Joel Kotkin: The South Is Rising Fast


I’m ambivalent about this, but the link is worth passing on:

“One hundred and fifty years after twin defeats at Gettysburg and Vicksburg destroyed the South’s quest for independence, the region is again on the rise. People and jobs are flowing there, and Northerners are perplexed by the resurgence of America’s home of the ignorant, the obese, the prejudiced and exploited, the religious and the undereducated. Responding to new census data showing the Lone Star State is now home to eight of America’s 15 fastest-growing cities, Gawker asked: “What is it that makes Texas so attractive? Is it the prisons? The racism? The deadly weather? The deadly animals? The deadly crime? The deadly political leadership? The costumed sex fetish conventions? The cannibal necromancers?” …”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This globalist is a professor at Chapman (formerly named Hesperian College) which as early as 1861 (while we were fighting to get away from Progressive USA) was sexually and racially integrated. Unsurprisingly, Kotkin is supporter of Third World immigration, hater of the Old South and worshiper of Lincoln. He also helps head the Legatum Institute which promotes global democracy. The more I read about Kotkin the more it’s apparent that he is an all-around bad fellow.

  2. I’ve long thought that the transformation of the South has been part of the social engineering that’s been under way for decades, at minimum, and that liberals from up North have come with a kind of missionary zeal to change the ‘benighted’ South into something more to their liking.

    The influx of Yankees (not WASPs but the rootless ”Heinz 57″ variety of Northerners) that was seen in Texas starting around about the 70s has fueled the growth of those ‘fastest-growing’ cities, and after the Northerners came the ”diversity” from the Middle East, Southeast Asia (Vietnamese along the Gulf Coast, etc.) — the usual multicult cast of characters, and of course the ubiquitous meskins. Rural Texas is not necessarily lost but no place is exempt, no stone unturned in this social engineering experiment.
    I’m not at all ambivalent about this transformation — to me it’s clearly a disaster for the Southron culture and people.

  3. I’m ambivalent about this, but the link is worth passing on:

    Really? You’re ambivalent about this?

    The region—as recently as the 1970s defined by its often ugly biracial politics—has become increasingly diverse, as newly arrived Hispanics and Asians have shifted the racial dynamics. While the vast majority of 19th-century immigrants to America settled in the Northeast and Midwest, today the fastest-growing immigration destinations—including Nashville, Atlanta, and Charlotte—are in the old Confederacy. Houston ranked second in gaining new foreign-born residents in the past decade, just behind New York City, with nearly three times its size. And Houston and Dallas both now attract a higher rate of immigration than Boston, Chicago, Seattle, or Philadelphia.

    These immigrants are drawn to the South for the same reasons as other Americans—more jobs, a more affordable cost of living and better entrepreneurial opportunities. A 2011 Forbes ranking of best cities for immigrant entrepreneurs—measuring rates of migration, business ownership, and income—found several Southeastern cities at the top of the list, with Atlanta in the top slot, and Nashville coming in third.

    This massive influx of Hispanic and Asian immigrants will be the final nail in the coffin of the traditional South. I’d have thought that you might have picked a somewhat stronger word than ‘ambivalent’ to describe your feelings about it. Like ‘disgusted’ or ‘outraged’ or possibly ‘saddened’ just to name three.

    The more I read about Kotkin the more it’s apparent that he is an all-around bad fellow.

    Maybe so, but IMO Kotkin is a very perceptive social scientist who notices developing demographic trends long before just about anyone else in the MSM, and is therefore always worth reading, like him or not.

  4. Jello is right. The Chamberpots of Commerce sells heritage and culture cheaply, and hearing a supposedly “free” American bleat about jobs is like listening to a slave beg for a master. A good economy is healthy, but not everything comes down to “growth” and the almighty dollar.

  5. Hunter,
    Northern Whites can possibly be shown the light. They can possibly learn to see. Hispanics and Asians do not have that potential. I agree with Jeppo!

  6. Northern Whites can possibly be shown the light. They can possibly learn to see. Hispanics and Asians do not have that potential.

    That’s backwards I’m afraid. Hispanics and Asians are two groups incredibly conscious of racial boundaries, not to mention US history and they tend to stay out of the way, working hard and try to act white as best they can. In internet ideologies like WN no one knows you’re a dog, or a dog-eating Asian, unless you make a youtube video.

