About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Denise, Judean and Jew are the same thing. Jew is simply shorthand for the same, like Norse is shorthand for Norwegian.

  2. Not really. Several times I’ve lost entire groups of supporters only to gain new supporters. You don’t control my destiny.

    If you’re referring to real world supporters, then, though I find it hard to believe, good on you. Whatever small amount of racial realism you can inject into the culture is all to the good. I’ll ignore your far left economic extremism because, despite what you think, it’s a natural loser.

    I’m not interesting in controlling your destiny.

  3. While some continue to examine the nuances of Matthew Heimbach’s references to Talmudism, Faux News, the most trusted news source of Tea Partiers and Neo-(false) conservatives, is teaching them now, in a balanced way, that Snowden “IS NOT A PATRIOT!”

    In other news, it is a hot summer in another “Golden Circle”-like society that is a model for the future, multiracial-caste-elitist, nation of Dixie: http://www.reuters.com/news/pictures/slideshow?articleId=USRTX10RXQ#a=24 Let the heathen rage, the rich fly above it all, laughing: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jun/20/brazil The system works, creating immense wealth for the multiracial (marrano and white) Elite and nearly universal employment and tax-paying opportunities for the rainbow white-to-black lower classes, allowing profitable new soccer stadiums to rise everywhere while the majority of Brazilians survive on five dollars or less per day before taxes.

    • Re: Mosin

      I think we established last year that the “Golden Circle” was destroyed in the nineteenth century by outside anti-slavery pressure (evangelical Christian and liberal) from Britain, France, and the Northern United States. The Northern model of civilization – anti-slavery, the “free labor” system – was substituted for slavery and racialism in all these areas.

      The system we have today in the South is the Northern model of civilization: civil rights, feminism, anti-racism, women’s suffrage, Third World immigration, “free labor,” free love, social equality, etc. It was imposed on the South in a series of stages due to the existence of the Union.

  4. Robert,

    How does a good Evolan not only interpret (our lack of virility) but ‘deal with’ women in politics that truly believe their opinions matter? Can virility not be regained in part by carving out our territory from the flattery and insults of women? Also, what did Evola think about American women? Thanks.

  5. “You say it is protestant to claim logos is “part of everything” (wrong) then you say they are anti-logos (right). Are you right or wrong?”

    Protestantism is anti-logos and so is using logos to justify whatever exists in the world, which I feel you are doing. In your case, what’s the difference between logos and realpolitik? In both cases your argument appears to be “it is there, so it is right.”

    You also said Israel is a part of logos and then said “who cares, Israel is nothing anyway.” What is it, is it nothing or is it part of logos?

    I used the examples of modern American preachers to show that for many, if not most White Christians, it is not “nothing” at all. It is huge.

    I have not heard a reasonable, common sense response from you as to why exactly Israel is consonant with the Passion. I’m not arguing from an anti-Zionist perspective. I’m arguing from a pro-Christ perspective. Give me your best three sentence explanation of why Israel is correct. If you love Israel, so what? It doesn’t bother me. But don’t call it part of logos. The Church, fallen though it is, didn’t recognize Israel until 1993. Did it take them that long to figure out the logos of Israel?

    My position is that a pro-Israel mindset decreases the power of one’s Christianity, in that it pollutes logos. It turns ones’ soul into a bit of a scrambled egg. You’re better off with one or the other. It sounds to me like Israel has won out for you. That’s great. But a pro-Israel Christian is about as far from logos as you can get. It’s an oxymoron.

  6. “I think we established last year that the Golden Circle was destroyed in the nineteenth century (…) The system we have today in the South is the Northern model”

    I was referring (above) not to the southern states, but to Brazil, as a “Golden Circle-like” society that a future multiracial-caste-elitist nation of Dixie could resemble.

  7. “Pro-Israel Christian” is an oxymoron like “social justice.” It’s not the worst thing in the world to believe, it’s just something you’re fed to keep you on the treadmill while thinking you’re doing something.

  8. While we are on the tangent of “Judeo-Christianity”: We already have a suggestion (see comment above) for a New York Ashkenazic wine, recommended for Christian communion. But isn’t there a good southern Sephardic wine that would a BETTER choice?

  9. I’m arguing from a pro-Christ perspective.

    You argue Jesus came to ‘delegitimize’ Jews and that the Church is the embodiment of ‘our Goy Protocols’ against Jews. You see the world as gentile vs. Jew, when it’s really Christian versus heathen. You’ve adopted an inverted Jewish worldview that hangs great importance on whether or not they have a state.

    I defer to the Church you consider “fallen.”

