About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Thanks for posting, HW.

    About half of our audience was Tea Partiers, 912 people and folks from other Republican-oriented groups. Some were somewhat shocked by us (a few got up and left) but most liked it and we had a few join us after the speeches. Pretty successful conference. The FL LS has figured out how to expand beyond just preaching to the choir.

  2. One of the better speakers and activists we have, no doubt.

    I like how he correctly identified the problem the South has with leftist White transplants who are changing our culture and voting trends. Broward county and its large Italian community being an example.

    It’s not simply about White vs non-White. After all, Obama got nearly half of the White vote in this country.

  3. Italians?? Dude seriously?

    Broward was overrun with Ex-Miami Hispanics (fleeing crime from their own lower-caste people) and other Brown transplants, Italians were hardly ever a problem there.

    I lived there for ten years. The far west outskirts were clean and white until mid-2000’s, now the entire county is shit.

  4. Please.

    If anything the Italians will keep the blacks away or at least retaliate against them when they rob, rape and attack our people.

  5. I live in Broward. We have a NAM problem, not an Italian problem. All thanks to Jimmy Carter, who let Castro dump all his NAM criminals and psychotics on beautiful south florida.

  6. Unsurprising that non-Southern nationalists would focus their criticism of the talk on the 1-2 minutes where I quoted the Wiki article on how Italians dominate the White population in Broward County. Apparently they missed the final remarks I made on the subject: ‘No doubt many of these are good people but we see how the county as a whole votes.’ I stick by my remarks. I’m not interested in having a White South if it means that it will be a non-Southern South.

  7. Don’t sweat it Palmetto. But if you keep talking like that you might have a real Italian problem on your hands. People fall down stairs everyday. Sometimes it’s not an accident. Capisce.

    Deo Vindice

  8. Palmetto, do you ever get the feeling it is all just hopeless and want to run to Spain and participate in the movements there? I mean, in Europe there are some real organizations doing some real things. You lived there and you know what I mean. I just hate thinking that the cause of the South is lost (and has been, really, since the 60s) and wasting my time, heartbreak and energy on it when there are some good causes that are not yet fully determined by the stars in their courses like similar movements in Europe. No, Spain isn’t your home and Germany isn’t mine but their causes are the same and they have a better chance of winning. Ever thought about it?

  9. The south is gone. It will be overrun with wetbacks in a generation. There is nothing any of you can do to stop it.
    Too little, too late. When amnesty passes, loads of Mexicans will be calling the souththeir New home. They will be legal in this time and there will be nothing you can do about them living and buying property in the south. Their children will be going to school with your children and there will be nothing you can do to stop it.

  10. I am afraid Sean is right. This being the case, I am arguing all for a return to Europe. Fuck North America if it comes to that.

  11. Apuleius, is that a not-so-veiled threat? I’m definitely unafraid of your mobster tactics.

    BTW, this also reinforces what I have long thought of WNs. They should really change their name because they are not nationalists at all. They would have no problem with Left-wing Italians repopulating a Southern county because, after all, they are White. No matter that they displace the native Southern population, which was Right-wing and White also. All that matters is that they are White. I wonder if they would have a problem with Poles repopulating England or Russians repopulating Spain or Swedes repopulating Italy?

  12. Sean says, ‘The south is gone. It will be overrun with wetbacks in a generation. There is nothing any of you can do to stop it.’

    Why come here? Since you believe there is no hope don’t you have better things to do than try to demoralise those of us who don’t accept your cowardly defeatism?

  13. Jack, I lived in Spain for many years. I love the Spanish people. But they are facing the exact same problems we are. And as a foreigner there you can only do so much to help. It’s not my nation, my people, my language, my religion, etc. I did participate in nationalist marches and demonstrations there. But that was about all I could do. Here I do much more because I’m amongst my own people. I’m definitely not going to run away. I have no intention of leaving the South ever again. I would rather fight (and if it comes to it, die) for our future here. Unlike Sean, I do not accept defeat.

  14. I have been away for so long that I am not sure I recognize my own people any more. The People of Wal-Mart, of which there are too many examples in the South, are not something I can identify with. I fly my first national in my yard in Bavaria but I am not sure anymore if those people are my own. I reject so much about them! SEC football worship (don’t get me wrong, I love college football but worshiping the negroes that play it is a major reason our country is screwed), NASCAR, ignorant and silly country music (modern, not the legitimate art from the 60s-70s), morbidly obese patriotards–these are the archetypes of my people and I utterly reject so many of them. I am pretty alienated…

  15. Jack, I could come up with negative stereotypes of the people of every Western nation. There are many Southerners who don’t fit that stereotype. And there are many who don’t support the system (remember the poll in GA which found 43% of GOPers wanted to secede?). So, I choose not to focus on the negative.

