He’s obviously irritated with the vanguard and felt the need to scratch the itch.
Note: This is an excellent summary of the issue.
He’s obviously irritated with the vanguard and felt the need to scratch the itch.
Note: This is an excellent summary of the issue.
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Who cares? Real politic, No-Man. Argue as needed when needed. Left does it all the time.
I notice, No-Man, that everyone is uninformed, mistaken, misguided, and lost except you, who never bothers to provide any better options.
Realpolitik isn’t about ‘arguing’, much less disingenuous hairsplitting rhetoric aimed towards gaining sympathy from one’s opponent or a third-party. That’s called chicanery, learn the difference.
And I’m sorry I’m not there to chase the Jew out from under your bed.
Just as thought, no answers from No-Man. Hereby be known as No-Answers.
What everyone on here is learning from your posts is the meaning of bullshit–yours, that is.
Rorke’s Drift said: “Anyone who says “Name the Jew” is nothing but a tiresome broken record. For your information THE JEW HAS BEEN NAMED (and Elvis has left the building!) so we need to move on by dispensing with that idiotic mantra forever.
Lew responded: “But this is not true. New people who don’t understand it are always migrating out of the mainstream and into more radical ideas. Matthew Heimbach himself is an example of this. How else are people going to learn about it if it’s not discussed.
Based on your logic – since there’s an ever-flowing river of “new people” into our streams of thought – there is a need to perpetually “Name The Jew”. But that is not needed, anymore than society needs to perpetually “prove the world is round” or that, yes, “‘mankind once walked the Moon”, etc. No, the meme of “Name The Jew” now exists as an all-encompassing vapor of extant knowledge, without the need for new ranks of disseminators to keep sprouting up, season after season, like Iowa corn.
What few who may not be aware of that are not important to us. All that is is to NAME THE SOLUTION at this point. And the solution – though I wish there were another way – is bloodshed. There is absolutely no getting around that.
The Jewish problem in Western Civilization is simply a classic tragedy of the commons. We didn’t tend our language properly, and it was hoodwinked out from under us.
How we retake the commons is unfortunately not as exciting as most wish it were. It involves reconfiguring the language of the public square to a place where it better reflects logos. Logos is good for whites, and makes Jews feel a persistent existential angst, as if they were being persecuted — the same angst most aware whites feel today.
This means forcing our public language to reflect principle. No divorce. No pornography. Freedom of association. Prayer in schools. Shoot, even maintaining a national border at this point would freak Big Jew out as a step towards the Inquisition.
Christ showed us the way. The way of the Lamb is what works with Jews. A strident lamb. But a lamb nonetheless. Lambs. Sacrificial lambs.
Snowden is a good example.
I hope your search for meaningful answers to the questions that trouble you is successful. Have a great evening.
When the troops were called in to restore order post-Katrina General Honore chided the media jackals with the phrase “Don’t get stuck on stupid.”
Heimbach makes a good point at the beginning of his essay:
“We persecute the rag merchants, small shopkeepers, or bakers while the elites who are the true problem remain unmolested. Germany prior to the Second World War is an example of this, while the SA was breaking windows of small business owners in Kristallnacht, the influential elites who were the ones who betrayed Germany in the First World War were able to skip out to the other Western countries with all of their wealth and power.”
Much of the race replacement we see happening today is the product of the logical extension of the Americanist “melting pot” applied to non-whites who will never melt into the pot, but will wind up using the pot to cook you in it.
Protestants and Catholics waged war with each other over Ireland for centuries. Now Ireland is being flooded with African niggers with nary a peep from either one.
The yankee melting pot doesn’t not have a Jewish origin. Its origin is much more closely related to the abstract universalist egalitarian assumptions from New England that lead to the great struggle to free the negro.
There are no Jewish fingerprints on the “immigrant invasion” that followed the WBTS, although Jews were part of this immigrant wave. Don’t get stuck on stupid.
Here is an example:
KKK and mafiosi both started as vigilantes for justice. Ironic, isn’t it?
To use a meme employed here frequently, you can:
1. Break up the dysfunctional yankee empire with its universalist pretensions.
2. Solve the nigger problem that has hollowed out cities across the nation.
3. Stay stuck on stupid and attack the symptoms rather than the problem.
Pick two.
