Matthew Heimbach at 2013 CofCC Conference

North Carolina

Here’s Matthew Heimbach’s speech at the 2013 CofCC Conference last weekend: Reactionary to Revolutionary: The Only Path to Victory.

Note: Instead of reading ourselves “out of the mainstream,” we could alternatively support a “Lincolnian program of opportunity and uplift” which is consistent with “limited-government principles” by voting for Jeb Bush in 2016.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The funny thing is that back in 2007 I would have agreed with about 90% of what he was saying. Maybe I wouldn’t have agreed with the “white ethnostate” and the implicit reference to Jewish power, but overall I would have agreed with most of it.

    Then I realized materialism is more important than ideology (and decided to get revenge against ‘the movement’). It’s not as much that the system is rigged as it is that the system is achieving its logical outcome. Everything that is happening is exactly what should be happening. Special interest lobbying, immigration, lack of commitment among Americans to politics. This is all systemic.

    To sum it up, the guy is saying a lot of “should” and not a lot of “how.” “we need this” “we need that.”

    Who’s going to finance it? How is the money going to keep coming in? What is going to make people loyal to you instead of their source of income?

    Listening to this reminds me of the major changes I made, partially out of spite to attack ‘the movement,’ and partially out of introspection.

  2. In some cases.

    Just as there are people who will always bend their knee to any authority so long as their belly is full, there will always be people who can’t be bought off and who will lash out against the system.

    There are no material incentives to do what Heimbach is doing.

  3. Depending on how you secure income, it may not be about bowing to authority as much as productivity and working the system to your own ends. (they hold on to you for what you do for them). But this depends on what job you are doing and other factors.

    Regardless, if one wants to eject a system that doesn’t want to leave, then one needs to have a system of revolution. I don’t think it can be peaceful. Stalin supported the Russian revolution by robbing banks. You cannot fight a war without supplies and you cannot eject an authority who won’t cooperate without a war. Even so, the questions of how to make ends meet would arise again if white nationalists were ever successful. But unlike Israel, they wouldn’t get American funding.

  4. “What is going to make people loyal to you instead of their source of income?”

    Rap tune;I got my mind on my money, money on my mind.

  5. “Materialism”

    I want to call Heimbach a kid but he has a degree now. He’s a man. A good man not yet crushed by the world. If he has the time and is willing to put in some sweat equity he should look into starting WSU’s around the South, think low-budj white version of Hillel. He brings brand recognition to the table and could charge initiation fees and dues.

    If he gets slammed by boycotts and local perverts in robes he should write a book about his experiences with a good ghostwriter and capitalize on the media attention.

  6. The best chance white nationalists would have would be to start in a place that’s chaotic and then start kissing American ass as the only ally in the chaotic region.

    That would mean making it somewhere other than the Americas and it would mean causing global instability and risking death.

  7. “There are no material incentives to do what Heimbach is doing.”

    Exactly. The heroic spirit required for our people’s victory is antithetical to the materialist spirit, which will only lead to our continued defeat and enslavement.

    Which brings to mind some of Napoleon’s maxims:

    “How many things apparently impossible have nevertheless been performed by resolute men who had no alternative but death.

    The moral is to the physical as three to one.

    There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.

    In war there is but one favorable moment; the great art is to seize it!

    He that makes war without many mistakes has not made war very long.

    The most important qualification of a soldier is fortitude under fatigue and privation. Courage is only second; hardship, poverty and want are the best school for a soldier.

    In time of revolution, with perseverance and courage, a soldier should think nothing impossible.

    In war you see your own troubles; those of the enemy you cannot see. You must show confidence.”

    Spinal rediscovery is the order of the day for our people. Heimbach’s efforts have been nothing less than heroic. If you don’t know this then you know nothing about him. He has stood valiantly for our people and deserves our wholehearted support.

    I suggest we do everything possible to support this young men and the other emerging leaders (looking at you, HW) among our young men. Anything less is inexcusable.

    I’m no great fan of Oliver Cromwell, but he had this much right:
    “I had rather have a plain, russet-coated Captain, that knows what he fights for, and loves what he knows, than that which you call a Gentle-man and is nothing else.”

    Deo Vindice

  8. “The soldier will lose without the right equipment.”

    Which only shows your own lack of understanding.
    Chairborne commanders are a dime a dozen.

    Deo Vindice

  9. Anyone that views “racial preservation” as the overriding operating principle during their short time on this planet is a filthy Jew or worse, a wannabe Jew.

