About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Anyone who says “Name the Jew” is nothing but a tiresome broken record. For your information THE JEW HAS BEEN NAMED (and Elvis has left the building!) so we need to move on by dispensing with that idiotic mantra forever.

    But this is not true. New people who don’t understand it are always migrating out of the mainstream and into more radical ideas. Matthew Heimbach himself is an example of this. How else are people going to learn about it if it’s not discussed.

  2. “It’s a non-existent problem.”

    Maybe to you. But you are already aware. We have to bring people along and that’s the problem. WNs don’t seem to understand the concept of soft sell. Or steady pressure. Or any of the other tactics our enemies use. Seems really naive to me.

    Many WNs come off as pushy, angry, and impatient and when you add the jargon in, sound as if they are in their own little world divorced from reality. Add to that the obviously crazies like Harold and the NWF crew or brownshirt wannabes with swastika armbands. Add to that the burgeoning conspiracy theories out there. Add to that the common perception that comes from popular culture.

    In these days of intermarriage among groups pressed together, what do you propose for people who have Jews intermarried into their extended family? I see a lot of those down in my neck of the woods for sure. They just supposed to cut off their family and follow you blindly? You running some kind of cult?

    Combine all this and you have a really big image problem. Easily dismissed as borderline psychos from the lunatic fringe by ordinary folks. Like it or not, perception has a way of becoming reality.Extremely alienating.

    About as alienating as waiting for the next poster to jump my shit about even bringing this up. Or watching you all dissect Matt’s remarks in excruciating detail.

    No solidarity because everyone seems to think he is the smartest person with most clear view. Loyalty to your own seems an unknown concept in WN circles. It’s all about ego. Lack of character will wreck your efforts, no matter how well intentioned.

    Most people won’t want to argue with you. They will just walk away from an encounter with a perceived fanatic, frustrated and demoralized. Preaching to the choir gets you exactly nothing.

    Deo Vindice

  3. Among the WNists who write and influence opinion, the number who focus excessively on Jews is zero. It’s a non-existent problem.

    I disagree, and in general the quality of WN leadership is low and part of the problem.

  4. no-man,

    Israel was organized to make itself indispensable to great powers,

    You forgot the word ‘seem.’ It was organized to make itself seem indispensable. The reality is it was never actually indispensable. It was completely dispensable then and it’s completely dispensable now.

  5. Many WNs come off as pushy, angry, and impatient and when you add the jargon in, sound as if they are in their own little world divorced from reality.

    Says the man who signs every post “Deo Vindice,” as if that doesn’t confuse and alienate the average punter.

  6. I disagree, and in general the quality of WN leadership is low and part of the problem.

    Who do you have in mind if you don’t mind saying? If you do, no big deal. I’m not interested in arguing over it. Just curious.

  7. “Many WNs come off as pushy, angry, and impatient and when you add the jargon in, sound as if they are in their own little world divorced from reality.

    Says the man who signs every post “Deo Vindice,” as if that doesn’t confuse and alienate the average punter.”

    I didn’t invent it. It was the national motto of the Confederacy. I wouldn’t want nor expect you to understand it or even be able to relate to it, but most Southerners do.
    It is widely used in Southern nationalist circles.

    As is the Virginia state motto, Sic Semper Tyrannis. What John Wilkes Booth said as he jumped onto the stage at Ford’s theatre.

    Both very bellicose, historical, and potent mottos. They serve as a rally cry.
    But only for the right people. It was never intended for you.

    Deo Vindice

  8. Other potent mottos:

    “Live Free or Die” (New Hampshire)
    “Don’t Tread on Me” (American Revolution/Tea party)
    “Je me souviens” I remember (Quebec)
    “Gott mit uns” God with us (German empire)
    “Dieu et mon droit” God and my right (United Kingdom)
    “Yankee Go Home!” (Used worldwide, Sweden shown below)

    Get the picture.

    Deo Vindice

  9. Apuleius, the act of signing off with a motto which invokes God’s name every time you post is off-putting. You are, in effect, implying that your vision is so true, your stance so just, that God Himself is your sword and shield. That’s particularly off-putting when claimed in support of a cause as unpopular racialism. Maybe save it for when you’ve made some headway on the national scene.