  10. You also said Israel is a part of logos and then said “who cares, Israel is nothing anyway.” What is it, is it nothing or is it part of logos?

    Try to read about the ‘coincidence of opposites’ that is traced back to Heraclitus’ thought. I don’t think you appreciate the term logos.

  11. I’m saying that it is an infection of the Christian mind specifically to be pro-Israel.

    I don’t argue that overall it’s not Christian versus heathen. It is. I argue that a pro-Israel Christian is a form of heathen, near worse than a Jew.

    In essence, how can we be effective against heathens if we are not effective first against the hardest heathen, the Jew? And how can one be pro-Jew and anti-Jew at the same time?

  12. I do appreciate the term logos. And rule number one of logos is that it shouldn’t need reference to things like “coincidence of opposites” to explain.

    A child should be able to understand logos. Explain how the coincidence of opposites justifies the existence of Israel, and how the great flowering of True Christianity and elimination of decadence of the 20th century led such a coincidence, that had been hidden from the Church fathers for a thousand years, to be revealed to Great Christians like Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill.

  13. Do you not see a divine man as an “oxymoron”? Does that not violate your vaulted “common sense”?

    A child should be able to understand logos.

    You’re so full of shit and here to pontificate. Carry on.

  14. “Do you not see a divine man as an “oxymoron”?”

    No, I see it as the only reasonable foundation of faith, as the idea of faith itself in the unprovable is beyond reason.

    Don’t equate your inability to explain how support for Israel in a common sense Christian manner with my being full of shit. Christian logos is the language spoken by Christ and all that can be reasonably and logically inferred therefrom. His audience wasn’t PhD level philosophers. It was common people, like myself. I’m here to be enlightened. Please explain to a simpleton such as myself why it would be a completion of my faith in Christ to support Israel, in the way Christ would explain it to his followers. So far I’ve got:

    1. Realpolitik
    2. Because it is
    3. Use them against Muslims
    4. Because it’s nothing
    5. Because it’s something
    6. Coincidence of opposites

    I’m waiting to hear an explanation of #6.

  15. If the Church recognizes Israel I do too. I consider myself a simpleton just like you in matters of faith and wouldn’t dare try to make a case for anything “the way Christ would.” This is a disciplinary, not doctrinal matter. You either believe the Church has the power to adjust to real-world situations to best serve the flock and it remains doctrinally infallible or you don’t. It is not and never will be an article of faith to be pro or anti-Israel.

  16. You think a child can interpret The Word by himself, you think the Church has “fallen”, you are on a half-WN shitbird half-Southron website for “enlightenment.” You are a man of the age.

  17. Tell me when Jesus talks about white christians. Gosh you sure can be insufferable, one pharisee is enough, mosin’s position is not open.

  18. Please define your use of the terms “Pharisee” and “one pharisee”.

    Re: “If the Church recognizes Israel I do too.” Do you accept whatever that DENOMINATION which you haven’t joined and don’t attend yet says is true, or are you, really, accepting whatever the Federal Tyranny (that you now work for) says is true?

  19. “Let’s assume the Jews are a problem. I think everyone here will agree that Jewish influence has been bad for us. What are we going to do about the problem?”

    One practical thing that can be done.

    Jews have their eternal victim schtick. The purpose or at least the effect of this schtick is group cohesion. The problems with it are:

    1. It’s not true. There’s lots of stuff they’ve done over the centuries which they have to actively keep hidden especially from themselves e.g. the fact they were dominant in the slave-trade around the med for 3000 years. This leads to their obsession with controlling information: media, publishing, history etc and all the side-effects that has e.g. drowning the culture in holocaustianity partly as a way of hiding what they did in the Soviet Union and thereby turning lots of little White kids into self-hating anti-white SWPLs in the process.

    2. Drenching their own kids with the eternal victim schtick inevitably leads to a percentage of them growing up to want to weaken the host population as pre-emptive self-defence which they do using divide and rule tactics both ethnic and cultural and which if it goes on long enough guarantees the destruction of the host nation/civilization. They’ve been doing it since Babylon and covering their tracks every time – especially from themselves.

    So finding out and spreading the true version of their history, good and bad (or bad and badder) is actually one of the best things that can be done imo.

  20. Israel is no different from the surrounding region. Just that the Christians hold that barren wasteland Israel holy; as kickass Rambos, a highly advanced society like the Nazis, etc. Pull the western aid plug on Israel and the region. Revert back to the 16th century.

    Who are the loony tunes; them or the Christians who allowed them to direct their lives?

  21. Not only did I thoroughly thrash the misinterpretation of Evola being pushed here, but this “Iceman” guy admitted he’s a racial Jew who uses “shells” to allude the prying eyes of goyim.

