Matthew Heimbach at 2013 CofCC Conference

North Carolina

Here’s Matthew Heimbach’s speech at the 2013 CofCC Conference last weekend: Reactionary to Revolutionary: The Only Path to Victory.

Note: Instead of reading ourselves “out of the mainstream,” we could alternatively support a “Lincolnian program of opportunity and uplift” which is consistent with “limited-government principles” by voting for Jeb Bush in 2016.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If that’s a response to me, the kind of moral realizations I had in mind go well beyond the simplistic view that “racism is evil.” The same sorts of realizations – in a broad sense – would have taken place even if the war hadn’t been fought. At the very least movements along such lines would still have arisen. Whether they would have enjoyed the same success is somewhat doubtful.

  2. Silver,

    You might want to checkout JG Fichte’s linguistic nationalism from his political works. The Third Reich can’t really be understood without German “primordial” philosophy. The state was purely as Hitler explained repeatedly “the vessel” for the race. The purpose of the the state was to complete Fichte and Luther’s objectives to destroy cosmopolitans and re-Germanize “lost tribes”.

  3. “just one in a long, long line of WN uberkooks.”
    I’m not a WN, nor an apologist for the murderous Turd Reich like you are either.

    Most decent people would identify those who wish to gloss over the Nazi crimes against humanity such as yourself as the real kooks.

    “The Nazis didn’t need to invade anyone to support their social programs.”

    “If the Nazis hadn’t invaded the east it’s highly likely they could have repelled any Soviet attack that may have come.”

    “I believe that in time their excesses would have been moderated by the same sorts of moral realizations that occurred over the latter part of the 20th century –”

    Idiotic speculation belied by the actual deeds of Nazi Germany.
    Try as you might, there ain’t enough whitewash in the world to cover it up.

    Nazism lies on the ash heap of history, where it rightfully belongs.

    Deo Vindice

  4. There was no constitution, no deliberative body of any kind in nazi Germany. It’s incredibly optimistic to assert such a society would do anything other than make war until it could no longer do so.

  5. Hunter: The racial attitudes of Southerners didn’t change after world war 2 but in the end that didn’t matter, did it, the civil rights movement went thru anyway. You see Hunter you live in a much bigger world than just your neck of the woods a concept most Southerners have a problem with. That’s why it doesn’t matter how nice the Jewish mayor of Mobile was in the fifties when global Jewry had the South in their sites. The reason the Jews had the South on the chopping block was because the white race was weakened by the defeat of German an event you Southerners participated with gusto. The South fought against the White race in WW Two and you shouldn’t be shocked that you have suffered for it.

  6. These Nazi apologist freaks feel compelled to double down on any criticism of their precious Reich.

    “If that’s a response to me, the kind of moral realizations I had in mind go well beyond the simplistic view that “racism is evil.” The same sorts of realizations – in a broad sense – would have taken place even if the war hadn’t been fought. At the very least movements along such lines would still have arisen. Whether they would have enjoyed the same success is somewhat doubtful.”

    Silver is enamored with his own hypothetical delusions, misnaming them “moral realizations” in an attempt to rationalize immorality. Talk about navel gazing…

    These Nazi apologists defile everything they come into contact with. Their movement, or should I say lack thereof, is on the road to nowhere. Deeply envious of pro-white organizations, they seek to co-opt and undermine them wherever possible. Their presence is the kiss of death for any pro-white movement. They are and should continue to be shunned by anyone with a sense of decency.

    “The South fought against the White race in WW Two and you shouldn’t be shocked that you have suffered for it.”

    Don’t make me laugh, clown. The Serbs your people murdered were white.

    Sorry asshats, no sane person wants what you are peddling.

    Deo Vindice

  7. I have to hand it to some of the people here, playing defense for the Fatherland is definitely transgressive. We must be in the presence of many voted “Most Interesting” in their graduating classes. Your mothers were correct, you’re all unique and handsome with valuable ideas to share.

    Democracies such as ours depend on this kind of lively debate instigated by wonderfully unconventional individuals.

  8. Yuck yuck yuck you two guys should go to the Catskills you could make a lot of shekels. Germany is the center of Europe the center of Western Civilization while the South is the boondocks, now that’s not always a bad thing people can be too civilized and the boondocks keep people connected to the natural world, but you hillbillies should know your place and not get involved in things that are too complex for you to understand. Stay on your side of the ocean from now on and keep your darkies inline and leave the big issues of the age to more civilized white nations.

  9. Inductive reasoning makes bio “sense” when it comes to blood ties.

    The atomisation of the American family has propelled some decent people into “white nationalism” where an artificial community is deduced from non-quantized, physically distant abstract (sub)racial categories. Naturlich the notion of “German” is worked backward from, the American may even ‘discover’ he is ‘part’ German. This is a further level of deracination that only serves to further socially isolate him from his peer group.