  10. Lew, getting the impression that some people want to talk all Jews, all the time, doesn’t require one to name names. After all, it’s just an impression. There are many WNs who’d agree with the following grim characterization of 20th century events (quoting myself from elsewhere): “The Hebrew has dethroned the Teuton, humbled him and dispossessed him, and the forces he has unleashed threaten to permanently extinguish him.” Do you really suppose all the WNs who’d agree with that characterization could the name the names of the Jews responsible on the spot? Or would it be more reasonable to say it’s an impression they’ve gotten from the reading they’ve done?

  11. Who here is up for confronting the Jews with Matt? I will do it.

    I’m curious, Hunter: just what does ‘confronting’ them entail? Doing the ‘truffle shuffle’ in front of a synagogue? Scaring off Jeffrey Imm, iphone in hand? (Okay, that was below the belt. You’ve left those days well and truly behind you.)

    Seriously, though, I think it’s an issue that has long plagued WNs: What is the next step? No one seems to know. Sure, you’ve got IQ and crime stats coming out the wazoo; the hereditarian hypothesis has been confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt; there is documentary evidence of Jewish malfeasance aplenty; and as for proof of racial usurpation and replacement, it abounds for all with eyes to see. But the effect has been that you’re “all dressed up and nowhere to go.” Not for nothing are your conferences denigrated as “meet, eat, and retreat.”

  12. This whole idea is absurd. I for one am not interrested in sitting back and watching this naive young man reinvent the wheel. You can save yourself 20 years of watching Heimbach mature by simply reading any book by GL Rockwell. Then you’ll only be 50 years behind.

    Heimbch might have 18th century leadership skills, but he’s not fit to rule in the 21st century with his Judeophilic superstitions.

  13. I posted some material about Matt Heimbach and TYN here:

    Idle comments: I’ve come across two individuals in the past who used the Deo Vindice signature. I didn’t know until looking it up today that it was so strongly associated with the South. In the case of the two individuals, both were Catholic to a rabid degree, and this means despising Protestants, and in one case also despising females.

    I’ve interpreted Hunter’s let’s confront the Jews as cynicism; what else could it be, given the reality of the relative circumstances of racialist Whites and Jews? How confront, indeed. Like probably many of you, I’ve confronted reasonably and intelligently in several situations, in person and through mail and email means–met by immediate scorn. Group effort is the only way.

    I agree with much of what Matt Heimbach wrote about Jews, but the framework from which he speaks does not motivate me–for me, biblical imagery relies too much on faith alone; or I could say that I don’t need it–there’s more than enough good cause to recognize Jews as destroyers of life, liberty, and the pursuit of White happiness with that. And while Christ on the Cross moves many to despair, and has moved me, as well, at time, I’m vastly more moved to despair and to rage by images of World War and post-World War White devastation and by the unstoppable Jewish corruption of White culture in all of its components. And then there’s the terrible power of their purse.

    There’s room for religiously-motivated leaders like Matt Heimbach–I’ll definitely call him that. There’s also room for specifically Southern leaders like Hunter Wallace. And there’s room for elitist leaders like Kevin MacDonald’s higher-level-of-sophistication group. Provided they don’t indulge in anti-Protestant or anti-Northern or anti-fellowtraveler baloney. I see WN special interest groups. Fine. I await a high-IQ, Protestant Northerner to follow. : )

  14. Hunter is a more sophisticated person than MacDonald. Jard Taylor still more.

    I’m not here to bash MacDonald but claiming he has arrived and is elite and “higher level” than others is absurd, MOB.

  15. Psalm 139:21:

    “Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? And am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?”

  16. Of the people who are obsessed with Jews (Duke, McDonald, Stormfront etc.) MacDonald probably has the most talent in advancing his cause.

    I don’t think the Vanguardists are actually as much obsessed with Jews. They just yell rallying cries it’s a different type of obsession than Duke/McDonald obsession.

  17. No-Man wrote: “Hunter is a more sophisticated person than MacDonald. Jard Taylor still more. I’m not here to bash MacDonald but claiming he has arrived and is elite and “higher level” than others is absurd, MOB.”