    Silver popped his swarthy head up to question my use of the term “Juda Verrecke,” calling it the anti-semitism of fools. A Jew-free White ethnostate would be just that: Jew-free. We would take Ezra Pound’s advice this time and “Kill the Big Jew” first, of course; however, this doesn’t mean we’ll allow those filthy little rag merchants from beyond the pale, who visited so much misery upon our German and Slavic kinsmen, to continue to profane the earth with their existence. “Juda Verrrecke” is not a term that translates from German very easily. Some have translated it as, “Jewry must leave” or more accurately as “Jewry must perish.” These days, “verrecke” is often used in slang to mean “fuck off and die,” essentially. I meant it in the original German sense, which is why I left it in German: in order for us to Live, Jewry MUST Perish!

  22. No-Man,

    I’m not sure whether you’re asking in mala fide or genuinely interested in Evola’s thought. I don’t read OD much anymore, so I’m not very familiar with its players.

    Evola makes clear in his outline for the Order of the Iron Wreath how he feels such things must be handled, and his comments on the nature of American women are especially accessible. Just google it and you’ll find his essay on the subject at the Thompkins and Cairou web site.

    It is true that the white man, in general, lacks spiritual virility, but I have never personally had a problem finding attractive and racially suitable mates. I guess I just radiate a great deal of Auctoritas. 😉

  23. Brazil is not a “Golden Circle”-like society.

    The blacks in Brazil are free. They are considered the “equals” of everyone else. They participate in a free labor economy. They vote in national elections.

    It was the Northern states that pioneered that system. It was American imperialism that violently imposed that system first on the defeated Confederacy and later on the rest of the world.

  24. The problem with the victim scheme and exposing it is that Hitler gave Jews a very real concrete provable reason to play the victim. Now the Jewish leader don’t have to use the Torah and unproven myths such as the Pharoh and Exodus, they can point back to recent history. Notice that before Hitler Israel was not established, but afterwards it was.

    That said, Jews intentionally play the victim and have before Hitler. If you learn to expect that behavior, it won’t throw you off guard when it happens.

  25. Robert,

    I ask in pointedly good faith to make clear I’m sick of the bitches at OD throwing peanuts. In Revolt and later in his observations of American women Evola made clear his anti-feminism but I can’t recall any specific solution or even cause, rather a vague notion that the problem of women entering our spheres is due to lack of virility and we should become more masculine (again), leading the woman to submit and thus fully realize herself to us / through us.

  26. Fanatics sitting on a stock-pile of nuclear weapons. Don’t think the inevitable is far, far, into the future.

  27. “Brazil is not a ‘Golden Circle’-like society. The blacks in Brazil are free. They are considered the “equals” of everyone else. They participate in a free labor economy. They vote in national elections (…) It was American imperialism that violently imposed that system first on the defeated Confederacy and later on the rest of the world.”

    It was NOT American imperialism as such, but British and continental European (Congress of Vienna, 1815) influence and intervention that ended outright, legal African slavery in Brazil, the last civilized nation in the world to abolish it, by 1888. Beginning in 1845, the British navy guarded the coast, cutting off slave importation completely.

    I think Brazil is as “Golden Circle”-like as can be. We see there most clearly the logical, and biological, inevitable end result of the folly of African slavery. It is still a multiracial, caste, elitist society founded on African slavery.

  28. “Fanatics sitting on a stock-pile of nuclear weapons”

    That would be the Federal government you’re talking about, correct?

  29. How many countries now have long range nuclear weapons! Asia does not have the icbm,b52’s, or submarines trident.

  30. The destruction of the Confederacy was the blow that put slavery on the road to extinction in Cuba and Brazil.

    There is nothing about modern Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, Brazil, or the American South that resembles the Golden Circle. What had previously been a vast prosperous area that stretched from Delaware to Brazil in the 18th century was destroyed in the 19th century by British, French, and American imperialism.

    In each of these areas, the Enlightenment model of civilization pioneered by Britain, France, and the Northern United States – liberal democracy, anti-slavery, freedom and equality, the free labor system, “human rights,” etc. – was imposed on the ruins of the Golden Circle, starting in Haiti in 1793, accelerating with abolition in the British Caribbean in 1834 and the United States in 1865, and culminating in Brazil in 1888.

    The degeneration of all these countries since then – like the degeneration of Germany after 1945 – is a direct result of British and American hegemony imposing liberalism on the region. It is the inevitable end result of Yankee influence and using force to recreate the rest of the world in the British or Yankee image.

