About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Wow. We have a nice room overlooking the city. The only draw back is the picture of MLK on the wall down stairs. A pic of Wallace or Davis would look much better there.

  2. There was a pre-meeting at the League building tonight. Almost no parking available. Parking will almost certainly be a problem tomorrow. But I guess that’s a good problem to have.

  3. I’m looking forward to seeing our older friends too. Bill is coming this year. It was Bill who wrote the essay that converted me to Southern Nationalism. Just get Bill fired up and let him talk and it will beat any conference you have ever been to.

    I read that essay way back in 2001 while I was at Auburn. It was about how the South had voted against the rest of America on immigration, civil rights, and other issues. The only thing that stopped me from joining the League back then was its position on race.

  4. Enjoy. Stuck in Florida. I would have loved to see this convention in action as a learning experience.

  5. The previous speaker touched upon the same theme. The problem we have today is that White men allow themselves to be ruled by fear. They allow the Jews and other hostile groups to push them around.

  6. I think a good way for SN to confront Jewry would entail posters of Judah Benjamin. Basically shame these yankee ashkenazi barfbags for violating the good name of southron sephardim. This drives a wedge into their identity meta-identity and nullifies charges of “anti-semitism” without entering confession-mode. Just my .02 yankee greenback.

    All the best to you guys.

  7. “shame these yankee ashkenazi barfbags for violating the good name of southron sephardim. This drives a wedge….”

    Yes, a wall-sized Judah poster in a central location would be very fitting, and useful, helping to drive not just one but at least THREE wedges: (1) Showing that “Southron” is a multiracial, multireligious and multicultural identity not the same as White and Christian identity; it would help to separate “SN” from WN; and finally, the celebration of “Southern Sephardim” would help weaken and corrupt the Christian understanding of the nature of Talmudism.

  8. The false one makes some great points as to why fathead.com should enjoy SN patronage, aside from his last claim. Mosin you’re here to throw pretzels at Talmudists, a poster could never replace a real live breathing pharisee like you.

  9. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it those Sephardim, with their “good name” and such, who betrayed the Visigoths of Spain and opened the gates to Muslim invaders way back when?

  10. Southern celebrity chef fired by Yankee network for using the word “nigger” 27 years ago after being held at gunpoint.

    In the deposition, on May 17, the Queen of Southern cooking was asked if she had ever used the N-word.

    “Yes, of course,” Deen replied.

    When asked to give an example of the last time she used the epithet, Deen referred back to an incident in 1986 when she was held at gunpoint.


  11. I enjoyed Shane’s presentation very much. Our Georgia chairman has already asked us Georgia folks that were present to join in the counterprotest at attend next years May Day march.

  12. Enjoy a meeting of like minds.

    We’ve had horrific thunder and lightning thunderstorms up here the last three days.

    And Solstice? The longest day of the year? You wouldn’t know it, for the clouds- lol.

    A point to note about Paula Deen- this clearly is a JEWISH meme thing, about using the ‘n’ word. Their adage is, (after all) ‘NEVER forgive, NEVER forget.’

    Well, guess what. So can WE.

    “Live at peace with your enemies, but only with your PERSONAL enemies, and NOT the ENEMIES OF GOD.” – St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves

  13. There is no peace for the wicked. The more wicked they become the more weapons and intelligence (cleverness) they will need to protect them, and finally NOTHING will protect them. Judgement against sin is often executed slowly, so men’s minds are fully set in them to do evil.

  14. Southern celebrity chef fired by Yankee network for using the word “nigger” 27 years ago after being held at gunpoint.

    Tell me about it, it’s absurd. How you can hold someone accountable for something they did that long ago and when she had no association with her employer. Makes no damn sense. They should ask all of their employees questions, have you ever used profanity, have you ever offended anyone, have you every done anything wrong, okay you’re fired. Yeah right. They specifically targeted her because she’s White and Southern.

    This all started with the lawsuit against her brother for harassment. If he would have behaved himself and not been such an asshole this probably would have never happened.

    Anyway, niggers call each other niggers every damn day. It’s in movies, cable TV shows, their music. She employs blacks at her restaurant and she had them on her shows all the time, so it’s meaningless.

    Curious to see how her sponsors handle this.

  15. “shame these yankee ashkenazi barfbags for violating the good name of southron sephardim. This drives a wedge….”

    In Israel Ashkenazim look down as Sephardim as being racially inferior, they don’t want to mix with them.

  16. “Southern celebrity chef fired by Yankee network for using the word “nigger” 27 years ago after being held at gunpoint.”

    Another Southern coward gets down on her knees and licks the negro’s crotch.

    That line offend some of you? Well, I myself am a native-born Southerner. And we have plenty of cowards in our ranks, no less – and no more – than the Northerners.

    Reality checks are sometimes in order…

  17. RDV, Why don’t your write to Paula, and the Jew Network, and offer support for her?

    She probably feels completely isolated.

  18. Rorke’s Drift Veteran says:
    “Southern celebrity chef fired by Yankee network for using the word “nigger” 27 years ago after being held at gunpoint.”

    ‘Another Southern coward gets down on her knees and licks the negro’s crotch.

    That line offend some of you? Well, I myself am a native-born Southerner. And we have plenty of cowards in our ranks, no less – and no more – than the Northerners.

    Reality checks are sometimes in order…’

    “I want to apologize to everybody for the wrong that I’ve done, and I want to learn and grow from this,” Deen said in the choppy video.

    “Inappropriate, hurtful language is totally, totally unacceptable. I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way, but I beg you, my children, my team, my fans, my partners, I beg for your forgiveness. Please forgive me for the mistakes that I’ve made.”

    Why did she grovel and apologize ? Doesn’t she have enough money? Sickening! She should have told them to to go to hell. Niggers call each other and everyone else NIGGERS all day long but lefties never get offended.

  19. Where the Hell are Rudel and Stonelifter?

    Say a prayer for Stone.

    Put some peach scnapps on your vanilla ice-cream in memory of Rudel.

  20. All of us tough guys with brains have never written a script for “normals” on how to handle the control word “racist.” Plenty of jew naming and ideology and intellectual what not, but not one thing to help a hapless old lady like Paula Deen overcome the anti-whites.

    If we are men then we must accept some responsibility for this. Anyway any Black Confederate speeches yet?

  21. Politically it wouldn’t hurt to keep one or two around and on a short leash as reminders of past stupidity. That said I am not anti-black (BRA being a high crime though) and think they should be addressed as adults, and if they cannot handle that then it must be said that evolution marches on or its god’s will or something like that to explain their vanishing.

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