About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. RC, are you aware that Evola changed his views later.

    His reasoning was this : Before world war II, Jews were culturally different from non-Jewish Europeans in attitude and spirit, but after World War II, enough had changed that essentially Jews and Europeans were the same. Therefore singling out Jews made little sense.

    That’s kind of my view. The difference in attitudes between Jews and other Americans is not enough of a difference to warrant letting one of the hook and attacking the other. Basically most Jews are Americans and only a few are actually hyperethnocentric.

  2. “If some American version of the Iron Guard were to pop up, I’m sure he’d ostensibly convert to Orthodox Christianity, but he can never be one of us (meaning of the Occident), and he knows it”

    Not just no, but hell no. I’ve never taken the opportunist position on these forums or in real life.

  3. If I ever take the opportunist position, it’s only conceding one thing so I can get another.

    I may “support” a group that I don’t agree with, but I won’t pretend to agree with them.

  4. Time and time again, I’ve spent time articulating political positions for my own understanding, when I could have pretended to agree with a group of people.

    Often my conclusions contradict others and make them angry and I still do it anyways.

  5. Jew:

    I assure you that I am very familiar with Evola and his thought. He had to watch what he wrote in the post-war period because he was a confined to a wheelchair and at the mercy of the victors. They put him on trial for trying to revive Fascism anyway; his brilliant “self defense” speech, delivered to the court, is reproduced in full in Men Among the Ruins. He was acquitted, as the court concurred that the Baron was merely affirming what all well-bred men understood before 1789.

    He never at any point veered away from the fundamental metaphysics of Traditionalism, which uphold that the Jews are literal descendants of Typhon-Set. They are demonic entities, the anti-Race, the Golem. He makes this unambiguously clear in Revolt… (his magnum opus) and in his other writings on the Jewish problem. He didn’t alter his views on Jews to include them in his burgeoning elite; he just stopped writing about them, or extended the criticism to the materialistic Zeitgeist overall, in order to avoid prosecution on the one hand, and because it was also true: many Aryans were as degenerate as Jews by that point, and he wanted to convey the fact that Aryan blood is only a sort of vessel, which must be consecrated through the Rite until one is truly “twice born.” The Jew is incapable of this. His highest spiritual goal is Ain Soph: Nothing but Nothingness.

    Göbbels always said that a Jew can make up 10 lies in the time it takes you to debunk one, so I won’t be playing patty-cake with you. You show me with a direct citation where Evola repudiated his metaphysical doctrine, or altered it to be Jew-friendly, or I won’t be responding to you again.


  6. For the benefit of the gallery:

    Evola believed in four different “race types” and considered the “race of the body” to be the lowest of these types, which is why he heavily criticized world-views that were purely biological positivistic in outlook. There are many biological Aryans who serve our enemies; however, this is not to say that “the race of the body” is not a prerequisite for the Ascent. It is. It’s merely the lowest one on the ladder, the first step.

    Moreover, Evola’s assertions that Jews were a demonic force and the literal descendants of Typhon-Set were never rescinded, recanted or revised. He could have omitted such comments from future releases of his earlier works when they were re-published in the 50s and 60s. He chose not to make such amendments, which is a very revealing decision.

  7. You are taking parts of what Evola says and then adding your own stuff.

    Seems like it. Evola had no use for Luther, despised him actually. Since the neo-Heathens reject the special damnation of Jews for killing Christ yet still want to especially hate Jews they have to get creative. Strong pagans saw pre-Rabbinical Jews as distant blood brothers (Spartans) or dirty barbarians (Romans).

  8. You appear to agree, in that you buttress your support of Israel not with a clarification of why it is a part of logos, but rather with the explanation that it is “realpolitik.”

    Realpolitik is the opposite of logos.

    Complexio Oppositorum.

  9. No-man,

    Somehow we’re not understanding each other. Why don’t you just tell me how support for the Jewish state is consonant with logos, and I’ll take it under consideration.

  10. Example:

    Israel is consonant with Christian logos because Christ wanted to be the Messiah the Jews had hoped for but, because of realpolitik, he couldn’t make it happen, and decided to be crucified instead.

  11. No-Man:

    What does the fact that I quoted Luther have to do with my analysis of Evolian thought? Evola had nothing positive to say of Luther and I never implied otherwise.