    Next he starts spelling America with a ‘k’…. Eating muesli and complaining about Turks to his neighbors in Des Moines.

  10. no-ma,

    There was no constitution, no deliberative body of any kind in nazi Germany. It’s incredibly optimistic to assert such a society would do anything other than make war until it could no longer do so.

    Even if that were so (and I’m certainly not agreeing that it was), you seem to want to imply that any state that takes racial existence seriously – even if it has nothing else in common with Nazi Germany – must also desire to make war until it no longer can.

    Or do you deny this?

    If you do deny it, will you now acknowledge before one and all, in no uncertain terms, that you believe a state that takes racial existence seriously is not required to initiate conflicts with other states?

    Unlike your people, my kind was actually a target of the Nazi war machine. I spent long years loathing everything they stood for. I’m hardly some “apologist.” But an objective analysis requires us to put our passions aside. And if I do that I have to admit that the Nazis were right – or more right than the regimes we live under – about a great many things, many of them of rather painful (at least initially) to admit.

    Silver is enamored with his own hypothetical delusions, misnaming them “moral realizations” in an attempt to rationalize immorality.

    If people increasingly began to see ethnic others as potential friends rather than as natural enemies how is that not a “realization” and by what deceit can you deny the moral aspect of it?

  11. Croats doing what Croats do best.
    Slaughtering Serbs,

    This is the level of ‘insight’ Apuleius brings to a discussion. What a total dipshit.

  12. I do not seek to imply that, I deny that. My support of traditional Dixie attests in no uncertain terms to just that. I don’t even see warmaking as inherently negative, I’m no Randroid but I’m a “against the savage, support the civilized man”. If the Wehrmacht led Polish vounteers and other civilized purely volunteer Euros against the Soviets I’d be a Hitler fan. He’s received much praise for Barbarossa from me.

    France, Poland =/= Soviet Union.

    Discussion of Nazi Germany is discussion of Nazi Germany. It’s not a proxy-topic for racialism. Only Jews and WN’s think it is some kind of litmus test in that regard.

  13. No way you can justify the unjustifiable, Silver, no matter how hard you try. Your sophistry is not up to the job, so predictably you must resort to ad hominems.

    Rehabilitation of the Nazis is a project best pursued elsewhere, among like minded conspiracy theory addled revisionists. It is completely tangential to any pro-white movement today and only serves as a reminder of the damage done to whites by the Nazi phenomenon. There is nothing to be gained by such an exercise.

    Nazism, whether rightly or wrongly, is a discredited political philosophy.
    What part of discredited do you not understand? I have about as much interest in such a political philosophy as I would have in an otherwise attractive woman with halitosis.

    My main concern is securing the political autonomy of my people, and not the display of pompous “high minded” intellectual vanity that is too clever by half such as you offer. No man makes the point quite well:

    “Discussion of Nazi Germany is discussion of Nazi Germany. It’s not a proxy-topic for racialism. Only Jews and WN’s think it is some kind of litmus test in that regard.”

    Deo Vindice

  14. My main concern is securing the political autonomy of my people,

    I’m sorry, Apuleius, but no way in hell can you justify the unjustifiable, no matter how hard you try. Your sophistry is not up to the job, so predictably you must resort to ad hominems.

    Rehabilitation of the Confederacy is a project best pursued elsewhere, among like minded conspiracy theory addled revisionists. It is completely tangential to any pro-white movement today and only serves as a reminder of the damage done to whites by the slavery phenomenon. There is nothing to be gained by such an exercise.

    White supremacy, whether rightly or wrongly, is a discredited political philosophy.
    What part of discredited do you not understand? I have about as much interest in such a political philosophy as I would have in an otherwise attractive woman with halitosis.

  15. Your weak attempts to equate the Confederacy with Nazi Germany are idiotic, but I’m sure if we leave up to the likes of you, that association will be cemented for all time.

    You only show the extent of your antipathy for Southern Nationalism and let slip the mask of objectivity you pretend to wear. Southerners were never guilty of genocide, unlike Nazis and their Croat lapdogs.

    Moral equivalence is a dishonest cultural Marxist technique routinely used to undermine whites. It forms the basis of the critique against whites that fill the history textbooks our children use in public schools today. Its only purpose is to alienate our young from their own people.

    Once again, you show your true anti-white colors.
    As I have said before, go peddle your disingenuous bullshit elsewhere.

