About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Denise,

    It’s a pretty interesting story. Not only is Quebec–by far–the most corrupt jurisdiction in North America, but it’s also where the locals take the least shit from the Chosenites. Now the two extremes have come together as Montreal’s Jewish mayor is facing 14 (!) criminal charges for corruption. The pepsi cops must have really loved this bust. 🙂

  2. “There are many like that these days, Mark.

    Deo Vindice”

    Apu- have you ever thought (and the references in that column above, are clear) that we are being JUDGED- just as ROME was judged in 476A.D. – and for the very same reasons?

    We abort our children, we miscegenate our seed, we encourage sodomy, and we have a bastard egotist fiddling while Rome/USA burns.

    God’s Law being flouted- annihilation of the Chosen People, until they repent. Russia’s already had 70-plus years of repentance, and they are rising like a Phoenix from the ashes. What can we hope for, save what Mosin is always talking about- MASSIVE NATIONAL REPENTANCE, and restoration of a Christocracy?

    I’d like that.

    Denise- shame on you. Puritans were actually some of the most noble of the first settlers- they brought instruments and instrumental music to the New World, and set up most of the godly colleges. It was their unitarian great-grandchildren who broke the covenant!

  3. Fr. John,

    I notice you’ve been pretty quiet on the other thread where prussiancroat is waxing poetic about the glorious Nazis. You must lack the nerve to challenge him on behalf of your slaughtered Orthodox Serbian brothers. Or was that another divine judgment?

    Do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.

    Deo Vindice

  4. Fr John, the Puritans were a curse upon us. They were ran out of civilised countries (and rightfully so) and founded a totalitarian society in New England which has long been the centre of most of wrong with America. There was very little good about the ideology of Puritans – and I say this as someone who has some pretty prominent Puritan ancestry on one side of my family.

  5. According to the Firefox app “Dark Side of Prism” this site is being surveilled by Prisim.

  6. Guys – I had an Iranian guy interested in me, a few years back. He was about 10 years older than myself. Wealthy, cultivated, a Persian. He was THRILLED to discover a Western White racist woman. He thought I was funny, and cute. He called me his “jewel” etc. He was a Muslim, true – I would have had to pretend to convert. But I would have been living la vida luxury now. I politely declined his advances. He was a Caucasian, but not what I considered “White”. Had we had children, they would mostly have looked White though.

    Did I make a mistake to wait for a White man?

  7. Mark;

    Never hear Conan O’Brien being half Jewish but that would explain not only his anti-whiteism but his blasphemy against Jesus Christ he’s the worst of the talk show host who are not exactly pious Christians themselves but with Conan there seems to be a real issue with mocking Christ.

  8. Palmetto – I use the term “Puritan” as a descriptor, and category, because I think it’s more suitable to describe the ideology, than “Yankee”. It’s not even religious beliefs; it’s about the fanaticism. and, mind-bending utter self-righteousness. They are right. Every-one else is wrong. “Yankee” means something to Southerners – but not the rest of the Nation Yankee barely means anything at all to Northerners

  9. O’Brien is not half-Jewish. He makes jokes about this. It’s a tacit attack on the hegemony of Jews.

  10. Well he doesn’t look Jewish but the rest of my comments stand he’s the most anti-Christ of the talk show hosts this can’t be blamed on the Jews cause all the talk shows have Jewish writers but these jokes get approved by the host.

  11. Apuleius says:
    Palmetto: “Apuleius, is that a not-so-veiled threat? I’m definitely unafraid of your mobster tactics.”

    ‘No, it’s an apparently bad attempt at humor. Sorry to alarm you.

    If it makes you feel any better, my Southern half agrees with you. It also hates the Italian half and thinks it doesn’t belong in Dixie, either.’

    Apeleius, it is too bad your Southern half hates the Italian half.

    Did you ever read what Hitler thought about Italians, the Parthenon, in Table Talk?