    I offered that quote by Luther because it was witty and recognized the insidious nature of Jewry as a (anti)race, regardless of religious profession, and not within the context of a Traditionalist exegesis; however, I probably should have done so, as it’s interesting to note that even the “failed ascetic” who started the Reformation by questioning that ‘Spark from Above’ (as Evola viewed him) was able to see the clear and present danger represented by Jewry. He wrote an entire book on The Jews and Their Lies.

    Evola’s Traditionalist doctrine of metaphysics recognized the demonic nature of Jews, the descendants of Typhon-Set, and the eternal enemies of the Aryan/Hyperborean peoples. In his early writings (Heathen Imperialism, in particular), he also calls for the complete destruction of Christianity and a return to Nordic/Roman religiosity, rooted in Olympian, Solar values. He later amended his thought on this as pragmatic matters came to the fore, but that is the Evola I find most inspiring: youthful, fiery, uncompromising, and TRUE.

    Inner Traditions actually toned down Evola’s comments on Jewry in Revolt Against the Modern World quite a bit for the English translation, yet we still find Evola affirming the Typhonic lineage of the Jews. In fact, there is quite a bit of Evola’s material on race and Jewry that has been left untranslated or unpublished in English. The booklet on the Jewish Problem that I mentioned is an excellent example of this sort of thing, and I was glad to see it come into print. His most important work on Race, “Sintesi…,” has not yet been offered in English translation, despite the fact that it was adopted by Mussolini as the official Fascist policy on race. Once again, Thompkins & Cairou did a great service by making available the booklet, “Elements of Racial Education.”

    Thus far, I have been challenged twice on my interpretation of Evola (on the first occasion, by a notorious Jew troll, who quickly gave up when asked for proof), and now by you, some anonymous internet fellow with whom I’ve had no previous interaction, yet NO academic citation has been offered to substantiate said criticism, despite the easy accessibility of Evola’s corpus in English.

    If your next post does not include a quote from Evola, which demonstrates my alleged “distortion” of Evolian thought, I will not be offering you a further response on this subject.

    “The two sets of valuations, good/bad and good/evil, have waged a terrible battle on this earth, lasting many millenia; and just as surely as the second set has for a long time now been in the ascendant, so surely are there still places where the battle goes on and the issue remains in suspension…The watchwords of the battle, written in characters which have remained legible throughout human history, read: “Rome vs. Israel, Israel vs. Rome.” No battle has ever been more momentous than this one.”–Nietzsche

  12. Evola’s Traditionalist doctrine of metaphysics recognized the demonic nature of Jews, the descendants of Typhon-Set, and the eternal enemies of the Aryan/Hyperborean peoples. In his early writings (Heathen Imperialism, in particular), he also calls for the complete destruction of Christianity and a return to Nordic/Roman religiosity, rooted in Olympian, Solar values. He later amended his thought on this as pragmatic matters came to the fore, but that is the Evola I find most inspiring: youthful, fiery, uncompromising, and TRUE.

    That is the immature, confused and brutal Evola that wanted a rebellion “from below” because he hadn’t yet realized a master cannot rebel against a servant. He traced rot back to almost “prehistory” and sought to make arguments for the masses because he hadn’t yet realized that you can’t convince the masses to reject modernity. Pagan Imperialism is definitely where WN and Evola cross paths, to each his own.

  13. The logos of the ancients is united to the revealed logos.

    6 Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word (logos) in Asia,

    7 After they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not.

    8 And they passing by Mysia came down to Troas.

    9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.

    10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them.

    They can’t be separated… That is what the Protestants tried to do with sola scriptura. Everything that exists is accordant with logos because everything is part of logos ie the Absolute. The fact is the Absolute crossed into “Israel” in 1948. Claiming an absence or abundance of ‘textual support’ for so-and-so nation state is an incredibly protestant manner of looking at the word.

  14. I have no true connections to Judaism.

    I mainly disagree with antisemitism for reasons of political strategy. I don’t want to unnecessarily drive away good Jews from my inner circle by overstating the case antisemites make.

  15. “I really do have some Jewish ancestry, as do most Eastern Europeans.”