    “Asian Guy Talks About White Genocide”

  7. @ “…It is not a massive influx of Hispanics and Asians. It is a massive influx of job seeking Northern Whites….

    That too. But VA and NC is the former, also, HW.

    Somebody just told me that some hispanic kid at their school got a “free i phone” for being best in the class at something. This is the lure and the tax dollars at work. They were a well to do hispanic family who could have bought their own iphones, btw.

    So, something North will be the NEW new-South. Southerners are re-grouping elsewhere, as well as staying.

    In part, it just will seem boring to them— all about proletarianization, zumba, free i phones, teaching Germanic-englishmen and Scots to use “correct latin pronunciations” especially of the names of “newcomers,”and having to eat bean-and-cheese oriented foodstuffs.

    Have you ever even seen an English restaurant? A truly upscale meat-and-potatos place? Mincemeat pie? German? Scottish? Oh, right, that’s because they all just so happen to be “lousy cooks.” Hmm…but everything else about them is lousy, too. Such is diversity.

    German culture really is so much more cerebral. Doesn’t anyone LIKE that?

    I bet Denise actually likes zumba. Idk, to me it’s so like the horror of tangos and bull fighting.

  8. Hate to say unpopular things, but the idea that “dumbing things down” and being like “we’re all white here” and must unite so IT NO LONGER MATTERS AT ALL whether the european cultures that are still distinct survive, is just never going to work. It should seem horrible that the eastern cultures or northern or western european cultures should be subsumed into the latino world (the way so many people argue, as the south border has opened, as if nordic people, or western, or eastern, would ever be happy in Brazil, no matter how “white” it is).

  9. Why don’t these europeans in governments worry about this? Don’t they care about surviving?

  10. You seriously need to google British restaurants. I’m not sure where you live but eerything from upscale fish and chips (A Salt and Battery), high end pub grub (Spotted Pig) to Michelin rated “new french” with British chef born in Rhodesia (Corton) to traditional victorian tea houses…. British food is enjoying great time in the Sun right now so again like most of your postings, Dixiegirl I am left scratching my head and wondering what you are complaining about.

  11. DixieGirl asks “Why don’t these europeans in governments worry about this? Don’t they care about surviving?”.

    I believe there are a multitude of reasons. But none of them are good as our “leaders” have turned against us and our nations. They are traitors to there own people.

    P’s. I witnessed a bull fight once and it was a very sad event for me. A gorgeous woman sat next to me and explained the rational. After a while the brave bull realized the cards were stacked against him and he tried to climb the high fence surrounding the ring, but to no avail. It was a pitiful and barbaric scene.

  12. German culture really is so much more cerebral. Doesn’t anyone LIKE that?

    SOME German political philosophy is cerebral but the quality of the human material was recognized to be lacking by God-fearing (Weber) and God-denying (Nietzsche) thinkers alike. You are a confused, ignorant woman, Dixiegirl. I suggest you limit your time on the internet to eharmony at this point.

  13. “What is it that makes Texas so attractive?” – Available oil, available water, available land. all will be in short supply going forward though.

  14. Immigrants are ruining Texas. Not only Mexicans but some upper class suburbs of Houston now resemble Bombay or Shanghai. Then there are the hideous women in the black sacks you see at stores all over the place. It really sucks, big time.

  15. Dixiegirl: I recommend you travel down to Brazil sometime, Southern Brazil that is–world’s biggest rodeo, country music, cowboy hats and boots, extremely rural. And yes, mostly Italian and German immigrants with a few Uruguays. Not bad at all. Now Rio and North is not so.
    Brazil will surprise you. They have a whole town that was founded by Finns and maintains Finnish culture. Various German towns, even a Confederate one.
    The problem with Brazil, which they will never overcome IMO is the undertow–it’s huge, and the socialist government just instituted US style affirmative action.

  16. In NC, one of the big debates in the State legislature is whether or not to pass this bill that will give illegals driver’s licenses which state that they are illegal. One of our republicans has a problem with this bill because it will put employers in an awkward position because they couldn’t deny knowing their employees were illegal. The other liberals have their own “concerns” about the bill.

    Mexicans, including cartel affiliated gangsters, are all over the eastern end of the State. Living in a city, I never meet anybody from here, they’re all from up north or some other country. I have been seeing burkas and most of the convenient stores are run by Asians or African immigrants. Even the more rural areas are filled with “others” living in mcmansion subdivisions built around a golf courses.