Deo Vindice
Sadly, Rourke’s Drift has hit the nail on the head.
Queu No-Answer with a quote from Mosaic law, vague references to some 3rd century friar or philosopher, accusations that nobody here understands how today’s apostate and equality worshipping Catholic Church is going to usher in a caste system with him at the top and a slave cabin full of non-white ass that he intends to partake of…
Heimbach is also a good example.
And oh yeah, orders for our white sisters to make him a sandwich. I suggest it be a bagel, piled high with lox.
Apuleius: number 1, please!
Of course my recommendations are merely baby steps. It took almost two millennia to build Western Civilization. If we started tomorrow we might be back to around 1600 in 500 years.
My take is we are simply that fucked. One wrong move and we’ll be plowed under — for good this time.
Can anyone name a single ethnic Jew that has called for support of a White homeland?
No? Why?
We should also know what we are about. And it cannot, must not, shall not entail support for a Jewish homeland. In any way, shape, form or manner.
We cannot even agree on this, the simplest matter of all. We are so frickin’ broken.
Name the solution is a good meme too.
Protestants and Catholics waged war with each other over Ireland for centuries. Now Ireland is being flooded with African niggers with nary a peep from either one.
One thing I love about Belfast, and Northern Ireland in general, it that it is still beautifully White (for the most part). Very very different from the situation in the Republic, particularly Dublin, which grows darker by the day.
A guy named Buford Furrow once confronted the Jews. So did a group from Washington state called Der Bruders Schweigen.
The Mississippi White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan also confronted the Jews.
Click on the link and you can watch footage of the KKK and American Nazi Party as they confront Jews and their supporters.
“I appreciate your excellent comments. And I am curious re your mention of Gary De Mar. What do you believe might have changed with him as you suggested focus on his early works? Thanks!”
Hugh- this is Off topic, but my gut answer is: “Hell if I know!”
“I enjoyed this essay, but I was disappointed to read that Heimbach thinks Jews deserve a homeland. If Christ had acquiesced to a homeland for Jews, he wouldn’t have been crucified. Christians who acquiesce to Jewish demands of any sort are re-crucifying Christ. This takes all the power out of belief in Christ, and automatically gives Jews the upper hand.
Eventually any reasonable non-Jew has to come to the conclusion that as Jews in America are to America, or Jews in Germany to Germany, so is Israel to the World. There will never be peace for anyone, so long as Israel exists.”
Occigent- BRAVO!
It’s a very difficult step to take… after all, the ‘Chosen Imposter People’ meme is so strong. But, after reading the Fathers, esp. St. John Chrysostom (“God HATES the Jews.”) and understanding that there are ‘enemies’… and then there are ‘ENEMIES’:
“Live in peace with your enemies, but only with your PERSONAL Enemies, and NOT the ENEMIES OF GOD.” – St. Theodosios of the Kiev Caves Lavra (Orthodox Saint)
One comes, eventually, perhaps even kicking and screaming, to the position you have iterated so well, above. As Kissinger has said, ‘In ten years, the state of Israel will not exist.” (And he’s a Jew!) As someone else recently said, ‘Jews have an expiration date.’ How true. Like sour milk left in the fridge, all they are good for is oozing over the landscape like a cancer, and smelling to high Heaven, for the treachery of their deeds.
But my favorite quote of all from the WN fringe: “When a Rabbi enters a room, a crime has ALREADY been committed.”
“It’s not just that he’s got Jesus, he admits to being philo-Semitic prior to his racial awakening. Perhaps some of that still lingers.
Anyway, he’s young, he’s still evolving and other than that he does good work.”
Mark, I am assuming a lot here, but as his name is German, and he quotes Dr. Martin Luther as ‘Father’- there is a strand of Lutheran who revere ML almost as a saint. I may be wrong, but I bet he (Mr. Heimbach) is an LCMS (Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod) traditionalist at heart. He needs to go further, and delve into the Reformed camp. Luther was an accomodationist, because (being Augustinian) he was a consistently inconsistent Roman filioquist- a Thomistic Rationalist. Those types talk great when young, but end up like John Montgomery: wishy-washy at the end.
