About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Denise, I have not read that, but I’m smart enough to know that this will all boil down to race at some point. Southerners will understand this too when the mexican colonization really kicks in.

  2. I’ll be there to help.

    That’s a typically belittling Yankee attitude. If you want to help us, then don’t move here. And convince your neighbours of the same.

    Most Yankees have NEVER had to deal with non-Whites.

    Sure they have. Some of their states barely even have a white majority.

    Copperheads can serve as sort of psychological Border Guards. (I do this now). A snotty arrogant Yankee can dismiss Southerners are “stupid hicks” etc. But they can’t easily put down an equally obnoxious Yankee, who is ripping them a new, in the language THEY speak.

    Let them dismiss us as stupid hicks. They shouldn’t even be here. Neither should the Copperheads. If the Copperheads truly love Dixie then they would understand. This is our home. You moving here so you can confront the political opinions of your countrymen is not helpful. You don’t seem to understand that what motivates me, as a nationalist, is not ideology but blood and soil. So, a nationalist accepting a Yankee colonist just based on some shared overlapping of ideology is not something that is likely.

    It’s going to be about Race for EVERY-ONE. Even you.

    Southrons have understood race since the early days of the Virginia colony. We don’t need our uninvited colonists to teach us anything in that regard. Nor is losing our country to invasive whites any sort of a consolation. I choose to lose my country to no one. The Southland is for Southrons.

  3. In real Yankee strongholds, especially Billyburg and surrounding areas all discernible racism on the part of whites is assumed to be ironic. In the time it would take someone to convince real urban Yankees you’re serious, let’s say at a get-together, they’ll be passed out. Yankees that claim otherwise live on the fringes of Yankeedom.

  4. @Long Live Dixie

    Not only are you completely delusional, but you contradict yourself. On the other thread, you first write, with regard to who is welcome in “Dixie”:

    “Our kindred people in the British Isles and the remaining populations in the Commonwealth should be where we look first.”

    – First of all, I believe Denise has stated in here thst she is of Brythonic ancestry, so and given her outspoken support for YOUR positions, she seems a good fit for you people. Second, the white populations in Britain and the rest of the global Anglosphere are so liberal that they make the average Yankee look like George Wallace by comparison. Wasn’t it Britain who you yourself acknowledged was responsible for Rhodesia’s destruction? Nevertheless, a couple posts later, on the same thread you wrote:

    “I am not interested in my people being replaced by any other people, regardless of their political opinions.”

    – So which is it then? You seem to want to poach the UK’s white population, suicidally liberal as it is, but you would reject Denise and all her sincerity, who is on your side. You people are a joke.

  5. . . . they see non southern Whites as an age old enemy.

    The only whites who are our age-old enemy are the Yankees. I have never met or even heard of a Southron nationalist who dislikes our British brethren. And most Southron nationalists are pro-Afrikaner and pro-Western Europe.

    I suppose the Yankee mind will never understand it, but we do not wish to be replaced by anyone – white or non-white. The racial problems that we have do not justify accepting another group of outsiders, especially considering that they are the people who created those problems in the first place.

  6. None of it matters, Chris. Dixie will resemble the south west within a generation. Secession is not going to happen. It’s not even in the map.

  7. Chris – thanks. I know. LLD is absolutely delusional about the UK Whites. And he can’t begin to understand “dismissively snotty and superior” until he deals with UK “Libs”.

    He also is sort of venting on me. I know. It’s Ok. In the END – it’s gonna be about Race.

    The Wheat and the Chaff.

    LLD – MY motivation for moving will be about being living nearby to a core group of dear, dear pals who d not post online very much, if at all. I want to be with dearly loved people, as Ragna Roks. THAT is my primary motivation. A handful are transplants, but a number are TRIED and TRUE Southerners, and give me grief for NOT being there, already. They know me well. I love them. I’ve got my hubby to think of though, and 4 relatives here. I knew my pals long before I knew my hubby.

