About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t want to sidetrack you because you’re making some good points Occigent but separating spiritual from realpolitik in the West goes back to Leonidas deciding to march during Carnea. The difference is the Jews use religion to hurt the state (most of their history, good example being Rome) or the state to hurt religion (Communism). This is because Judaism is a false rejectionist creed that competes with rather than compliments civilization.

  2. Thanks for the reference Stephen, I will try to obtain a copy of “Jewish Influence on Christian Reform Movements” for the parish library. It is important to get these resources now to shore up the home schools and the traditional Catholic schools.

    FYI Fr John, Bishop Williamson is MY bishop. And he has asked the Roman Catholic faithful to participate in discussions like these.

    There is at present a unique window of opportunity for candid minds to meet and talk fundamentals.

  3. Please see Bishop Williamson’s excellent position on this subject of the Occident and the Jews “God: the Prerequisite of all Politics”

  4. Thanks for that link Lynda, I’ve never heard him give a long address before, only caught the little snippets here and there where he was painted as an evil holohoax denier 🙂

  5. Thanks for the useful link, Lynda. Williamson describes the Antebellum Southron system as “Slave-driving Elitism” on the chart in the video. However, the chart lacks the first stage of the devolution, where Roman Papal universal supremacy corrupted the original, natural order of orthodox ethnic Christianity. At the top of the chart is the scripture: “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it” — very true!

  6. I would like to affirm my commitment to a Jew-free White ethnostate in North America, and I don’t care what God they worship.

    Heimbach seems a little too concerned with pleasing Jews, in my opinion. His previous comments on WN pagans were not nearly as tactful.

    The Jew is the Weltfeind, the anti-Race, the Golem. Who gives a damn what they say about Christ or anything else? Put them up against the wall before the make up more lies! When you have a tumor, you cut it out; you don’t stare at it, analyze it from different lights, ask it to be nice, question it on whether it’s malignant, etc.

    Martin Luther had the correct approach to conversion when he said: “When a Jew asks me to convert him to Christianity, I kindly guide him down to the banks of the Elbe, fasten a millstone around his neck, and cast him in.”

    I also continue to affirm the need for a separate Nordish identity within the racialist milieu. It seems that this aspect of thought has almost completely disappeared since the days of Wilmot Robertson, and that’s terribly unfortunate. Richard McCulloch is the last of his kind, and I try to promote his work as much as possible.

  7. “Slave driving – Elitism” – to me this is phatic communication, it is the equivalent of hamburger helper in dialogue.

    All states have slaves – so called by whatever name this class of dependents with no options but to labour for those who benefit from it. Whether they are driven by their impulses and conditions that are created for them to do their slave thing; or whether they have actual overseers and personal owners who have responsibilities to them; or whether they form a class that is locked down in terms of social options and so must sell their labor in whatever market and currency is provided for them – you have slaves.

    When people say ‘slaves’ they are conditioned to think ‘poor blacks’ and white slave drivers. Historically they should be thinking White, Christian Europeans and Slavs (slaves) and elite Muslims, pagan Whites and Jews.

    It was the NW coast of Europe that was raided for centuries by the pagan Nordics who onsold captured Whites to the markets in Byzantium. It was the White populations of Europe that were displaced in the overthrow of their nation states by the rise of the Judaic power that indentured those now landless people to labour in the Americas.

    ‘The Great Emancipator’ certainly didn’t free them.

    Also – every social group, distinguished as a group has – an elite. The idea of equality is a myth. Who believes there is any such thing as ‘equality’?

    At the time of the American founding, White elites owned black slaves. But for most of European history, it was the Whites who were captured and sold simply because their labour is more valuable to pagan elites, Judaic elites, Muslim elites.

    Today society is engineered (by Judaic elites) to lockdown the Blacks in dependance on the leviathan state, condition them to hatred of Whites and prevent all efforts to remedy this. Conditions are imposed and created by Blacks themselves to insure they are their own worst enemies – as slaves. Their labour for the Judaic elites in terms of their crime, the economy of their gangs, their predation on Whites, their mayhem.

    Their predations on Whites, their destruction of American infrastructure is invaluable to the Judaic elite which is fighting a war against Whites in North America.