“I am a white who is unafraid to name the jew as our problem. Both Mark and Denise are correct. The Christian god is the same god the jews made up. Fake. If you really need a god I suggest Odin. At least whites made him up.”
Oh, crap. Nut jobs, galore.
“When it comes to advancing white interests, Micheal Polignano reduces the main idea to a simple phrase: let’s take our own side. Conflicts of interest between ethnic groups are inevitable. When this happens, we white folks should take our own side just like other groups do.
Unfortunately, we often seem capable of doing this. While other groups are for themselves and only for themselves, our emerging theory is that we need to be for everybody as well as for ourselves. Let’s get behind a homeland for everybody. It comes to the edge of Politically Correct WNism, essentially a major concession to the multi-cult frame.
We can’t ever just take OUR side and leave it that.”
Lew- BRAVO! This is our inherent ‘Altruism’ at work here. When it is used by US, for US, ALONE (BUFU-A) it’s the greatest cohesive racial strategy known. Trouble is, it’s been morphed and warped by the Rationalist West’s perversion of the ‘Kingdom’ of God to include the ‘universalism’ of Franky the First’s most recent utterance- ‘We’re ALL saved!”
In short, utter bullshit. God has an Elect. God predestined the Elect to win. Jews are NOT that Elect. Whites are, and have been since AD 33.
Now, go thou and do likewise. Win one for the Gipper, or Build the Kingdom of God, whichever moves you more- but do it, for Whites ALONE, and NOT for the ‘turd world,’ EVER AGAIN!
“Apuleius, the act of signing off with a motto which invokes God’s name every time you post is off-putting. You are, in effect, implying that your vision is so true, your stance so just, that God Himself is your sword and shield.”
Silver- Your Point?
Every utterance a priest makes, every utterance a Christian makes, IS as if the Word of God was being said with all its power and might, against an apostate world.
Saying “Amen” at the end of every prayer, is a cry for God to JUDGE the world, AGAINST His (and the Church’s) Enemies! Saying liturgical benedictions such as ‘Sicut erat in principio, etc.’ is asking for the Kingdom of God to TRAMPLE DOWN SATAN.
Perhaps you’ve never read the “Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel” composed by a prior pope. It’s a great prayer, I pray it often. (Yes, I don’t disparage the faithful found ‘within’ Catholicism- I despise the system that keeps Christ FROM the faithful…) But one phrase always thrills me, because I MEAN it when I say it, with every fiber of my being:
“O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, THRUST INTO HELL Satan and ALL THE EVIL SPIRITS who prowl about the world, etc.”
I even add a nice Celtic ‘rolled r’ on the word ‘THRRRRust’ to make my point clear to the Almighty. I (as a Christian) intend to WIN, you see.
So, seeing a ‘Deo Vindice’ is no different to me, than asking God to DAMN those who are against Him. I have perfect confidence that, in submitting to His Will, I am DOING his will, every day. And praying for God to damn His enemies, is the same as saying, ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, ON EARTH as it IS in Heaven.’
Perhaps you have only the squeamish, feminized ‘Evan-jelly-goo Xtianity’ where you live. But I serve a King, who rides on a horse, conquering and to conquer.
How about you?
Thunor, these guys you mention as “confronting the Jews” were losers who did nothing to advance our cause. Their actions repelled our fellow whites away from our cause by their stupid, violent actions. Also, Nordic paganism is a dead end. It died when the Uppsala od temple was abandoned for Christianity.
The great nonexistent WN movement in the northeast?
I wonder if the White House has plans to deal with the White Revolution or if they’ll be caught pants-down, burning white-genocide documents in barrels and swallowing cyanide capsules.
Heimbach’s clear statements on Factor-J based on the Gospels, Tradition of the Church, the Fathers and doctors of the Church (yes and some Martin Luther for good measure) certainly drew the Hasbara fire on this thread.
For over a thousand years the law and customs of the nations built up on the order of the Church legislated and adjudicated according to the truths (morals) stated by Heimbach. These nations had to be overthrown in Judeo-Masonic republican revolutions before Masonry became the basis of social order and rule on the basis of non separation of synagogue and state.