  8. Hunter – my cohort Haughty Blonde is leading the charge, in HER East Appalachian slice of Heaven, to drive out a Yankee Couple from the Midwest, who despise Southerners. They want to leave, but are asking way too much for their property.

    She’s got them whipped like curs. The wife used to be a real harridan – but now they whimper around her. She MAKES them toe the line on Race. They used to lecture the neighbors, on the evils of waycism.

    Not any more.

  9. So, Hunter, do you agree with LLD that non southern Whites should be evicted should the south gain independence?

  10. On the other thread, you first write, with regard to who is welcome in “Dixie”:

    Actually, I said that in terms of whom we should look to for allies.

    – First of all, I believe Denise has stated in here thst she is of Brythonic ancestry, so and given her outspoken support for YOUR positions, she seems a good fit for you people.

    I was not talking about looking to all people of British ancestry for alliance. I was talking about looking to the actual British people and the closely-related Commonwealth people (and I assumed that common sense would prevail; clearly I didn’t mean allying with liberals). Sure, plenty of Yankees are of British ancestry, but they are not British in any meaningful understanding of the word. Every white group that has assimilated into Yankeedom has become divorced of it roots and has morphed in the Yankee melting pot. This is true of the Yankees who are genetically similar to us like the English, Scottish, and Germans, and it is also true of the ones who are less similar to us like the Italians, the Poles, and the Greeks. They have all become Yankees. Denise’s Yankee attitude is clearly apparent from just the handful of posts we have exchanged.

    Second, the white populations in Britain and the rest of the global Anglosphere are so liberal that they make the average Yankee look like George Wallace by comparison.

    The liberalism of the British people does not change the long historical and cultural ties that our people have with them.

    Wasn’t it Britain who you yourself acknowledged was responsible for Rhodesia’s destruction?

    I don’t recall specifically, but that is true. Since I am not defending the un-British British government, I fail to see your point.

    So which is it then? You seem to want to poach the UK’s white population, suicidally liberal as it is, but you would reject Denise and all her sincerity, who is on your side. You people are a joke.

    I’m not asking for the British to move here. Though, I would be hard-pressed to consider that to be objectionable in manageable numbers, due to the long-standing ties that I previously mentioned.

    If the British acted anything like the Yankees towards us, then your post would be meaningful. My rural county is probably 20% Yankee. I know of one Australian family that lives here. The Yankee-British comparison is pretty weak.

  11. @Denise

    You and your husband are always welcome in Michigan, as is Sean, as is Bonaccorsi. If this country descends into balkanization and racial warring, there will be plenty of room for decent white people on the urban prairie that was once Detroit.

  12. You don’t have to answer that Hunter, I already know where you stand.

    Let’s see how that secession thing works out when you tell the entire White, non-Southern, population of the US that we are not allowed to travel to the south or own property in an area inside of our own nation. That will be an interesting reaction, I’m sure you will have no problem at all.

  13. Thanks, Chris. I’ll be in your general area in due time. I plan on heading to Vermont at some point when I finally retire. A beautiful White state.

  14. Re: Sean

    I believe that Southern Whites need to be culturally dominant in Dixie. Just as the Jews don’t have to expel every Southern White from Dixie to transform our culture, we don’t have to expel every White person of Northern origins from the South to do the same thing.

    I’m not worried about the occasional Greek in Montgomery or the occasional German in Charlotte or the occassional Italian in Birmingham. As long as we dominate our cultural institutions and restrict our immigration policy and have control of our own political system, the South will remain Southern and will become more homogeneous over time.

    Just by creating a separate nation, we will solve the problem of economic migrants.

  15. Re: Sean

    If the South was an independent country, we would no longer be a part of your nation, and would have the same relationship with you that exists between the United States and foreign nations.