    It’s very convenient that throughout every age the radical fools among men find themselves living in a singular moment marked by some grand crisis that would give the appearance of justifying the abandonment of all well-grounded traditional convictions in order to struggle for a soulless survival.

    That is the Jewish story and it is inimical to humanity.

  10. Anyone that views “racial preservation” as the overriding operating principle during their short time on this planet is a filthy Jew or worse, a wannabe Jew.

    Matthew Heimbach is a young Christian patriot that cares about his people.

    He is not a racial reductionist.

    Are you mentally ill? Nothing you said makes any damn sense at all.

    Calling someone you don’t like a Jew just because you don’t agree with them is mindless name-calling and trolling.

    If you don’t care about race then you’re in the wrong movement and visiting the wrong websites.

    Heimbach said at the beginning of his speech that we must create a White ethnostate.

  11. No-man,

    Having an ethno-racial group identity is better than not having one.

    A society whose organizing principles include recognition of the value of an ethno-racial group identity is better than a society is better than a society whose organizing principles exclude such recognition.

  12. Heimbach seems to think we can achieve this peacefully. Yeah, that’s a nice pipe dream.

    Secession caused a war, as well as the German racial ethnostate. We lost both times, and that more than anything has defined our current situation.

    Minus the system failing or some kind of worldwide cataclysmic event, I don’t see much hope on the horizon, unfortunately.

    He seems to want to partition the US instead of conquering it and removing all non-Whites, because that’s not feasible and it’s too violent. Well how the hell does he think even partitioning and removing non-Whites that live in the area he wants is going to happen?

    We face violent opposition even at the local level, Heimbach knows this himself. Even having a civil discussion with these people is difficult, how many times are these types of conferences cancelled because the location was threatened and bullied into refusing the event.

    Orania is not an example of a successful White ethnostate. First of all it’s not accurate that they’re 100% White, they have a small non-White population. Secondly, they have never stated they want an all-White population, just a majority. Furthermore they are an extremely small population, no bigger than any common White enclave we have in America.

  13. Even having a civil discussion with these people is difficult,

    That cuts both ways, champ. WNs are not known for their willingness to engage in discussion with racial outsiders.

  14. Agreed, Silver.

    Racial reductionists are the strange people that do things like conflate Dixie with Nazi Germany.

    Secession caused a war, as well as the German racial ethnostate. We lost both times” – Mark

    I hate Hitler” – Matt Heimbach

  15. Mark’s not really conflating the Confederacy with Hitler’s Germany. He is noting that in both cases white (really, Germanic) racial interests were harmed by the outcome of the conflict. With the benefit of hindsight, it’s hard not to agree. It’s also hard not to agree that viewing life through a racial lens would help avoid such racial disasters.

    However, it’s crucial to accept that viewing life through a racial lens often leads to extreme degrees of racial reductionism which, ironically, serves mostly to alienate the very people that racialists want so much to reach. It’s a most tragic flaw.

  16. The poodle-skirt wearing white middleclass that these people pine for was the direct result of military Keynesianism followed by the post-war boom brought about by US dominance in western Europe and the “free world”.

  17. “ ‘I hate Hitler’ – Matt Heimbach”

    An important quotation. I am surprised no one brought that up earlier.

  18. OK- Comments so far.

    1) Heimbach talks a good talk.
    2) He’s just talking, and has no plans for action.
    3) Acting to effect change, is, in effect, Revolution.
    4) Revolution, in order to be successful, needs money.
    5) White America won’t support such a venture with their time, nor their money, because they are all couch potatoes, lulled to sleep by their diets, their recreation, and a lack of spiritual awareness.
    6) Spiritual awareness alone will not effect change. It must also be corporate, and corporal.
    7) We need money and men.

    OK, but what about these facts?
    2) FEDGOV is corrupt.
    3) FEDGOV has the greatest military machine to keep us subservient and enslaved.
    4) BigBiz is in the same ballpark as FEDGOV, neither of whom give a sh*t about the White Man as ‘one of us.’
    5) Jews and International Bankers are behind it all.
    6) Psychopaths in FEDGOV are in the same league as the Jews (or, as Makow calls it International Kabbalistic types)
    7) Christ said that the end would eventually come, and the Church clearly teaches that , ‘in the last days men will be scoffers, lovers of pleasure, money, etc.)

    Anyone here have a plan of attack? No, thought not.

  19. The major difference between Nazi Germany and the Confederacy is that Confederate racism was mainly directed at Blacks, whereas Nazi racism was mainly directed at other Whites (Russian, Poles, in my opinion Jews)

  20. No empire, no meaningful white ‘middleclass’ concept. This is the oak tree in WN’s eye.

    Be careful what you wish for people, i’m scared to ask what your families did to survive before the boom. Do you want to work in a factory?