    Excerpt: Don’t suppose that events in Italy had no influence on
    us. The brown shirt would probably not have existed without
    the black shirt. The march on Rome, in 1922, was one of the
    turning-points of history. The mere fact that anything of the
    sort could be attempted, and could succeed, gave us an impetus.
    A few weeks after the march on Rome, I was received by
    the Minister Schweyer. That would never have happened
    If Mussolini had been outdistanced by Marxism, I don’t
    know whether we could have succeeded in holding out. At that
    period National Socialism was a very fragile growth.
    If the Duce were to die, it would be a great misfortune for
    Italy. As I walked with him in the gardens of the Villa Borghese,
    I could easily compare his profile with that of the Roman
    busts, and I realised he was one of the Caesars. There’s no
    doubt at all that Mussolini is the heir of the great men of that
    Despite their weaknesses, the Italians have so many qualities
    that make us like them.
    Italy is the country where intelligence created the notion of
    the State. The Roman Empire is a great political creation, the
    greatest of all.
    The Italian people’s musical sense, its liking for harmonious
    proportions, the beauty of its race! The Renaissance was the
    dawn of a new era, in which Aryan man found himself anew.
    There’s also our own past on Italian soil. A man who is indifferent
    to history is a man without hearing, without sight.
    Such a man can live, of course—but what a life?
    The magic of Florence and Rome, of Ravenna, Siena,
    Perugia! Tuscany and Umbria, how lovely they are!
    The smallest palazzo in Florence or Rome is worth more than
    all Windsor Castle. If the English destroy anything in Florence
    or Rome, it will be a crime. In Moscow, it wouldn’t do any
    great harm; nor in Berlin, unfortunately.

    I’ve seen Rome and Paris, and I must say that Paris, with the
    exception of the Arc de Triomphe, has nothing on the scale of
    the Coliseum, or the Castle of San Angelo, or St. Peter’s. These
    monuments, which are the product of a collective effort, have
    ceased to be on the scale of the individual. There’s something
    queer about the Paris buildings, whether it’s those bull’s-eye
    windows, so badly proportioned, or those gables that obliterate
    whole façades. If I compare the Pantheon in Rome with the
    Pantheon in Paris, what a poor building—and what sculptures !
    What I saw in Paris has disappeared from my memory : Rome
    really seized hold of me.
    When the Duce came to Berlin, we gave him a magnificent
    reception. But our journey in Italy, that was something else!
    The reception when we arrived, with all the ceremonial. The
    visit to the Quirinal.
    Naples, apart from the castle, might be anywhere in South
    America. But there’s always the courtyard of the royal palace.
    What nobility of proportions !
    My dearest wish would be to be able to wander about in Italy
    as an unknown painter.

  12. “Apeleius, it is too bad your Southern half hates the Italian half.

    I see when I called you a simpleton I may have overrated you quite a bit.

    “Did you ever read what Hitler thought about Italians, the Parthenon, in Table Talk?”

    Well, der Fuehrer is the last word on everything, isn’t he?

    Deo Vindice

  13. Had we had children, they would mostly have looked White though.

    Did I make a mistake to wait for a White man?

    People make mistakes but mistakes make people.

  14. “I like how he correctly identified the problem the South has with leftist White transplants who are changing our culture and voting trends. ”

    It’s all them Yankees and has little if anything to do with the millions of non whites flooding into the South. /s

    I liked the part about an American now being a homosapien who is taxed by the Feds. I’ll use that one in my daily gadflying out here in California.

  15. Apuleius says:

    Sam: Apeleius, it is too bad your Southern half hates the Italian half.

    Apuleius says: ‘I see when I called you a simpleton I may have overrated you quite a bit.’

    Sam: Thanks, but I was just quoting YOU in your reply to Palmetto Patriot.

    Apuleius says:
    June 17, 2013 at 6:30 pm

    ‘If it makes you feel any better, my Southern half agrees with you. It also hates the Italian half and thinks it doesn’t belong in Dixie, either. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to live in peace if they aren’t from the right parts of Europe. If I could change the circumstances of my birth, I would. Growing up in the South, I know what it is like to made to feel unwelcome in your own native land. Many, many times. Most Southerners aren’t like that, but I see that you are.’

    Apuleius: ‘Well, der Fuehrer is the last word on everything, isn’t he?’

    Sam: No, I don’t believe he was. Never said anything like that. Just setting the record straight. Thought you being Italian, should know. I’m neither German nor NS. Never have been. My point is that what most people KNOW to be so … ain’t so!

    One more thing! He never wrote that Wops are nothin’ more than- niggers- turned inside out.

    I’m sure you’ve heard that line before. Probably in your beloved South. No?

  16. Apul…

    “It’s only my mistake to have confused the South for my homeland. I’m sure that you, Dixiegirl, and Butz will do just fine without the likes of me….”

    I have nothing against Italians. Just do see the upper south (northwest euro protestants), to be a genuine ethnic group. Everyone agrees. We know this because they are discussed as a group, put down as a group, etc. As a majority culture in some areas— I do feel that they have a right to exist (as do Italians), and to preserve their language, ethnicity, culture, folkways, historical narrative, etc, etc.

    I hope you agree with that. It’s nothing personal.

  17. Apuleius says:
    The time is drawing nigh when whites will only draw such fine distinctions regarding pedigree at their peril. That day may even have already passed….”