  16. “Apuleius, is that a not-so-veiled threat? I’m definitely unafraid of your mobster tactics.”

    No, it’s an apparently bad attempt at humor. Sorry to alarm you.

    If it makes you feel any better, my Southern half agrees with you. It also hates the Italian half and thinks it doesn’t belong in Dixie, either. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to live in peace if they aren’t from the right parts of Europe. If I could change the circumstances of my birth, I would. Growing up in the South, I know what it is like to made to feel unwelcome in your own native land. Many, many times. Most Southerners aren’t like that, but I see that you are.

    If the League doesn’t want Italians, fine. It’s only my mistake to have confused the South for my homeland. I’m sure that you, Dixiegirl, and Butz will do just fine without the likes of me.

    Deo Vindice

  17. I’m not as ethnomasochistic as they seem to be.

    Despite being somewhat stubborn and slow, I’m beginning to see what the northerners here are going on about. It’s a forlorn hope and strictly retrograde.

    “I am not sure I recognize my own people any more.”

    Know what you mean, jack.

    Nothing left but to ride the tiger, I guess.

    Deo Vindice

  18. To expand on what I already said and clarify the point. It’s not about them being Italian per se, in Broward county’s case, or any specific ethnic group, but about the case where anti-White Whites are changing the political landscape of the White South.

    Yes, of course, third-worlders are a problem, they always are, but we know this already, this is obvious. What isn’t talked about a lot of the time, such as Jews, is that there are many Whites who work against us from the inside, claiming only their voice is legitimate and representative of Whites, and this is a serious impediment to our cause.

  19. Apuleius,

    Most WN-types are exactly the people Evola and the philosophers he cites in RTT warn people against. They are part of modernity and demonstrate this through their ‘audacity’ (Ortega Y Gasset)…. These are not men that gave up on the rulers when they saw ‘what they called ruling’.

  20. We just can’t stand up for falling down.

    The time is drawing nigh when whites will only draw such fine distinctions regarding pedigree at their peril. That day may even have already passed.

    Deo Vindice

  21. Well aware of that, No-man. The order necessary for civilization comes from above, not below. The modernist viewpoint is a perversion of that order and lacks any connection to transcendent truth.

    Deo Vindice

  22. I figured you did, good man. Just wanted to clarify because unfortunately he is quote-mined. Which I’m sure you also know. Enjoy your afternoon.

  23. The south is gone. It will be overrun with wetbacks in a generation. There is nothing any of you can do to stop it.

    You want to talk about acting like Jews, how about sadistic shit like this. Why would you enjoy seeing the South go down. That’s a really warped mindset, especially considering its consequences for the whole of the USA and Canada.

    However, it’s not even true, like most of the nonsense that is posted by stupid trolls here. Seven of the top ten states with the highest Hispanic population are not in the South, California being the highest. Five out of seven states with a percentage of the population being 20% or more Hispanic are not in the South.

  24. @PP: Sir, in the first comment above, you mentioned “912 people”; sorry for my ignorance, but who does that phrase refer to? Thanks.

  25. Steve, that is the name of the Glenn Beck group. I met with one of the women from their group. She has been searching for something better and was very curious about us. Anyhow, she wasn’t the only person from that organisation. I think as Beck continues to praise MLK and do a lot of the other nutty things he does he will drive more folks away and they will need a political home.

  26. Michael I find you’re honour unto country commendable, may the South indeed rise again for the glory of GOD ALMIGHTY and to the despair of the atheist and idol of darkness!

  27. Palmetto – DO NOT listen to defeatists. Accepting defeat guarantees defeat. NOTHING would ever happen ,if people gave up before they begin.

    Lots of my fellow White Yankees are mental. As arrogant as they are delusional. The South is the BEST hope for our Race. White Yankees are on a disastrously high learning curve, and will go over the cliff before they learn a thing. They ARE Puritans. Pay them no heed.

  28. Ruh-roh…

    TORONTO (JTA) — Montreal’s mayor and a former city alderman, both Jews, were arrested as part of a crackdown on corruption.

    Michael Applebaum, who became the city’s first-ever Jewish mayor when he was appointed to the post last November, was taken into custody Monday morning by agents of the anti-corruption unit, UPAC. He was charged with 14 offenses, including breach of trust, fraud, municipal corruption, conspiracy and receiving secret commissions.