  21. Also confederates didn’t want to remove Black bodies physically from the South.

    Nazis wanted to physically remove Jews and Poles from Europe. (I don’t even respond to people who pretend Hitler was pro-Slav)

  22. I enjoy living in a post-industrial society that campaigns against savages despite the attendant cultural problems. And you, the jelly-ass reading this do too, I’m just honest.

    I don’t want some largescale “Oranian” style aryan autarky. We’ve seen what “aryan” proles are capable of, they’d follow the first Iceman that showed up to lead them.

  23. “Also confederates didn’t want to remove Black bodies physically from the South.

    Nazis wanted to physically remove Jews and Poles from Europe. (I don’t even respond to people who pretend Hitler was pro-Slav).”

    Huh? HW has written at length here, of the desire of MANY Southrons for ‘repatriation’- the colony of Liberia exists to this day, as confirmation of that fact.

    Jews are not White. (at least most weren’t prior to 1950) They are Turkish at best, little more than Neanderthals at worst. (See Half-Jewish author Matt Bradleys’ “The Iceman Inheritance.”)

  24. “The major difference between Nazi Germany and the Confederacy is that Confederate racism was mainly directed at Blacks, whereas Nazi racism was mainly directed at other Whites (Russian, Poles, in my opinion Jews).”

    If you are going to use marxist jargon to describe past events I think it is more accurate to say that “Confederate racism” was directed at Yankees more so than their black-skinned economic units. What you likely mean to say is antebellum racism toward Blacks was similar to Nazi racism toward their national neighbors,, the Poles and Russians. By the way most wars in history happen between neighbors for obvious reasons. But the thing is you are using this term “racism” as though racism is a bad thing. The people who cease to be “racist”, in the sense of a healthy ethnocentrism, are on their way out of history, as the German people now are.

  25. I watched the presenting video and it left me without a clear picture of Matt Heimbach’s beliefs and goals. I had had an even vaguer impression after reading an article entitled ” Traditionalist Youth Network leaders, Matt Parrott and Matthew Heimbach, make the case for David Duke” here:

    However, in the video entitled “Should All Universities Teach Diversity” located here,, Matt Heimbach shows himself to be an extremely effective spokesman for White interests.

    For me, both Matts, who have set up The Traditionalist Youth Network remain a mixed bag. (It occurs to me that Occidental Dissent, itself, still remains a mixed bag, arising partly from my Northeastern, pro-German/pro-Hitler background.) Last week I visited the TYN website; the program is possibly too broad, too inclusive, but the mere fact that it’s basically White and action-oriented makes it worth examining; here are some notes I took (sans my underlining here and there to denote sticking points ) :

    Tradition is our Mission – The Traditionalist Youth Network exists to provide resources and support to groups of high school and college students throughout North America who are learning about the Traditionalist School of thought, helping one another apply the principles and spirit of Tradition in their lives, and organizing in defense of Tradition on their campuses and in their communities. While members are encouraged to embrace a particular Tribe and Tradition, the TYN empowers them to unite as one voice against the united voices of decadence, individualism, Marxism, and Modernity.

    We Are Not Conservatives – Members learn that the Traditionalist worldview transcends contemporary Western politics. While our defense of the traditional marriage, military service, and religious expression places us on the “right,” our opposition to capitalist materialism, corporate greed, destruction of the environment, and selfish individualism is more at home on the “left”.

    We are Diverse – One of the greater deceptions of Modernity is that multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism are synonymous with “diversity”. We not only seek to build relationships with students of diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, but to empower them with moral support, intellectual foundations, and resources to protect their heritage and identity from the culturally alienated, spiritually bankrupt future that awaits all those who embrace secularism, moral relativism, and globalism.

    We are Inclusive – We’re not a threat to students who are homosexuals, minorities, and atheists; we’re an alternative for them to consider. They have faith traditions, extended families, and communities that they belong to. While authentic Traditions do not embrace the individuals acting on those impulses, authentic Traditions do embrace the individuals as complete people. We embrace ethnic minorities on their terms, validating, celebrating, and strengthening those bonds between people who share a tribe and tradition.

    We are Organic and Sustainable – Our members are not discrete components in an economic theory or predictable actors in a determinist paradigm of historical development. We reject the “progressive” model of history which insists “progress” is unilaterally and immutably in the direction of more humans with more technology and alienation empowered with more license to act out in a more selfish manner. That’s unsustainable, unhealthy, and unnatural. Members of the TYN define “progress” by our organic Traditional metrics. Happiness, wealth, and personal expression are things we enjoy along the way on our pursuit of Transcendent ideals.