    Fine… but Apuleius, it is true that many people pushing policies that involve making america non-white are, in fact, voting for an ideology (roman catholicism or international world communism or whatever). Voting those isms are what changed the policies that changed demography. All the RC folks I know have invited me to Latino things— they often (through the latin connection) embrace the merging of south america by overriding u.s. borders. That IS NOT TO SAY there aren’t plenty of wasps doing the same, but the motivations are different.

    Somehow, it seems an important thing to look at.

  18. “One more thing! He never wrote that Wops are nothin’ more than- niggers- turned inside out.
    I’m sure you’ve heard that line before. Probably in your beloved South. No?”

    Nah, heard it up north a while back, though. Most Southerners are far too polite for that. My inclination for hyperbole leaves you somewhat flummoxed, so I’ll try to be gentle with you.

    No, really.

    My dearest Sambo,

    Knowing how much you seem to admire my rhetorical flourishes and witty verbal repartee, I have decided to dispense with my normally caustic sarcasm. So I made you a little video just to show my appreciation for your grim earnestness and other very winsome yankee qualities.

    It’s me singing a song called “My pal Sammy.”

    Did you like it? It was really from the heart.
    Now that you’ve seen me without any clothes on, I hope I didn’t excite you too much.
    Just remember, we don’t do that gay marriage thing down here in Dixie.
    Well, some of the “girls” on Bourbon street do, but that’s something else entirely.

    Deo Vindice

  19. Denise says:
    Palmetto – I use the term “Puritan” as a descriptor, and category, because I think it’s more suitable to describe the ideology, than “Yankee”. It’s not even religious beliefs; it’s about the fanaticism….”

    Well then, Denise, just go ahead and use the word FANATIC, if that’s what you mean. No need to degrade white people you profess to care about so much.

  20. PP–

    you talk about Genocide very clearly. The use of “policy-oriented” really helps clarify it, as well as showing that it involves ethnic groups (not necessarily races) and so on.

  21. Dixiegirl,

    I share your love for the people of the upper South. They’re my people, too.
    If you met me, you probably wouldn’t even know my heritage was any different from yours unless I told you my last name.

    From treacherous Catholic bishops who promote the immigrant invasion to idiotic Evangelical preachers who encourage their flocks to rush off and adopt a Haitian niglet, we have all got our hands full. The Bible warns us about wolves in sheeps’ clothing, after all.

    We got bigger things to do. Like get the hell away from BRA, the primary driving force behind all this mess.

    Deo Vindice

  22. A good speech, Mr. Sabal. That said, there seemed to be a preponderance of gray-haired people in your audience, many of whom seemed destined for assisted-care facilities in the not-to-distant future, and thus will be of little use in aiding a secessionist movement. Hopefully you’ll draw more youthful audiences in the future.

    One person there, however, I definitely do despise – Dr. Michael Hill. A few years back I wrote him an email pertaining to a WN issue; it was calm, well-reasoned, and erudite. Instead of a respectful response in return, that cat-fish lipped, hog-jowled blow-hard fired back an email informing me that neither he nor the League of the South tolerated “racism” of any kind and how he and its members were “honored” to have African-Americans in its ranks.

    Based on his obnoxious retort, I concluded long ago that Michael Hill is a two-faced, negro-loving hypocrite and is Southerner in name only. The only reason he’s going along with your ideas is because he knows the winds of change have shifted against him, and now he’s afraid he’ll lose his little pulpit of power if he expresses what he really feels. …

  23. Huh, so the LoS condemns “racism”?
    Palmetto is right at home then. What is the point of the LoS if it doesn’t promote White rule in the south?
    Really, what is the point ?
    Softball geriatric club?

  24. Sean, if you want to believe that, then by all means please do. lol I would rather not work with people who jump false conclusions about me and an organization which I support. I think HW and I have more than made the case for the League. If a few people want to hate it, Dr Hill and insist we are anti-White then that’s fine with me. Let them do so.

  25. Dixiegirl, thanks very kindly. I thought that being in Florida the opportunity could not slip by to make the point that we are being genocided out of existence. That resonated with many people in the audience – after all, they’ve seen if first hand.

  26. Rorke’s Drift Veteran says:

    ‘One person there, however, I definitely do despise – Dr. Michael Hill
    …that cat-fish lipped, hog-jowled blow-hard fired back an email informing me that neither he nor the League of the South tolerated “racism” of any kind and how he and its members were “honored” to have African-Americans in its ranks.’

    ‘The LOS is honored to have African-Americans (ooooooh) in it’s ranks.’

    Love it.

    But the freakin Yankees and Dagos should get the hell out of Broward County.