    – I certainly don’t. Quite the opposite in fact. My mother’s people were Lipka Tatars — nomads from far east of the Caspian Sea, and were probably Muslims long ago.

  16. Dear Robert Campbell,

    “Robert Campbell says:

    June 23, 2013 at 6:37 pm

    This Iceman character above is a perfect example of what I mean. He freely acknowledges that all of his ideological peregrinations were “shells” aimed at obfuscating his true Marxist-Leninist ethos.

    If some American version of the Iron Guard were to pop up, I’m sure he’d ostensibly convert to Orthodox Christianity, but he can never be one of us (meaning of the Occident), and he knows it. It would be nothing but a farce, just another “shell” to allow him to continue maneuvering around behind a new mask whilst sowing seeds of discord. Codreanu did not allow this to happen in Romania, and neither can we.

    Many Fascists entered the party due to Il Duce’s soft stance on the Judenfrage, and NOT to the advantage of the Fascist party or the Italian people. In my view, even the NS government was too lenient in this respect. All Mischlingen, in ANY degree, should have been sterilized at a bare minimum, yet 1/4 Jews were allowed to marry German women. Why? It’s that horrible German sense of objectivity that the Führer so loathed: the need to always see things from the perspective of the other person, even their enemies. In London and NYC, the Jews and their lackeys certainly weren’t considering the German perspective when they rained phosphorous down on the most beautiful city in Europe, which happened to be harbouring nothing but civilians. Dresden wasn’t a military target. This was an act of terrorism, born of cowardice. The Jew is, above all, a liar and a coward, and he has the blood of hundreds of millions of Europeans on his hands. One day we shall settle accounts with all of them, and we won’t be as nice as the Germans were. Dr. Pierce recommended using the abandoned coal mines in West Virginia for that purpose; I think that’d be fitting.

    The acceleration of Time is increasing like an out-of-control freight-train. Soon enough, Kalki [or Christ, if you’d like, Mr. Heimbach] will come to restore order, and he shall act with unparalleled ruthlessness, in the spirit of detached, sacred violence. As Savitri Devi describes:

    “…Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, He will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine Cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the luke-warm, of the opportunists, of the ideologically heretical, of the racially bastardised, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or in character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen Ages.”

    I highly recommend everyone read Evola’s pamphlet entitled “Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem,” which is available from Thompkins and Cairou publishing. It is the best primer on the subject with which I’m familiar, as he covers their subversion in all aspects of life: spiritual, financial, cultural, etc.

    Heil Hitler und Wotan mit uns!”

    HUZZAH!!!! THAT is what I mean!!!!


    Ahhhhh…..you’ve been away too long, my lad. Stay, from now on.

    THAT is writin’!

  17. “Metal Gear / Iceman says:

    June 23, 2013 at 11:39 pm
    I’m not religiously Jewish.
    I really do have some Jewish ancestry, as do most Eastern Europeans”

    I knew it. The blood will out.

    Fatal mistake in admitting this, you know. You’re toast.

  18. NoMan – you’re done. Robbie’s back.

    I’m not as well read, or astute, as Robbie is. No one here is.

    I’m going to enjoy future exchanges.

  19. Robert Campbell – Stephen Dalton’s a Mischling too. Word up.

    The Christ was NOT a Jew. Jews and Negroes cannot convert to Logos. It’s not in their DNA.

  20. “I mainly disagree with antisemitism for reasons of political strategy. I don’t want to unnecessarily drive away good Jews from my inner circle by overstating the case antisemites make.”

    Iceman and NoMan/Tamer both seem to understand and agree with Occidental Dissent on “good Jews.”

  21. I have no problem losing support from people who are full time activists on the Jewish question. It’s a calculated decision. I’m willing to concede them to gain the support of normal people, including Jews.

  22. It is Protestant in itself to claim logos is a part of everything. If logos is a part of everything, what difference does it make what you believe? It makes a difference what one believes precisely because Logos is subject to reason. I make no textual reference, I make a reference to common sense. It’s unreasonable to think that Christ came to erase the spiritual legitimacy of the Jews only to have His later followers grant them legitimacy by giving them that which He refused to grant them — a Nation. Reason dictates that one or the other be true. Holding both to be true is a spiritual contradiction that renders the Christian inferior, because the Jew holds no such spiritual contradiction. For them, it is simple. Israel means they won, Christ lost. It is contrary to logos to believe that Christ came to make His followers inferior to those who persecuted Him.

