About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. No-Man,

    There are no pagans at OD. Nobody is “digging into” MH. The topic is MHs ideas on the Jews. My reading is he makes some correct statements on Jews (they hate us) and some not so correct ones (the distinction between elite and merchant/non-elite Jews matters).

  2. Yes, a few weeks ago I put more blame on whites than Jews for our current predicament. I’ve accepted since then that a Jewish culture produces white Jews through no fault of their own.

    I’ve never been pro-Israel. My position has always been Israel was a huge catastrophe for Western Civilization, and represents a complete failure of Christianity. I have always been pro-ghettoization, because the cost of White Civilization demands the moral authority necessary to keep the Jewish threat in constant perspective. Our biggest problem is the melding of White and Jew, or “Judeo-Christian” civilization. This doesn’t happen when the difference of the two peoples is in constant view, as with ghettoization. A ghetto keeps white white and Jew Jew.

    My position is that if we can’t ghettoize, if we can’t retrain ourselves, as a people, to understand the difference, than we’ll never regain anything.

    That’s also why I’ve argued in this thread that white support for Israel leads to a completely defective white, or Western, persona. You’ve argued that those who blame whites should be the first to go. My position is that there is a thousand times more evidence to blame whites than there is to support Israel, and that blaming whites can be remedied, while supporting Israel is a far more profound defect.

    Realpolitik didn’t create Europe. Realpolitik destroyed Europe.

  3. My worldview is that the creators of the original Church were just like us. Maybe they tried a hundred different ways to deal with the dissolution of their culture and the Jewish problem. But eventually they came up with the solution.

    The Church is the Protocol of the Learned Elders of the Goy put into action. The Goy plan to take over the world. AND IT WORKED. THAT is where we should be looking for answers.

  4. Anything that ends up working, whether we undertake it now or after a thousand years of error, will look exactly like that. There is no way around it.

  5. I looked over Chechar’s article. It looks like pretty standard pagan v Christian stuff. Maybe I’m wrong.

  6. I have not “dug into” Mr. Heimbach, whose activist efforts I respect, at all.

    I merely pointed out that Mr. Heimbach has made some very inflammatory remarks regarding WN heathens in the past, and I find this to be at odds with his comparably soft stance on the Jewish Problem, which should be stark, unambiguous and absolute, in the spirit of the Luther quote I posted.

    I certainly *could* “dig into” Mr. Heimbach over his past comments on non-Christian Whites, but I have been informed privately that he no longer holds such radically anti-heathen notions and now understands the need for less vitriol and more common ground with Traditionalist-minded heathens. I hope that is the case, and if so, I wish him the best of luck.

    I am not an anonymous entity, nor is my Folkish heathenry confined to the internet, and I have not written anything here that I would not say to Mr. Heimbach face to face.


    BTW, Thanks for the kind remarks, Denise. I hope you and your family are well.

  7. “The South is based on traditional roman forms”

    …like slavery and elitism?

    Global militarism has always been popular in the South”

    I think you are the best, clearest interpreter of Occidental Dissent.

    “I attended two Summers of Aviation Challenge (…) That was the first time I met Israelis”

    That youthful adventure no doubt made a lifelong impression.

  8. “Heimbach has made some very inflammatory remarks regarding WN heathens in the past, and I find this to be at odds with his comparably soft stance on the Jewish Problem, which should be stark, unambiguous and absolute”

    I was pleased with the Christian emphasis in his speech (I listened to the video) at the conference. The Faith will always be essential, foundational.

  9. Iceman, would you please explain your view of the “class issues” mentioned in your comments above about the Occupy movement? What then do you think of ELITIST Southronism? Did you really hack into a WN site and expose many of the regular commenters as “welfare rats”?

  10. “I believe the good people who are legitimately interested in class struggle make Occupy overall a good movement, in spite of its flaws. Thus disrupting it over the race issue is like stopping a bus because you don’t like one guy on the bus.”

    I meant: “class struggle”

  11. I did hack into sites.

    Others exposed them as “welfare rats.”

    What no-man is talking about was a “free speech forum” that was taken over (illegitimately) by a group of wns.

    Regarding occupy, they openly oppose both parties and openly defend the average person against corporations. That’s a good thing. the bad thing is the spokesmen who show up and push abortion, gay marriage etc., but overall I consider occupy a victory against the rich.

  12. Iceman, your position is that lack of money is a greater detriment to white survival than lack of moral clarity? Don’t white people today live better than any time in history, materially speaking?

  13. My position is that whites will survive no matter what, my issue is political correctness. I never took up the ‘white nationalist’ banner, even though I posted on sites where others did.

    I do link immigration to economics, but it’s more than that. The system overall is unfair and far from the meritocracy that free market advocates think it is. You get ahead by working the system in this system.

    Race is not my only issue.

  14. The ability Lutherans have to ignore their progenitor’s wildest ravings is quite remarkable. It says a lot that those most in favor of unadulterated Lutheranism are politically sidelined ‘nordish’ atheists.