    Deo Vindice

  16. Silver,

    Traditionally racialism is never grassroots. It is always “astroturfed” from above by the noble-mannered with time to reflect on such matters because they are actually leading, not preparing for political campaigns. The man that decreed Negroes banned from France famously lost his head to a white mob.

    In democracies people get the leaders and consequently the immigrants, freedmen, border-jumpers they deserve.

  17. Queen Elizabeth I failed in her letter-writing campaign to have the mayor of London deport negro moors. She was totally ignored. Yet people today think they can affect change from below. The mob will never riot against itself.

  18. So your staunch opposition to racialism is based more on the supposition that “it’ll never work” rather than “it’s just not a good way to organize a society”?

    Correct or incorrect?

  19. Southerners were never guilty of genocide, unlike Nazis and their Croat lapdogs.

    No, you were guilty of slavery, KKK and Jim Crow.

    Look, white supremacy is a discredited political philosophy. It’s as simple as that. Your attempts to rehabilitate the Confederacy are doomed. What part of discredited do you not get?

  20. “No, you were guilty of slavery, KKK and Jim Crow.

    Look, white supremacy is a discredited political philosophy. It’s as simple as that. Your attempts to rehabilitate the Confederacy are doomed. What part of discredited do you not get?”

    The consequences of BRA will force a return to racial common sense.
    You might wish it were otherwise, but you reckon without your host.

    The malice you bear is not as well concealed as you might suppose, either.

    Deo Vindice

  21. It’s a sign of social breakdown that the men of this country having lost control of their women and proximity to their God think they should be swinging Tarquin’s cane.

    “Physician, heal thyself.”

  22. Nazism.

    -Let’s have some guy run a country that doesn’t know what he’s doing. But if he robs enough Jews and invades the east he can loot enough to pay for his own mistakes.

  23. Oh, and let’s have the Hun Henrich Himmler and Blacked Haired Adolf Hitler go on about “the Aryan race” to justify his invasion and antisemitism. That’s the difference between Hitler and Mussolini. The Black haired Hitler used his ideological non-sense to justify his programs. Mussolini just said straight out “I believe in war and authority of the state it’s my ideology.”

  24. It’s not accurate to say I’m a hypocrite, since I support socialist policies and then critique “national socialism.” Because Hitler was a capitalist who hijacked the national socialist party away from the Strasser Brothers, who would have been interested in reduced antisemitism and increased socialism.

  25. Iceman’s anti-revisionist critiques are (while not fully fleshed out here obviously due to the medium) are academically sound. The early Marxists were classicists that differed in their interpretation of ancient history from the 1st and 2nd estates, not their areas of interest. The German nationalist would never have an organization named after anything Roman, even a sophisticated antagonizer like Spartacus… They like Arminius, tree-carvings and other barbarian shit.

  26. Metal Gear

    After the Nazis kicked the kikes out of Germany the economy soared with unemployment going from 35% in 1933 to less than 3% in 1938 while this economic miracle was happening under Uncle Adolf’s administration America and especially the South was mired in poverty. As for Germans robbing Jews ha ha ha that must be the Jewish chutzpah I have heard so much about or to quote a Polish proverb the jew cries out in pain while he beats you.

  27. Jews were one percent of the German population while the drop in unemployment was over thirty percent but that one percent was a population of blood suckers and kicking then out brought prosperity to the people like when Spain kicked out your landsmen in1492. Again it’s amusing to see a group whose existence is cheating and stealing from the rest of the human race complain about theft.

  28. Starting wars is another way to artificially boost the economy. People leave the economy to fight. People join factories that provide supplies. Nurses and Doctors work on soldiers.

    Face it, Hitler was an incompetent retard.

    And face it, in 2007 there was wide spread outcry to “kane.” Now I’m being a straight shooter and hurting feelings again, but there’s no outcry but you.

  29. Hitler starts a war.

    Jack, Andrew, Ryan and Mark were all unemployed before the war.

    Jack takes a job from a Jew.
    Andrew goes to fight in poland.
    Ryan works on Andrew’s wounds.
    Thomas runs his factory.
    Mark arrests people who protest the war.

    That’s how Hitler lowered unemployment.

  30. Since when did Hitler start a war? In a parallel universe?

    I always thought he was reclaiming stolen German territory in a limited border dispute with Poland at which point the Anglo powers launched the world war that burned Europe to the ground

  31. Jews were hardly a factor in 1933 Germany . Fraction of a minority peddles carts in the street and throughout Europe. Holocaust was trumped by the allies cover their atrocity. The FDR land lease agreement with Russia and England was an act war- part deux.Europe never recovered from both wars that was fought within a generation. US. Played a crucial role in Europe theater of annihilation. Lust for global power.