This is the record. And it is good to see that Heimbach is acquainted with it. He certainly wasn’t edjewmacated to hold these ideas from the guvmint skool.
Lynda, I trust your take on this, so let me ask you:
Is it part of the Gospels, Tradition of the Church, or the Fathers and doctors of the Church to support a Homeland for the Jews, or is it directly contrary to said sources, and in fact completely dismissive of said sources?
If someone supports a Jewish homeland that’s up to them, though I vehemently disagree.
The question I seek to answer is whether it’s correct to do so and call oneself a Christian.
I don’t think ‘Jewish Homeland’ is a Christian issue, Occigent. It is a huge issue in JudeoXtianity and its various denominations. But in the Church founded upon our Lord Jesus Christ, his Apostles, scripture and tradition – it’s a non-issue because of Christ’s words to the Jews:
“Behold your house is left to you desolate” Matt 23:38; Luke 13:35.
He addresses the multicultural peoples in Judea of Roman Palestine who followed ‘the Tradition of the Elders’ (later called the Talmud). This was the Pharisaic and Essene subversion Israelite Torah and the Covenants. Some of these were ethnic Israelites (as was Saul, the Pharisee of the Tribe of Benjamin), some were Idumeans of Judea styling themselves ‘Jews’ (Judeans) , some were natives of other lands but Judea was the centre of their religion.
Also for the Idumean Pharisees styling themselves ‘Judeans’ at that time – they had their puppet king Herod on the throne and they occupied the Chair of Moses in Jerusalem and were ‘overrepresented’ in the priesthood of the Temple. Indeed, the Temple was then the centre the currency exchange scam they were running on the Roman empire and the observant Israelites who came to Jerusalem. At the time of the Pentecost there were men of all nations in Judea and Jerusalem who were observant of the Covenant – many of them were Judeans who were ancestrally of Idumea (that is Edom / Esau) whose Pharisaic cult was subversive of the Covenants.
Judea is the ancestral land of the Israelite Tribe of Juda, but at the time of the Maccabean kings, the Idumeans (of the Tribe of Esau) migrated into the land with their Pharisaic cult that subverted the Torah and its Covenant observances.
The “men of Judea” who were addressed in Peter’s first oration at Pentecost were Judeans of many cultures whose religous cult was centred on the Temple in Judea, much as Muslim is centred on Mecca.
After the Church was established, the men of Judea addressed by St Peter who rejected our Lord as Saviour, Christ and King became ‘the Jews’ – no matter what their nationality.
None of them are ancestrally native to Judah’s tribal land unless they are of Judah. The Edomites are native to Idumea. The Khazars are native to Khazaria. The Persian ones are native to what is modern day Iran.
Our Lord’s commission to his Apostles was: “Go and make disciples of all nations” and to baptise all nations.
The Jews are a multi-ethnic, international race who specifically reject our Lord Jesus Christ as King of all nations, reject the Church as our Lord’s Kingdom order for all nations and make a counter claim upon the earth as their dominion.
Thanks Lynda.
Does it follow then that one cannot endorse their legitimacy by offering them a “Homeland” and still call oneself a Christian? Wouldn’t people who wished to give legitimacy to the enemies of Christ (in any form) be better called Jews?
Obama = Jew
Hagee = Jew
Huckabee = Jew
Bush = Jew
Vast majority of White “Christians” = Jew
V2 Catholics since the Church recognized Israel = Jews.
Jews have homelands. A Jew is born in India – ergo, India is his or her homeland. A Jew is born in the South of France (Jews have lived there since over two thousand years ago) – then France is their homeland.
The problem is not so much homeland as a state within a state.
The multi-ethnic, international race which calls itself ‘the Jews’ have an international state and political organisations. Jewish populations which are subject to those organisations always comprise a state within a state or rather subjects of a state within a state.
The City State of The Crown, headquartered on the sq mi of the City in London is The Crown of the financial sector of the Judaic international state. This is the HQ of its banking cartel. The Sanhedrin, the highest court sits in Jerusalem.
The international state of the Jewish people will also have a monarchy and a legislative body. The World Jewish Congress has met in many different locations. The Revolutionary appartus of the international Jewish state will be the Communist Party – its international executive: the Commintern.