  15. Robert Campbell – you are very welcome, and thank you for your kind words. All is very well.

    It’s a pleasure to read your posts, and always has been. You have a truly gifted brain, and are one of the few people I have ever met who are truly well-read. Your positions on Die JudenTeufel are correct (correct my horrific attempts at German, please), and beautifully lucid.

    Matt H is still under construction. I didn’t used to loathe Jews to my marrow, either. With knowledge comes wisdom. He has a lot to learn. He doesn’t understand that Jews and Blacks can NOT convert to Christianity. It’s not in their DNA. That it’s ALL about DNA. He’s still formulating his knowledge, and beliefs.

    He is wonderfully successful in getting his ideas out there – and he’s a very very very brave young man. I commend and support him to my marrow. I see that sniping ,and attempts at de-legitimization as either jealousy, or yet another in and endless series of subversion, designed to destroy a neophyte Leader, before he can fully flower.

    All Hail Matt! Let’s give him our love and support.

  16. IceJew is a self-proclaimed Marxist. This MEANS all ideology, on his part, is mere grifting. He’s a greedy little wannabe miser, and worships Mammon. He’s a Spiritual Jew.

  17. Marxism is rotten but nothing if not ideology.

    Iceman is a good friend, conversationalist of the highest order and a solid wingman.

  18. Occigent says:
    Yes, a few weeks ago I put more blame on whites than Jews for our current predicament. I’ve accepted since then that a Jewish culture produces white Jews through no fault of their own.

    It’s rare to see someone acknowledge a change in perspective. Good for you.

  19. That’s right.

    I sided with Communists back in 2007 but for a while I went through different outside ideologies (third positionist, techno-fascist, etc.)

    The ideologies were just shells, I was just a Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Maoist who was not willing to admit it.

    It’s just that I’m also opposed to race denial, political correctness, abortion, special privileges for homosexuality etc.

    Basically I’m more of a old school Marxist, and I oppose the so-called “cultural marxists” who aren’t really Marxists.

  20. I also know that my message doesn’t sell.

    You don’t go around saying “hey, I’m a marxist-leninst race realist blah blah blah blah” it just doesn’t sell.

    The motive is more precise understanding than selling.

    If I wanted a mass movement, I wouldn’t base it on my own philosophy. That’s why I still support Occupy.

  21. An end to cultural marxism (abortion, pornography, homosexual rights, affirmative action, etc.) will bring about fairer wealth distribution faster than fairer wealth redistribution will end cultural marxism.

    Occupy was never going to get the average white guy a damn thing.

  22. If you actually had to fight the economy as a new entrant (I graduated 2008) I think your views would be different.

    Most wns like no-man says just go off welfare anyways, so they wouldn’t get the class issues.

  23. Denise, you’re wrong about Jews and Blacks being impossible to convert to Christianity. Jesus and his original disciples were all Jews. The Ethiopian Eunuch mentioned in Acts 8 was a Cushite, who have always been regarded as black, that is negro.

    DNA isn’t the reason why these people don’t convert easily. It’s the stubbornness of their hearts, a message that’s repeated time and time again in the Old and New Testament.

  24. I disagree with your logos vehemently, No-man.

    No-man in heaven:

    Jesus: No-man, I wore a CROWN OF THORNS and got my ass whipped, carried a cross for a few miles on a hot day and was crucified like peasant to delegitimize the Jews. All I had to do was snap my fingers at any time, create Israel, and I could have gone to have a few beers with My disciples and forgot about the whole thing. And you spend your life supporting it. Why?

    No-man: Realpolitik, dude. Render unto Cesar bro.

    Jesus: Render unto Cesar? Not your SOUL you idiot!

    No-man: Vineyard Vines, brah.

    Jesus: Bye.

  25. Occupy was/’is’ the last breath of an artificial class (“middle class”) unwilling to yield to the proletarianization of their grandparents. Sorry kids, forgiving your student debt for your Queer Studies Degree wouldn’t make you economically viable, only your labor will. You are part of the labor aristocracy and without hyper-imperialism you’d be making soccer-balls, so kindly shut up about the “ZOG” that wipes your behind and focus on flipping my fucking burger.

  26. No-man is spot on about occupy being middle class.

    In fact Trotsky and Mussolini, two “bad” figures, both agreed that the middle class was artificial, that in times of struggle middle class people take the political positions of one of the two main classes.

    But anything that says that both parties are bad, that the average person is getting screwed, that economics is key, is a major step in the correct direction.

  27. Yeah that’s why you come at me for being a bro, because my logos is off. I support altar and throne, Laurels & Thorns. You disagree not with my position but how I choose to express it. This is because I don’t want to make a name for myself in your cruddy online circle, I don’t want to be your friend, I don’t care if you enjoy my comments; I’m here to honestly exchange ideas.

    Thank God again.

  28. “Regarding occupy, they openly oppose both parties and openly defend the average person against corporations. That’s a good thing (…) overall I consider occupy a victory against the rich.”