    Now it is happening to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt and soon Iran.

  31. Metal Gear

    “The problem with the victim scheme and exposing it is that Hitler gave Jews a very real concrete provable reason to play the victim. Now the Jewish leader don’t have to use the Torah and unproven myths such as the Pharoh and Exodus, they can point back to recent history.”

    Hitler came to power because Bolshevik Jews murdered millions of Ukrainians in the year before the 1932 election. Holocaustianity is used as a smokescreen.

  32. “The Nazis grouped on the street and marched off in formation, shouting their well known slogan, “Deutschland Erwache, Juda Verrecke!” (Awake Germany, perish the Jews!). The translation does not translate the phonetic brutality of that war cry. Verrecken means literally to croak. But the vulgarity of its sound is charged with more violence than any English equivalent.” – Varon, Professions of a Lucky Jew, p. 46

    I wonder why Silver finds the slogan so offensive? Most Americans have never even heard it. Jews have, though; many of them grew up speaking Yiddish, and some, like the author above, still remember the terror that the wrath of the Awakened Saxon instilled in them. They don’t like to see a goy type those words, to remember that period as it actually was, but I don’t police my language for Jews.

    “Faust, the Ninth Symphony, and the Will of Adolf Hitler are Eternal Youth and know neither Time nor transience.” – Baldur von Schirach


  33. P.S. No-Man: I will answer your question in detail when I have a bit more time, but you may want to look at the essay by Amanda Bradley that I posted back when I was blogging here a couple years ago. I expressed my feelings in detail throughout that commentary thread, often relying on Traditionalist metaphysics for my explication and peppering my comments with helpful quotes from the likes of Ludovici, such as the one below.

    “While trying to escape the influence of all that “tinsel of false sentiment” which in the atmosphere of Democracy and sentimentality has gathered about the subject of Woman in modern England, it has been my endeavour to defend her against certain traditional and well-founded charges, by showing that the very traits in her character which have given rise to these charges form so essential a part of her vital equipment that it would be dangerous to the race to modify or to alter them. Thus, despite the fact that there is much in this book that may possibly strike the reader as unfriendly, if not actually harsh, I am aware of no other work in which so complete and so elaborate a plea (from the standpoint of Life and Life’s needs) has been made in defence of Woman’s whole character, including all that side of it which the wisest of mankind, and the oldest traditions of mankind, have consistently and unanimously deprecated. Couched in the briefest possible terms, my thesis is practically this, that, whether we contemplate Woman in the rôle of the adulteress, of the heartless step-mother, of the harlot, or of the creature whose duplicity has been the riddle of all ages; or whether we contemplate her as the staunchest of lovers, as the most reliable of allies, as the mother whose noble devotion to her offspring will drive her to any extreme of danger in defence of them, and as the representative of that sex which has given us a Joan of Arc, an Emily Brontë, and an Emily Davison of Derby fame; we are always confronted by a creature whose worst can, on final analysis, be shown to be only the outcome of her best and most vital qualities, turned to evil by mal-adaptation; and whose best is but the normal and effortless expression of her natural endowments. Seeing, however, that among the maladaptations which cause Woman’s best to manifest itself as her worst, I include lack of guidance and control from the quarter of her men-folk, I range myself naturally among the Anti-Feminists, though at the same time I most emphatically disclaim all anti feminine prejudices. Indeed, so far from this being the case, I am a deep and passionate admirer and lover of Woman. In order to love her, however, I do not find it necessary to exalt her to a plane on which all her sturdier, more vital, and more “dangerous” characteristics are whittled down to mere sweetness. Those to whom the love of woman depends upon so gross an idealization of her nature as to cause them to overlook or deny that “wickedness” in her, which is at once her greatest vital strength and her most powerful equipment as the custodian and the promoter of life, will find very little to sustain them in this love throughout the present volume. And, if in this age of “Safety first,” they fancy that it is expedient to rear and to love only those women from whom all “danger” has been removed, they will find that I have endeavoured to demonstrate to them the extreme peril even of this plausible ideal.” – Anthony M. Ludovici, excerpted from the preface to Woman: A Vindication. You can find the entire book here:


  34. “a vast prosperous area that stretched from Delaware to Brazil in the 18th century was destroyed in the 19th century by British, French, and American imperialism (…) the Golden Circle, starting in Haiti in 1793, accelerating with abolition in the British Caribbean in 1834 and the United States in 1865, and culminating in Brazil in 1888. The degeneration of all these countries since then (…) is a direct result of British and American hegemony imposing liberalism on the region. It is the inevitable end result of Yankee influence and using force to recreate the rest of the world in the British or Yankee image.”