    Traditionalist Youth Network Activities

    Monthly Mystagogy – The TYN leadership will develop a “mystagogy” (reading list) which will function like a book club. Members and sponsored guests will be encouraged to meet once monthly at the direction of the chapter’s President for an unstructured discussion of relevant essays, excerpts, speeches, and local events, lively discussion and debate and a spirit of inquiry encouraged. The materials will be starting points for analysis and consideration; the only position incompatible with participation is rejection of belief in a Tradition which transcends time, place, and selfish individual interests. While clusters of members who share a specific tradition are a necessary and appropriate thing, the survival of the Network and achievement of its shared goals requires including and respecting members who do not share a given tradition.

    Weekly Activity Meetups should be opportunities for fraternization and fellowship. Presidents and their advisors should foster safe spaces to “party” without the decadence, vulgarity, and rape culture which permeate contemporary campus life. Political activism can and should be encouraged. Opportunities for stewardship and mutual support should be vigorously explored… to translate from theory into practice our courage, discipline, and rigor in defense of chastity, virtue, heritage, and dignity.
    Be careful to avoid being framed as threats to degenerate subcultures. The TYN doesn’t exist to threaten, harass, or marginalize degeneracy, but to encourage and support those who reject it. Rather than protesting “Marxism,” find situations where Marxists are threatening traditional students. Our mission should be to seek out the remnant of students who choose life and empower them with the resources and safe spaces necessary to make that choice.

    Traditionalist Youth Network Protocols
    1. TYN chapters should strive to be an umbrella network and support framework for the full spectrum of traditionalist students.
    2. Any TYN chapter confirmed to be threatening or oppressing other students will lose its national sponsorship and support. Some discretion is necessary in this matter, as Leftists would have the world believe that the mere existence of a Confederate flag is threatening to them.
    3. The TYN reserves the right to exclude chapters at its arbitrary discretion. TYN welcomes a diverse spectrum ranging from Black Nationalists, fundamentalist Evangelicals, Traditionalist Catholics, and adherents of various folk traditions. A handful of caricatures of Traditional folkways are incompatible with the spirit and goals of the TYN, including Satanism, Church of the Subgenius, Unitarianism, and just about anything “New Age”.

  26. Hitler was a reaction to the events following WWII, the corruption of the Weimar Republic, and communust Bolshevik agitation against the German people in Germany. Had those who negociated the end of WWI had used more wisdom, had the Imperial USA stayed out of it, the second one probably would not have happened.
    John Maynard Keynes wrote The Economic Consequences of the Peace that details the whole affair.
    Many people look around and say “what are you complaing about?”, and indeed, our society is the richest, most luxurious in history. If it could remain like this indefinitely I would be happy with the status quoa. However, we need to think 7 generations ahead to our greatest ability. The so-called Greatest Generation acrued for themselves and their immediate posterity cushy benefits at our expense and the expence of our childrn. We had no vote in it, no choice. They have indepted this nation fiscally and morally. The gravy train can’t continue, but my generation is left to clean up the Keynesian mess while having million upon millions of low IQ thurd world no-man’s little bros around our necks like albatrosses.
    It does give me a little pleasure at least to think the British “greatest generation” is witnessing the destruction of of their ancient culture at the hands of the diversity and multiculturalism they so readily fought for.

  27. You say that as though ‘German’ people exiting the world-stage is a bad thing.

    ‘Germans’ destroyed Roman civilization, twice. ‘Germans’ destroyed the concert of nations, twice. The “D” in “D-A-Ch” must be romanized like the rest.

    “Nation of peasants” – Max Weber.

  28. Instead of Germans I think efforts are better spent on saving Panda bears. Both are found in Asia, the German’s natural habitat is a filipino brothel.

  29. As go the Germans go Western civilization. In my opinion. Sort of like California and the United States. But the idea that Germania destroyed the Roman Empire twice is questionable. Decadence destroyed the Roman Empire. But we could go on forever about why the Roman Empire fell. At least you admit you support the genocide of Germany. This sentiment is not new and it is what the Nazis, for all their imperfections, and they had plenty, stood against.

  30. Imagine if someone runs a mile race, sprinting the first 200 all out and then hobbling the rest of the way and collapsing at the finish line.

    That’s the Hitler analogy. He completely wrecked Germany racially and in terms of foreign policy, by being too extreme.