  8. Re: “Slave-driving Elitism”:

    Lynda, that phrase appeared in Williamson’s chart, in the linked video.

  9. When listening to white nationalist rhetoric, one initially admires their ‘honesty’ for saying “the problem isn’t really Zionism. It’s Jews. If jews would all go to Israel, then good.”

    But honesty is not intelligence. It’s still an idiotic and reversed position. The problem is American and Israeli imperialism and capitalism, not Jews.

    I sided with communists on thelyceum.info and nothing has changed since then.

  10. Mosin has again demonstrated reading/listening comprehension is not his strong suit.

    “Slave-owning elites” was the revolutionary phrase against the South… Just as “medieval superstition” was against the Church.

    Good video and post, Lynda.

  11. I didn’t have time to listen to it at all, No Man, because I was near the computer for only a few minutes, with the audio turned down. I glanced at a few scenes here and there, noticed the chart, tried to read it, and the “slave-driving elitism” caption caught my eye.

    I added the link to my favorites this morning so I could find it later, and thanked Lynda for the very interesting, useful link. I am coming back to it now.

  12. Robert Campbell,

    Martin Luther had the correct approach to conversion when he said: “When a Jew asks me to convert him to Christianity, I kindly guide him down to the banks of the Elbe, fasten a millstone around his neck, and cast him in.”

    Heimbach said he accepts converted Jews and prefers black Christians to white non-Christians.

  13. Watching neopagans tear this kid apart is very satisfying. You guys don’t deserve Heimbach, let him find out who his real people are.

  14. So far he hasn’t referred to that phrase on his chart, but yes, it appears he does intend it to represent the liberal critique of the constitutional “Virginia aristocratic establishment” beginning with George Washington and ending with Robert E. Lee that had replaced the British monarchial system beginning with Henry VIII and endind with George III, that had replaced submission to the Roman Pope under the notion of the Divine Right of Kings.

    At around 30 minutes he is saying that for liberals slavery is the ultimate evil and liberty the ultimate good. It is clear he is NOT a proponent of liberty, and probably not opposed to slavery.

    Now he is saying that Jefferson was wrong, and that the British monarchial system was not tyrannical at all.

    Now at about 53:45 he finally mentions the phrase, saying that Lincoln swept away the old establishment “in the name of slave-driving elitism.”

    I have listened to Williamson several times before, speaking bravely on the Holocaust hoax, but of course I do not like his constant apologetic for Roman Catholicism.

  15. Neither Heimbach nor Williamson, nor any of us is perfectly correct about everything. Only God is perfect.

  16. speaking bravely on the Holocaust hoax, but of course I do not like his constant apologetic for Roman Catholicism.

    We couldn’t be more opposite in every possible way.

  17. Missing from Williamson’s chart is the first stage of the devolution, where Roman Papal supremacy corrupted the original, natural order of orthodox ethnic Christianity.

    Williamson’s “slave-driving elitism” is an accurate even if unintended description of the antebellum establishment, just as his phrase “capitalist exploitation” accurately describes the “empire of money” that was established by Lincoln, according to Williamson — and his other chart labels “medieval superstition” and “oppressive tyranny” also accurately describe the age of Roman Papal supremacy and the age of the Divine Right of Kings, even though Williamson may not intend them so.

  18. “We couldn’t be more opposite in every possible way.”

    I don’t think so, unless you are not on this blog voluntarily, but paid to do this. That would be opposite.

  19. If you’re referring to me, I’m not a neo-pagan. Just reporting what he said. And yes, I’m sure black Christians and converted jews are his real friends. rolls eyes.

  20. If he is hostile to pagans, I can’t blame him. I was too for years because the only pagans I ever ran into spoke in terms of Christians worshiping dead kike on a stick. Not all pagans are that unreasonable.

  21. A Roman Catholic admirer who hasn’t even become Roman Catholic yet already thinks that all NON-Roman Catholics really are pagan.

  22. If No-man had actually been born & raised Roman Catholic (as I was), I seriously doubt he would so enchanted by that silly crap by this time in his life.