    It wasn’t meant as a compliment. I was designating all three: Catholic anti-Protestantism, Southern anti-Northern, and MacDonald’s elitism as actual and/or potential Achilles’ heels.

  18. 2 Corinthans 6:17:

    “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you …”

  19. Take a break from namin and go thru MW’s site to sign the Boer refugee petition. And if you think your still secret squirrel after years of super secret namin on the net then grow the heck up.

  20. “It wasn’t meant as a compliment. I was designating all three: Catholic anti-Protestantism, Southern anti-Northern, and MacDonald’s elitism as actual and/or potential Achilles’ heels.”

    Potential Achilles’s heels for what? The great nonexistent WN movement in the northeast? You have no idea what you are even talking about.
    Anyone with two eyes in his head can see you are just here to sow division.

    Yankee Go Home!
    While you are at it, learn to count.

    Deo Vindice

  21. Anything that Christian Orthodoxy, what LoS calls the order of “superiors and subordinates”, and naming the Yankee offend is probably itself offensive to any decent person.

  22. “Apuleius says:

    June 19, 2013 at 2:28 am

    Subsaharan Africa is the most perfect fit.
    That way they can be as close as possible to their beloved schwartzes.
    Originally, the Zionists did have a plan to settle Uganda.
    So why not give them what they always wanted.

    Cannibalistic African savages could enjoy their new kosher cusine, too.
    Tastes just like albino, so they say…

    Deo Vindice”

    BEST post you’ve ever written!
    Love, Denise!

  23. “MOB says:

    June 19, 2013 at 10:53 am

    . Fine. I await a high-IQ, Protestant Northerner to follow. : )”

    Come to the SF confab. Meet us!

  24. Hunter – tell me exactly how you want to confront Die Juden. I’m all about getting the Goy to snap out of Jude Worship.

    I think you are just getting your Dixie Celt blood up, for some fun -but tell me what you have in mind. Do you want to go stand outside of the SPLC fortress, and flip them the bird? I’m in. I’ll hold the “Hitler was right” sign. Mmmkay?

  25. Silver says:

    June 19, 2013 at 9:02 am

    Who here is up for confronting the Jews with Matt? I will do it.

    I’m curious, Hunter: just what does ‘confronting’ them entail? Doing the ‘truffle shuffle’ in front of a synagogue? Scaring off Jeffrey Imm, iphone in hand? (Okay, that was below the belt. You’ve left those days well and truly behind you.)

    Seriously, though, I think it’s an issue that has long plagued WNs: What is the next step? No one seems to know. Sure, you’ve got IQ and crime stats coming out the wazoo; the hereditarian hypothesis has been confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt; there is documentary evidence of Jewish malfeasance aplenty; and as for proof of racial usurpation and replacement, it abounds for all with eyes to see. But the effect has been that you’re “all dressed up and nowhere to go.
    Not for nothing are your conferences denigrated as “meet, eat, and retreat.”

    The Conferences are for fun! We need convivial comradeship. Jeez – every-one likes to party…Trust Not the Non-Partiers. Even my hard-working, tee-totaling hubster yaks it up, when I drag him to to a social event. He’s obsessive about work – but I have to drag him away from the party, when it’s time to go.

    I think we ought to do protests in front of the IRS, NSA, and Fed buildings, for street activism. Never mind the sin-agogs – go where the Jew really lives!

    One message – “Hitler was right”.

    That’ll get noticed!

  26. The Golden Dawn is surging ahead, in Greece. The REAL Cradle of Europe

    They are doing this by being:


    They do not BLAME Their own People, and demoralize their own People, by doing do (whether their own People share in the blame is IRRELEVANT)

    Name Die Jude when Die Jude begins the Hissing and Spitting routine. Denounce the HoloHoax every time.

    Pay attention, LoS!

  27. @RobRoySimmons

    TO SHIT with the Boers. They created their situation, THEY can deal with it. Apuleius points out the world’s slogan for Americans — “Yankee go home!” — well, I have slogan for the rest of the world — “FUCK OFF. WE’RE FULL.”

  28. If by Boers created their own situation you mean they capitulated to every other Western nations media, economic and social pressure, then maybe. The destruction of SA lies at the feet of their fellow white countries, who hated them worse than any black ever did.
    SA is not Boer’s fault. Let them all come here.