    It really doesn’t matter whether the influx is whites from the north or immigrants from other countries, its the numbers that are the problem. The indigenous culture is being replaced by a hybrid yankee/immigrant one. I haven’t heard anybody say “ya’ll” that wasn’t related to me in I don’t know how long.

  17. What is white culture anymore other than a fading memory? I really don’t know.
    How much is left to save or even worth saving at this point?

    The lower classes, what we used to refer to as PWT, have been subsumed by urban black hip-hop culture. Wifebeater tee shirts, baggy cargo shorts pulled down below their asses, all tatted up with their bling on. They look, act, and talk just like the nigger they emulate.

    The middle class is no better:
    Fat lesbians or lesbian looking fat women with ugly short haircuts and unflattering shorts exposing their massive thunder thighs. Loud, obnoxious, sports addicted overgrown manchildren wearing their ball caps, football jerseys, shorts, and tennis shoes. Slutty looking prosti-tots and young girls with belly button piercings, boob jobs, and barely there clothing. Stoners with their Bob Marley tee shirts, dreadlocks, and skateboards. Effete hipsters with their square glasses, metrosexual haircuts, and skinny jeans.

    Every last one of them with their head shoved up their iPhone or other device of choice. What I like to refer to as a “virtual sphincter.”
    They look like road kill on the highway of life to me.

    This article by Jim Goad sums it up nicely.

    Yes, I know I’m painting it black. Just had to rage and rant. Sorry.

    Deo Vindice

  18. Apuleius: Western civilization is worth fighting for, although like you, it appears there is not much left. American culture is ghetto culture for sure.

    Did you see the recent country music awards? Disgusting!

  19. The only hope is that the money for the unnatural leftist machine runs out. I’m not sure it will happen in time. Are enemies are not stupid.

  20. This resurgence is mostly anti-southern bigots from places like Michigan and California. It’s an ongoing disaster for ethnic Southerners and the country-side. There are enough people here (Tennessee) and the more they cram in the closer to oblivion we get. I’m fed up to the hilt with these McDonald’s, Backyard burger, Walmart etc. corporate sharks flattening the forests and drowning the pasture land with concrete to put up new slop factories; like we need more projects or apartments to fill up with colored parasites and white trash. Pray for economic collapse.

  21. Apuleius says:

    ‘What is white culture anymore other than a fading memory?

    The lower classes, what we used to refer to as PWT, have been subsumed by urban black hip-hop culture. Wifebeater tee shirts, baggy cargo shorts pulled down below their asses, all tatted up with their bling on. They look, act, and talk just like the nigger they emulate.
    The middle class is no better:
    Fat lesbians or lesbian looking fat women with ugly short haircuts and unflattering shorts exposing their massive thunder thighs. Loud, obnoxious, sports addicted overgrown manchildren wearing their ball caps, football jerseys, shorts, and tennis shoes. Slutty looking prosti-tots and young girls with belly button piercings, boob jobs, and barely there clothing. Stoners with their Bob Marley tee shirts, dreadlocks, and skateboards. Effete hipsters with their square glasses, metrosexual haircuts, and skinny jeans.’

    Apuleius, I must admit that you write some good stuff when you’re sober.

  22. >>>cartel affiliated gangsters, are all over the eastern end of the State.<<the federal reserve cartel
    >the health monopoly/AMA cartel
    >The NEA government “school” cartel
    >the federally subsidized university cartel
    >the commincations cartel (FCC ad nauseum)
    >the space pork cartel
    >the house and senate pork cartel
    >military-industrial pork cartel
    >water cartel
    >federal highway cartel
    >federal land management cartel

  23. The comments to Jim Goad’s article at Taki Mag once again made me realize the INCREDIBLE power of the Hollyjewd film industry.

    References were made to the movie Deliverance. Just one movie and everyone believes it depicts accurately all rural Southerners and their lifestyles.

    Comment: … two generations of urban elites have now convinced themselves that all rural areas are populated with anal rapists and retarded banjo players based on one single movie. Evidently their sense of superiority is not founded upon their intelligence! In reality, one is far safer in the country than in the city and much more likely to receive genuine courtesy as well.

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