    Also arrested was Saulie Zajdel, an ex-City Council member who ran unsuccessfully for a seat in Canada’s last federal election.

    Applebaum, Zajdel and a third man arrested Monday, Jean Yves Brisson, were being held by Quebec Provincial Police.

    Zajdel is charged with five corruption-related offenses and Brisson with four offenses related to the years-long investigation into corruption in and around Montreal.


    BTW excellent speech, Palmetto.

  29. That was a good speech. You have a knack for conveying your points in a very honest, sincere way.
    I think the South’s only hope, as well as the hope of the other States, is a failure of the Keynesian economic order, bankruptcy on a national level that causes a shift away from Marxist fantasy to cold hard reality. If the powers that be are able to keep the machine running, the Chamberpots of Commerce are able to continue to sell us out culturally, then likely our way of life will fade. I hope I am wrong. We can talk till we are blue in the face, the sheeple only understand hardship.

  30. There are many like that these days, Mark.

    Deo Vindice

    About 43%, typically non-Southern, if you go by Whites who voted for Obama.

    Here’s a quote from that article:

    In his monologue O’Brien mentioned the story out of the Census Bureau that deaths now exceed births among non-Hispanic whites in the U.S.A.

    When they heard him say that, the studio audience broke out in cheers and applause.

    I didn’t get up from my chair to go look, but as I recall, Conan’s studio audience is solidly non-Hispanic white. So they were applauding the decline of their own stock. – John Derbyshire, “The Joy of Ethnomasochism,”VDARE, June 15, 2013

    Despite his name, O’Brien is half Jewish, full Jewish in the political and psychological sense like the audience.

    Ironically, Derby comments on it as if he opposes it, when he himself decided a long time ago to contribute to the decline of his own racial stock by marrying and procreating with a Mongoloid.

    What’s worse, those who still marry White but socially advocate for diversity or those who advocate for Whites but miscegenate with non-Whites? It’s a bizarre world we live in.

    In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

  31. I’m seeing some solid White Anglo guy, Hispanic female marriages. The women like their White guy husbands.

    The children look very White, but with dark eyes instead of blue – some look like aitalian beauties and the children are smart, but with a bit more spice than rather bland Midwestern White guys who sound like Bob Newhart. Whiter Hispanics are very racist towards Blacks.

    Well, it’s a fallen world, in a perfect world….

    (I live in $&@&$ Chicago, nothing even remotely close to perfect White world)

    Yeah, have to think the White older guy, younger Hispanic wife is a viable option in this fallen world. What are our/my options?

    Hillary Clinton?

  32. Well, on a positive note there are tons of whites in Central and South America, even Mexico. I’d like to know how many white Hispanics are out there. The media is never as forthcoming with that info. I met a Mexican lady flying south one day who I could have sworn was German–certainly not No-Mans little sistas, but Mexican nonetheless.

  33. Jeppo, I’m just astonished that a Jew was arrested! No way! Quebic must be a secret hotbed of Nazis.

    Jack – yea = who cares about Race? The kids look White. So they’re White, right? Nikki Minjae looks mostluy Whites, too, what with the blue contacts and hair extensions.

  34. @Jack Ryan

    Please spare us your creepy stories about how you leer at married women and their children, and then fantasize about what your miscegenated offspring would look or act like, you fucking middle-aged degenerate.

  35. Latin women are obsessed with us guys. Their grandmas and mamas tell them how to keep a man happy. Our women are very independent, imagine a non-racialist Denise, that’s the avg. and it takes an Alpha white guy to get one of those. There are only so many Richard Burtons amongst the white race…. The Latin woman is the true “fire of your loins” (Nabokov). The white latin women expect servants unlike most white women so they have a different, less hostile attitude towards homelife. But thy don’t need a “made man”, one of my good latina friends is well married but she scrimped with him before he finished med school.

  36. “Yeah, have to think the White older guy, younger Hispanic wife is a viable option in this fallen world. What are our/my options?”

    “Latin women are obsessed with us guys. Their grandmas and mamas tell them how to keep a man happy.”

    I knew plenty when I lived out west. All very happy. Been going on since the beginning. The earliest Irish settlers in Texas set the pattern. Lots of leprecanos in Texas for sure. That’s half-Mexican, half-Irish. Figures I’ve seen are around 25-30% of Mexican girls wind up with a big gringo husband they adore.

    Once knew a fellow from Mobile, Alabama who got screwed royally by his Alabama born wife. His second wife was a Mexican-American gal from Colorado. They’re still happily married. Hell, even John Wayne had thing for latinas.


    Deo Vindice

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