  32. Whether Icehead or the Golden Jackass care to admit it or not, the Confederacy and Nazi Germany are, for all practical purposes, mor equivalents. Is it true? Of course not, but that is the power of the leftist media blitz. In time your Confederate monuments will be ripped up as “monuments to hate and segregation” or some other bullshit.

  33. So-Man has already shown his true colors regarding Germans (better off saving pandas) and Southerners who he wishes to replace with Mexicans. What else is there to know?

  34. “Whether Icehead or the Golden Jackass care to admit it or not, the Confederacy and Nazi Germany are, for all practical purposes, mor equivalents. Is it true? Of course not, but that is the power of the leftist media blitz. In time your Confederate monuments will be ripped up as “monuments to hate and segregation” or some other bullshit.”

    They already are being ripped up. Or haven’t you noticed?

    When you carelessly discard the truth and accept your enemy’s narrative, you saw off the branch on which you stand, little man.

    What’s next for you?
    Conversion to Judaism/Judeo-Christianity?
    Building wells for savages in Apefrica?
    Maybe adopting a niglet?

    Deo Vindice

  35. To be anti-German is rather stupid considering that the largest White ethnic group in America is German. Furthermore the racial and cultural foundation of North America is Germanic.

  36. Hitler’s anti-semitism had nothing to do with American racial attitudes towards Blacks.

    Hitler’s racial beliefs did have a lot to do with America’s racialist history and his views on Jews were influenced by Henry Ford’s The International Jew.

  37. The entire Cold War was not a disagreement between the superpowers about ends, only the ways and means of achieving those ends.

  38. Muslim sheik says America is Satan…lol . There’s some truth to it. corporatism-government which is one of the same involved in every aspect of your life;what to eat. Who to associate with etc. bunch of screwballs running the gov for their own interests.

  39. Golden Ass: you already accepted the enemy’s narrative for both WWI and WWII, the two defining events of the 20th century, the foundation of the current world order. Or do you believe those wars have no influence on our situation today??

  40. Iceman

    Seeing that you have problems with reading comprehension or basic historical facts I’ll repeat myself. The drop in German unemployment occurred by 1938 the war started one year after in 1939 that means the German economic miracle was a peacetime miracle and had nothing to do with any theft. Just like Spain prospered getting rid of the Jewish bloodsucker so did Germany, the Jewish tactic of repeating the same blatant lie over and over again until you wear down your opponent doesn’t work on me.

  41. Mark,

    Hitler’s racial beliefs did have a lot to do with America’s racialist history and his views on Jews were influenced by Henry Ford’s The International Jew.

    True enough. They were influenced by Lothrop Stoddard’s ideas too.

  42. The Allied victory in WWII was a victory for multiculturalism, diversity, anti-racism, democrazy, and international Marxism aka globalism. It wasn’t what our ancestors fought for, but what their leadership sure as hell did.
    The old French Resistance can be rightfully proud of France’s domination by Muslims.
    The RAF vets can smile with satisfaction at the rape and pillaging of a London they don’t even recognize.
    Finally, our “Greatest Generation” can be pleased that they fought so their descendants could be made minorities and second class citizens in their own USA.
    Well done, Allies!

  43. “Golden Ass: you already accepted the enemy’s narrative for both WWI and WWII, the two defining events of the 20th century, the foundation of the current world order. Or do you believe those wars have no influence on our situation today??”

    No, I haven’t. Just because I view Jewish influence as a mere part of Subversion and not the whole, you automatically assume I accept the enemy narrative. I am sure that tunnel vision helps reinforce your weakly held convictions. As for me, I don’t find it particularly helpful. Removing the blinders may cause you to stray from the beaten path, but maybe that’s not so bad if the path you’re on leads nowhere. You do lose the comfort of the herd that way, so it’s certainly not for the timid.

    Boo! I see a Jew…

    Deo Vindice

  44. For all you naval gazers the proof is in the pudding. Hunter points out the evils caused by the Union, and I agree. Golden Ass can wank about the results of a war that happened 150 years ago, and I agree, the Civil War was the most important war this CPU try has ever fought. But to pretend that all of the Unions puppeteering during WWII was all above board and beyond question demonstrates that the Union was not bad after all. I mean, it made the world safe for democrazy, right?

  45. So the Union is oh so bad and evil but they did exactly the right thing in WWI and WWII. Therefore, I suppose it is good after all that the Union won, otherwise Hitler, that bumbling moron who just couldn’t do any thing right ( but somehow was an existential threat to the West) would have taken over the world!

  46. Didn’t matter whether Hitler was trigger happy or not. There were been choked by the neck. Even if Hitler had remained pacifist. Result would have been the same; Germany remained just a blip on the map of Allies domination.

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