All of this will be co-ordinated by a single Apex – maybe The Crown.
A population of Jews who are are born in a given nation and have a homeland within that nation may or may not as a population see themselves as subject to their international state, participate in its organisations or pursue its agenda. To the extent that they do seeking the upper hand against the interests of other demographics in their native land, they are said to be ‘in Jewry’.
Only with the advent of the internet were ordinary inquirers able to get a hand on this largely concealed internationalism, its organisation and co-ordination.
For Roman Catholics this is especially important because the great encyclicals of the popes that deal with Judeo-Masonry as an international elite fundamentally hostile to the nation state, especially the Catholic nation state, were suppressed from publication by the network of subversion steadily infiltrating the Church.
The best work to consult on this is: The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay. This should be online.
I agree Lynda, and thank you.
But to the specific matter at hand, I’m curious as to your opinion on whether or not Whites who support the nation of Israel can legitimately call themselves Christian. Is it or is it not ascriptural and Satanic?
It goes to the matter of legitimately separating the white wheat from the chaff. We have a problem with causality. Obviously the USA has a Jewish culture. It’s likely that most whites have no idea how Jewish they are. It seems to me the first step in moving forward away from the mess in which we find ourselves is to figure out which whites actually do want to be Jewish and which Whites don’t know any better. Because we will never free ourselves from Jewish influence if we have whites who give legitimacy to Jews, or enjoy thinking like Jews, in our midst. Seeing as how we don’t have Christ walking through the streets as a lightning rod to separate those who want something better from those who don’t, why wouldn’t support for Israel serve as a litmus test? At the very least, a Christian’s support for Israel is evidence of serving two masters, or divided loyalty. At the most it is genuine bad faith.
Yes or no. Is a STUDIED (not ignorant) Christian’s support for the nation of Israel or similar Jewish world sovereignty a legitimate litmus test to discover poisoned, wasted whites, insofar as ancient Church tradition and scripture are concerned?
This is a very interesting idea Occigent -that support for Jewish homeland in Palestine would be a litmus test.
Even though there has been no teaching as such on this ex cathedra, one could extrapolate from the rejection of Pope St Pius X. He refused the overtures of the World Zionist Congress (whose agent was Theodore Herzl) to either recognize the Jewish people or a homeland in Palestine.
Herzl is a fascinating person. For my money, he was an Elder of Zion. His personal observations of Pope St Pius X are more detailed and intriguing than anyone else’s that I have read.
Pope St Pius X stated: “Because the Jews have not recognized our Lord, We can not recognize the Jewish people” – and by extension any claims they are making upon the Gentile nations for land, Palestine, rights over (always rights over others) etc.
Below is a Jewish account.
When the test came, the answer of the Vatican (adhering to the faith) was – No. Of course, all this would change when their Revolution suceeded at the level of the universal Church and they managed to overturn the Chair in Rome.
From the perspective of the European nations speaking in their own ethnic interest (even as secular republics), I think the anwer with regard to Palestine must be: No.
As a multicultural race only a very small minority of Jews have an ethnic relationship to Palestine.
Palestine belongs to the people whose ancestors lived there since the time of Byzantium – when it was part of the Eastern Roman empire. These peoples converted to Christianity. Later, the armies of Islam conquered it and the Christians were persecuted, but even so the Christian remnant will go back to the the tribes of Jacob. Maybe even some are desposyni – ‘of the Master’ that is, descended from Judah. (As the later Idumean Judeans were not).
All of European nation statehood grew out of Nuova Roma as baptised nations. The fact that they are now apostate does not change their history. The White nations were the Christendom and Palestine was originally part of that empire.
I do not see that the race of the Jews has any claim there. Most are descended from the Khazarians – the Ashkhenaz of what is today Khazakstan. These folk never so much as dipped a toe in the Holy Land.
Lynda, another good book to read about the Jews and the Church is “Jewish Influence On Christian Reform Movements” by Louis I Newman. It tells the story of “the plot against the church” from the Jewish point of view. BTW, “Plot” quotes this book quite often. Also, since this book has been out of print for many years, you will have to get it from a used book dealer or a inter-library loan.