    I oppose and do not accept any form of Marxism, Iceman, but we probably agree that CASTE ELITISM, slavery, greed and selfishness are evil and destructive for all but the very elite-est 1% or 2% — and I agree that Occupy is not without merit. Those who are not against us may effectively be for us. Those Occupy opposes are definitely against us.

  29. The basis of something like occupy is that people have their goals set based on the way things are. They get the training they need to achieve their goals, but then all of a sudden the economic base changes. Thus they have to change strategy. No-man recommends “Yielding to proletarianization.” There are other strategies, like getting involved with smaller businesses instead of corporations, but the bottom line is occupy is a sign that people realize that the “American dream” is a fiction.

    I thought that was very important, even if things are wrong with it. It’s definitely a more important movement than Heimbach.

  30. This Iceman character above is a perfect example of what I mean. He freely acknowledges that all of his ideological peregrinations were “shells” aimed at obfuscating his true Marxist-Leninist ethos.

    If some American version of the Iron Guard were to pop up, I’m sure he’d ostensibly convert to Orthodox Christianity, but he can never be one of us (meaning of the Occident), and he knows it. It would be nothing but a farce, just another “shell” to allow him to continue maneuvering around behind a new mask whilst sowing seeds of discord. Codreanu did not allow this to happen in Romania, and neither can we.

    Many Fascists entered the party due to Il Duce’s soft stance on the Judenfrage, and NOT to the advantage of the Fascist party or the Italian people. In my view, even the NS government was too lenient in this respect. All Mischlingen, in ANY degree, should have been sterilized at a bare minimum, yet 1/4 Jews were allowed to marry German women. Why? It’s that horrible German sense of objectivity that the Führer so loathed: the need to always see things from the perspective of the other person, even their enemies. In London and NYC, the Jews and their lackeys certainly weren’t considering the German perspective when they rained phosphorous down on the most beautiful city in Europe, which happened to be harbouring nothing but civilians. Dresden wasn’t a military target. This was an act of terrorism, born of cowardice. The Jew is, above all, a liar and a coward, and he has the blood of hundreds of millions of Europeans on his hands. One day we shall settle accounts with all of them, and we won’t be as nice as the Germans were. Dr. Pierce recommended using the abandoned coal mines in West Virginia for that purpose; I think that’d be fitting.

    The acceleration of Time is increasing like an out-of-control freight-train. Soon enough, Kalki [or Christ, if you’d like, Mr. Heimbach] will come to restore order, and he shall act with unparalleled ruthlessness, in the spirit of detached, sacred violence. As Savitri Devi describes:

    “…Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, He will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine Cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the luke-warm, of the opportunists, of the ideologically heretical, of the racially bastardised, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or in character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen Ages.”

    I highly recommend everyone read Evola’s pamphlet entitled “Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem,” which is available from Thompkins and Cairou publishing. It is the best primer on the subject with which I’m familiar, as he covers their subversion in all aspects of life: spiritual, financial, cultural, etc.

    Heil Hitler und Wotan mit uns!

  31. I’m not “coming at you.” And I can assure you, I’m not here to make friends either.

    I disagree with your position on Israel, and do not agree that it is a part of logos. You appear to agree, in that you buttress your support of Israel not with a clarification of why it is a part of logos, but rather with the explanation that it is “realpolitik.”

    Realpolitik is the opposite of logos.

    Didn’t mean to offend in phrasing your hypothetical conversation with Jesus in that way. I don’t have a problem with you. You’ll be a very successful person, no doubt. But the existence of Israel has no place in Christian logos.

  32. “without hyper-imperialism you’d be making soccer-balls, so kindly shut up about the ‘ZOG’ ”

    Global militarism is good, might makes it right, and to the victors go the spoils, continued power and prosperity — and “ZOG,” like “WN’s” and “White People”, does not really exist, is merely “an internet meme.” Correct?

  33. “Many Fascists entered the party due to Il Duce’s soft stance on the Judenfrage, and NOT to the advantage of the Fascist party” ready to sell out when the time was right.

    Didn’t anyone hang posters of Judah at the conference?

  34. Hunter:

    The Handbook of Tradition Living was written by an anonymous, contemporary author, and not Julius Evola; however, I HIGHLY recommend that Handbook anyway. Its author is clearly well versed in Traditionalist thought and it’s an excellent primer on the subject.

    If you are to read just one book by Evola, and I wish you would, it should be Revolt Against the Modern World, closely followed by Men Among the Ruins.

    The most recent books available by Evola are “Fascism Viewed From the Right” and “Notes on the Third Reich,” both released by Arktos. They also just released an expanded second edition of The Path of Cinnabar, his “intellectual autobiography.” What I mean is that it’s an autobiography, but Evola gives almost no facts about his life within this tome; rather, it’s sort of a guide to his other, previous works. I highly recommend all of Evola’s work, but especially Revolt…

  35. Wait. Wouldn’t those Blackshirt-donning Talmudists have been the Sephardic-Mediterranean-Southern kind?

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