  27. ‘The League of the South, unlike the America of the New World Order, is wedded not to a universal proposition: equality, democracy, or the rights of man, but to a real historical order based on place and kin. If we Southern whites are to survive as a distinct people with a physical place to live, work, and worship, then we must never waver from this commitment.’ -Dr Michael Hill


  28. I saw Michael Hill condemn race mixing in person at the conference last year in front of everyone. I believe there is a video of that somewhere.

    But anyway, you can’t take the Bowel Movement all too seriously. You just have to learn to enjoy the lulz. It goes with the territory. I learned that from Pastor Lindstedt.

  29. Palmetto, he’s just venting his spleen and doesn’t merit any of the intelligent answers you have provided. He’s a bundle of malice looking for attention who won’t read anything unless he can find something “dirty” to seize upon like some gleeful perverted child.

    Deo Vindice

  30. Palmetto will be the keynote speaker at the LoS conference in Montgomery Alabama.
    Following Palmetto will be Rastus J. Rakeem III. Immediately following, Rastus’ speech on racial tolerance within the LoS, Sheniqua Washington will brief the crowd on southern acceptance regarding Italian Americans.
    Finally, Benito Sanchez will speak about southern succession.

  31. Apuleius says:

    ‘Palmetto, he’s just venting his spleen and doesn’t merit any of the intelligent answers you have provided.’

    Braying yet again, Apeleius?

    Can’t do any spleen venting, oh wise one. It was vented quite nicely nearly 35 years by youfs on the outskirts of Chicago while on a business trip. Blue Island Il. A shitty place to visit and I wouldn’t want to live there either.

  32. PalmettoPatriot says:

    ‘Sam, if you buy that nonsense I’ve a some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.’

    Could send me a brochure, please?

  33. Why can’t white people be more supportive of one another? Why always running others down? The left rarely does this. They network with others they may not see eye to eye with on every issue. I think the Southerners have a better chance than any other traditional American community for autonomy and survival, and EVERY organization that works toward that I will encourage and support as best I can. By the same token I wish other white organizations the best as well, whether they form around religion, ethnicity, Pacific NW or whatever. Can’t we look at what we have in common and let that be our centerpiece?

  34. Wayne,

    To be fair there is considerably more “white unity” both conscious and unconscious than there is “brown unity” or “yellow unity” anywhere in the world.

    By the same token I wish other white organizations the best as well, whether they form around religion, ethnicity, Pacific NW or whatever. Can’t we look at what we have in common and let that be our centerpiece?

    This is because you are a modern “uomo di partito” whose values come from the people/material not any above truth or even high preferences. A world where all races were politically aligned would be a horrific dystopia, which people like you seem intent on bringing to Earth, thus you are continually frustrated with the civilized world.

  35. Can’t we look at what we have in common and let that be our centerpiece?

    You admire “the left’s” organization, you know how they do it? They take the lowest common denominator of “what we have in common” one step lower. A leading light among leftists has aptly characterized your ideology as “the socialism of fools”.

  36. No-Man: I agree on your assessment of brown and yellow unity but we must admit they have been all brought into an uneasy alliance, along with blacks, indians, and everybody else, against whites. The lefts objective is, of course, to main that alliance by hook or crook not only until non-whites are the majority, but until we are just another squabbling minority. This is the natural evolution of a democracy without borders.

    To say the left just takes the lowest common denominator is too simplistic. They do indeed, as democrazy is rule by it. However, the maases of asses are just the muscle, the brains is in no way the lowest common denominator. They’ve crafted their public relations perfectly since the beginning. They have completely taken control of the West’s most powerful nation. When the republitards say “take back America”, think about who took it in the first place.

    My idealology is the preservation of Western Civilization, it’s history, culture, religion, customs, languages and people. My part of Western Civ is the South.

  37. I agree on your assessment of brown and yellow unity but we must admit they have been all brought into an uneasy alliance, along with blacks, indians, and everybody else, against whites.

    I respectfully disagree, Wayne. The media-savvy guys in a little outlet called al-Qaeda have produced a kind of epic video called “Truth Has Come and Falsehood Has Perished”, it’s on Youtube. They make quite the case that there is an uneasy world alliance against Muslims. It’s an informative video in the sense of better understanding an adversary but also a reminder that the world is a collection of people in uneasy, ever-changing alliances against each other – perceived and unperceived.

    “The Left” took over civilization because “the Right” defined themselves against state power which was a losing proposition in the absence of a strong established Church. People like Mosin_Nagant hide in the hills from fast talking cityfolk and predator drones, they talk about a brotherhood of re-reformed mennonite Jeffersonian Christian farmers. Including helots in the national discussion was a mistake, when they decided to call themselves “right wing” them being allowed to run that into the ground was a particularly grievous offense against politics.

    When Right-Wingers and statists meet half-way to staunch the democratic bleeding they are burned in effigy by “true conservatives”, ie born losers.

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