  23. WN is too anonymous and internet based.

    When people know each other in real life, they are more agreeable and amenable to cooperating for a common purpose. If they go into battle together as a unit like Matt did in DC, they are even more cohesive.

  24. Hitler: failed at freeing one small country of Jews, led to creation of Jewish homeland, marked middle of the end of Western Civilization.

    Dead Kike on a Stick: Led to creation of Church that kept Jewish influence at bay for about a thousand years, creating Europe. Church still remains #1 enemy of Judaism.

    Conclusion: Church is silly. Hitler had the answers.

  25. I am pro-South and have “no positions” that trigger alarm-bells when I interact with real humans. We need more of me and less online shamans like Mosin.

  26. N.S.A. is really not irrelevant to discussion of a future Republic of Dixie. What kind of republic will it be? If knowledge is (or directly related to) power, how much knowledge will the future government maintain of all its citisens and of everyone else in the world?

    The “old”-headed, liberty-loving, N.S.A. observation above concerned a regular OD commenter, not Matt Heimbach, though I would be interested to learn Matt’s opinion of “National Security”.

  27. “have no positions that trigger alarm-bells” does not include some such as WN who may be highly alarmed.

  28. Mosin you seem to be interested in Hollywood movies lately. Checkout ‘Dark Knight’ where Batman uses PRISM to catch the Joker. You guys have to admit it was a good scene when the black prisoner said “I’ll do what you shoulda done ten minutes ago.”

  29. Here’s a movement history lesson:

    1.) WN’s and crypto-WN’s seize control of an ostensibly high-brow political discussion forum.

    2.) Iceman disables forum and gets their personal info, plans to alert their employers.

    3.) It turns out all but one(1) WN’s is on welfare and their freedumb of speech protects their right to whine about “ZOG” on ZOG’s dime.

  30. Hitler – Started a world war and lost’

    It wasn’t world war untill U.S-England entered.

    Iran-Iraq war was simply a conflict between the two.India,Turkey,South East asia entered the theather. It would have been a world war.

  31. I haven’t seen those “Security” propaganda movies, only read about and heard several first-hand accounts of them. Better to forgo some “Security” rather than lose all our few remaining liberties. City people, though, whether affluent or poor, live precarious dependent lives and crave “security.”

    How can anyone be “pro-South” who is so urban-cosmopolitan and Roman-universalist, and also radically pro- Global “Security”?

    Matt Heimbach’s upbringing background in Montgomery County, Marylandhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montgomery_County,_Maryland appears to be suburban. The county lost its agricultural character and has become one of the most affluent, educated, political counties in the entire Union. It is less than 50% white.

  32. Because I believe critiquing economics is important, I can’t support Heimbach disrupting the occupy movement, even though I believe Occupy does some things wrong to expand to a mass movement.

    The problem with Occupy is that it allows too many Democrat types in. Democrats basically are more focused on gay marriage and yelling anti-white slogans than they are on the class issues. They also aren’t serious about changing things. That said, I believe the good people who are legitimately interested in class struggle make Occupy overall a good movement, in spite of its flaws.

    Thus disrupting it over the race issue is like stopping a bus because you don’t like one guy on the bus.

  33. The South is based on traditional roman forms, Mosin. Also, global militarism has always been popular in the South since the days of filibustering. In fact I was radicalized at a young age in Huntsville Alabama where I attended two Summers of Aviation Challenge. During the rainy nights they threw us 13-15 y.o.’s in our olive drab flight suits into a musty old hangar and projected ‘Top Gun” on the slightly corrugated wall. We didn’t pay any mind to the big Alabama roaches/water bugs scampering between us, we were friggin transfixed, still am when I hear that opening riff. That was the first time I met Israelis too because the IDF sent future pilots to Huntsville, still does.

  34. Occigent,

    A few weeks ago you were complaining about too much focus on Jews. Now, you say they don’t deserve Israel and the goal ought to be to relegate them to ghettos. Boils down to let’s keep the Jews inside our own borders.

  35. Iceman-Metal Gear,

    Don’t agree with you about WNism, but you are spot on about the role of economics. The Occupy movement and economic populism from the left in general will never go anywhere. Liberals can’t restrain themselves. They don’t know how to keep their left-wing cultural bullshit out of their economic program.

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