  16. Re: Denise

    Of all the problems facing the South, it has never occurred to me that people like you or Jack Ryan or Gregory Hood or Robert Campbell are among them. We all know who the people are in the North who are causing the problem.

  17. LLD:

    I noticed you said that it’s not about birthplace, and that there are Southrons born in the North and vice versa, but then how DO you quantify Southerness?

    You said Southern Nationalists should look to British colonies first. Why? I am a Northerner, yet all eight of my great grandparents were born in the British Isles. Most of them are Scots-Irish. If it’s not place of birth that determines Southern nationality, but blood, then what blood? If it’s Scots-Irish, how does someone like myself not fit the bill?

    Just curious.

  18. Chris, thank YOU. I think will all meet up somewhere. Where and when, I cannot say.

    My sister told me about a prophetic cream she recently had. She NEVERF posts online. There are loads of Yankees, in my neck of the woods, that are Silent Racialists. Anyway – she told me she dreamt that Darks had taken over, and Whites were literally in hiding. The Darks were in the process of killing each other off. Whites were riding it out. All our family was safe and sound. Aryan Goddess is still around. We talk al the time. She’s seen all regions of the country…who knows where we will all end up. I welcome the comradery of my Tatar brothers, most warmly.

  19. I’m confident that seceding from the Union and creating a Southern nation-state with a strong and assertive Southern culture would deter the vast majority of the economic migrants from coming here and would drive out the worst of those already here who despise the traditional South.

    That’s probably true. Only I take it a step further. The removal of the colonists should be a major priority for Southron nationalists. We shouldn’t just create the conditions that make some of the Yankees uncomfortable enough to leave. That is a good start, no doubt. But, we should make the departure of nearly all of them a major issue of the nationalist platform.

    Accepting “good Yankees” like Denise doesn’t help our cause because those “good Yankees” still dispossess us. They don’t understand us, they don’t think like us, and when looking at Denise’s writings on this subject, they want to change us to be more like them (and it’s all to help us, as she says). I think that if you lived in North Carolina or some other area of Dixie that is drowning in Yankees (I can stand on my front porch and see more homes owned by Yankees than by Southrons and I can barely go to the grocery store without hearing New York accents) then your position on this would be more like mine.

    I’ll say again for my detractors. I appreciate Yankees who genuinely support us. But, to genuinely support us, they need to keep their distance. Supporting us does not mean moving here or telling us how to think.

    Are you working with the rest of us to make that happen?

    I’m deciding what to do. Right now, I’m leaning towards giving the League another chance, and it’s largely due to this site and Michael’s. I was very unimpressed with the League in the late ’90s and early ’00s, but I decided to give it a shot last year and my renewal is due soon. If I end up renewing, I’ll be open to activities within a reasonable drive, schedule permitting.

  20. I noticed you said that it’s not about birthplace, and that there are Southrons born in the North and vice versa, but then how DO you quantify Southerness?

    The same way any Western people quantify their nationality; their descent.

    You said Southern Nationalists should look to British colonies first. Why?

    Because that is where the Southron people trace their ancestral and cultural roots. The British Isles hold a special place in the hearts of all true Southrons.

    I am a Northerner, yet all eight of my great grandparents were born in the British Isles. Most of them are Scots-Irish. If it’s not place of birth that determines Southern nationality, but blood, then what blood? If it’s Scots-Irish, how does someone like myself not fit the bill?

    The Yankees are a different story. I would sooner accept a Briton, an Australian, or a Canadian. The Yankees are in a class of their own whether they are of fully-British blood or not. The Yankees are a tribe that occupies us, a tribe that is mass-colonising us, and a tribe that has been hostile to us for centuries. Among whites, they are nearly the last people I wish to look to for allies or for immigrants. Actually, I don’t think we need to look to any people for immigrants. We are not under-populated and we should not even have a mindset that we need immigrants.

    Since all eight of your grandparents are actually British, I’m not sure that I would classify you as a Yankee. Borderline cases like yours depend a lot on how much assimilation into Yankeedom has occurred.