I’m reading Shabtai Teveth’s eponymous biog, Moshe Dayan and am fascinated by Dayan’s mother. She was a middleclass Ukrainian Jewess educated by an Orthodox tutor. As a young girl obsessed with Russian literature she joined the Russian army as a nurse during a campaign in the baltic agaist the Turks. Later her concern for the poor led her to the Narodniks.
She realized while still a young woman however “I have discovered a grave error in my life. The people to whom I wish to devote myself are not my people and I am a stranger amongst them.”
Here’s a new comment from a writer that clearly shows how long the Church’s enemies, have BEEN our enemies.
“Is it part of the Gospels, Tradition of the Church, or the Fathers and doctors of the Church to support a Homeland for the Jews,”
Occigent, why ask Lynda?
Rome hasn’t been a part of any of that for over a thousand years.
Just like the Jews, [the Synagogue of Satan], the ‘Church’ of Rome is naught but an imposter- [the Whore of Babylon], and has been called such by Luther, Cranmer, Calvin, Wesley, Pusey, and all the RC trads since 1970. Now, don’t get me wrong: I like Lynda as a person- but as a woman (I Cor. 14:34) and an adherent to a cult that doesn’t even profess that which she says it professes (witness Bp. Williamson, Franky the First, ‘universal salvation,’ and the abdication of Benedict due to the ‘homoheresy,’ and tell me straight in the eye, this is the same ‘semper edeam’ of even 1965, and I’ll laugh in your face),
she “has no power here”…. Sort of like the Wicked Witch of the East, in the opening scenes of the WoO. But I bet she looks more like Glinda….
Fr. John,
I ask Lynda because I know your take on the Church. And regardless of its myriad faults and failings, it wasn’t Rome that allowed the Romanovs or the Ukranians to be slaughtered. It was the confused Orthodox, in their tattered garments.
Besides, I was referring to Heimbach and Lynda’s own reference to historical spiritual precedent, and attempting, for the moment, to steer clear of explicit denominational bias. I know Protestants are generally averse to giving broad and universal pronouncements of faith, and consider the Orthodox to be similar. I asked Lynda because I figured I’d get a straight answer.
What is your answer, Fr. John, for all Christians of all stripes, to the question? Do we first declare rhetorical open warfare on Whites who call themselves Christians but support Israel, or are they part of our at this point extremely broad flock? Is it a forgivable error or is it open and obvious evil?
As an example, how far would Southern secessionists get if a large part of their spiritual garment was devoted to securing a Yankee homeland?
Answer: They would get nowhere. Because the half-hearted will always lose against the full-hearted.
You are either fully for Christ or you are useless meat.
Fr. John,
In the name of your own reputation please stop referring to Papa Francesco as “Franky the First”, you’re better than that.
Shouldn’t you be discerning between those zionists that preach to Jews and Jew toadies? It seems like the problem with zionism is when it is woven into Christian religion or used to justify ceasing missionary efforts. Political zionism aimed towards sharing the gospel with Jews while simultaneously ‘using’ them against the muslim horde seems reasonable.
The ideal Israel would be full of messianic Jews. Just another Christian nation with their peculiar culture and language.
I understand the desire to separate the spiritual and the political, but that in itself is Jewish thinking and leads to Jewish hegemony. That doesn’t end up with peaceful nation states and calm, quiet white neighborhoods. That ends up with hiding a Crucifix in your floorboards for fear of getting your face blown off.
I don’t think “using” Jews in any way is good policy for Western Civilization. Political use of Jews is itself granting them a legitimacy that leads to diminution of the power of logos. You can’t serve two masters, politically or spiritually. If you use a pawn, it’s still your pawn. Jews aren’t our pawns. They are the enemies of the Occident.
How would it work out if Southrons used Yankees as a battleship against Fedgov in the North?
Rendering unto Caesar is not Jewish thinking, careful Occigent don’t get swept away by your own turn of phrase.
“Enemies of the Occident”
Those that reject The Christ are the enemies of the Occident because the Occident is synonymous with Christendom. Those that are not against us are with us and those that are not with us are against us.