  29. Denise: At this point I believe the best way to confront is to “stand with Israel”–undocumented immigrants are now invaders, build a fence, just like Israel’s, incarcerate and deport foreign invaders, state that xxxxxxx (fill in white country) should remain distinctly (xxxxxxxxxcxx) just like Israel.
    Essentially, whatever Israel does becomes ok for Western countries to do.

  30. Re: Silver

    This Borat video sums it up:


    WNs biggest problem isn’t the Jews.

    It is that they are scared shitless of Jews. They are afraid that Jews will call them names or that they will lose their jobs. They allow themselves to be ruled by fear. The vast majority of WNs who complain about Jews will do just that … whine on the internet, wake up the next day, and whine some more.

    By “confront the Jews,” I mean precisely that. Let’s go confront the Jews and show all these people who are terrified of them that omnipotent Jews don’t exist. Hopefully, they will cease to be afraid of the Jews, and will start joining organizations in the real world to counter Jewish power.

    In order to do that, they got to get over their fear. They are allowing themselves to be ruled by fear. Interestingly enough, Southern Jews in the Jim Crow era did the same thing. They didn’t challenge segregation “because they were afraid” of what the Gentiles would think.

  31. Another creepy Chechar article has come out ‘advising’ Matt Heimbach. It’s seriously like a wacked out WN version of the Screwtape Letters. Make.it.stop.

  32. By “article” I mean short rambling followed by William Pierce copy/paste followed by short rambling about people that disagree having not read the copy/paste correctly.

    But we all know the schtick by now.

  33. I don’t think White Nationalists are afraid of Jews. They are afraid of Whites who love Jews.

    In most White communities, the difference between a friend and a crank is one’s opinion on the Jews. Most Whites make the compromise for Whites, not for Jews.

    It is a short-sighted compromise. Especially if one wishes to stand with Christ.

  34. In order to do something about Jews, WNs will have to create strong, well funded organizations in the real world like the Jews have done.

    Here in the South, the Klan and the Council were strong enough to keep the Jews in check. Organized White Power was stronger than Organized Jewish Power … at least at the state level.

    WNs aren’t willing to do that though. They come on the internet to complain about Jews. They know that the only way to stop the Jews is to counter them in the real world. Yet they refuse to take that next step because they are afraid of the consequences.

  35. Hunter – very true.

    I’m still in Yankeeland. Sigh. I have to deal with this:

    “Occigent says:

    June 19, 2013 at 7:54 pm

    I don’t think White Nationalists are afraid of Jews. They are afraid of Whites who love Jews.

    In most White communities, the difference between a friend and a crank is one’s opinion on the Jews. Most Whites make the compromise for Whites, not for Jews.

    It is a short-sighted compromise. Especially if one wishes to stand with Christ”

    Occigent is 110% correct. (Miracles do not cease!) I deal with this reality every day. So many Whites I know ONLY obey the Electric Jew .
    They’ll give their lives for the Jew. They won’t do a bloody thing for their own kind. They don’t even know they have “their own kind”.

    Your people, in Dixie, do not have this tragic disadvantage.

  36. Even the dumbest of schnucks can comprehend a blatant double standard. The left’s are getting more and more obvious every day.

  37. To normal Americans the idea of being more like Israel sounds the same as the idea of being more like North Korea sounds to Chinese people. Only the super radical fringe would ever want model a society on militaristic pariah states.

    None of you people recognize the different particularist essences that make states unique thus you become a handmaiden of political universalism and complain about “double standards.” As far as I can tell there is no colossus in the mediterannean asking for the tired and poor of the world…. There is however a country founded by ethnic-nationalists, very much unlike the USA which was not bound by any race or religion. Ben Franklin even wanted to fully incorporate the Natives into the American genepool.

  38. Even the idea of a “double standard” is enlightenment garbage. It has no serious application in the world outside of agitating for bitch rights, nigger rights, faggot rights and now white rights.

  39. No-Man: You are welcome to enlighten us then as to the answer to the question at hand–how to confront the Jews? It is easier to critique than come up with ideas.

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