  21. LLD – I know Robert personally. If you don’t like me – you won’t like him.

    It’s going to come down to Race, whether you like it or not. Too bad for you.

  22. Re: Long Live Dixie

    1.) If there is any lesson to be learned from the destruction of the Confederacy or the fate of the Third Reich vs. Franco’s Spain, it is not to be overly provocative, but to first establish our independence and take our time in achieving our goals.

    2.) What do you recommend we do? Are we going to start breaking up marriages? I just don’t think that is realistic or worth the cost because our biggest problem after establishing our independence will be our relationship with the North.

    3.) Of all the problems we are facing, I am not in the least worried about Northern WNs who support secession. The problem is not even on the radar screen. It is dwarfed by all the race traitors we have here.

    4.) Virginia and North Carolina are being overrun by economic migrants. America is just one big marketplace where anyone has the “right” to move wherever they want and express whatever opinion they want.

    The chances of those people sticking around in an independent Southern Republic are about zero and there is no point in arguing about it right now when we don’t yet even have the power secede.

    5.) I was also unimpressed with the League in the 1990s and early 2000s, but the League and the Council are going to be what its members make of those organizations, and we have the opportunity to move both in the right direction.

  23. 2.) What do you recommend we do? Are we going to start breaking up marriages? I just don’t think that is realistic or worth the cost because our biggest problem after establishing our independence will be our relationship with the North.

    There really isn’t much we can do at this stage, lacking power, except talking about it. The issue of Yankee colonization should be part of the nationalist platform, right up there with independence. Demographics is central to nationalism, and the Yankee problem is central to Dixie’s current demographics. I agree that many of them will self-deport if we achieve our independence, but not enough of them will. There is a lot of resentment among the people about them and, if nothing else, it would be smart to capitalise on that.

    3.) Of all the problems we are facing, I am not in the least worried about Northern WNs who support secession. The problem is not even on the radar screen. It is dwarfed by all the race traitors we have here.

    Yankee WNs aren’t a real problem until they move here, which seems to be common practice for them. Once here, I don’t distinguish between them and any other Yankee.

  24. Denise:

    Are you implying that I’ve suffered greater assimilation into Yankeedom than you have? haha 😉


    Thanks for fielding my query. I was just curious about the nature of your definition of a Southron and why you feel compelled to distinguish between Scots-Irish Yankees (even those of us whose grandmothers spoke to us through a thick Scottish brogue) while looking for allies in far-flung British colonies composed of the same racial, cultural, and ethnic stock as said Yankees. At no point in the history of the South was the code of “Southerness” so strict. It almost reads like a parody. I guess so does “Juda Verrecke” these days. I must give that angle some thought.

    To be clear: I am not a Southern Nationalist and never will be, as I am neither Southern nor a neo-Confederate. That said, I genuinely think it sad that LLD can’t go to the grocery store without hearing NY accents. The last time I was in North Carolina (1999?), it was already overrun by “economic migrants.” It reminded me of being in Amsterdam: you try to talk to a native about life in Holland, and more often than not, you find yourself talking to some asshole tourist who answers back in an American accent, or even worse, a completely foreign one that you recognize as being extra-European. Sure, if you go out into the rural areas, you’ll find beautiful Dutch children wearing wooden clogs and skipping down cobblestone streets with their 6’0″ blonde mothers, but the fact that their capital city was completely besieged left me very sad.

    If you lift the stars and bars above Richmond (or Montgomery) once again, I’ll be sure to send you a telegram of congratulations, from my home in the North.

  25. If you lift the stars and bars above Richmond (or Montgomery) once again, I’ll be sure to send you a telegram of congratulations, from my home in the North.

    As long as you stay in your own land and don’t interfere with us, I have no problem with Yankees like you. If Southrons ever find genuine allies from the Yankees, it will be that type of people.

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