    My take on Jewish DNA is that the Church spent 1000 years deciphering exactly the patterns of behavior through which it is evidenced. I think building cultures in which Jewish behavior is clearly and obviously revealed is good for the white spirit, with or without the existence of Jews. So even if Jews were defined by their DNA, I’d rather we force each other to build such a culture than take the short cut and test and expel.

    This also makes the question of honest conversion somewhat irrelevant, as the white eye would always immediately recognize false conversion, which by the way would also reveal false conversions that exist among our own people, people who would otherwise pass DNA sampling. We need practice on recognizing Good from Bad, among ourselves and among outsiders, not science to absolve us of the necessity of doing so. We can do it. We have done it. It makes us better people.

  23. It’s unreasonable to think that Christ came to erase the spiritual legitimacy of the Jews only to have His later followers grant them legitimacy by giving them that which He refused to grant them — a Nation.

    A Jewish province or oblast or duchy or seat at the UN doesn’t grant them spiritual legitimacy. Christ didn’t refuse Jews a territory, he offered them salvation and they refused leaving a territory as their pitiful summum bonum.

  24. Denise, the Holy Scriptures say our Lord sprang from Judah, the Jews. (Heb 7:14, Matt 1:1-17, Rev 5:5) Jesus was Jewish by race, but he didn’t practice the traditions of the elders that became Talmudism, so he wasn’t “Jewish” in that sense of the word, and neither am I.

    Jews and Negros according to you can’t become Christians because it’s not in their DNA. If that is so, Christ couldn’t have been the Savior because it wasn’t in his DNA. All of the original Christians, who were Jews, couldn’t have been Christians, because according to you, it wasn’t in their DNA. Negros can become Christians, as the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8 shows.

    In closing, the real reason why Jews (and many Gentiles) don’t convert is their hardness of heart (Acts 7:51). It has nothing to do with DNA, it’s a matter of obeying God or rejecting him. The Jews, as a group, rejected Christ. The Gentiles gladly accepted him as the Savior. The Jews continued to harden their hearts since 33 AD, so it’s very hard for them to convert to Christianity, but by the grace of God, some do convert against overwhelming odds.

  25. People who doubt me are probably saying – Look at Guy white, he defended Jews, he’s gone. Look at Jobling – he defended Jews he’s gone.

    It isn’t going to be like that. I’m going to stay public, keep posting opinions and trash talk anyone who has a problem with it.

    If I get kicked off websites I’ll just make more websites. Nobody can stop me.

    What works to my advantage is that I’m not starting from the standpoint that “race is everything” so even if I lose many supporters I can gain anti-racist supporters so long as they are comfortable with my interest in anthropology.

  26. “I’m going to stay public..”

    – Except that you aren’t public at all. You post under a juvenile pseudonym and reveal nothing about yourself other than the region where you reside — the same shit you try to taunt WN’s over.

  27. There isn’t anything you, Hunter, the phora, the white nationalist movement, or anyone else can do to stop me.

    When the phoraphag incident went down, out went the attitude of team player. Now I don’t care about monitoring my behavior in a way to not break taboos that racially conscious people are supposed to not break. Racially conscious people aren’t supposed to defend decent Jews, defend other races while acknowledging the difference, be conscious of the class issues. Well fuck anyone who has a problem with it, i’ll do what I want to.

  28. Have a Coke and settle down. I don’t know who or what the phora is, and I’m not part of the white nationalist “movement”. I’ve only been hanging around here for a little over two years, and rest assured Metal Gear/Iceman/Daryl, I wouldn’t ever dream of trying to stop you from doing… well… whatever it is you do with your time.

  29. “Racially conscious people aren’t supposed to defend decent Jews, defend other races while acknowledging the difference, be conscious of the class issues.”

    Does the last clause mean that racially conscious people aren’t supposed to be conscious of class issues? I for one recognise the sin of elitism and exploitation.

  30. For not only among the Greeks did reason (Logos) prevail to condemn these things through Socrates, but also among the Barbarians were they condemned by Reason (or the Word, the Logos) Himself, who took shape, and became man, and was called Jesus Christ..