    This is an improvement on the Northern White monocausal version. Now BRITISH whites and even French whites also share the blame for causing all the troubles of the South, and the rest of the Golden Circle, and the world, including “Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, and soon Iran”.

    “There is nothing about modern Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, Brazil, or the American South that resembles the Golden Circle”

    with some exceptions, such as the presence of very large numbers (increasing over time) of the same slave people who were imported originally, and the continued presence of a mostly white and Talmudic Elite class in most if not all parts of the Golden Circle.

  35. Mosin exhibits what is wrong with the ‘right’ in the USA. How is the only anti-imperialist ‘right wing’ movement in western history working out? The ‘reactionaries’ that cringe for the foreigner are those Hegel once described as the human fleas, “subject for jokes”.

    I adhere to the view that the world spirit has given the age marching orders. These orders are being obeyed. The world spirit, this essential, proceeds irresistibly like a closely drawn armored phalanx advancing with imperceptible movement, much as the sun through thick and thin. Innumerable light troops flank it on all sides, throwing themselves into the balance for or against its progress, though most of them are entirely ignorant of what is at stake and merely take head blows as from an invisible hand. Yet no lingering lies or make-believe strokes in the air can achieve anything against it. They can perhaps reach the shoelaces of this colossus, and smear on a bit of boot wax or mud, but they cannot untie the laces. – Hegel

    The revolution will come from above.

    “The Constitution? You destroyed it!” – Napoleon

  36. This is an improvement on the Northern White monocausal version. Now BRITISH whites and even French whites also share the blame for causing all the troubles of the South, and the rest of the Golden Circle, and the world, including “Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, and soon Iran”.

    I wrote about abolition in the British and French Caribbean in detail in dozens of posts last summer. I also clearly mentioned the British and French abolitionist movements in my comment above.


    with some exceptions, such as the presence of very large numbers (increasing over time) of the same slave people who were imported originally, and the continued presence of a mostly white and Talmudic Elite class in most if not all parts of the Golden Circle.

    There are large numbers of non-Whites in the Northern United States. The Asian population is now the fastest growing group in America. The Hispanic population has surpassed the black population.

    In Europe, there are huge numbers of non-Whites in Britain and France and other Western countries which never practiced slave-based plantation agriculture at home, and all of these countries are ruled by a White elite.

    In Northern cities like Detroit, Chicago, and Philadelphia, feral negroes are “free” to assault White people and vote in national elections like they do in Brazil. The system that exists in Brazil in the 21st century was pioneered in Britain and the Northern United States in the 19th century.

    Free labor. Negro equality. Social equality. Human rights. That leveling spirit is indigenous to the Northeastern United States. It is alien to the Golden Circle. It is alien to the South which is much more racialist and conservative due to the residual attitudes of a slave based culture.

  37. “Brazil exhibits the colour hierarchy.”

    Old order of hierarchy dating back to Columbus enslaved the Indians.

  38. http://spectator.org/archives/2013/06/20/lincoln-on-the-defensive

    “The North’s efforts to reshape the South after the Civil War set a standard for future American occupations and attempted transformations… Then as later, the United States Army took effective control of a conquered land, eradicated its leadership — the slaveholders — and attempted to empower others to take their place, including the formerly oppressed slaves. Then as later, this enormous undertaking was made almost impossible by inadequate resources and inadequate and faltering commitment. Then as later, the results were mixed.”

  39. “That leveling spirit is indigenous to the Northeastern United States. It is alien to the Golden Circle. It is alien to the South which is much more racialist and conservative due to the residual attitudes of a slave based culture.”

    The Levelling movement as such was indigenous to Britain, predating the Yankees of New England. In fact, the “leveling spirit” or desire or tendency is much older and more widespread.

    “The residual attitudes of a slave based culture” is/are not the only residuum of the Golden Circle that makes Brazil, especially, very “Golden Circle”-like today. The same White-est are still the elite. The Africans do vote now. The effects of African slavery remain visible in situ, and the “waves” continue to spread even into the northern states and across the world.

  40. Fever pitch of anti-Germans that still resonates after 60 years of its demise. They must of done something contrary of the screwballs who rule over us to oblivion.

  41. Well yeah.

    The difference is that the Puritans were a radical sect who were dominant for a short time under Cromwell. They never completely dominated Britain though in the way that they did New England.

  42. Either we are just history’s sore losers or this current politico-moral system really is untenable. The state is an end in itself since maintaining order and the state are synonymous and as an empire it is constantly shaping new orders around the world. Many changes we desire will come from above simply because this “treason is cool” ennui can’t go on forever.

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