  31. Your opinion might be thought to be invalid unless you provide an explanation. Please don’t confuse genocide with ethnic cleansing. I don’t believe in a German “race” or inborn “Germanness”, their prussian culture is balt primitivism and must be crushed.

    Basically I support the south Germans that von Bernhardi demanded die for Prussian federalism. You support roundheaded balts riding roughshod over their cultural superiors to the west, south, and east.

  32. “Actually, it was Hitler’s ‘too extreme’ identity politics that destroyed Germany.
    He set the Germans up like a sitting duck for the opposite extreme to occur.”

    Funny how the nation’s that won against Germany are collapsing at an even greater pace than Germany itself.

  33. “Basically I support the south Germans that von Bernhardi demanded die for Prussian federalism. You support roundheaded balts riding roughshod over their cultural superiors to the west, south, and east.”

    You are oozing inter-European hatred that has been our curse since the beginning of Western history.

  34. crowley says:

    You are oozing inter-European hatred that has been our curse since the beginning of Western history.

    metal gear translates

    My prejudices are better than your prejudices.

    There’s no need for mindless hatred of European nationalities or of non-Euroepans.

    True European nationalists need however to be weary of inter-European globalization, because near by nations can often assimilate foreigners. Someone from the Sudan will have trouble passing in Europe, but someone from Germany may well pass in Norway. Thus if one is a Norwegian nationalist, there is a chameleon effect that applies to a German that doesn’t apply to a Sudanese person.

  35. “You are oozing….”

    If this is going to get weird & personal I’m done. Trading knowledge for ad-homs has little appeal.

    Funny how the nation’s that won against Germany are collapsing at an even greater pace than Germany itself.

    Germany is the gearbox of Europe. This is Marshall Plan –> EU design. Keep the German [wealthy and] “down” to bankroll Europe. It’s not funny at all, it’s by design of the western allies. Your methods for determining rates of collapse among nations can be assumed invalid unless you offer an explanation.

  36. This part is “post-translation.” :

    There’s no need for mindless hatred of European nationalities or of non-Euroepans.

    True European nationalists need however to be weary of inter-European globalization, because near by nations can often assimilate foreigners. Someone from the Sudan will have trouble passing in Europe, but someone from Germany may well pass in Norway. Thus if one is a Norwegian nationalist, there is a chameleon effect that applies to a German that doesn’t apply to a Sudanese person.

  37. “Tolerating foreigners” is a neat euphemism for immigrant flooding. Psychologically Whites in America have completely collapsed. They don’t even view themselves as a collective people with their own right to be heard. Now they act as deracinated economic units. Whereas the immigrants have a psychologically, and politically, healthy sense of themselves. American Whites are demoralized.

  38. “If this is going to get weird & personal I’m done. Trading knowledge for ad-homs has little appeal.”

    Oh boy. You can desire the entire German people to leave history but if someone labels you as oozing inter-European hatred then suddenly things are weird and personal. LOL.

  39. Oh boy. You can desire the entire German people to leave history but if someone labels you as oozing inter-European hatred then suddenly things are weird and personal. LOL.

    This is just as absurd as someone claiming secessionists are “oozing inter-European” hatred because they support break-up and want “the American people” to “leave history.” I support secessionism/regionalism in BRA and the BRD, that’s consistency. Please don’t label me “anti-white” or a similar term, this is not a youtube comment section.

  40. @no-man

    Yeah yeah keep talking there jew boy, three powers defeated Germany the British Empire gone, the Soviet Union gone and the USA already has white babies in the minority and probably won’t survive the 100th anniversary of the great victory in 2045. What’s Germany doing now? oh just running the worlds biggest economic bloc on earth which they would have done anyway if the Kaiser would have won in 1917 or if Uncle Adolf would have wrapped things up in 1942. Only Germany has the brains and the will to lead the white race and protect it from no-mans fellow tribesmen that’s why he wants Germany destroyed as his “holy book” says the best of the Gentiles must be destroyed.

    All Germany would have to do to bring the Judeo-Saxon world order crashing down is to sign a military and economic alliance with Putin and then bye bye American domination of Europe and bye bye Dollar reserve currency. After 100 years of your tribesmen anti-German pro jew propaganda Germany is still the most popular nation in the world while Israel stinks up the whole planet.

  41. All Germany would have to do to bring the Judeo-Saxon world order crashing down is to sign a military and economic alliance with Putin

    There are certain international bodies in place to *ahem* keep the US in, the Russians out and the German…. where he belongs.

    At least you somewhat know the score, PrussianCroat unlike the whitebread Germanophiles. Even though you root for the baddies.

    Happy Vater’s Day

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