi party.


    Of course he haters Hitler, because he is not true white patriot but hypocritic oppurtinist and effeminate college politician. Modern colleges are real schools of hypocricy and machiavellian training grounds for liars and puppets for the money masters. There hasn’t come out not a single leader for our race from any of these rotten istitutions and that includes Pierce and MacDonald. Leader is not a lecturer, but man of deed and action.

  26. ” There can only be one militaristic, culturally deficient, germanic blooded, protestant-industrial juggernaut riding roughshod on the Earth: of course Germany and Yankeeland came to blows.”

    Hitler was Catholic.

  27. Crowley, was catholic in name only. His real religion, after he reached adulthood and moved to Vienna, was Nordic paganism.

  28. Golden Ass: Nobody here that I know of is scared of or obsessed with Jews. I find Hunter’s take on them to be the wisest. Moreover I have looked into the matter for myself and confirmed to my own satisfaction that Jews did not invent communism, the Enlightenment, French Revolution, etc. On the contrary, for every Jew there seemed to be 10-25 Jesuits, Deists, apostate Catholics and Protestants. Now Bolshevism, that was indeed a bagel piled high with lox.

  29. If you scour the Catholics that were naively involved in the French Revolution you’ll discover the future circle of Napoleon. These were young idealistic priests that were absolutely horrified when some of the most brilliant men of the day such as Antoine Lavoisier were destroyed by madness they had mistaken for justice.

  30. My best reading on the French Revolution was Thomas Carlyle. He was a sympathizer but laid it out pretty fairly. He was also buddies with J.S. Mill, but fell out of favor over disagreements about American slavery. Essentially Carlyle said slavery was the only mechanism that would make the black amount to anything.

  31. “Golden Ass: Nobody here that I know of is scared of or obsessed with Jews.”


    Have been duly terrified by HW’s presentation of the “ghost of Christmas future” last night on the Harold thread, I have decided to dial my normally provocative and confrontational rhetoric back, so I won’t pound that any more than I already have.

    I generally find most of our circular arguments here regarding Christianity, Jews, Nazis, the WBTS, and other forms of internecine conflict to be highly counterproductive. Which doesn’t mean I don’t have a dog in the fight.

    What I do think is we all ought to accept that we will disagree on much, but we should focus on what we have in common. Which is what I guess Jack Ryan has been trying to get me to see all along.

    No man’s quotes of various WN responses to Matt Heimbach are most illustrative. His chairborne critics stick their noses in the air and poo-poo his efforts because they don’t align 100% with their perfect viewpoints. I suspect that none of these critics have ever had to dodge a bag full of urine thrown at them by an idiot leftist, which means their opinions don’t count for shit with me. I hope you feel likewise.

    Ideological consistency is a bugbear for us all. Palmetto made the very wise point on the Harold thread that we should rediscover and reclaim the virtue of tolerance amongst ourselves. I heartily agree.

    Deo Vindice

  32. OK, Apuleius, I agree. Good points all.
    Golden Ass is on my reading list. Why did you chose a Moore for a moniker?

  33. “Why did you chose a Moore for a moniker?”

    Why Apuleius? Because I love his work, which has been described as imaginative, irreverent, and amusing. All qualities for which I have a natural affinity.

    The Metamorphoses or Golden Ass is the only Latin novel that has survived in its entirety. I especially love the story of Cupid and Psyche, which I find to be a most profound mythological story regarding the nature of love and the human soul.

    A moor is a Muslim. Apuleius was a Numidian Berber, as was St. Augustine. He was not a Muslim, as that religion had not even been invented yet. Nor was he a Sub-Saharan African, otherwise known as a negro.

    I am half Sicilian, so quite naturally I do not share your disdain for Mediterranean peoples. Most people assume that Semitic peoples are confined to Arabs and Jews, but it is not so. Almost all Southern and Mediterranean Europeans have Semitic blood. Just a different kind of “white” people from what you are accustomed to.

    I am sure that you have heard of the ancient Canaanites, Philistines, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians. We are their descendants. Among other things, they invented the first phonetic alphabet, which eventually developed into the one you are using right now to express yourself.

    Economically backward, agrarian folk often at odds with modernity, Portuguese, Italians, Greeks, and Spanish are commonly referred to as PIGS by English speaking journalists enamored with their own cleverness. Not sure why journalists don’t include other close relatives, such as the Romanians, nor why they prefer this degrading title, except to assuage their smug feeling of superiority. The pending economic collapse of the PIGS is a major European political problem. You may have heard about it.

    Again, I am only half Sicilian and do not share the swarthy, olive-skinned complexion of my brother. Ignorant people often mistake him for a “Mexican,” of all things. He has also had to put up with a lot of shit over the years I have been spared from. I have no love for his tormentors.

    No doubt you have seen the “Where’s Waldo” books, so my challenge is this: Let’s see if you can spot the “Golden Ass” in a crowd. When and if you are able to identify me, understand that my “racial purity” is already fatally compromised. At least according to some.

    I’m also part “moor.”

    Deo Vindice

  34. Apuleius: Thanks for the info. Sorry about the Moor-Berber mix-up. I knew that.

    Search my comments, sir, and you will find I don’t run down any race or ethnicity or religion. I have traveled far, seen much, and value REAL and permanent diversity. I look forward to reading the book.
    Sicily is awesome, been there like 4 times. Great people. Every Italian I’ve known has been Catholic and conservative. More power to them. We can no longer afford to exclude any white people from the cause of preserving Western civilization. Those days are over.

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