    We have been taught that Christ is the first-born of God, and we have declared above that He is the Word of whom every race of men were partakers; and those who lived reasonably are Christians, even though they have been thought atheists; as, among the Greeks, Socrates and Heraclitus, and men like them…” – Justin Martyr

    Logos as the Heraclitean fire “I have come to light a fire on the Earth” is not a “protestant” concept. It’s Hellenic.

  31. I didn’t say logos was Protestant. I think it’s obvious that Protestantism is specifically anti-logos. You said it was Protestant to use scripture to negate the legitimacy of the Jewish homeland, when I never quoted scripture.

    It’s obvious to anyone reading that you’re simply back-reasoning from your position on Israel’s legitimacy. And there’s nothing more Protestant than that. You, Huckabee and Hagee can get together and talk about how there’s nothing legitimatizing about Jews having a territory or a little seat at the UN.

  32. You say it is protestant to claim logos is “part of everything” (wrong) then you say they are anti-logos (right). Are you right or wrong?

    You said it was Protestant to use scripture to negate the legitimacy of the Jewish homeland, when I never quoted scripture.

    I wrote it was protestant to consult The Word as to whether any country should or shouldn’t exist. You’re right you didn’t do that, you just consulted your own preferences and worked backward in an attempt to reduce the crucifixion to anti-Zionist performance art.

  33. Mosin,

    The Occupiers are middle class degenerates. They film gay porn in their tents. The bolsheviks would have slaughtered these freaks.

    Released Thursday on Dirty Boy Video (NSFW) and shot just a few weeks earlier in a tent right in the middle of Occupy Oakland, Occupy My Throats (also NSFW, duh!) shows exactly what happens when “Branden and Skylar take a break from the rally in Oakland to occupy each other with their c***s!”

    Full story here: http://www.queerty.com/hooray-the-occupy-movement-gets-its-first-gay-porn-20111122/#ixzz2X6WqnaPc

  34. If I get kicked off websites I’ll just make more websites. Nobody can stop me.

    What works to my advantage is that I’m not starting from the standpoint that “race is everything” so even if I lose many supporters I can gain anti-racist supporters so long as they are comfortable with my interest in anthropology.

    What in the world? No one’s trying to “stop” you. Many, I believe, would prefer that you cease intruding on their attempts to have an intelligent discussion with your small-minded nitwittery, but beyond that you’re just not on anyone’s radar. You’re neither informative nor even merely interesting. You’re a complete nobody and based on your obvious and abysmal lack of anything approaching leadership qualities you’ll remain one.

  35. Iceman, people aren’t exactly shaking in their boots. “Look out, there’s Daryl Basarab. That man cannot be stopped and he cannot be tamed. He’s a force of nature. Best we run for the hills!”


    This really is the anti-semitism of fools. Leaving aside questions of morality, it’s pragmatically daft, much the way hardcore WN keeps a perfectly good idea stillborn by driving it to ludicrous extremes.

    It’s better to have an ethnoracial identity than not to have one, but hardcore WNs insist that having a positive white identity requires one to loath racial others.

    It’s better to have a culture that celebrates your ethnoracial identity rather than a culture that denigrates it, but hardcore WNs insist the celebrating their identity requires rubbishing everyone else’s.

    And it’s better to be aware of Jewish influence than to remain blind to it, but hardcore WNs insist that the only way to successfully counter Jewish influence is to exterminate all Jews.

  37. Race IS everything.

    If that’s shorthand for “race is a very important aspect of human existence,” that’s fine. After all, to exist as a human is to exist racially – as part of a racial grouping whose members are identified by important (heart-warming and life-affirming) heritable traits held in common. But it’s another thing indeed to claim racial considerations should at all times dominate one’s thoughts, or that the racial aspect of an issue is always the most important.

    Look at your own life. Just recently you admitted to considering settling down with an Iranian man, justifying such a decision on the basis that your offspring would still have been white. It is difficult to believe you could not have been aware by now of just how contentious that decision would have been in the WN circles you claim to run in, so surely this illustrates that you don’t believe race is “everything.”

  38. Denise accused me of making “fatal mistakes” meaning she thinks I care what anyone here thinks.

    Not really. Several times I’ve lost entire groups of supporters only to gain new supporters. You don’t control my destiny.

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